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14.When I was younger I … sing quite well (could/was able to).

15.At what age … you get a driving licence? (can/may).

16.I promise. I … smoking (stop, will stop).

17.I don’t know why she’s not here … she think she … do everything she wants?

(can/may; can/may).

18.He’s not answering the phone, he … out (must be/may be).

19.When I was 18 we … two years in the army (had to do/were to do).

20.You … worry, they will find your dog (needn’t/mustn’t).

21.… wait a moment, please? (can/could).

22.I’d like … speak Chinese (to be able to/can).

23.I .. see him immediately (must/have to).

24.You … speak French in a few months (will be able to/can).

25.I recommend you to apologize. You … apologize (must/should).

26.… I call him? (shall/can). No, you … (mustn’t/needn’t). He … here according to the agreement (is to be/has to be).

27.… you mind passing me the salt (could/would).

28.… I speak to Jane, please? (can/may).

29.My dentist says I … eat many sweets (mustn’t/shouldn’t).

30.The train … arrive at 6 p.m. (ought to/must).

31.You … keep this book till Monday (may/can).

32.Children … play computers as it was late (were not allowed/might not).

33.It’s Sunday tomorrow you … get up early (needn’t/mustn’t).

34.I hope I … translate this article soon (will be able to/can).

35.The steamer … come to the port on September, 15, but owing to a storm it arrived two days later (was to/had to).

36.According to the contract they … deliver the goods not later than the 5th of May (are to/will have to).

37.… I borrow your car? (can/may) Sorry, you … (can’t/may not).

38.I am not sure, he … return in August (must/may).

39.You look pale. You … consult the doctor (would rather/had better).

40.I don’t believe you … speak to him (dared not/didn’t dare to).

41.One day people … travel to Mars (can/will be able to).

42.You … remember me (shall/will).

Ex.2. Translate into English, using the correct forms of modals.

1. Вы уверены, что вам разрешат присутствовать на совете директоров? 2. Она сможет ходить только после длительного лечения. 3. Случай был настолько запутанный, что ему пришлось обратиться к юристу. 4. Врач должен быть хорошим специалистом, т.к. последствия его ошибок могут быть серьёзными. 5. Мне предстоит освоить эту новую дисциплину за полгода. 6. Он был обижен и сказал, что я, возможно, буду жалеть о том, что должен был сделать и не сделал. 7. Вы ещё пожалеете об этом. 8. Как вы посмели не сообщить ему эту новость! 9. Вам предстоит встретиться с этим человеком в 6 часов вечера. 10. Вам пришлось идти пешком? Сожалею, но машину нужно было привести в порядок. 11. Нельзя наказывать ребёнка только за то, что он не может завязывать шнурки на


ботинках. 12. Мы не могли понять, что нам нужно делать в такой ситуации. 13. Приготовить вам кофе? – Нет, спасибо, не нужно. 14. Передайте, пожалуйста, пепельницу. 15. Ему удалось покорить эту вершину, хотя пришлось подниматься в густом тумане. 16. Могу я задать вам вопрос личного характера? 17. Я могу присмотреть за вашими детьми. – Спасибо, только они не должны сидеть допоздна за компьютером. 18. Неужели они поедут за город в такую погоду? 19. Не может быть, что они верят в приведения! 20. Могу я чем-либо помочь, сэр? – Да, покажите мне этот костюм, пожалуйста. Где можно его примерить? 21. Почему ему не разрешили провести этот эксперимент? 22. Возможно, он знает пять иностранных языков, но что-то верится с трудом. 23. Пойдём на концерт, мы, несомненно, получим удовольствие от выступления этих известных актёров. 24. Тебе не следует говорить ему правду, у него больное сердце. 25. Вероятно он дома, в его окнах горит свет. 26. Ожидается, что ваш счёт придёт через неделю.

27.Не хотите ли пройти в гостиную? – Спасибо, но я, пожалуй, подожду в холле.

28.Да, ей пришлось развестись, но я бы предпочёл не говорить об этом. 29. Вы бы лучше подумали о своём будущем и о будущем своих детей. 30. Нет, я действительно брошу курить. – Вам придётся сделать это немедленно, у вас лёгкие не в порядке. 31. Я лучше пойду. Вам нужно поговорить с глазу на глаз.

