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Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches» Issue № 4 (15), 2016

ers for him. While everything is working more or less, he will not enter into it, as long as the problem does not begin to threaten the security of the country [5*, p. 9].

The invariant of perception of PN “khristenki-reuses” and “manturovs” is the distinctive feature actualized in the context “managers that have played a negative role in the development of the Russian aircraft industry”.

A special role is played by Vladimir Leonov. Thanks to his perseverance the country learned about the unique engine NK-93, which already forgotten “ k h r i s t e n k i - r e u s e s ” and joined to them “ m a n t u r o v s ” told to hide away from human eyes. Today, NK-93 is ready to become the basis of a new modern engine for super-heavy transport aircraft [11*, p. 1].

Victor Krestyaninov of “AW” writes that the British media called V.V. Putin a new Napoleon in connection with the situation in Donbass, thus prophesying the crisis of his diplomacy. In our opinion, in this context the invariant of perception of a multifunctional precedent name Napoleon constitutes a differential feature of “the great commander, fatal mistakes of whom lead to a defeat”.

However, now in London they are not going to give up great achievements. A couple of years ago there they think up that Napoleon rose again threatening foggy Albion, and he is Vladimir Putin. Such comparisons have begun in August 2014, immediately after the defeat of the Ukrainian army in Donbass: “Putin is a n e w N a p o l e o n , and the Ukrainian crisis is Austerlitz of his diplomacy,” wrote Western media [3*, p. 2].

In the following passage cited below J. Trump is called Zhirinovsky of overseas, actualizing the following distinctive feature of the invariant of perception “a non-systemic extravagant politician who is not afraid to tell the truth to the people who are tired of lies and the so-called political correctness, and thus has gained their trust”.

The real surprise of the race was the extravagant Trump. Up jumped like the devil from a snuffbox and dashingly pushed the main candidate of the Republicans, Bush. Some call him a comedian and others – Z h i r i n o v s k y o f o v e r s e a s ... [12*, p. 32-33].

2. Ec o n o m i c s . The invariant of perception of PN new Rothschilds and Rockefellers includes that there were new bankers, who took on the role of arbiters of the world order that sponsor chaos. The connotation of PN is definitely negative.

And now n e w R o t h s c h i l d s a n d R o c k e f e l l e r s give money to charities, sponsoring Arabs who leave their national lands and move to Europe [13*, p. 11].

3. Ar t . The invariant of perception of PN new Petipas or Grigoroviches constitutes “outstanding choreographers whose level is not lower than Marius Petipa and Yuri Grigorovich”.

One way or another, but time will tell, whether new choreographers who are presented at the Bolshoi Theatre will turn into n e w P e t i p a s o r G r i g o r o v i c h e s . Concert organizers believe that this is not their goal [2*, p. 16].

4. P a t r o n a g e . In this example, PN new Morozovs and Mamontovs actualize the meaning of the “new philanthropists’, and it is clear that a connotation is positive here.


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches» Issue № 4 (15), 2016

Alas, projections saying that in a generation children of wild capitalists will become n e w M o r o z o v s a n d M a m o n t o v s , are not justified [14*, p. 3].

5. M o v i e . In Sergey Ryazanov’s article “In Search of a Hero of our Times” PN James Bond implies the following distinctive feature: “a hero (the cult American series about James Bond) saving the world”.

Boris Akunin’ Fandorin is a r e a l R u s s i a n J a m e s B o n d . But the English James Bond in each series lives today, and the Russian one – in a bygone era [3*, p. 3].

The invariant of perception of PN “Commissioner Cattani” from the sphere-source MOVIE includes the following meaning “an honest, principled, tough policeman, a victim of corruptionists’ actions”.

In the 90-ies Timonichenko’s colleagues nicknamed him C o m m i s s i o n e r C a t t a n i , a hero of the popular in those years Italian TV series “The Octopus”. He was principled, tough with thugs.

Boris Timonichenko is still in an intensive care unit in hospital, but he will definitely survive. Doctors promise to cure the “ t h e U r a l C a t t a n i ” [15*, p. 17].

6. Sp o r t . Footballers Mamayev and Kokorin became notorious for a party in Mote Carlo, where they wasted money and behaved carelessly, despite the shameful defeat for the Russian national football team, virtually in a disregarded manner they showed inexcusable indifference to the disappointing result of their native national team. The refrain is that there should not be such “patriots” in the new team.

