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Ex.8. Translate using “must, may, can/can’t” in the meaning of (im) possibility and probability.

1. Должно быть, он унаследует много денег. 2. Вероятно, они уезжают, я видел, как они упаковывали вещи. 3. Неужели они уезжают? 4. Не может быть, что они уезжают. 5. Возможно, они уезжают, но я не уверен. 6. Она такая бледная, вероятно, очень устала. 7. Полиция, должно быть, поймает преступника, слишком много улик он оставил. 8. Возможно, он позвонит вам, а может, и нет. 9. Не может быть, что вашу книгу опубликуют в этом издательстве. 10. Вы, вероятно, плохо знаете этого человека. 11. Неужели они хотят уволить такого хорошего специалиста? 12. Должно быть, будет дождь, смотри, какие тучи на небе. 13. Разве он работает на заводе? 14. Не может быть, что он делает эти игрушки сам. 15. Возможно, он не сдаст этот экзамен, а может, и сдаст.

Future: I am to …

We can talk about the future by saying that something is to happen.

We often use this structure to talk about official plans and fixed personal arrangements.

The President is to visit. Scotland in September. We are to get a wage rise.

I felt nervous because I was soon to leave home for the first time.

Ex.9. Write sentences about President Morton’s schedule. Example:

The President is to arrive at Star City at 08.00.

Schedule for Presidential Visit to Northland Monday 27.6


08.00Arrive Star City Airport. Inspect guard of honour.

09.00Working breakfast with President Jensen.

11.00-13.00 Tour of Star City; meet mayor and civic leaders. 13.00-14.00 Lunch with Foreign Minister Svendsen and guests. 14.00-16.00 Visit inner city schools; open new eye hospital. 16.00-20.00 Meet business leaders; rest.

20.00-23.00 Attend State Dinner as guest of President and Mrs Jensen.

“You are (not) to” can be used (for example by parents) to give orders.

You’re to do your homework before you watch TV. She can go out, but she’s not to be back late.

Ex.10. Putt together sentences that a parent might say to a child, using expressions from the two boxes and You’re (not) to … .


Example: You’re to clean up your room.

clean up


give chocolate

go to bed

learn how to use

leave dirty

leave empty


make your own

open door









at nine o’clock


Christmas thank-you letters

crisp-packets lying around

hour-long phone calls

piano practice


socks on floor

to cat

to strangers

washing machine



Ex.11. Practise the following according to the models.

Model 1: A. What were your instructions about phoning Bill?

B. I was to phone him at 6.00.

What were your instructions about …

1. reporting? 2. posting the documents? 3. meeting George? 4. contacting Ann? 5. leaving? 6. paying the workmen? 7. starting? 8. opening the doors?

Model 2: A. You went with John today, didn’t you?

B. Yes, but I’m to go with Jack tomorrow.

A.Bill carried John’s equipment today, didn’t he?

B.Yes, but he’s to carry Jack’s equipment tomorrow.

1.Ann looked after Peter’s children today, didn’t she? 2. Peter and Mary worked with Tom’s group today, didn’t they? 3. You followed Bill today, didn’t you? 4. You drove Bill’s car today, didn’t you? 5. Mary led Tom’s team today, didn’t she? 6. George rode Peter’s horse today, didn’t he? 7. You trained with Peter today, didn’t you? 8. They tested Bill today, didn’t they? 9. Mary filmed Andrew’s group today, didn’t she? 10. You gave Charles a lift today, didn’t you?

Supposed to

Be supposed + infinitive can be used to talk about what is generally believed.

He’s supposed to be rich. This stuff is supposed to kill flies.

Another meaning is: what people are expected to do, or what is intended.

You’re supposed to start work at 8.30 in the mornings.

She was supposed to be here an hour ago. Where is she?

You’re not supposed to park on double yellow lines. That’s a strange picture. What’s it supposed to be?

Ex.12. Put the beginnings and ends together.



Aspirins are supposed

at the cash desk on the way out.






Catholics are supposed


but I can’t find them.

You were supposed


in food shops.

It’s supposed to have instructions with it,


supposed to come today?

Wasn’t my computer magazine


the shower with shoes on.

What am I supposed to do


to cure headaches.

You’re not supposed to go into


to go to church on Sundays.

You’re not supposed to smoke


to come and see me yesterday.

You’re supposed to be good at geography


with all this chicken salad?

I think you’re supposed to pay


-where the hell are we?

“Shall” in questions

a)“Shall I/we …?” can be used to ask for instructions and decisions, and to make offers and suggestions.

What on earth shall we do? Shall I carry your bag?

