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Issue № 1(29), 2016


ISSN 2075-0811

If procedures do no t have to b e combined, a sequenc method is used (Fig. а). At each particular point in time the re is only one procedure being per formed and all of them are sequenced.

If proce dures have to be combined, the l inear sche uling meth od is employed (Fig. 2c). The entire construction period is t ypically div ided into t he commencement or particular flows and their es ablishment.

For parallel construction procedures (Fig. 2b) in different areas parallel m ethods are applied. Howev r as each g roup of pa allel proce dures in relation to any other grou p of parall el procedures ca n either be combined o r parallel procedures are always one of these:

––parallel method without combining procedures of the same type;

––parallel method combining procedure of the same type.

The way procedures are connected is cr ucial as it defines a range of organizing construction and ass embly.

Proced res are connected in t e followin g ways which are temp orary (Fig. 3):

–– resource (organ ization) that determine how continuously resources are used. If t he team moves on to another set of procedures o ce they have been do ne with the previous one, there is no str etch of resource connections (it is zero);

–– frontal (technological) det rmining ho w continuo usly particular procedures are performed. If once the previo s team hav e been don e with a p ocedure, a nother team take over, there is no stretch of frontal connection (it is zero);

–– ranking (labor connection ) determining how continuously equally ran ked proced ures are

performed that ma ke up a round. Rankin

is its number from the longest (p rior to this one) or-

ganizational and technological chain (connection bet ween proce

ures). If following the end of a

similar procedure of the same round, there is no stretch of ranking connections (it is zer o).

























































































































Fig. 2. Metho ds of organizing of constru ction and assembly perfor med with con stant intensity: а) sequenced, b) linear scheduling, c) parallel


Scientific Herald of the Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Construction and Architecture









RANKING (labour


















































































































Fig. 3. Types of connections

Connections joining the previous procedure to the following are direct. If they are opposite (i.e. connect the previous procedure to the following one) are reverse.

The presented definitions are those when dependencies are between the end of the previous and start of the following procedure, i.e. connections are final-start.

Connections may join the start of one type of procedures (and be start) or end (final). Equally ranked procedures joining the start of the following and the end of the previous one are startfinal.

Considering a range of connections, there can be different methods of organizing construction procedures (see Fig. 1).

A sequence of developing a calendar plan using the linear scheduling method considering organizational and technological connection between procedures and sets is illustrated as an algorithm (Fig. 4). Details of procedures and accuracy of calculations depend on the type of a project undertaken.

A construction line is an industrial process developing in time and space. If each component of the line is assumed to be particular, a construction line can be regarded as a combination of included and parallel particular flows.

The major law of a particular flow is given by the dependence

t nk.



Issue № 1(29), 2016


ISSN 2075-0811

Correction of


C alculation of t e characteristics of p rocedures of a linear graph

Technologica l connection of fl ows, designing a l near graph

Identifying the amo unt of work to be undertaken

Calculation of lab r costs and machine time

Forming particul ar flows

Calcula ion of construction teams

Calculation of the time of particular flows

Designing typolo gy of a net graph

Calculation of a determining card of the net gr ph

Calculation of the parame ters of the net graph

Justification of the accepted me thods of technolog y and organizatio n of procedures. Choosing machines and mechanism s

Determining regulated (directed) time of construc tion

D esigned time




Designed time

are satisfying




are satisfying















orrecting the g












ccording to the



































Determining t

chnical and

economical indicators














Fig. 4. A lgorithm for sequencing o developing


calendar schedule using linear scheduling method considering

or ganizational and technological connection between pr ocedures and sets

The law of a const ruction flow is given by the dependence

T k n m 1 k,

but usin g the depe ndence (1) we determi ne k = t/n, then

T m 1 t / n t,

where is th num ber of com onent processes inclu ded in a technological process (w rk); n is the amo unt of divi sions on a site; k is a step of flow.

The obtained law of a construction flo w is a linear fractiona l function whose graph is an equal-si ded hyperbola with asymptotes parallel to the coordinate axes.

