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Law on Ownership of Storeys of a Building (Peri tis idioktisias kat’ orofous) no. 3741 of 4 January 1929, Government Gazette (Kodix Themidos) no. 4A of 9 January 1929


Multi-Unit Developments Act 2011

Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009

Landlord and Tenant (Amendment) Act 1980 Companies Act 1963

Conveyancing Act 1881 Land Law (Ireland) Act 1881

Landlord and Tenant Law Amendment Act 1860 (known as Deasy’s Act)


Legislative Decree on Implementation of art. 60 Law no. 69 of 18 June 2009, on mediation in civil and commercial disputes (Decreto Legislativo: Attuazione dell’art. 60 della legge 18 giugno 2009 n. 69 in material di mediazione finalizzata alla conciliazione delle controversie civili e commerciali) no. 28 of 4 March 2010, Official Gazette (Gazzetta Ufficiale) no. 53 of 5 March 2010

Legislative Decree on protection of purchasers of real estate under construction (Disposizioni per la tutela dei diritti patrimoniali degli acquirenti di immobile da costruire) no. 122 of 20 June 2005, Official Gazette (Gazzetta Ufficiale) no. 156 of 6 July 2005

Legislative Decree: Code on cultural heritage and landscaping (Codice dei beni Culturali e del Paesaggio) no. 42 of 22 January 2004, Official Gazette (Gazzetta Ufficiale) no. 45 of 24 February 2004 at www.beniculturali.it/regulations

Decree Law on urgent provisions on local radio and television broadcasting (Decreto Legge Disposizioni urgenti per il differimento di termini in materia di trasmissioni radiotelevisive analogiche e digitali) no. 5 of 23 January 2001, Official Gazette (Gazzetta Ufficiale) no.19 of 24 January 2001, converted into Law no. 66 of 20 March 2001, Official Gazette (Gazzetta Ufficiale) no. 70 of 24 March 2001

Law on leases of residential property (Disciplina delle locazioni e del rilascio degli immobili adibiti ad uso abitativo) no. 431 of 9 December 1998, Official Gazette (Gazzetta Ufficiale) no. 292 of 15 December 1998

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Presidential Decree on consolidated law on tax registration (Approvazione del Testo Unico delle disposizioni concernenti l’imposta di registro) no. 131 of 26 April 1986, Official Gazette (Gazzetta Ufficiale), no. 99 of 30 April 1986

Law on urban leases (Disciplina della locazione di immobile urbani) no. 392 of 17 July 1978, Official Gazette (Gazzetta Ufficiale) no. 211 of 29 July


Legislative Decree of the provisional head of state (Decreto Legislativo del Capo Provvisorio dello Stato) no. 15779 of 14 December 1947, Official Gazette (Gazzetta Ufficiale) no. 17 of 22 January1948

Italian Civil Code (Codice Civile Italiano) Royal Decree no. 262 of 16 March 1942, Official Gazette (Gazzetta Ufficiale) no. 79 and 79bis of 4 April 1942 together with the transitional and implementing provisions (Disposizioni per l’attuazione del Codice Civile e disposizioni transitorie)

Royal Decree no. 318 of 30 March 1942, Official Gazette (Gazzetta Ufficiale) no. 91 of 17 April 1942

Italian Code of Civil Procedure (Codice di Procedura Civile Italiano) Royal Decree no. 1443 of 28 October 1940, Official Gazette (Gazzetta Ufficiale) no. 253 on 28 October 1940, together with the transitional and implementing provisions (Disposizioni per l’attuazione del Codice di Procedura Civile e disposizioni transitorie) Royal Decree no. 1368 of

18 December 1941, Official Gazette (Gazzetta Ufficiale) no. 302 of 24 December 1941


Model By-laws on division into apartment ownership rights (Modelreglement bij splitsing in appartementsrechten) of 17 January 2006, (Den Haag, Koninklijke Notarie¨le Beroepsorganisatie, 2006)

General Law on equal treatment (Algemene wet gelijke behandeling) in the version promulgated 2 March 1994, Official Gazette (Staatsblad)