It was a joke, but the joke to share the truth: Cherchesov doesn’t like to be asked too many questions. That’s why players will not be able to do whatever they want, just not like in the case with Slutsky. And in his team there cannot be m a m a y e v s a n d k o - k o r i n s , who spend 250, 000 for the evening. Just their temperaments cannot be matched [16*, p. 17].

7. Sc i e n c e . The invariant of perception of PN today Korolyov constitutes “an outstanding aircraft designer of our time”.

Liberals are yelling unceasingly that Russia today has been militarizing, that our “ t o - d a y K o r o l y o v ” , the great Russian scientist, academician Yuri Solomonov, and his colleagues have gone crazy, creating one missile better than another, that all these expensive toys, including IL-80 of the academician Henry Novozhilov, ruin our country

[17*, p. 3].

PNs of this group are not only used as “successful formula of speech, but also to create a vertical speech context” when reading a newspaper text “by the actualization of the memory of a certain linguocultural society” [10, p. 21-22].

“PNs as units of language and speech act as representants of precedent concepts, the mental-verbal units that are used to represent, categorize, conceptualize and assess the reality when constructing the world picture and its fragments” [11, p. 113]. Representing concepts, PN actualize these or other differential criteria of their invariant of perception.


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches» Issue № 4 (15), 2016

Table 1.

Differential criteria of the invariant of perception of PNs in the modern Russian press


Precenent names (PN)

Differential criteria constituting the in-



variant of perception


mamayevs and kokorins

footballers who are not patriots, indiffer-



ent to their team’s defeats



ministers who do not show special ea-



gerness or who are not popular with the



people, but whom, for whatever reasons,





“khristenki-reuses” and “manturovs

managers that have played a negative



role in the development of the Russian



aircraft industry


new Rothschilds and Rockefellers

new bankers, who took on the role of



arbiters of the world order that sponsor





new Morozovs and Mamontovs

new philanthropists, patrons of art





new Grigoroviches or Petipas

new outstanding choreographers





the Russian James Bond

the Russian hero saving the world





new Napoleon

a new great commander, fatal mistakes



of whom will lead to a defeat


Zhirinovsky of overseas

a non-systemic extravagant politician



who is not afraid to tell the truth to the



people who are tired of lies and the so-



called political correctness, and thus has



gained their trust


Commissioner Cattani

an honest, principled, tough policeman,



a victim of corruptionists’ actions


today Korolyov

an outstanding aircraft designer of our




The analysis of the examples of precedent names from the Russian media allows making the following conclusions.

While agreeing that figurative use can be characteristic of proper names, however, we should highlight PNs are not metaphors in the full sense of this word.

PNs are precedent because they are connected with other precedent phenomena of the language. The availability of this connection is manifested in the fact that the invariant of perception of a precedent name includes a precedent situation. This property defines the peculiarities of functioning of PNs even in cases where in different discourses PNs express the qualities or character traits, which is true for the media discourse [12, p. 58-59]. In our opinion, in this case undeniable resemblance metaphors and PNs can be concluded, but you can not equate them, primarily because of differences in their cognitive nature.

In the group of PNs with a terminological meaning, rising to a precedent text and acting as symbols of a particular precedent situation, prevail precedent names of fairy-tale characters (Cinderella, Alice the fox, Basilio the cat, Pinocchio), the heroes of myths and legends (Hercules and Robin Hood). We managed to find only one literary PN on the pages of the Russian


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches» Issue № 4 (15), 2016

press, Jean Volzhan from Victor Hugo’s novel “Les Misérables”. This is due to the orientation of journalists to the average reader and the pragmatic installation on universally-precedent PNs.

The name of the English Revolution hero Cromwell appears as the name symbolizing drastic cleaning of public authorities structures. PN Sand acts as a symbol of the situation of murder for political reasons, that is consonant with the new political context and this fact contributes to its popularity in the press.

Names of Figaro, Hamlet and Romeo, which are well known to an average reader, comprise the capacious characteristic. These PNs effectively “work” in the press, as an ideal tool to create a certain type of the hero of the material.