In this case the total time of a flow is reversely pro portionate to the amount of divis ions. At n = 1 is a sequenced way of p erforming construction procedures and T = m ax; at n is parallel method of performing constru ction proce dures and T→min = t. Hence the sequenced a nd parallel way are particular cases of linear scheduling of pr ocedures.


Scientific Herald of the Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Construction and Architecture

As was stated above, the consumption of resources in the linear scheduling method is directly proportionate to the amount of divisions (particular frontal procedures), i.e. R = n×r. As the number of divisions in a flow increases, more resources are used till the amount of divisions equals the amount of procedures in a flow, i.e. Rmax = m×r. As particular frontal procedures keep increasing, the consumption of resources does not.

As seen from the obtained expressions, the time of a construction flow and consumption of a resource depend on the amount of frontal procedures (divisions) where a flow is performed. If these dependencies intersect, let us determine these points.

In this case the following equations hold true:

а) t (m 1) t

n r, if there is a non-established and unfinished flow.













Let us solve the equation in relation to n:










n r

m 1 t t 0,

















n2 r t n m 1 t 0,








t t2 4r m 1 t






















b) (m 1)t / n t mr, if a flow is established or finished.




In this case













(m 1)t

t mr 0,


(m 1)t














mr t


Let us accept the time of a particular flow and consumption of resources with single units, then





n 1

4m 3 ,






























m 1 1.
























Thus in (4) we have a sequenced way of performing construction procedures. If a flow is organized properly, the amount of particular frontal procedures must be smaller than for involved procedures, i.e. m > n.


Issue № 1(29), 2016

ISSN 2075-0811

We argue that the obtained expression for the division of the total frontal procedures into particular ones depending on the time of procedures, consumption of resources and amount of work involved in the construction allows a rational use of the linear scheduling method.

At the designing stage if no data is available on the consumption of resources and time for each procedure, the number of particular frontal procedures can be determined if the time of work and number of resources are one, i.e. nor depending on the amount of work involved in the construction:



4m 3 .






Hence a non-established flow occurs in the linear scheduling of work. An optimal number of particular frontal procedures is within the dependencies (2) and (3).

Each particular flow is characterized by a number of members involved (workers, chains, building machinery) which are given by the following expression:






t s





where P is the amount of work involved in n frontal procedures х; s is the work input of one member per time unit in units of amount of work; Q is the workload of each flow.

Then the average number of members of a construction flow is given by the following expression:
















n Qi



i 1

i 1


i 1

i 1



(m 1)t


t(m m 1)







Ti tm









i 2









Flow construction is associated with production. The amount of production is the major indicator of a flow. This is its intensity expressing the amount of production per time unit. Intensity of a particular flow can be given by the expression i = Pn/t and intensity of a construction flow by the following expression:















i 1

i 1

i 1


m 1 t t

Ti P tm













i 2



Scientific Herald of the Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Construction and Architecture

There are the following characteristics to evaluate the quality of a construction flow: а) homogeneity of a flow:


T "


n m 1





n m 1









b) productivity of a flow:





















t(n m 1)





c) time per a production unit:













t(n m 1)











d) rate of consumption of resources:

n . n m 1

If all of these are in a correlation dependence on δ, i.e.:


m 1


; n







n m 1









there is no need to recommend it for the evaluation of their quality as a construction flow. Thus in order to evaluate a construction flow, we should use δ which is the rate of consumption of resources and time of a flow


m 1 t


T P Ti P i


i 2

i 1 n


which can be recommended for the evaluation of ways of organizing a flow.

For that optimal points are determined. If there is only one such point, the functions should intersect in it. Then the following expression holds true:








n m 1





Let us solve the equation in relation to n:




n2 tn m 1 t 0,

n t t2 4t (m 1) , 2

i.e. the previous law is confirmed (2).


Issue № 1(29), 2016

ISSN 2075-0811

Hence in a construction flow there are optimal options for the number of frontal procedures (divisions) which depend on the number of particular flows involved in a construction flow as well as timing and resources.