1994, p. 230

Civil Code (Burgerlijk Wetboek) Books, 2, 3, 5 and 7 in the version that came into effect on 1 January 1992, most recent amendment

22 November 2011, Official Gazette (Staatsblad) 2011, no. 670 Housing Code (Woningwet) in the version promulgated 29 August 1991,

Official Gazette (Staatsblad) 1991, p. 439

Law modifying the provisions of the Civil Code on division into apartments (Wet tot herziening van de regeling in het Burgerlijk Wetboek

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betreffence splising in apartementen) of 7 September 1972, Official Gazette (Staatsblad) 1972 p. 467

Law containing measures on the division of the ownership of a building into apartments (Wet houdende voorzieningen betreffende splitsing van eigendom van een gebouw in appartementen) of

20 December 1951, Official Gazette (Staatsblad) 1951 p. 571 Memorandum, Annexure Operations (Memorie van toelichting, Bijlagen

Handelingen) II, 1946/47, 451, no. 3, p. 4

Criminal Code (Wetboek van Strafrecht) in the version promulgated on 3 March 1881, Official Gazette (Staatsblad) 1881, no. 35

Constitution (Grondwet) in the version promulgated in 1815, Official Gazette (Staatsblad) 1815, no. 45


All legislation is available at www.lovdata.no

Law on arbitration (Lov om voldgift) no. 25 of 14 May 2004

Law on Housing Co-operatives (Lov om burettslag) no. 39 of 6 June 2003 Law on landlord and tenant (Lov om husleieavtaler) no. 17 of 26 March


Law on agreements with consumers on construction of new dwellings (Lov om avtalar med forbrukar om oppføring av bustad) no. 43 of 13 June 1997

Law on Owned Units (Lov om eierseksjoner) no. 31 of 23 May 1997 Law on land leases (Lov om tomtefeste) no. 106 of 20 December 1996 Law on Owned Units (Lov om eierseksjoner) no. 7 of 4 March 1983


Law on protection of the rights of the purchaser of a residential unit or a single family home (Ustawa o ochronie praw nabywcy lokalu mieszkalnego lub domu jednorodzinnego) of 16 Sept. 2011, Journal of Statutes (Dziennik Ustaw) no. 232, item 1377, 2011

Law on bankruptcy and reorganisation (Prawo upadłos´ciowe i naprawcze) of 28 Feb. 2003, Journal of Statutes (Dziennik Ustaw) no. 175, item

1361, 2009

Law on protection of tenants, the residential stock of local governments and the amendment of the Civil Code (Ustawa o ochronie praw lokatoro´w, mieszkaniowym zasobie gminy I o zmianie

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Kodeksu cywilnego) of 21 June 2001, Journal of Statutes (Dziennik Ustaw) no. 31, item 266, 2005

Law on Housing Co-operatives (Ustawa o spo´łdzielniach mieszkaniowych) of 15 December 2000, Journal of Statutes (Dziennik Ustaw) no. 4, item 27, 2001

Law on construction (Prawo budowlane) of 7 July 1994, Journal of Statutes (Dziennik Ustaw) no. 243, item 1623, 2010

Law on Ownership of Units (Ustawa o własnos´ci lokali) of 24 June 1994, Journal of Statutes (Dziennik Ustaw) no. 80, item 903, 2000

Law on Co-operatives (Prawo spo´łdzielcze) of 16 September 1982, Journal of Statutes (Dziennik Ustaw) no. 30, item 210, 1982

Law on land registers and mortgages (Ustawa o ksie˛gach wieczystych i hipotece) of 6 July 1982, Journal of Statutes (Dziennik Ustaw) no. 19, item 147, 2001

Code on misdemeanours (Kodeks wykroczeń) of 20 May 1971, Journal of Statutes (Dziennik Ustaw) no. 109, item 756, 2007

Polish Civil Code (Kodeks cywilny) of 23 April 1964, Journal of Statutes (Dziennik Ustaw) no. 16 item 94 of 1964


Decree Law on the installation, functioning and operation of tourist accommodation (Regime Jurı´dico da Instalac¸a˜o, Funcionamento e Explorac¸a˜o dos Empreendimentos Turı´sticos) no. 39 of 7 March 2008, Official Journal (Dia´rio da Repu´blica) no. 48 of 7 March 2008 p. 1440