The images, which served the basis for PNs in the Russian press, are Ivan Susanin (a national hero) and the character of the film “Pulp Fiction”, Mr. Wolf, both are symbols of a particular precedent situation and appeal to a typical character.

In functioning of the name-symbol that is not associated with any particular precedent text, there may be an appeal to the invariant of its perception that has a certain minimum set of distinctive features. This group is the most numerous in the Russian press. Sphere-sources of such precedent names are: policy and management, economics, art, philanthropy, movie, sport, science.

Use of PNs in media texts is due, above all, to the effect of expressiveness [13; 14; 15; 16], which is almost always arises when they are used. This contributes to creating vivid integral images in the minds of the readers.

Bibliographic list

1.Vorozhcova O.A., Zajceva A.V. Precedentnye imena v rossijskoj i amerikanskoj pechati / O.A. Vorozhcova, A.V. Zajceva // Izvestija Ural'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2006 g. – №45. – S. 222-229.

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5.Zaharenko I.V., Krasnyh V.V., Gudkov D.B., Bagaeva D.V. Precedentnoe imja i precedentnoe vyskazyvanie kak simvoly precedentnyh fenomenov / I.V. Zaharenko, V.V. Krasnyh, D.B. Gudkov, D.V. Bagaeva // Jazyk, soznanie, kommunikacija: Sb. statej / Red. V.V. Krasnyh, A.I. Izotov. – M.: Filologija, 1997. Vyp. 1. – C. 82-103.

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7.Plotnikova E.A. Nerelevantnost' tekstovogo soderzhanija v mediadiskurse / E.A. Plotnikova // Nauchnyj vestnik Voronezh. gos. arh.-stroit. un-ta. Sovremennye lingvisticheskie i metodiko-didakticheskie issledovanija. – 2013. – vyp. 2 (20). – S. 67-73.

8.Stratienko Ju. A. Frejm “Zolushka” kak istochnik precedentnosti v britanskih i amerikanskih SMI / Ju.A. Stratienko // Vestnik VGU. Serija: Lingvistika i mezhkul'turnaja kommunikacija 2016, №2. – S. 102-107.

9.Nahimova E.A. Imena rossijskih carej kak precedentnoe pole v sovremennyh rossijskih SMI / E.A. Nahimova // Vestnik Permskogo universiteta, 2009 god. – Vyp.2. – S. 12-19.


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches» Issue № 4 (15), 2016

10.Zyrjanova I.P. Precedentnye fenomeny v zagolovkah rossijskoj i britanskoj pressy (2005–2009 gg.) : avtoreferat dis… k.f.n. 10.02.20 / I.P. Zyrjanova. – Ekaterinburg, 2010 g. –


11.Gajduk I.V. Precedentnye imena i ih derivaty v rossijskom i amerikanskom mediadiskurse / I.V. Gajduk // Nauchnyj vestnik Voronezh. gos. arh.-stroit. un-ta. Sovremennye lingvisticheskie i metodiko-didakticheskie issledovanija. – 2015. – vyp. 3 (27). – S. 111-127.

12.Flejsher E.A. Osnovy precedentnosti imeni sobstvennogo : diss… k. f. n. 10.02.01 /

E.A. Flejsher. – Sankt-Peterburg, 2014. – 164 s.

13.Zagorovskaja O.V., Fomina Z.Ye. Jekspressivnye i jemocional'no-ocenochnye komponenty znachenija slova. V sbornike: Semanticheskie processy v sisteme jazy-ka mezhvuzovskij sbornik nauchnyh trudov. Voronezhskij gosudarstvennyj universitet. Voronezh, 1984. - S. 31-40.

14.Fomina Z.Ye. Jemocional'no-ocenochnaja leksika v russkom i nemeckom jazykah. V sbornike: Ocherki po russko-nemeckoj kontrastivnoj lingvistike: leksika, sintak-sis Voronezh, 1995. S. 4-28.

15.Fomina Z.Ye. Kul'turno-gastronomicheskie smysly v evropejskom i russkom jazykovom soznanii kak «mir v miniatjure»

Nauchnyj vestnik Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo arhitekturno-stroitel'nogo universiteta. Serija: Sovremennye lingvisticheskie i metodiko-didakticheskie issledovanija. 2009. №

11.S. 11-24.

