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to exemplify (v) – to be an example of

corporate stock (n) – one of the shares into which ownership of the company is divided or these shares considered together

to entitle (v) – to give someone the right to do something or to have something ownership (n) – the state of owning something

worth (n) – the value of something in money

to issue (v) – to produce something printed or official, e.g. shares initial (adj.) – which is at the beginning

on the part of = by someone e.g. It was a mistake on the part of Ann (Ann’s mistake) to profit (v) – to gain money from selling something or from an event

valuation (n) – the action of calculating how much money something is worth dividend (n) – a part of the profits of a company for a particular period of time that is

paid to shareholders for each share that they own quarterly (adv.) – (happening) four times a year

maturity date (n) – deadline; the date on which a bond is to be repaid or an investment agreement ends and a payment is made

bond (n) – the document showing the amount of money borrowed by a government or an organization which should be paid back, usually with interest (процент) interest payment (n) – an additional amount of money paid by a borrower to a lender

to force (v) – to make someone do something

Tasks to perform

1. Give English equivalents of the words and word partnerships used in the text.

Создать бизнес;

руководить бизнесом;

расширять бизнес;



финансирование за счёт вкладов акционеров;


финансирование за

счёт получения займов;

владельцы корпораций;

брать деньги взаймы;

продавать акции;

продажа акций компании;

единица собственности;

давать право покупателю на;

количество, объём;


покупать акции

стоимостью; акционер;

невзирая на размер;

получать стартовый капитал

от продажи или выпуска акций;

первоначальные продажи;


риск для

покупателей; отчёт о деятельности компании;

получить прибыль благодаря


стоимости акций;

получать дивиденды;



дивиденды ежеквартально;


нести серьёзные убытки;


обратиться к

(прибегнуть к);

заёмные средства;

в обмен на облигацию;


погашения займа;

крайний срок;

вернуть деньги;






проценты владельцу облигаций;

выполнять обязательства;


вынужденным продать активы.



2. Match word partnerships used in the text on the left with the synonymous

verbs on the right.


1) to operate business

a) to increase in size, volume, degree

2) to expand business

b) to get

3) to borrow money

c) to include

4) to acquire capital

d) to purchase

5) to entitle someone to do something

e) to satisfy or to fulfil

6) to buy shares

f) to lose

7) to issue shares

g) to pay back

8) to involve risk

h) to run or mange

9) to take a severe loss (on)

i) to take

10) to meet obligations

j) to give someone the right to do something

11) to repay money

k) to make someone do something

12) to force to do something

l) to print

3.Match word partnerships from the text with their definitions. There is one extra word. Translate into Russian.


equity financing

debt financing

corporate stock



shareholder / stockholder

a share

a bond

maturity date

interest payment

1)people who buy or own shares

2)obtaining money for investment by using bonds or bank loans

3)the date on which a bond is to be repaid or an investment agreement ends

4)one of the parts into which ownership of the company is divided

5)the money provided for an investment

6)the document which can be bought or sold and which promises that the borrowed money will be paid back

7)obtaining money for investment by making shares available to people

8)an amount of money paid by a borrower to a lender for a loan

9)all the shares of the company

10)a part of the profits of a company for a particular period of time that is paid to shareholders for each share that they own


4. Translate the following sentences into English.

1.Обыкновенные акции – это ценные бумаги (securities), которые выпускают для продажи физическим (natural) или юридическим (legal) лицам (person) и обеспечения долгосрочного финансирования компании.

2.Облигации – это ценные бумаги, выпускаемая частными компаниями или государством как средство заимствования долгосрочного капитала.

3.Долг – это определённая сумма денег, которую заёмщик должен возвратить кредитору.

4.Дивиденд – это денежная сумма, которую компания выплачивает своим кредиторам за вложенный капитал.

5.Процент – это плата за пользование кредитом.

6.Неплатёжеспособность (insolvency) или банкротство (bankruptcy) – это положение, при котором задолженность заёмщика превышает его активы.

7.Финансирование за счёт вкладов акционеров происходит через продажу акций, т.е. компания продаёт часть своей собственности.

8.При финансирование за счёт получения займов компания занимает деньги у инвестора, продавая ему облигацию и обещая выплатить долг в определённый срок.

9.Облигация имеет срок погашения. Если деньги не выплачиваются в срок, компания может быть вынуждена продать часть собственности, чтобы выполнить обязательство.

Extra reading

Ways of raising finance

A bank loan

A mortgage (a loan normally used to buy a house or an apartment) A government grant

Venture capital (investment from companies which specialize in high-risk new businesses)

Personal savings Going into partnership

A loan from family or friends


1. Look at the ways of raising money to start a company given above and discuss the following questions.

1.Which are the most popular?

2.Which are the safest?

3.Which are the easiest to obtain?

4.Do you know any other ways of raising finance?

2.Combine the verbs with the nouns / noun phrases to form phrases connected with starting companies. In some cases, more than one answer is possible.

Example: raise a loan, raise finance, raise money


a business plan


a company

carry out

a loan




market research





3. Use Phrases from Exercise 2 to complete these sentences. Remember to put the verb into the correct form.

Before you start a business or (1)….. , it’s a good idea to (2)….. to see if anyone will buy your product. If you don’t have a lot of personal savings, it may be necessary to

(3)…. . This may involve taking out a mortgage or some other form of loan from a bank, in which case you will have to (4)…. . This will show how you plan to set up and run your business. In your business plan, you will have to forecast sales and profits because the bank will want to be sure that you can (5)… , as well as (6)…. such as the cost of electricity or social security.

4. Read these statements and check if you understand the vocabulary.

1.As long as you can pay your debts, they are not worried about how profitable your company is.

2.Do not accept their money without signing a formal contract.

3.Share information openly with them in order to get funding from them.

4.They have a reputation for financing technology companies.

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