Decree-Law on Insolvency (Co´digo da Insolveˆncia), no. 53 of 18 March 2004, Official Journal (Dia´rio da Repu´blica) no. 66 of 18 March 2004 p. 1402

Decree-Law on certain aspects of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantees (Regime da Venda de Bens de Consumo e das Garantias a ela Relativas) no. 67 of 8 April 2003, Official Journal (Dia´rio da Repu´blica) of 8 April 2003 p. 2280

Regulation on Justices of the Peace: Organisation, competence and functions (Regime dos Julgados de Paz: Organizac¸a˜o, competeˆncia e funcionamento) no. 78 of 13 July 2001, Official Journal (Dia´rio da Repu´blica) of 13 July 2001 p. 4267

Decree-Law on urbanisation and building construction (Regime Jurı´dico do Urbanismo e da Edificac¸a˜o) no. 555 of 16 December 1999, Official Journal (Dia´rio da Repu´blica) no. 291 of 16 December 1999 p. 8912

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Decree-Law on the Code on Civil Procedure (Co´digo de Processo Civil) no. 332-A of 12 December 1995, Official Journal (Dia´rio da Repu´blica) no. 285 of 12 December 1995, supplement

Notary Code (Co´digo do Notariado), Decree Law no. 207 of 14 August 1995, Official Journal (Dia´rio da Repu´blica) no. 187 of 14 August 1995

p. 5047

Decree-law regulating certain aspects of horizontal property (Decreto-Lei que estabelece normas regulamentares da propriedade horizontal)

no. 268 of 25 October 1994, Official Journal (Dia´rio da Repu´blica) of

25 Oct 1994 p. 6433

Decree-law amending the legal regime of condominiums with regard to the Civil Code and the Law on Land Registration (Decreto-Lei que altera o regime da propriedade horizontal constante do Co´digo Civil e do Co´digo de Registo Predial) no. 267 of 25 October 1994, Official Journal (Dia´rio da Repu´blica) no. 247 of 25 October 1994 p. 6429

Decree-Law on Land Registration (Co´digo do Registo Predial) no. 224 of 6 July 1984, Official Journal (Dia´rio da Repu´blica) no. 155 of 6 July 1984 supplement

Decree-Law on the Portuguese Civil Code (Co´digo Civil Portugueˆs)

no. 47344 of 25 November 1966, Official Gazette (Dia´rio do Governo) no. 274 of 25 November 1966 p. 1

Decree-Law on Horizontal Property (Decreto-Lei que estabelece o regime da propriedade horizontal) no. 40333 of 14 October 1955, Official Gazette (Dia´rio do Governo) no. 223 of 14 October 1955 p. 879


Tenements (Scotland) Act 2004

Antisocial Behaviour etc. (Scotland) Act 2004 Title Conditions (Scotland) Act 2003

Title Conditions (Scotland) Act 2003 (Development Management Scheme) Order 2009 (SI 2009/729)

Debt Arrangement and Attachment (Scotland) Act 2002 Abolition of Feudal Tenure etc. (Scotland) Act 2000 Abolition of Poindings and Warrant Sales Act 2001 Land Tenure Reform (Scotland) Act 1974


Rules on management of multi-apartment buildings (Pravilnik o upravljanju večstanovanjskih stavb), Official Gazette (Uradni list) no. 60 of 2009

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Law on acquisition of title to part of a building on the proposal of the owner and on determining the land belonging thereto (Zakon o vzpostavitvi etazˇne lastnine na predlog pridobitelja posameznega dela stavbe in o določanju pripadajočega zemljisˇča k stavbi), Official Gazette (Uradni list) no. 45 of 2008

Law on the protection of buyers of apartments and single homes (Zakon o varstvu kupcev stanovanj in enostanovanjskih stavb), Official Gazette (Uradni list) no. 18 of 2004

Rules on the determination of the contribution of an apartment owner to the reserve fund and on the minimum amount of the contribution (Pravilnik o merilih za določitev prispevka etazˇnega lastnika v rezervni sklad in najnizˇji vrednosti prispevka), Official Gazette (Uradni list) no. 11 of 2004