16.Fomina Z.Ye. Vezhlivost' v prostranstve nemeckoj digital'noj kommunikacii (na primere jazyka interneta). Nauchnyj vestnik Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo arhi-tekturno- stroitel'nogo universiteta. Serija: Sovremennye lingvisticheskie i metodiko-didakticheskie issledovanija. 2013. № 2 (20). S. 43-56.

Analysed sources

1*. Komsomol'skaja Pravda, №29-t (26557-t), 21-28 ijulja 2016 goda.

2*. Argumenty Nedeli, №21 (512), 2-8 ijunja 2016 goda. 3*. Argumenty Nedeli, №19 (510), 19-25 maja 2016 goda. 4*. Argumenty Nedeli, №22 (513), 9-15 ijunja 2016 goda. 5*. Argumenty Nedeli, №27 (518), 14-20 ijulja 2016 goda.

6*. Komsomol'skaja Pravda, №2-t (26479-t), 14-21 janvarja 2016 goda.

7*. Argumenty Nedeli, №37 (478), 1 oktjabrja 2015 goda.

8*. Argumenty Nedeli, №47 (488), 10-16 dekabrja 2015 goda. 9*. Komsomol'skaja Pravda, №1-t (26478-t).

10*. Moë! №3 (1105), 19 janvarja 2016 goda.

11*. Argumenty i Fakty, №37(1818), 9-15 sentjabrja 2015 goda. 12*. Argumenty Nedeli, №18 (509), 12-18 maja 2016 goda.

13*. Komsomol'skaja Pravda, №45-t (26453-t), 5-12 nojabrja 2015 goda.

14*. Komsomol'skaja Pravda, №113 (2644410), 6 oktjabrja, vtornik, 2015 goda. 15*. Argumenty i Fakty, №25 (1858), 22-28 ijunja 2016 goda.

16*. Komsomol'skaja Pravda, №28 (26505), 18-19 marta 2016 goda. 17*. Argumenty Nedeli, №28 (519), 21-27 ijulja 2016 goda.

18*. Argumenty i Fakty, №3 (1836), 20-26 janvarja 2016 goda.


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches» Issue № 4 (15), 2016

UDC 803:398.91:808.2

Voronezh State Technical University

Doctor of Philology,

Professor, Head of the Foreign

Languages Department

Zinaida Yevgenjevna Fomina

e-mail: FominaSinaida@gmail.com

Z.Ye. Fomina


The article analyzes the phenomenon "Nature" as a spatial continuum characterized by Russian nature-morphical proverbs with spatial semantics. The interrelation is revealed between the ontological specific character of the linguistic categorization of nature in the context of its consideration as a spatial substratum and the nationallysubstantiated code of the Russian culture. Dominant types of nature-morphical space are singled out. System-forming components of "Nature" as the space objectified by paremias are revealed. The peculiarities of their structuring are studied. Cognitive vectors explicating the ontology of space of nature are defined. It was found that the global nature of the continuum of space are determined by the 4 subspaces (hydronimical, phyto-morphical, geographical, terra-morphical). Each of the subspaces (sea, mountain, forest, field) as a component of the space of nature is marked by symbol cultural-and-specific and historical senses (patterns) relevant to the Russian culture.

Keywords: nature, language, culture, paremias, nature-morphical, hydronimical, phyto-morphical, geographical, terra-morphical space, sea, forest, mountain, field, being, language consciousness.

The phenomenon "Nature" is an extremely complex phenomenon, which has numerous definitions and interpretations in different spheres of scientific knowledge.

There are more than 20 of them. In a broad sense, nature (from the Greek physis, Latin natura – to arise, to be born) is understood as - "all the entire set of objects, phenomena and processes that exist under their own laws before of man and human society and independently of them. In this sense, nature appears, on the one hand, as a necessary condition for human existence, and on the other hand, as a potential object of its practical and cognitive activity and the material for the formation of culture"[1].

Nature is also considered as a philosophical category designating a notion wider than matter. It is advisable to understand nature as the unity of space, time, matter and processes that ensure this unity [2]. Scientists note that nature is the world in the aspect of its natural existence, in the anthropological-and-worldview sense, contrary to what is artificially created by man: nature and culture [3]. The phenomenon Nature also gets a global interpretation. So, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, a great German thinker, argued: "Nature is everything." Nature is understood in the context of natural science as "the material world surrounding us, created by no one, infinite in time and space, being in continuous motion (changing)" [4].