32.Помолчите, пожалуйста. Мне надо сказать вам что-то важное. 33. Куртка никак не застёгивается. Поможешь мне? 34. И ты осмелился напомнить ему о долге? – Я должен был сделать это, мне необходимо заплатить за квартиру. 35. Он сказал, что я могу пожить в его квартире в его отсутствие. 36. Возможно, вы правы, но я не могу поверить, что вам не разрешили опубликовать ваш материал.

37.Как мне быть? Я потеряла билет на поезд. – Возможно, он у вас дома, вам нужно вернуться и поискать его. 38. Неужели вы не чувствуете запах газа? Необходимо позвонить в аварийную службу. 39. Мне предстоит неприятный разговор с шефом. Вероятно, он знает о том, что я опоздал на работу сегодня. 40. Что-то я неважно себя чувствую. Пожалуй, останусь дома. – Ты бы лучше вызвал врача, вдруг у тебя грипп. Надо лечиться, а то могут быть осложнения.

41.Неужели уже 6 часов? Мне надо поторопиться. Не одолжишь мне свою машину? 42. Можно я уйду пораньше сегодня? – Да, конечно. Но завтра мне тоже нужно будет уйти раньше, поэтому тебе придётся поработать вместо меня.

43.Тебе следует чаще писать родителям. Они наверняка скучают по тебе. 44. Когда я был молодым, я мог пробегать, по крайней мере, 5 миль. – Ты сейчас в хорошей форме и можешь бегать достаточно быстро. 45. Говорите громче, я ничего не слышу. Где мы должны встретиться?

Sample Test

Modal Verbs

I. Put “can, may, must” in the correct tense form.

1.Ted ………to meet Bill at 6 p.m.

2.Yesterday we were late for the train, so we ……… take a taxi.

3.Will you lend me $5? – Sorry, I ……… . But yesterday I ……… lend you any sum of money.


4.Yesterday we ……… to go home, because the lecturer got ill.

5.You ……… to come later tomorrow, our director won’t mind it.

6.……… you ………to finish this work in time?

7.If the weather is fine tomorrow we ……… have a picnic.

II. Change the commands to polite request:

1.Help me.

2.Tell me about savings account.

3.A customer and a shop girl: show this dress/yes.

4.Complete the form.

5.Two strangers in the shop:

go ahead of you in line/no, I’m in a hurry.

6.Two friends: lend your dictionary/yes.

7.Student/professor: borrow calculator/yes.

III. Change the following sentences using “ought to”, “should” (expectation and advice).

1.They expect him to arrive soon.

2.You can expect the letter to arrive in a week.

3.He expects the TV programme to take only a few minutes.

4.We expect Ted to appear at the lecture.

5.Bill, why don’t you call her?

6.What about buying a black hat instead of the red one?

IV. Think of answers to the questions using “would rather (not)”.

1.Would you like to meet on Monday or Tuesday?

2.Will you give him a book to read? They say he often loses books.

3.Would you like to watch TV or listen to some music?

4.We can wait for the next bus or walk home. What do you think?

V. Give advice using “had better (not)”.

1.You have an appointment in 10 minutes. You may be late.

2.She’ll be very upset. You don’t invite her to the party.

3.It’s time to think about her instead of only thinking about yourself.

4.The storm is coming. It’s necessary to hide somewhere.

VI. Translate.

1.Давай послушаем музыку. – Я бы с удовольствием, но, пожалуй, я закончу работу.

2.Вы ещё попросите меня об этом, но будет поздно.

3.Вам не нужно звонить ему, он придёт сюда.


4.Он не осмелился позвонить ей.

5.Должно быть, он позвонил ей (я не уверен).

6.Должно быть вы устали, прогулка длилась долго.

7.Где Джон? Наверно, он сейчас играет в футбол.

8.Не может быть, что он занимает деньги и не возвращает долги..

9.Неужели это Мэри?

10.Вам следует покормить собаку.

11.Дверь никак не закрывается.

