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Part 1: Confucius, 551 B.C.E. – 479 B.C.E.

Words to remember

enduring (adj) – existing for a long time conduct (n) – behaviour

to permeate (v) – to spread through something and be present in every part of it prestige (n) – respect and admiration given to someone or something, usually because of a reputation for high quality, success or social influence

to rear (v) – to care for young animals or children until they are able to care for themselves

diligent (adj) – careful and using a lot of effort

minor (adj) – having little importance, influence or effect, especially when compared with other things of the same type

major (adj) – more important, bigger or more serious than others of the same type

to resign (v) – to give up a job or position by telling your employer that you are leaving

to compile (v) – to collect information from a variety of places and arrange it in a book, report or list

teachings (pl. n) – the ideas or principles of a religious, political, or moral system of a particular person or group

disciple (n) – a person who believes in the ideas and principles of someone famous and tries to live the way they do or did

cornerstone (n) – something of great importance which everything else depends on benevolent (adj) – willing to be kind and helpful to people

notion (n) – (a) belief or idea

to strive (for) (v) – to make a lot of effort to achieve something

virtue (n) a good moral quality in a person, or the general quality of goodness in people. Syn.: Goodness

subject (n) – a person who lives in or who has the right to live in a particular country, especially a country with a king or queen

defender (n) – someone who protects a place against attack, or who believes in and supports a person, idea, plan, etc


obedience (n) – the practice of doing what someone tells you to do, or of obeying a law or rule

to urge (v) – to strongly advise or try to persuade someone to do a particular thing ruler (n) – the leader of a country

to make a break to stop having a close relationship with someone, especially stop living with them, or to change a course of action that you have had for a long time

to maintain (v) – to continue to have; to keep in existence, or not allow to become less commoner (n) – a person who is not born into a position of high social rank

to absorb (v) – to understand facts or ideas completely and remember them to seize power – to obtain political control in a country

to eliminate (v) – to remove or take away

to eradicate (v) – to get rid of completely or destroy something bad

holocaust (n) – a very large amount of destruction, especially by fire or heat, or the killing of very large numbers of people


1. Give English equivalents of the words and word partnerships used in the text.

Длительное влияние; концепция; поведение; мораль; пронизывать, распространяться; замечательный, выдающийся; престиж; уважение; в конце концов; растить; воспитывать детей; прилежный; незначительная должность; оставить должность, уволиться; составлять (книгу); учения; ученик, последователь; основа, краеугольный камень; благотворный, благотворительный; понятие; стремиться к чему-либо; добродетель; послушание; подданные, граждане; защитник тирании; править, управлять; правитель; новатор; призывать к чему-либо; постепенно; объединять; разорвать связь с прошлым; пресекать, запрещать; уничтожение, истребление; удерживать, сохранять (положение, позиции); классические произведения; простолюдин, человек незнатного происхождения; продолжать существовать; влияние, воздействие; захватить власть; устранить; произвести радикальные изменения в обществе; искоренять.


2. Match the words or expressions with their definitions.



a) long; permanent



b) come to power



c) power to control


to maintain

d) to affect every part of something


to seize power

e) the most important part of smth



f) respect and admiration



g) destruction, extermination



h) kind, helpful and generous



i) continue to have

10) influence

j) in the end

11) benevolent

k) belief or idea

3. Make new words by adding suffixes or prefixes to the italicized words. Translate the sentences.

ation / ed / ly

1.If Paul resigns, who will get the job?

2.You have the choice between … and dismissal.

3.He … his post, because he had been offered a better job.

4.“I didn’t want it anyway,” he said … .

ence / ent / ly / dis

1.He seemed to be rather obedient, always willing to obey the orders of anyone in a position of power.

2.He never does what he is ordered; he’s so … .

3.Following the orders and instructions, i.e. full … is his main feature.

4.The dog is so devoted; he is always ready to fulfill every order of his master … .

ive / tion / ness / ly

1.The fire was so destructive; it destroyed most of the buildings.

2.Drink was her … .

3.Small children can be very … .

4.The … of their criticism was killing for him as an author of the book.

5.Their words influenced him … .


ed / tion / ing

1.Can we ever eliminate hunger from the world?

2.Our team was … from the competition in the first round.

3.… her as a witness, the police could find the criminal more easily.

4.Their … from the first round of competition was a great surprise.

non / ious

1.The old universities of Oxford and Cambridge still have a lot of prestige.

2.The car he bought was big, expensive and important-looking – it was … .

3.Unlike such professional jobs as doctors and lawyers, the job of an office clerk seemed … to her.

ary / ly

1.A prime reason for our economic decline is lack of investments.

2.The … purpose of his visit is to improve trading relations.

3.Ten years ago it was … a fishing village, but now it’s a thriving tourist centre.

ed /ance

1.Part of her job is to maintain good relations with our suppliers.

2.She lived in a well-… house.

