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Crossover Types  99

Fourth-Order Bessel Crossover

The 4th-order Bessel has its crossover point at −3 dB. It sums to give a −2.6 dB dip at the crossover frequency, as in Figure 4.48, while the summation with one phase reversed gives a +2 dB hump and two −1 dB dips as in Figure 4.49; the phase-reversed case does not look like a suitable case for

frequency-offset treatment, as pulling the cutoff frequencies apart will pull down the hump but deepen the dips, while pushing them together will pull up the dips but make the hump worse.

It looks more promising for the in-phase case, but pushing the cutoffs together for this crossover actually deepens the dip due to the phase-shifts involved. Pulling them apart by an increasing amount makes the dip more shallow to begin with, but before the response begins to straddle the 0 dB line, it undergoes a fairly complicated set of changes, with two new dips appearing either side of the central one, and they deepen as the offset ratio increases.

In this situation it is hard to say what constitutes the maximally flat solution, but a promising candidate is shown in Figure 4.50, where a frequency offset of ratio of 1.229 times gives only −0.18 dB at the crossover frequency, with dips either side that are −0.3 dB deep.

The summed group delay response has a moderate peak just below the crossover frequency.

Fourth-Order 1.0 dB-Chebyshev Crossover

Using the 1.0 dB-Chebyshev characteristic for each filter gives us Figure 4.51. The in-phase summed response has central peak at the crossover frequency of +2.22 dB, with the dips either side going down

Figure 4.48: The frequency response of a 4th-order Bessel crossover, resulting from in-phase summation. The dashed line is at −3 dB.

Figure 4.49: The frequency response of a 4th-order Bessel crossover, with reversed-phase summation. The dashed line is at −3 dB.

Figure 4.50: Zooming in on the frequency response of a 4th-order Bessel crossover, with an offset ratio of 1.229 times and in-phase summation. Vertical scale is ±1 dB.

Crossover Types  101

Figure 4.51: The frequency response of a 4th-order Chebyshev crossover, resulting from in-phase summation. The dashed line is at −3 dB.

to +0.15 dB, as in Figure 4.51. These dips are above0 dB because a 4th-order Chebyshev filter has its passband ripples above the 0 dB line.All even-order Chebyshev filters have response peaks above 0 dB, while all odd-order Chebyshev filters have dips below it.

The summed response with one output phase inverted seen in Figure 4.52 looks very much the same, except that the central peak is taller at +3.65 dB. Neither summed response looks as though it could be significantly flattened by the use of a frequency offset, and I have not attempted it.

Fourth-Order Linear-Phase Crossover

There is not a great deal of information out there about the design of linear-phase filters, and some of what there is appears to be contradictory. The crossover here uses linear-phase filters as defined by Linear-X Systems Filtershop, [6] which for a 4th-order linear-phase filter consists of two cascaded 2nd-order stages; the first has a cutoff frequency of 1.334 and a Q of 1.316, while the 2nd has a cutoff frequency of 0.7496 and a Q of 0.607. With this filter structure the crossover point is at −4.5 dB. The summed response with the outputs in phase has a gentle +1.2 dB hump at crossover, dipping very slightly below the 0 dB line on either side; see Figure 4.53.

The summation with one output phase reversed has a deep hole in it, but is notable because it has an unusual flat portion at −8.7 dB around the crossover frequency, as in Figure 4.54. It is in fact very flat indeed, to within 0.01 dB across the visibly flat part. While this is strange and rather interesting, the deep dip does not look like a good starting point for the frequency-offset process.

Figure 4.52: The frequency response of a 4th-order Chebyshev crossover, resulting from reversed-phase summation. The dashed line is at −3 dB.

Figure 4.53: The frequency response of a 4th-order linear-phase crossover, resulting from in-phase summation. The dashed line is at −3 dB.