© Fomina Z.Ye., 2016


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches» Issue № 4 (15), 2016

Our study considers the phenomenon "Nature" as a spatial category, endowed with all the conceptual attributes of space, and designating the world in the aspect of its natural existence, contrary to what artificially created by man.

Space is treated as a "fundamental property of being that fixes the form and length of its existence. The concept "space" conceptualizes the basic condition for the existence of the world - the availability of space (according to Aristotle), in which there are (coexist) "things" (objects, things) and events. Space is one of the basic categories of philosophical and scientific knowledge, as well as everyday life" [5].

Nature and space are inseparable essences. Space, as well as the phenomenon "time," as one of the global forms of existing material objects and processes, characterizes the degree of structure and length of material systems and is a philosophical category. Space, like time, is an infinite and objective in character. The general properties of space are: length, the uniqueness of discontinuity and continuity. [6].

It is important to emphasize, that Aristotle, in the work "The Organon", attributed the phenomenon "space": substance, quantity, quality, relation, space, time, state, possession, action, enduring to the 10 most important categories. In this case, he interpreted the unknown notion as "the Space - the position of a thing relative to the nearest surroundings" [7].

The study of the category space in the context of different branches of scientific knowledge stipulated singling out specific types of spaces for each of them, for example, in mathematics (n-dimensional spaces, Euclidean space, Hilbert space, affine space, etc.), in physics (space of objects, etc.), in religion (sacred, mystic), etc. There have also been singled out numerous other types of spaces: cosmic, air, information, parallel, hyperspace, etc.

Each of the singled out types of spaces is mainly described by means of specialized languages. However, as is known, "the organic medium of the human habitation is not settled by the scientific picture of the world, using specialized languages to describe it, but it needs the description using natural, everyday language related to everyday experience" [5]. In addition, as the Humanitarian encyclopedia notes, such branches of humanities studies as cultural studies, historical geography, psychology, sociology, linguistics reveal historical-and-cultural and social abundance of the concept space, which has been arising and existing for a long time as a form of preand non-scientific knowledge, as the category of culture associated with other cultural universals [5].

Summarizing the aforesaid, it is necessary to note that in our study we will consider na- ture-morphical type of the category space. The emphasis will be on the description of the specific character of the national world perception of Nature, as a spatial continuum, and on its reflection in the Russian linguistic consciousness based on the example of Russian proverbs with the keywords containing nature-morphical spatial semantics.

The analysis of the phenomenon Nature, objectified by proverbial means as a spatial essence, will make it possible to simultaneously highlight another important component, concerning both the description of the concept "NATURE" itself and the phenomenon "Space", in particular, their ethnic-and-cultural vs. nationally-marked aspect.

According to V. Klyuchevskii, "... a person develops his intelligence and his character, energy, ideas, feelings and aspirations, and, as part, his attitude to other people in the struggle with himself and with the nature. And the more excitement and food the nature gives to these human abilities, the wider it reveals its inner strength, the more powerful its influence should be recognized on the history of its population."[8].

The influence of nature, as a spatial continuum, on the formation of the Russian national character is emphasized by D. Likhachev, a great Russian thinker of the 20th century: "For the Russian, nature has always been as freedom, volition, spaciousness. Listen to the language, take a walk in the volition, go out into the volition. ... A wide space has always owned Russian hearts. It took the form of notions and ideas, that do not exist in other languages. "What is, for example, the difference between volition and freedom? By the fact, that free volition is free-


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches» Issue № 4 (15), 2016

dom, combined with the spaciousness, which is not barred by anything"[9]. D. Likhachev also stresses that the Russian plain strongly affects the character of the Russian people. However, he notes that "we often forget in the last few years about the geographical factor in human history. But it exists, and no one has ever denied it" [9]. These ideas are confirmed by the works of modern researchers. So, for instance, Zh. Smirnova writes about the influence of climate and natural landscape on the national character. The author highlights the peculiarities of the national character, associated with large territory, forests, rivers, plains and steppes [10]. "Zh.Chetvertakova emphasizes that "Geographical environment and climatic conditions have had a particularly noticeable impact on the character of the Russian ethnos" [11].