3.She took a few lessons in car … .

4.Give synonyms. Make up your own sentences with these words.





to bring up



kind and helpful

appropriate, adequate


esteem, honour


to rule


supporter, advocate






to get rid of

5. Insert prepositions where necessary.

1.His concept … government and his ideas … personal conduct and morality permeated … Chinese life and culture.


2.At first, the revolution had little impact … the lives of ordinary people.

3.He resigned … the company in order to take a more challenging job.

4.Jen might be defined as “benevolent concern … one’s fgellow men”.

5.He strove … recognition as an artist.

6.I have great respect … his ideas, although I don’t agree with them.

7.He has a fairly positive outlook … life.

8.The teacher urged … her students the importance of passing the examination.

9.Her smile endeared her … all people.

10.He has outstanding aptitude … music.

11.He united the whole country … his rule and decided to make a complete break … past.

6.Fill in the blanks with suitable words in a proper form from the list below.

1.Wage control is the ___________ of the government economic policy.

2.The country ___________ by small elite of military offices.

3.I wanted ____________ but my boss persuaded me to stay.

4.Einstein’s work on relativity had an enormous __________ on the way the physics developed.

5.The war caused widespread death and _____________.

6.He always tried _____________ the old family relations.

7.I know you are an expert in your field, but with all ___________ this report needs to be written before it can be published.

8.He isn’t especially clever, but he’s a ___________ student and should do well in the exam.

9.The new process ___________ the need for checking the products by hand.

10.The work was done under my ___________.

11.There have been __________ changes to the design.

12.The full _________ of these changes hasn’t been felt yet.

13.He always managed to win the kid’s ___________.

14.Political instability helped the army __________ power.

15.The sight of people suffering arouses a deep sense of __________in him. The disease which once claimed millions of lives has now ___________.

Impact (2), cornerstone, due respect, to seize, minor, supervision, to govern, to respect, to resign, to eliminate, injustice, to maintain, to eradicate, diligent, destruction.


7.Paraphrase using your active vocabulary.

1.The computer has made a great influence on modern life.

2.Can we get rid of hunger from the world?

3.Martin Luther King considered himself a follower of Gandhi.

4.It’s difficult to grasp the idea of this philosophical work.

5.WWF launched a campaign to halt the devastation of the Amazon forests.

6.It’s important that US continues to have its relationship with China.

7.After many attempts she finally managed to get promotion.

8.I failed to grasp the film’s idea.

9.Nelson Mandela is a truly outstanding person.

10.Some women make a deliberate choice to bring up a child alone.

11.He was a kind and helpful old man, he wouldn’t hurt a fly.

12.Social rules of behavior dictate that men cannot sit while women are standing.

13.The princess’s children have no titles because their father is not a member of a noble family.

14.She gave up the job of directorship.

15.Lawyers will strongly advise the parents to take further legal action.

16.A destruction caused by nuclear weapons would leave few survivors.

17.She wanted to work for a bigger and more powerful newspaper.

8.Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1.Репортёра обвинили в непрофессиональном поведении.

2.Правила этикета не такие строгие в настоящее время.

3.Последователи Конфуция составили книгу, в которой собрали его самые важные учения.

4.В Великобритании королева является формально главой государства, но управляет страной премьер-министр и кабинет.

5.Человек должен стремиться к правде и добродетели, а не к богатству.

6.Моя тётя воспитала четырёх детей.

7.Он был прилежным студентом и после окончания университета сумел получить престижную работу.

8.Он занимал незначительный пост в правительстве, но вскоре подал в отставку и стал учителем.

9.Она сделала это из уважения к родителям.


10.При всём должном уважении, я не согласен с вами.

11.В стране был жестокий правитель, который требовал полного повиновения от своих подчинённых.

12.В пятницу горожане идут на избирательные участки (polls), чтобы выбрать для управления страной тех людей, которых они хотят.

13.Она убедила меня пойти на компромисс.

14.Конфуций не защищает тиранию. Основой его политических взглядов является идея о том, что государство существует для блага людей, а не правителей.

15.Новый правитель решил полностью порвать с прошлым и реформировать страну.

16.Недовольство правительством проникло во все слои общества.

17.Правительство утверждает, что они делают всё возможное для ликвидации коррупции.

18.Чтобы устранить экономическую несправедливость, необходимо провести радикальные перемены в обществе.

19.Всемирный фонд Good Faith предпринимает шаги для ликвидации неграмотности в странах Африки.

Part 2: Beating the Odds.