12.Тебе пришлось идти сюда пешком?

13.Ты бы лучше отдохнул, завтра тебе предстоит выполнить сложную работу.

14.Мне позвонить вам? – Нет, я смогу приехать к вам.

15.Мне разрешат навестить его? – Думаю да, вам нужно написать заявление.

Reported (Indirect) Speech.

I. When we want to report what someone said, we can use ‘direct (reported) speech’.

In direct speech we give the exact words that the person said, and we use quotation marks (‘…’ or “…”).

When we use a present + future reporting the tense does not change, e.g.

Direct Speech

Reported Speech

He says, “Mary will do it”.

He says (that) Mary will do it.

He has said, “The ship will arrive at the

He has said (that) the ship will arrive at

end of the week”.

the end of the week.

He will say, “I’ll find a new job”.

He will say (that) he will find a new job.

When we use a past reporting verb the tense in reported speech normally changes.


Direct Speech


Reported Speech

He said, “I get up at eight o’clock”.

He said (that) he got up at eight o’clock.

He said, “I got up at eight o’clock

He said (that) he had got up at eight


o’clock the previous day.

He said, “I’ll get up at eight o’clock

He said (that) he would get up at eight


o’clock the next day”.

Note: say + something

Tell + someone + something


I said I was going home.


I told Sarah I was going home.


He says he can speak French.


He tells me he can speak French.

If we want to put a personal object with “say”, we use “to”, e.g.

I said to Sarah that I was going home.

II. Some words are replaced in the reported speech:






Speaker’s Words


Reported Speech




this, these


that, those






that day



that night



the next day/the following day



the day before/(on) the previous day

next Monday


the following Monday

last Monday


the previous Monday




a year ago


a year before

last night


the previous night

the day before yesterday


two days before

the day after tomorrow


two days later

such, so


very, exceedingly

(in exclamatory sentences)


She said Jane played the piano very

e.g. She said, “Jane plays the piano so





She said Jane was an exceedingly

She said, “Jane is such a good


(very) good pianist.




III. If the verb in the principal clause is in the past tense, the tenses are changed according to the rule of the sequence of tenses (согласование времён).

Sequence of tenses.

Direct Speech

Indirect/Reported Speech

Present Indefinite

Becomes Past Indefinite

She said, “We often write letters”.

She said they often wrote letters.

Present Continuous

Becomes Past Continuous

She said, “We are writing a letter”.

She said they were writing a letter.

Present Perfect

Becomes Past Perfect

She said, “We have just written a letter”.

She said they had just written a letter.

Present Perfect Continuous

Becomes Past Perfect Continuous

She said, “We have been writing for an

She said they had been writing for an



Past Indefinite

Becomes Past Perfect

She said, “We wrote a letter last night”.

She said they had written a letter on the


previous night.

Past Continuous

Remains unchanged, or is replaced by the

She said, “I was writing at 5 o’clock”.

Past Perfect Continuous


She said she was (had been) writing at 5



Past Perfect

Remains unchanged


She said, “We had written the letter by 5

She said they had written the letter by 5



Past Perfect Continuous

Remains unchanged

She said, “We had been writing for an

She said they had been writing for an



Future Indefinite

Future Indefinite in the Past

She said, “We’ll write a letter tomorrow”.

She said they would write a letter the next



Future Continuous

Future Continuous in the Past

She said, “We’ll be writing at 5 o’clock”.

She said they would be writing at 5



Future Perfect

Future Perfect in the Past

She said, “We’ll have written the letter by

She said they would have written the

5 o’clock”.

letter by 5 o’clock.

Future Perfect Continuous

Future Perfect Continuous in the Past

She said, “We’ll have been writing for

She said they would have been writing for

two hours.

two hours.


1) The Past modals “could, would, should, might” do not change in reported speech, e.g.

“You could be right”

I said he could be right.

“You should see the film.

They told me I should see the film.

“Must” either does not change or it takes the past form “had to”, e.g.

“I must go” – He said he must go/he had to go.

2) If we report something that is still true now or express a habitual action we sometimes use the same tense as the speaker, e.g.