Law on housing (Stanovanjski zakon), Official Gazette (Uradni list) no. 69 of


Law on building (Zakon o graditvi objektov), Official Gazette (Uradni list) no. 110 of 2002

Property Code (Stvarnopravni zakonik), Official Gazette (Uradni list) no. 87 of 2002

Code on obligations (Obligacijski zakonik) no. 83 of 2001, Official Gazette (Uradni list) no. 83 of 2001

Law on execution and securities (Zakon o izvrsˇbi in zavarovanju), Official Gazette (Uradni list) no. 51 of 1998

Criminal Code (Kazenski zakonik), Official Gazette (Uradni list) no. 63 of


Slovenian Constitution (Ustava), Official Gazette (Uradni list) no. 33 of


Law on Housing (Stanovanjski zakon), Official Gazette (Uradni list) no. 18 of 1991, abrogated by a new Law on Housing, Official Gazette no. 69 of 2003

Law on rights on parts of a building (Zakon o pravicah na delih stavb), Official Gazette (Uradni list) no. 19 of 1976

Law on rights on parts of a building (Zakon o pravicah na delih stavb), Official Gazette (Uradni list), no. 16 of 1959


Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act 8 of 2011 Community Schemes Ombud Service Act 9 of 2011 Rental Housing Act 50 of 1999

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Housing Consumers Protection Measures Act 95 of 1998 Sectional Titles Act 95 of 1986

Alienation of Land Act 68 of 1981

Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act 70 of 1970 Insolvency Act 26 of 1936


Law on mediation in private law (Ley de mediacio´n en el a´mbito de derecho privado) no. 15 of 22 July 2009, Official State Gazette (BOE) no. 198 of

17 August 2009, p. 70785

Order by the Counselor on Housing and Social Matters of the Basque Region on mediation and conciliation with regard to condominium schemes and urban contracts of lease (Orden de la Consejerı´a de la Vivienda y Asuntos Sociales del Paı´s Vasco sobre mediacio´n y conciliacio´n en materia de propiedad horizontal y arrendamientos urbanos) of 24 October 2007, Official Gazette of the Basque Country (Boletı´n Oficial del Paı´s Vasco) no. 222 of 19 November 2007

Law on Arbitration (Ley de Arbitraje) no. 60 of 23 December 2003, Official State Gazette (BOE) no. 309 of 26 December 2003, p. 46097

Law on Insolvency (Ley concursal) of 9 July 2003, Official State Gazette (BOE) no. 164 of 10 July 2003

Law on Buildings (Ley de Ordenacio´n de la Edificacio´n) of 5 November

1999, Official State Gazette (BOE) no. 266 of 6 November 1999 Law on the use of immovable property in turns (Ley de Aprovechamiento

por Turnos de Bienes Inmuebles) of 15 December 1998, Official State Gazette (BOE) no. 300 of 16 December 1998

Law on urban leases (Ley de Arrendamientos Urbanos) of 24 November 1994, Official State Gazette (BOE) no. 282 of 25 November 1994

Regulation on nuisance, harmful, unhealthy and dangerous activities (Reglamento de actividades molestas, insalubres, nocivas y peligrosas) of

30 November 1961, Official State Gazette (BOE) no. 292 of

7 December 1961. This Regulation was in force until 17 November 2007, when it was repealed by the Law on air quality and atmospheric protection (Ley de calidad del aire y proteccio´n de la atmo´sfera) of 15 November 2007, Official State Gazette (BOE) no. 275 of 16 November 2007. This Law, however, provides that the Regulation of 1961 will still be in force in those Autonomous Communities (Comunidades Auto´nomas) that have not enacted their own Regulation on this topic

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Law on Horizontal Property (Ley de Propiedad Horizontal) of 21 July 1960, Official State Gazette (BOE) no. 176 of 23 July 1960, amended by the Law amending the Law on Horizontal Property (Ley de modificacio´n de la Ley de Propiedad Horizontal) of 6 April 1999, Official State Gazette (BOE) no. 84 of 8 April 1999 and most recently by the Law on restoration, regeneration and urban renovation (Ley de rehabilitacio´n, regeneracio´n y renovacio´n urbanas) no. 8 of 26 June 2013, Official State Gazette (BOE) no. 153 of 27 June 2013

