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Byte manipulation functions.

<swapbytes> - Swap byte ordering, changing endianness.

SWAPBYTES Swap byte ordering, changing endianness.

Y = SWAPBYTES(X) reverses the byte ordering of the matrix X,

converting little-endian values to big-endian (and vice versa).


X = uint16([0 1 128 65535]);

Y = swapbytes(X);

Y will have the following uint16 values:

[0 256 32768 65535]

Examining the output in hex notation shows the byte swapping:

format hex

X, Y


See also typecast.

Overloaded methods:


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doc swapbytes

<typecast> - Convert datatypes without changing underlying data.

TYPECAST Convert datatypes without changing underlying data.

Y = TYPECAST(X, DATATYPE) convert X to DATATYPE. If DATATYPE has fewer bits than the class of X, Y will have more elements than X. If

DATATYPE has more bits than the class of X, Y will have fewer

elements than X. X must be a scalar or vector. DATATYPE must be one

of 'UINT8', 'INT8', 'UINT16', 'INT16', 'UINT32', 'INT32', 'UINT64',

'INT64', 'SINGLE', or 'DOUBLE'.

Note: An error is issued if X contains fewer values than are needed

to make an output value.


X = uint32([1 255 256]);

Y = typecast(X, 'uint8');

On little-endian architectures Y will be

[1 0 0 0 255 0 0 0 0 1 0 0]

See also class, cast, swapbytes.

Overloaded methods:


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doc typecast

Object oriented programming functions

<class> - Create object or return object class.

CLASS Return class name of object.

S = CLASS(OBJ) returns the name of the class of object OBJ.

Possibilities are:

double -- Double precision floating point number array

(this is the traditional MATLAB matrix or array)

single -- Single precision floating point number array

logical -- Logical array

char -- Character array

cell -- Cell array

struct -- Structure array

function_handle -- Function Handle

int8 -- 8-bit signed integer array

uint8 -- 8-bit unsigned integer array

int16 -- 16-bit signed integer array

uint16 -- 16-bit unsigned integer array

int32 -- 32-bit signed integer array

uint32 -- 32-bit unsigned integer array

int64 -- 64-bit signed integer array

uint64 -- 64-bit unsigned integer array

<class_name> -- MATLAB class name for MATLAB objects

<java_class> -- Java class name for java objects

%Example 1: Obtain the name of the class of value PI

name = class(PI);

%Example 2: Obtain the full name of a package-based java class

import java.lang.*;

obj = String('mystring');


For classes created without a CLASSDEF statement (pre-MATLAB version

7.6 syntax), CLASS invoked within a constructor method creates an

object of type 'class_name'. Constructor methods are functions saved

in a file named <class_name>.m and placed in a directory named

@<class_name>. Note that 'class_name' must be the second argument to

CLASS. Uses of CLASS for this purpose are shown below.

O = CLASS(S,'class_name') creates an object of class 'class_name'

from the structure S.

O = CLASS(S,'class_name',PARENT1,PARENT2,...) also inherits the

methods and fields of the parent objects PARENT1, PARENT2, ...

O = CLASS(struct([]),'class_name',PARENT1,PARENT2,...), specifying

an empty structure S, creates an object that inherits the methods and

fields from one or more parent classes, but does not have any

additional fields beyond those inherited from the parents.

See also isa, superiorto, inferiorto, classdef, struct.

Overloaded methods:












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doc class

<classdef> - Define a new MATLAB class.

CLASSDEF Define new class or sub-class.

The keyword CLASSDEF denotes the start of a MATLAB class

definition. The MATLAB language defines classes including

double, logical, struct, and cell. These classes control

how values stored in variables behave, including how they

are displayed and allowed forms of indexing.

You can use class definitions to add new classes or add

specialized sub-classes based on existing classes.

CLASSDEF begins a block terminated by END. Only white

space and comments can precede the class definition.

You must place a class definition in a file with the same

name as the class, with a filename extension of '.m'.


%Create a class named payment, placed in file 'payment.m'

classdef payment







function obj = payment(r,t,p)

obj.rate = r;

obj.term = t;

obj.principle = p;


function disp(obj)

i = obj.rate/(12*100);

payAmt = (obj.principle * i)/(1 - (1+i)^(-obj.term));

s = sprintf('%s%.2f%s%4.2f%s%.2f%s%d%s',...

'Payment per month on a loan of $', obj.principle,...

' at an annual interest rate of ', obj.rate,...

'% is $', payAmt, ' for ', obj.term, ' months.');





See also properties, methods, events.

Reference page in Help browser

doc classdef

<struct> - Convert object to structure array.

STRUCT Create or convert to structure array.

S = STRUCT('field1',VALUES1,'field2',VALUES2,...) creates a

structure array with the specified fields and values. The value

arrays VALUES1, VALUES2, etc. must be cell arrays of the same

size, scalar cells or single values. Corresponding elements of the

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