What time shall we come and see you? Shall we go out for a meal?

b)“Shall” is also used to express duty, promise or threat. It is pronounced with a stress. (с ударением) You shall do this work. (т.е. сделаете, потому что должны) Come with us, you shall enjoy the play. (оттенок значения обещания) You shall regret it. (оттенок значения угрозы)

Ex.13. a) Complete the sentences (They are from a discussion about holiday plans).

Use “shall we”?

1.Where? Where shall we go?


3.The country/abroad?


5.How long for?



8.Stay in one place/travel around?

9.Take Granny?

10.Go with the Jacksons?

11.What do with dogs?

b) Write 3 questions asking for advice for yourself. Ask other students your questions and get their advice.

Ex.14. Translate using “shall”.

1. Что мне делать? 2. Мне читать этот текст? 3. Мы идём в ресторан или будем обедать дома? 4. Когда мы выезжаем? 5. Мне нужно делать эту работу или ты сделаешь её сам? 6. Принести вам воды? 7. К какому часу мне подойти к вам в офис? 8. Вы ещё пожалеете о том, что не сказали мне об этом. 9. Вы ещё


вспомните меня. 10. Вы ещё раскаетесь в том, что сделали. 11. Нет, вы сделаете эту работу, я заставлю вас. 12. Вы непременно получите удовольствие от этой поездки. 13. Так приходить мне или не приходить сюда завтра? 14. Они разгрузят этот вагон, я прослежу за этим. 15. Ты ещё получишь то, что заслужил.

Should/ought to

a) We can use hoth “should” and “ought to” to talk about obligation and duty, to ask for and give advice, and in general, to say what is right or good.

You shouldn’t tell lies/you oughtn’t to tell lies.

What do you think I should do/what do you think I ought to do?

Note We often prefer “ought to” to talk about authority which comes from outside the speaker, e.g. from laws or rules.

b) Expressing Expectations




Ought to

We’ll go to the station at 9:00.

Should and ought to sometimes


The train should (ought to) be in

express expectations. They mean


by then.

“expect to” or “will probably”.


How long should it take us to get



to the station?

Ought to seldom occurs in


It shouldn’t take more than

questions or negative statements.


twenty minutes.


Ex.15. a) Complete the advice using “should” or “ought to”: find the advice for the problems.

Example: I’ve lost my credit card. You should/ought to report it to the credit card company immediately.




I’ve lost my credit card.

I think you/sell it.


I can’t wake up in the mornings.

Perhaps you/look for another job.


I’m bored with my job.

Don’t you think you/apologize to them?


I’ve got a terrible headache.

Perhaps you/buy a new alarm clock.


I was very rude to my parents.

You/report it to the credit card company





My car keeps on breaking down.

Perhaps you/take some aspirin.

b) Make sentences using “ought to” and “might” saying what’s wrong and what the dangers are. (in the kitchen).


Example: There’s a cloth on the table.

There’s a danger that the baby will pull it off.

There oughtn’t to be a cloth on the table. The baby might pull it off.

1.The pills aren’t in a safe place. There’s a danger that the baby will eat them.

2.There’s a hole in the rug. There’s a danger that someone will fall over.

3.The towel is over the cooker. There’s a danger that it will catch fire.

4.The drawer isn’t shut. There’s a danger that it will fall out.

5.There’s some broken glass on the floor. There’s a danger that someone will step on


6.There isn’t a plug on the kettle. There’s a danger that someone will get an electric shock.

Activity Imagine that tomorrow you plan to go on a 15-mile walk in the country with three or four other people in your class. Discuss with them what you ought to wear and what you ought to take with you. Give reasons for your suggestions.

Ex.16. a) Change the following sentences to use “should” or “ought to” instead of “expect”. You will need to change the subject in each sentence. Use the example as a model.

Example: We expect the doctor to arrive at any minute. The doctor should arrive at any minute.

(The doctor ought to arrive at any minute)

1.The doctor expects the exam to take only a few minutes.

2.She doesn’t expect there to be any problems.

3.She expects to have plenty of time to answer questions.

4.The doctor expects your exam to be normal.

5.She doesn’t expect you to need another checkup for at least a year.

6.You can expect your bill to arrive within a week.

7.I expect to find a job soon.

8.He expects to receive a letter from his parents.

9.Alice expects to get a cheek from her family this week.

10.I’ll probably be able to save a little money this month.

11.Tom expects to have some extra money next month.

12.I’ll probably be able to take a short trip.

b) Add 5 sentences about your own expectations.


1) Expressing Preferences




Would like

I’d like to visit New York

“Would like” expresses desires


City. I wouldn’t like to live

for things that haven’t happened


there, though.

yet. A (pro)noun and/or to +



Would you like to go with

verb (infinitive) may follow



would like.


