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368  Time-Delay Filters

Distortion and Noise in 2nd-Order Allpass Filters

The 2nd-order filter in Figure 13.17 was built using 5532 opamps and polypropylene capacitors to eliminate any capacitor distortion; the measured THD results are shown in Figure 13.21. The THD falls rapidly from 0.0022% at 20 kHz as frequency decreases, but then peaks in the range 2 to 10 kHz, as this is the only region where the MFB filter output, with its own distortion content, makes a significant contribution. Distortion from the MFB filter is low because of its shunt configuration, which eliminates CM voltages, and because the output voltage is low due to the −6 dB passband gain; THD does not exceed 0.0004%. The high-frequency distortion comes solely from the second opamp, as the MFB filter output is 10 dB down at 20 kHz.

The circuit was then remeasured using 63 V polyester microbox capacitors, to find out how much extra distortion they introduced. The answer is: not much. The THD in Figure 13.20 now peaked at 0.0009% at 5 kHz instead of 0.0007% for the polypropylene capacitors. The modest increase is due to the low signal level in the MFB filter.

Figure 13.21: Distortion plot for the 2nd-order 80 usec allpass filter in Figure 13.17, using 5532s. The THD drops rapidly from 0.0022% at 20 kHz as frequency falls, but peaks around 2 to 10 kHz, where the MFB makes a significant contribution. High-frequency distortion is solely from the second opamp. Polypropylene capacitors, input 9 Vrms.

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The noise output is −99.6 dBu (22 Hz–22 kHz), which is more than 10 dB noisier than the 1st-order stage measured earlier. The greatest proportion of this extra noise comes from the second stage A2, which because of the low value of R3 is working at a noise gain of 15.6 dB. When R3 is disconnected, the noise output drops precipitately to −109.5 dBu; when, however, R3 is connected to ground instead of the MFB filter output, noise only increases to −102.1 dBu, showing that some of the extra noise is produced by the filter.

The high noise gain in the second stage is inherent in the 1–2BPmode of operation, because of the subtraction involved, and it is not easy to see a way round that.

Third-Order Allpass Filters

A3rd-order allpass filter is made up of a 2nd-order allpass cascaded with a 1st-order allpass, in the same way that 3rd-order frequency/amplitude domain filters are constructed. The 2nd-order allpass is arranged to peak in its delay, but the slow delay roll-off of the 1st-order allpass cancels out this

peaking, giving a maximally flat delay overall. The arrangement is shown in Figure 13.22; note that the

1st-order stage is now of the inverting or CR type, which undoes the inversion performed by the 2ndorder stage (as we noted earlier in the chapter, this version has an inferior distortion performance to its non-inverting(RC) equivalent; however, the overall outcome for distortion is not obvious, as related in the next section, on the performance of this filter).

The output of the 2nd-order allpass is the middle trace in Figure 13.23, peaking just above 10 kHz. When this is combined with the slow roll-off of the following 1st-order stage (the lower trace), the final result is a flat response that then rolls off quickly. This is the top trace in Figure 13.23, where the group delay remains flat and then rolls off rapidly, being 10% down at 12.7 kHz and 50% down at 31.9 kHz. This gives almost twice the frequency range of the three cascaded 1st-order networks in Figure 13.15 but actually uses one less resistor. This 3rd-order filter is clearly the better solution.

The delay −10% point is now 2.3 octaves above the 2.5 kHz crossover frequency, so assuming a 24 dB/octave slope, the mid speaker output will be about 55 dB down, and so I suggest that the fall-off in time delay will have no audible consequences.

Figure 13.22:  A 3rd-order 80 usec allpass filter, made up of a 2nd-order allpass followed by a 1st-order allpass. Noise at each stage output is shown for 5532s.

370  Time-Delay Filters

Figure 13.23: The group delay response of the 3rd-order 80 usec allpass filter. The delay is now down 10% at 12.7 kHz.

Looking at the low-frequency area to the left, you will see that the 2nd-order stage gives a flat delay of 45 usec; to this is added the 35 usec of the 1st-order stage, giving a total delay of 80 usec.