As is noted in our article [12] in 2 (29) 2016, the proverbs of the world characterized by their ubiquity and ability to penetrate into all spheres of human life reflect both the fundamental philosophical categories (time and space, being and consciousness, etc.) and the most existentially important notions (people, nature, life, etc.). At the same time, these notions are variously presented in different cultures not only in terms of their linguistic, epistemological, semiotic, cognitive, semantic and axiological interpretation, but also, first of all, in terms of their ethnic- and-cultural conceptualization. In this connection, Goethe`s words on the national and individual perception of the concept "Nature" ring convincingly and capaciously. "Everyone sees nature in a peculiar way. It has thousands of names and titles, and it is all the same" [13].

According to D. Likhachev, we should form an opinion about people, for the most part, for the best they have done, or even only are striving to do ... It is such a position that is the most fruitful, the most peaceful and the most humanist one. A good man sees mainly good things in other people, an evil man – bad things. A geologist looks for valuable rock... The most valuable thing of people is at their tops [9]. These tops are spiritual achievements of any people, whose symbolic parts are their proverbs as a treasury of centuries-old wisdom.

The initial thesis reads: "All around us is space". As it was mentioned in our article [12] (SN 2 (2016), space is represented in a global perspective in the Russian proverbial picture of the world in the following TRIAD:

I - at the level of human and animals (anthropological and zoomorphical space); II - at the level of nature (nature-morphical space);

IIIat the level of artifacts (artifact space).

This article will analyze nature-morphine space categorized by the Russian proverbs with spatial semantics.

The purpose of the study is to reveal the ontological interrelation between the specific character of the linguistic categorization of NATURE as a spatial substratum and the nationally substantiated code of the Russian culture, to single out the dominant types of nature-morphical space in the continuum of the Russian culture, to define basic vectors of nature-morphical space, to describe the correlation of the natural realias (SEA, FOREST, FIELD) as spatial categories with various essences of the anthropological space, to identify culturally-significant senses actualized in the meanings of the Russian proverbs with the episteme "Space" acting as verbal representatives of the phenomenon "Nature".

Russian paremias with spatial semantics are characterized, according to our observations, by the heterogeneity and cultural dependence of nature-morphical space, being objectified by them.

So, according to our observations, n a t u r e - m o r p h i c a l s p a c e (II) is diversely reflected in Russian proverbs. It is presented by the 4 basic types of spaces, verbalized by the keywords with nature-morphical semantics:

1)the hydronimical space (sea, well, lake, pond, marsh, pool, mud);

2)the geographical space (mountain);

3)the phytonimical space (forest, tree, bush);

4)the terra-morphical space(earth, field), and others.


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches» Issue № 4 (15), 2016

T h e h y d r o n i m i c a l s p a c e (I) is represented in the Russian proverbial picture of the world by quite a significant number of proverbs (28 units) actualizing "water" semantics (sea, river, well, lake, pond, marsh, ocean, pool, mud, etc.) This fact is motivated by many factors, in particular, by the status of Russia as an important sea power, by a great number of rivers, by the peculiarities of peasant farming, by the presupposing construction of facilities necessary for the extraction of water, such as wells, etc. The dominant hydronimical notions are: s e a , r i v e r , w e l l .

As is evident from our semantic-and-cognitive analysis of the Russian proverbs with the spatial-and-hydronimical semantics, the phenomenon s e a is conceptualized as ontologically versatile space that can be identified by:

a) a remote (alien) space (Sea is a foreign country: There is fun overseas, but someone else's, and we are in sorrow, but of our own. Oversea is warmer, and we have more light. Mind can not be bought oversea, if there is no it at home. A goose starts to fly oversea, the goose, but not a swan, and it flew back. Good to lie to that man who has been overseas. Cranes fly overseas, and all the same–they are curlews. Oversea – for fir cones, etc.) [1*];

b)an emotional space (grief and sadness) (Grief is like the sea, banks are not visible); Grief is the sea, one cannot cross it. Grief is not the sea, one will experience it up to the bottom. Grief is like the sea, you will not drink it up to the bottom) [1*];

c)a temporal space (To live for ages - to swim across the sea) [1*];

d)a huge and deep space (You will not heat sea with an awl. You will not partition the sea with a chip. You will not find the depths in the sea, and the truth in the people. A drop in the sea is not visible. The sea has dried up, but it is not a brother to a puddle);

e)the space, subjected to wind (Wind stirs sea, rumorpeople) [1*];

f)an usual space for the life of individual beings (Don`t threaten pike with the sea, and naked people with grief);

g)the arena of struggle (The pike is in the s e a , to awake a crucian);

h)the terrible element that threatens human life (He who has not happened to be at sea, he has not said his prayers to satiety) [1*];

i)a surmountable space, but in the presence of a certain state (S e a is knee-deep for a