Would you like me to help





Would Rather

I’d rather travel in the United

“Would rather” expresses


States than spend a lot of

preferences or choices. “Than +

предпочёл бы)

money on clothes.

verb” often follows it.


Would he rather take English?

“Not” comes “after” rather in


He would rather not take

the negative.




2) Imagining situations. We use “would” to talk about a situation which we are imagining (=thinking about) but which is not really happening.

A holiday in the Bahamas would be nice.

-Yes it would. I’d certainly enjoy a holiday right now. How much would it cost?

-I don’t know, but it wouldn’t be cheap.

Ex.17. Sadie is doing a test to find out what kind of personality she has. She has to answer a lot of questions about what she would do in different situations. Here are some of the questions with Sadie’s answers. Say what Sadie would and wouldn’t do.

Example: She would go to the party. She wouldn’t go to the cinema.

1.You want to go out one evening. You decide to go to a cinema. Then a friend invites you to a party where would you go?

a)to the cinema

b)to the party +

2.You are walking through a forest on a warm day when you come to a wide river. You can either swim the fifty metres across the river or walk an extra kilometer to the nearest bridge. Which would you do?


b)walk +

3.You find a ₤10 note in the street. What would you do with it?

a)keep it +

b)take it to the police

4.You are on a bus. There are two people sitting and talking in front of you. You don’t know them. You hear your name mentioned in the conversation. What would you do?

a)listen +

b)move to another seat

5.You have to choose between two jobs. One is interesting but not well paid. The other is boring but well paid. Which would you choose?

a)the interesting job

b)the well paid job +

6.You are traveling on a plane to England. The man sitting next to you offers you

₤5.000 to take a small packet through Customs for him. What would you say?



b)no +

7.You are driving along a country road when you see a car by the side of the road. The driver is standing and waving at you. He wants you to stop. What would you do?


b)drive on +

Activity A Say what you would do in these situations.

Activity B There’s a television programme in Britain called “Jim’ll Fix it”. A man called Jimmy Savile appears on the programme. People write to him and say what they would like to do but have never been able to do. People want to parachute from aeroplanes, sing in a pop group, play tennis at Wimbledon, and so on. Jim fixes it so that they can do these things, and we see their wishes coming true on television.

Imagine that it’s your turn to do what you like. What would you do?

Ex.18. a) In pairs, take turns asking and responding to questions based on the following cues.

Example: go to Las Vegas/not gamble

S1: Would you like to go to Las Vegas?

S2: Thanks, but I would rather not gamble.

1.go out/stay at home

2.get your hair cut/keep it long

3.plan our trip to Scotland/go to Wales

4.start work on the garden/start next week

5.clean the car/not clean today

6.go home/stay here for a bit longer

7.cook supper/have something cold

8.invite the Harrises/invite the Johnsons

9.see the dentist/see her/him next year

10.get a new fridge/go on using the old one

b) Using the cues, form sentences with “would rather + than”.

Example: Tom/get a job/borrow money

Tom would rather get a job than borrow money.

1.He/buy a new car/get a used car.

2.She/eat out/cook at home

3.I/make some investments/keep my money in the bank

4.They/find a smaller apartment/pay a high rent

5.We/look houses for sales/buy a condominium

6.I/go to the picture gallery/spend money on gambling

7.He/use his credit card/pay in cash

8.Many people/work for themselves/work for a big company


9.I/write a check/use a credit card

10.Jane/rent an apartment/live in a dorm

11.We/see a movie/go dancing

12.They/cook dinner at home/eat out


1)“Will” can express willingness and intentions. We often use “will” to announce a decision at the moment when we make it.

I really will give up smoking tomorrow.

2)“I’ll have …” is often used when people order in cafes, restaurants, etc.

I’ll have a black coffee, please.

3)“Will you …?” can introduce instructions, orders and requests. “Would you …?” is softer and can be used to make requests more polite.

Will you get me a paper while you are out? Will you be quiet, please?

Would you watch the children for a few minutes?

4)“Won’t” can be used to talk about refusals.

The car won’t start. Машина никак не заводится.

The knife won’t cut. Нож совсем не режет.

Had better (Advice and need)

Had Better

You’d better hurry or you’ll be

Had better is stronger than should

лучше я …

late to class.

or ought to. It does not appear in

вам бы лучше …

Hadn’t you better hurry?

affirmative questions.


You’d better not stay here any



longer or you’ll be late.


Ex.19. Complete the sentences with word from the box, using “had better”.


not forget






not tell


not let

1.The plane is at 6. You … packing.

2.I suppose I … up and put some clothes on.

3.You … the door and see who it is.

4.Tell Sheila she … my birthday this time.

5.We … at her camera back, hadn’t we?

6.We … round soon, we owe him a meal.