The 3rd-order allpass filter has input and output in phase at the low-frequency end.At the highfrequency end, the phase-shift reaches a total of 540° lagging (180° × 3).

Distortion and Noise in 3rd-Order Allpass Filters

The 3rd-order filter in Figure 13.22, with its CR final stage, was built using 5532 opamps and polypropylene capacitors. Figure 13.24 shows the distortion at the 2nd-order stage output and the final output.An interesting observation is that between 200 Hz and 6 kHz the final output shows a lower

THD reading than the intermediate point in the circuit. This is because there is some cancellation of the second harmonic from the 2nd-order filter in the final stage. Both points show 0.002% at 20 kHz.

Figure 13.25 shows the result of swapping the CR 1st-order stage for its RC equivalent, which as we saw earlier has in itself lower distortion. We might hope that that would give us a better overall distortion performance, but actually it is markedly worse; we now suffer 0.003% THD at 20 kHz, and perhaps more worryingly, we have THD around 0.0014% in the audible region from 6 kHz to 10 kHz, whereas before we were well below 0.001% in this region.

The alert reader (and I trust you all are) will have noticed that the THD plots for the intermediate 2ndorder output in Figures 13.24 and 13.25 are not the same, and you may very well wonder why this is

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Figure 13.24: Distortion plots for 3rd-order 80 usec allpass filter in Figure 13.22, showing the 2nd-order stage output and the final output. Polypropylene capacitors, 5532s, input 9 Vrms.

the case when the 2nd-order stage has not been altered. The answer is that the CR and RC 1st-order stages differ considerably in how much loading they are putting on the previous stage. The RC version has a three times lower input impedance at high frequencies, and in this circuit that outweighs the fact that it has lower distortion of its own. The input impedances of 1st-order allpass filters were described earlier in this chapter.

I hope you don’t think that I am belabouring a trivial point here. There is in fact a fundamental message—that you must never neglect the loading that one stage imposes on its predecessor if you are aiming for the lowest practicable distortion. To ram the point home I will show one more THD plot. Figure 13.26 shows the THD at the 2nd-order stage output for the RC and CR cases, and also for the unloaded condition (NL), with the 1st-order stage disconnected to remove its loading altogether.

You can see that the traces for the RC and CR cases are the same as those in Figures 13.24 and 13.25, but the unloaded (NLfor no load) trace is a good deal lower than either of them, except around 5 to

10 kHz, where the CR plot gains from some cancellation effect. Only the CR case shows elevated LF distortion from 10 Hz to 5 kHz; this is characteristic of loading on a 5532 output, and it is caused by the relatively low input impedance of the CR version at low frequencies. At higher frequencies the input impedance rises, which is why the CR trace takes a nose-dive at 5 kHz before coming back up again.

372  Time-Delay Filters

Figure 13.25: Distortion plot for the 3rd-order 80 usec allpass filter in Figure 13.22, but with an RC-type1st-order filter as the final stage. The final distortion output is unexpectedly worse.

Polypropylene capacitors, 5532s, input 9 Vrms.

The 20 kHz THD at the 2nd-order stage output (A2) in Figure 13.26 is really not very good in either the CR or RC case. There are two reasons for this:

1.OpampA2 in Figure 13.22 is heavily loaded by the input impedance of the 1st-order stage, as described earlier.

2 A2 is working at a relatively high noise gain and so has less negative feedback than usual available for linearisation.

In Chapter 16, it is described how the distortion performance of a heavily loaded 5532 can be improved by biasing the output. This looks like a good place to apply that technique.Adding 3k3 to V+ on the 2nd-order output reduces the LF distortion from around 0.0006% to around 0.0005%; not exactly a giant improvement, but then it is almost free. See Figure 13.27, where there is a general reduction in LF distortion, but we have lost the dip around 8 kHz.

The noise at the output of the 2nd-order stage is −103.4 dBu (22 Hz–22 kHz), and the noise at the final output = −102.8 dBu.

Why is this circuit 3.2 dB quieter than the −99.6 dBu we get from the 2nd-order allpass filter, when we have more opamps in the signal path? It’s a subtle chain of reasoning. First, since the 2nd-order stage