Law on Mortgages (Ley Hipotecaria) of 8 February 1946, Official State Gazette (BOE) no. 58 of 27 February 1946

Spanish Civil Code (Co´digo Civil), Royal Decree of 24 July 1889, Madrid Gazette (Gaceta de Madrid) of 25 July1889, no. 206


Law on planning and building (Planoch bygglag), Swedish Code of Statutes (Svensk fo¨rfattningssamling) 2010: 900

Law on insurance for construction defects etc. (Lag om byggfelsfo¨rsa¨kring m.m.), Swedish Code of Statutes (Svensk fo¨rfattningssamling) 1993:320

Law on Real Property (Fastighetsbildningslagen), Swedish Code of Statutes (Svensk fo¨rfattningssamling) 1992:1212

Law on Real Estate Cooperatives (Bostadsra¨ttslagen), Swedish Code of Statutes (Svensk fo¨rfattningssamling) 1991:614

Law on summary proceedings (Lag om betalningsfo¨rela¨ggande och handra¨ckning), Swedish Code of Statutes (Svensk fo¨rfattningssamling),


Law of Cooperative Associations (Lag om ekonomiska fo¨reningar), Swedish Code of Statutes (Svensk fo¨rfattningssamling) 1987:667

Law on the acquisition of ownership on conversion to real estates cooperatives or real estate cooperative tenancies (Lag om ra¨tt till fastighetsfo¨rva¨rv fo¨r ombildning till bostadsra¨tt och kooperativ hyresra¨tt) 1982:352, Swedish Code of Statutes (Svensk fo¨rfattningssamling)


Law on management of common property (Samfa¨llighetslagen)

1973:1150 Swedish Code of Statutes (Svensk fo¨rfattningssamling)


Law on construction (Anla¨ggningslagen) 1973:1149

Land Code (Jordabalken) 1970:994 (Land Code)

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Legislative proposals

2009/10:215, 184 and 170 (Planoch bygglag 2010:900) 2008/09:91 and 2002/03:116 (Jordabalken 1970:994 and

Fastighetsbildningslagen 1992:1212) 1990/91:92 (Bostadsra¨ttslagen 1991:614)

1986/87:7 (Lag om ekonomiska fo¨reningar 1987:667)

1981/82:169 (Lag om ra¨tt till fastighetsfo¨rva¨rv fo¨r ombildning till bostadsra¨tt och kooperativ hyresra¨tt 1982:352)

1970:158, 146, 142 and 20 (Jordabalken 1970:994)

1969:128 (Fastighetsbildningslagen 1992:1212)




Allgemeines Bu¨rgerliches Gesetzbuch (Austrian Civil Code)


Bla¨tter fu¨r Grundstu¨cks-, Bauund Wohnungsrecht


Beilage zu den stenographischen Protokollen des Nationalrates


Bautra¨gervertragsgesetz (Property Development Act)


Evidentsbla¨tter (Law Reports)


Der Entscheidungsund Informationsdienst fu¨r neues


Mietund Wohnrecht (Decision and information ser-


vice for recent law on leases and rights of residence)


Insolvenzordnung (Insolvency Code)


Konsumentenschutzgesetz (Consumer Protection Act)


Landesgericht fu¨r Zivilrechtssachen (Regional Court for


Private Law Matters)


Mietrechtliche Sammlung (Collection of decisions on


Tenancy Law)


Mietrechtsgesetz (Law of tenancy)


Oberster Gerichtshof (Austrian Supreme Court)


Rechtsinformationssystem (Legal Information System)

RIS-Justiz RS RIS-Justiz Rechtssache (Law Reports)


Wohnungseigentumsgesetz (Law on Apartment Ownership)


Wohnrechtliche Bla¨tter (Journal on Housing Law)


Cass. Hof van Cassatie/Cour de cassation (Supreme Court)

T. App Tijdschrift voor appartementsen immorecht (law journal) TPR Tijdschrift voor Privaatrecht (law journal)