Words to remember

odds (pl.n) – the probability that a particular thing will or will not happen entertainer (n) – someone whose job is to entertain people by singing, telling jokes, etc.

to extend (v) – to (cause something to) reach, stretch or continue; to add to something in order to make it bigger or longer

awareness (n) – knowing that something exists, or having knowledge or experience of a particular thing

to revive (v) – to come or bring something back to life, health, existence, or use to raise money to bring or collect money together

to refer to smb/smth – to talk or write about someone or something, especially briefly prejudice (n) – an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when formed without enough thought or knowledge


to segregate (v) – to keep one group of people apart from another and treat them differently, especially because of race or sex

to revere (v) – to greatly respect and admire someone or something

host (n) – a person who introduces guests and performers, especially on TV or radio grueling (adj) – extremely tiring and difficult, and demanding great effort and determination

to endear smb to smb – to cause someone to be liked by someone oppressive (adj) – cruel and unfair

aptitude (n) – a natural ability or skill

to end up doing smth to finally be in a particular place or situation

disciplinarian (n) – someone who thinks that people should obey rules and punishes people who do not

hardship (n) – (smth which causes) difficult or unpleasant conditions of life, or an example of this

ambition (n) – a strong desire for success, achievement, power or wealth poignant (adj) – causing or having a particularly sharp feeling of sadness tumultuous (adj) – very loud, or full of confusion, change or uncertainty

penchant (n) – a liking for, an enjoyment of, or a habit of doing something, especially something that other people might not like

to excel (v) – to be extremely good at something

contempt (n) – a strong feeling of combined dislike and lack of respect to renege (v) – to fail to keep a promise or an agreement, etc.

to live up to smth – to be as good as what was expected or promised to charge smb with smth to order someone to do something

scenario (n) – a description of possible actions or events in the future to abuse sexually (v) – to have sex with someone who is unable to refuse

superior (adj) – better than average or better than other people or things of the same type; Opposite inferior

acutely (adv) – completely or extremely

turmoil (n) – a state of confusion, uncertainty or lack of order to couple (v) – to join or combine

alienation (n) – the feeling that you have no connection with the people around you rebellious (adj) – disobedient and hard to control; tending to rebel

to be on the lam (phr) – to be escaping, especially from the police wary (adj) – careful; looking out for danger

desperate (for) (adj) – needing or wanting smth very much



1. Give English equivalents of the words and word combinations from the text.

Знание социальных проблем; издательское дело; благотворительность; возродить интерес; собрать (деньги) на выплату стипендий; подвергаться дискриминации; плохой, худшего качества; подвергать сегрегации; уважаемая знаменитость; ведущий программы на телевидении; изнурительный (суровый) путь к славе; внушать любовь с чьей-либо стороны; жестокий, подавляющий; выдающиеся способности; неконтролируемый; оказаться в конце концов; под чьей-либо опекой; сторонник строгой дисциплины; комбинировать, сочетать, объединять; честолюбие; горький, мучительный, трогательный; бурный, беспокойный; препятствия; под присмотром; склонность, расположение, любовь к чему-либо; самообладание; осанка; учиться на отлично; сильно, значительно; презрение; изменить своему слову; вырезка из газеты, новость; неясный, двусмысленный; принять с открытыми объятиями; опекун, попечитель; жить полной жизнью, в соответствии со способностями; дать задание; опека; сценарий, план действий; насиловать; быть лучше, чем; остро, четко осознавать разницу между; беспорядок; бунтующий, бунтарский; справляться, обращаться; быть в бегах.

2. Match the words or expressions with their definitions.


to live up to


having a strong effect on your feelings, especially in a way




that makes you feel sad, moving


to revere


the legal right or duty to take care of smb/smth




to link one situation, etc with another, combine with




a person who introduces a television or a radio show, and talks




to guests




to do as well or to be as good as other people expect you to




unreasonable dislike of or preference for a person, group, custom,


to couple with


etc. especially if it’s based on their race, religion, sex, etc.

10) turmoil


suddenly and often surprisingly

11) transition


increase power of something

12) ambition


natural ability or skill at doing smth, talent

13) aptitude


a special liking for smth, fondness

14) host


feel great respect or admiration, idolize




15) prejudice


the process or a period of changing from one state or condition



to another



involving a lot of change and confusion and/or violence,




n)a state of great anxiety and confusion, confusion

o)a strong desire for success, achievement, etc.

3.Give synonyms. Make up your own sentences with these words.

to respect, adore


to combine

painful, pathetic


a liking for smth



unite, unify

isolate, insulate



ability, skill




at last


4.Make new words by adding suffices or prefixes to the italicized words. Translate the sentences.

ent / ence / ly

1.What a marvelous meat, Jim! You’ve really excelled yourself!

2.The … of her cooking is widely known.

3.They are in … health.

4.Nobody doubted in her abilities to cook. Everything she did, she did … .

uous / ly

1.Take no notice of them – treat them with the contempt they deserve.

2.He was found in … of the order.

3.He didn’t show any fear. On the contrary … of danger , he rushed back into the burning building.

4.Not wanting to show her suffering and offence, she tossed her head … and left

the room.

in / able / ity

1.Americans have the reputation of being very hospitable people.

2.He was not friendly and welcoming, he didn’t invite us into his house – he was absolutely … .

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