7.I … some washing, or we won’t have anything to wear.

8.You … Jane what’s happening. She’ll get too upset if you do.

9.You don’t look well, you … some whisky and honey.

10.You … your father see that magazine, he’ll kill you.

Ex.20. What advice might you give to a friend who:

1. feels very ill?


2.is very ill?

3.feels cold?

4.feels tense?

5.has been working too hard?

6.seems very unhappy?

7.is going to work in China or Japan?

8.can’t sleep?

9.has got an exam next week?

10.smokes too much?

11.thinks she saw burglars breaking into the house next door?

Ex.21. Adam, Lisa, Don and Melanie are students. They were on their way to visit some friends last week in Adam’s car when it broke down. Translate the conversation by putting in one of the following: can, can’t, could, must, mustn’t, needn’t, ought to, should, might, will, won’t, shall, would. (Sometimes more than one answer is correct)

Lisa В чём дело? Почему мы остановились?

Adam Что-то не в порядке, машина никак не хочет ехать. Don Надо посмотреть в чём дело.

Lisa Могу предположить, что, возможно, бензин закончился. (to be out of)

Adam Не может быть, что закончился, мы заправились (get) каких-то полчаса назад.

Lisa Что же это может быть тогда? Adam Пока не могу даже предположить.

Melanie Смотри, пар идёт. Может быть мотор перегрелся?

Adam Не снимай чехол (cap) с радиатора. Нельзя этого делать, ты можешь обвариться (to get boiling water over you). Нам нужно подождать, пока он охладится.

Lisa И сколько времени это займёт?

Don Думаю, нам следует подождать полчаса.

Melanie Я полагаю, что что-то ещё может быть не в порядке.

Lisa Мы проезжали мимо автосервиса, я думаю, они смогут приехать и осмотреть машину.

Adam С машиной должно быть всё в порядке. Я только что отремонтировал её в нашем автосервисе, заплатил $1000.

Don Не надо беспокоиться. Я уверен, что это перегрев мотора, подождём некоторое время.

Lisa Мы наверняка опоздаем.

Melanie У меня есть термос с кофе. Попьём кофейку? И сэндвичи есть. Don Я проголодался. Надо что-то поесть.

Melanie Хочешь сэндвич, Lisa?

Lisa Нет, спасибо. Мне нельзя есть хлеб, я на диете.

Adam Надо позвонить Мэтью и предупредить, что мы можем опоздать. Don Мы не опоздаем, я думаю, во всяком случае не намного.

Melanie Тебе нужно купить новую машину, Адам.


Adam Да, это было бы неплохо. Вся проблема в деньгах. Боюсь, нам придётся пока довольствоваться (to put up with) старой.

Activity A Act out the conversation in group of four.

Activity B Work in groups of four again. Imagine that you are about to go on a 300 – mile car journey along a motorway. Discuss what to do about food on the journey.


1.We can use “dare/dared” as a modal verb. We use the infinitive without “to” after the modal verb.

2.We can use “dare” as a normal verb with “do/did”. We use the infinitive with or without “to” after the normal verb.

1.Dare you climb the ladder? – No, I daren’t. I daren’t go near the dog.

2.Do you dare (to) climb the ladder? – No, I don’t. The guests didn’t dare (to) complain.

Ex.22. Translate into English.

1. Он не смеет просить вас об этом. 2. Как вы смеете так говорить со мной? 3. Он не осмелился заговорить с ней. 4. Вы не смеете делать это! 5. Как вы осмелились так поступить с ней! 6. Том никогда не осмелится подойти к этому человеку. 7. Ты не посмеешь рассказать ей об этом! 8. И вы осмелились пойти туда? 9. Не смейте даже думать об этом! 10. Как вы смеете смеяться над ним? 11. Я не верю, что он посмел наказать ребёнка. 12. Смею ли я напоминать вам об этом?

Revision of

Modal Verbs

Ex.1. Choose the best forms (sometimes both may be possible).

1.I … ask you to help me later (may/might).

2.That … be her daughter, they’re nearly the same age (can’t/mustn’t).

3.We … decide to go camping again at Easter (can/may).

4.You … get in without a ticket (can’t/may not).

5.There … enough room for everybody on the bus – we’ll have to wait and see (may not/can’t).

6.You absolutely … go and see Liz (should/must).

7.I think you … try to relax more (should/must).

8.You … pass a special exam to be a teacher (must/have to).

9.We … win, I’m sure there’s much chance (must/may).

10.In this country boys … do military service (mustn’t/don’t have to).

11.I … see you at night tomorrow (can/will be able to).

12.One day everybody … say what they like (can/will be able to).

13.It took a long time, but I … repair the car (managed/could).

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