Speaker’s words

Reported Speech

“The population of London is about 9

He said that the population of London is


about 9 million.

“My wife drinks coffee in the morning”.

He said that his wife drinks coffee in the



3) Reporting suggestions, advice etc.


Suggestions: “Let’s go out.”


1.Tony suggested going out.

2.Tony suggested (that) we (should) go out.

Advice: “You’d better phone the police.”

Mrs. Dell advised me to phone the police.


Warnings: “Don’t be late.”

I warned you not to be late.

Threats: “If you don’t go, I’ll call the police.”

I threatened to call the police.

Insisting: “We simply must take a taxi.”

Mr. and Mrs. Beal insisted on talking taxi.

Refusals: “I’m not going to wait any longer.”

Mrs. Janner refused to wait any longer.

Promises: “I’ll send you a postcard.”

He promised to send us a postcard.

Offers: “Can I get you a taxi?”

Eric offered to get the visitors a taxi.

Invitations: “Would you like to have lunch with us?”

The Updikes invited us to lunch.

Reported Statements.

“Say” and “tell” are reporting verbs which report statement or thoughts. We also use the following verbs:

to mention, to explain (объяснять), to answer, to be sure, to know, to inform (сообщать), to think (думать), to assure (убеждать, заверять), to assert (утверждать), to admit (признавать), to point out (указывать), to confess (сознаваться), to promise (обещать), to suspect (подозревать), to boast (хвастаться), to claim (претендовать), to reply (отвечать), to warn (предупреждать), to swear (клясться), to murmur (бормотать), to announce (объявлять), to declare (объявлять), to notify (ставить в известность), to agree (соглашаться), to thank (благодарить), to insist (настаивать), to protest (протестовать).

1. “The table is laid,” says Mother.

Mother informs us that the table is laid.


“Thank you, dear, for a most delicious

Father thanks Mother for a most delicious

dinner,” says Father.


3. “I guess you are right,” she said.

She had to admit that her friend was right.


“Honestly I have no idea why he has

She swore that she had no idea why he

come”, she said.

had come.


“Look, you’ve missed out the inverted

The teacher pointed out that the pupil had

commas”, said the teacher.

missed out the inverted commas.



Ex.1. Match the direct and indirect speech expressions. Example: here – there






last week

next week


this this morning












that day

that morning

that night


the day before

the next day

the next week/the week after

the week before

then/that day/right away


Ex.2. Imagine these sentences were reported in another place a month later. Put in the ‘here’ and ‘now’ words.

1.‘I’ll see you tomorrow.’ She said she’d see me the next day.

2.‘I’ll phone you this evening.’ He said he’d phone _____.

3.‘Do you like it here?’ She asked if I liked it ______.

4.‘My uncle died last week.’ He told me his uncle had died _____.

5.‘This meat tastes funny.’ She said _____ meat tasted funny.

6.‘I’m leaving now.’ He told us he was leaving _____.

7.‘I overslept this morning.’ She told him she’d overslept _____.

8.‘The train leaves at 11.00 tonight. ‘I was told the train left at 11.00 _____.

9.‘Pete phoned me yesterday.’ He said Pete had phoned him _____.

10.‘My brother’s arriving here today.’ She said her brother was arriving _____.

Ex.3. a) Complete the reported sentences with the correct tenses.

1.‘I’m tired.’ She said she _____ tired.

2.‘You play very well.’ He told me I _____ very well.

3.‘Can you help us?’ They asked if I _____ help them.

4.‘We’re leaving.’ They told us they _____.

5.‘She hasn’t brushed her hair.’ I noticed that she _____ her hair.

6.‘John’s had an accident.’ Pam rang to say that John _____ an accident.

7.‘I left school at fifteen.’ Her letter said that she ______ school at fifteen.

8.‘She won’t say anything.’ I knew she ______ anything.

9.‘Nobody will know.’ I thought nobody ______.

10.‘This letter has been opened.’ I could see that the letter _____.

b) Open the brackets, using the correct tenses.

1.I knew that Mercury (be) the closest planet to the sun, but I didn’t feel like answering the question.

2.Mike hoped that his friend (help) him with his car.