According to the studies of planning of low-rise construction, the following is concluded:

––analysis of the features of low-rise buildings and their construction makes it necessary to get new perspectives on construction planning. The criteria are technological effectiveness, cost, customer’s demands and wishes driven by the current property market;

––theoretical findings are formulated on choosing viable options for organizational and technological solutions for the low-rise construction using the algorithms for sequencing the development of a calendar scheduling using the linear scheduling method;

––the dependences are found of the effect of organizational and technological factors on the final indicators of technological processes and their sets;

––linear scheduling methods of organizing construction procedures are challenging to use if there are no repetitive works, structures, sites as well as when an individual structure cannot be divided;

––a non-established flow is the major factor of linear scheduling of construction;

––more divisions reduce the total timing without affecting the number of members involved;

––optimal number of divisions in a flow depends on the amount of work, time and consumption of resources.


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Scientific Herald of the Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Construction and Architecture

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Issue № 1(29), 2016

ISSN 2075-0811

UDC 69.05



A. Serwa1, Hossam H. El-Semary2



Helwan University

Egypt, Cairo, e-mail: Dr.A.Serwa@m-eng.helwan.edu.eg 1Dr., Asst. Prof. of Surveying, Faculty of Engineering in El-Mataria

Benha University

Egypt, Cairo, e-mail: hossam.elsemary@feng.bu.edu.eg 2Dr.,.Asst. Prof. of Surveying, Faculty of Engineering in Shoubra

Statement of the problem. Traversing is one of plane surveying operations which is a traditional methodology that can be used to map the earth. The rapid development in instrumentation and computer dependency led to the need to develop plane surveying SW. Civil Engineering students suffered from the lack of illustration when the study of traversing is coming out. One can not fly to view the traverse but SW can show a planemetric view. SW gives the better solutions with feasible budget instead of manual and practical one. The integration between observations, computations and illustration made development of educational SW is an optimized solution.

Conclusions. This research work is providing free software’s as well as traversing data at absolutely free of cost. Initiatives of the educationist, researchers and software developers in the field of plane surveying may be benefited from this research work. An effort has been made to review the main components of the developed SW.

Key words: Educational, Civil Engineering, Plane Surveying, Web, Traverse, CAD interface, SW Development.


As plane surveying is an important branch of surveying, the need of development plane surveying SW comprised. In present scenario, where the educational techniques are becoming more interactive and attractive with the aid of geomatics tools, the role of developed SW is noteworthy. Civil engineering students need to apply the integration between surveying, SW development, CAD and web. These new integrating tools and techniques have been complementing or replacing established surveying techniques and geoinformation production process [Beek et al, 1996].

© Serwa A., H. El-Semary Hossam, 2016


Scientific Herald of the Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Construction and Architecture

Computer programming is the iterative process of writing or editing source code. Editing source code involves testing, analyzing, and refining, and sometimes coordinating with other programmers on a jointly developed program. (Adejare, 2003) also wrote a similar algorithm using Microsoft Excel Spread Sheet [Odumosu, J. O, et. al, 2014]. Ruchel, 2010, developed software package caries out geodetic computation. The main objective of this research work is to develop a comparative SW that can be expressed as self-developed SW. Hashimi, 2004, used Microsoft Excel Solver to apply traverse Adjustment. The integration between traverse computations and CAD is an important part of the research. The developed system is called TravCAD. One must develop a self-developed SW in order to fulfill some research requirements [Serwa, 2003]. Some of existing SW has enigmatic tasks that prevent researchers from make some improvements [Serwa, 2009]. This research aims to develop object oriented software with friendly GUI (Graphical User Interface) for traverse computations concerned with course of plane surveying.

1. Types of traverses

There are two kinds of traverses: closed and open (depending on the information constraints). Two categories of closed traverses exist: polygon and link. In the polygon traverse, as shown in Figure.1 (a), the lines return to the starting point, thus forming a closed Figure that is both geometrically and mathematically closed. Link traverses finish upon another station that should have a positional accuracy equal to or greater than that of the starting point. The link type (geometrically open, mathematically closed), as illustrated in Figure 1(b), must have a closing reference direction, for example, line E-Az Mk. Closed traverses provide checks on the observed angles and distances, which is an extremely important consideration. They are used extensively in control, construction, property, and topographic surveys [Ghilani & Wolf, 2012]. Figure 2 shows an example of open traverse.

Fig. 1. Examples of closed traverses [after Ghilani & Wolf, 2012]


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