These sayings show that sea, as one of the global components of the hydronimical space as a whole, is conceptualized in the Russian linguistic consciousness in the interaction with various categories and substances (time, emotions, quantity, quality, etc.).

The culturally-marked features are the conceptual characteristics of sea pointing to its remoteness and being used in the Russian culture to reflect the concept of foreign land, the synonym of which is the expression "Overseas". It is characteristic, that such "s e a " paremias dominate in the quantitative ratio. However, it is important to note that at contrasting space "overseas" and "at home" (in homeland) there dominates a very positive attitude to every native thing (lighter, everything is our own). The homily is being traced: when trading overseas (in foreign countries), it is important to correlate not only the cost of a thing (heifer - mite), but also the cost for delivery (one ruble for transportation).


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches» Issue № 4 (15), 2016

The greatness and immensity of sea are explicated in the Russian national linguistic consciousness, in terms of clearly defined national-and-cultural characteristics, in particular, at the level of disparate realias: sea and the "possibility of heating it by using an awl", sea and the "possibility of partitioning it with a chip". Contrasting comparison of antinomies small (meager) (an awl, a chip) and infinitely huge (sea) represents the cultural-and-meaningful senses, clearly illustrating the ontological specific nature of sea, as an inconceivably large space in the Russian world-outlook. The sea appears as a powerful, menacing, huge element to which a person has a reverential attitude.

Interest is also attracted by sacred-and-connotative characteristics of sea. Rescuing at sea, as menacing and dangerous element, can be connected only with a prayer.

Nationally-marked ones are also the features of sea, that correlate with the conditions for overcoming it: on the basis of the antinomy sober (sensible) and drunk (with vague consciousness) there is actualized the sense of dimensions and impossibility for human beings to overcome the sea space.

Thus, the profound and nationally-connotative maxims characterizing the specific nature of the Russian world-perception are reflected through the realias of sea.

The episteme "RIVER", as a component of the hydronimical space, is variously represented in Russian proverbs and sayings. As V.Klyuchevskii notes, the Russian people "came to life in the river and lived with it in harmony. They liked their river, they did not say in their songs such kind words to any other elements of the country - and it was for what"[8]. According to our observations, the natural phenomenon "RIVER" most often correlates in the Russian linguistic consciousness with the emotional-and-psychological state of a person, in particular, with GRIEF and ANGUISH. In this case, RIVER is represented as:

a)a small space (River is not sea, anguish is not grief) [1*];

b)a precarious shelter for space (You are running to the river from grief, and it has already been standing on the shore) [1*];

c)a psychological continuum (Greed is as the river: the farther, the wider) [1*];

d)a behavioral sphere (River begins with a brook, and drunkenness with a wine-glass)


e)a predetermining substance (Where the river runs, there the course of it will be), and


The concept "RIVER" is also categorized in the Russian proverbial picture of the world as a source of water abundance (Well is not dug near river). Particular attitude is shown to the Volga, which is antropologized in the Russian national consciousness and is defined as "Mother" (The Volga is Mother of all the rivers).

Thus, river as space is identified with man, his emotional experiences, character traits, behavior, etc. And this fact is not an accidental on, since, according to V. Kliuchevski`s figurative expression, "historical service of the Russian river in itself was varied." "The Russian river accustomed their coastal inhabitants to the communal life and sociability ... . The river brought up the spirit of enterprise, the habit of concerted, collective action; forced to reflect and to contrive; drew together scattered groups of population; accustomed them to feel members of the society, to deal with strangers, to observe their customs and interests, to exchange goods and experience, to know manners"[8].

The hydronym "WELL" is, in the cultural and semiotic aspect, a peculiar sign of the Russian (village) picture of the world. Therefore, its presence among Russian proverbs is quite


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