3.We didn’t know the score, but we were sure their team (lose) the game.

4.Yesterday Tom heard that his aunt (be ill) for five days.

5.The children were afraid of making any noise – Mom (sleep).

6.He gave all his money to me because he (trust) me.

7.We were told that Andrew (go) to enter that college.


8.The police found out that Bob Smith (live) in London suburbs at that time.

9.My parents decided that we (celebrate) my birthday on Saturday.

10.Ann hasn’t been informed that the lecture (not/take place) on Friday.

11.The farmer said that he (not/grow) any wheat since 2005.

12.The teacher told his students that he (go) to give them a test.

13.Henry told the teacher that he (like) arithmetic but he (not/like) algebra.

14.I told the taxi-driver that he (drive) too fast.

15.I knew that we (eat) to live and we (not/live) to eat.

16.She told the grocer that she (not/want) any sugar.

17.The teacher told us that oil (be) lighter than water.

18.My sister said she (be) glad to see us the next day.

19.Mother told her children that the red light (mean) stop.

20.She said her children (play) in the garden.

Ex.4. Find out what the horoscope says about the people in the list below.


Helen (18th November)

It says she is having a difficult time, but there will be some surprises for her.

Paul (6th July)

It says he will have money problems, so it isn’t the time to plan his holiday.

1.Bob (13th February)

2.Kate (14th September)

3.David (22nd April)

4.Janet (30th November) and Jerry (10th December)

5.Sarah (3rd October)

6.Tom (12th April)

7.Diane (18th March)

8.Jane (29th May)

9.Mr. Johnson (8th January)

10.Sue (4th August) and Peter (20th August)

What the stars say – your horoscope

Aries (21st March – 20th April)

You are worrying a lot, but your problems aren’t very great.

Taurus (21st April – 21st May)

You will meet someone interesting, and your life may change suddenly.

Gemini (22nd May – 21st June)

Your boss or teacher will not be pleased with you, but it won’t be your fault.

Cancer (22nd June – 23rd July)


You will have money problems, so it isn’t the time to plan your holiday.

Leo (24th July – 23rd August)

Everything is going well for you, but you must think before you make any decisions.

Virgo (24th August – 23rd September)

You will have problems at work and you should ask your friends for help.

Libra (24th September – 23rd October)

Your life is getting more exciting, but you must control your feelings.

Scorpio (24th October – 22nd November)

You are having a difficult time, but there will be some surprises for you.

Sagittarius (23rd November – 21st December)

You are feeling rather unhappy, but you will hear some interesting news.

Capricorn (22nd December – 20th January)

You should spend more time with your friends because you are working too hard.

Aquarius (21st January – 19th February)

You will have lots of energy, and you may have to travel.

Pisces (20th February – 20th March)

Your life feels empty, but you will find romance.


Find your horoscope in a newspaper or magazine and tell the other people in class what it says. If possible find different horoscopes and compare them.

Ex.5. Translate using the correct tenses.

1. Все ученики знали, что Колумб открыл Америку. 2. Мы знали, что ты купила билеты в театр. 3. Она сказала, что собирается ехать в деревню. 4. Он сказал, что взял в библиотеке все необходимые книги. 5. Она сказала, что пойдёт в музей на следующей неделе. 6. Я был уверен, что вы переводили текст без словаря. 7. Я боялась, что вы устанете. 8. Наша учительница уверена, что мы уже видели этот фильм. 9. Она сказала, что рада нас видеть. 10. Он знал, что я никогда не пропускаю занятия. 11. Том сказал, что лифт не работает. 12. Анна сказала, что она живёт в Бостоне. 13. Она сказала, что они часто ходят в кино. 14. Линда сказала, что они идут в кино. 15. Джон сказал, что Смиты переехали в ЛосАнжелес. 16. Мэри сказала, что вчера вечером ей звонил Том. 17. Джо мне сказал, что через час вернётся домой. 18. Анна сказала Джону, что она не может с ним пойти в кино. 19. Он сказал, что ему надо закончить сочинение к двум часам. 20. Ева сказала, что она вышла из дома до того, как пришла телеграмма.

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