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Учебное пособие «Management – Case Studies and Business Games» является дополнением к учебному пособию «Английский язык. Менеджмент» и предназначено для студентов, изучающих дисциплину «Менеджмент» и владеющих иностранным языком на продвинутом уровне.

Цель учебного пособия – дальнейшее развитие и совершенствование у студентов навыков чтения и устной речи в рамках профессиональной тематики.

Пособие состоит из 14 разделов по следующим аспектам менеджмента: роль менеджмента, деловая этика и социальная ответственность, принятие решений и планирование, основы стратегического планирования, осуществление стратегического планирования, разделение работ и организационная структура, делегирование и децентрализация полномочий, набор персонала, лидерство, мотивация, международный менеджмент, управление карьерным ростом, оффшорные предприятия, антикризисное управление.

Каждый раздел включает текст, вопросы к тексту, мини деловую игру и учебную деловую ситуацию. Тексты содержат ключевые концепции и теоретические положения менеджмента. Вопросы предполагают обсуждение проблем и идей, включённых в текст с активным использованием лексики. Мини деловые игры предполагают парную работу или работу в группах, ограниченное время выполнения и принятие решения по проблеме.

Учебные деловые ситуации основаны на реальных деловых ситуациях и тесно связаны с основными текстами. Цель учебной деловой ситуации – совершенствование владения деловым английским языком и навыками делового общения. Изучение проблемы, анализ и обсуждение возможных вариантов её решения, поиск наилучшего варианта, поиск фактов и аргументов, позволяющих прийти к соглашению это умения, которые отрабатываются студентами в процессе работы с учебной деловой ситуацией.

Учебное пособие содержит банк аутентичных, взятых из журналов The Financial Times, The Forbes Global, The Inc., The Business, The Economist, соответствующих тематике основных текстов и дополняющих их. Они направлены на развитие и совершенствование навыков чтения и на расширение активного словаря. Тексты дополнены упражнениями, которые предполагают закрепление активной лексики, словосочетаний и деловых терминов с целью их последующего использования в устной речи.

Преподаватель может использовать тексты, деловые игры и учебные деловые ситуации избирательно, по своему усмотрению в качестве дополнительного материала для изучения какой-то отдельной темы.

При составлении данного учебного пособия была использована оригинальная зарубежная литература.


1. The Managerial Role

Management is the process of making use of organizational resources – human, financial, physical, and technological – to achieve specific objectives through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Managerial effectiveness is determined primarily by the skills with which a manager uses an organization’s resources to manufacture products and provide services.

All organizations, including governmental bodies, for-profit firms, and religious institutions, require managers. The work of managers is critical to the healthy development of a society. For the full potential of organizations to be reached, managers should make decisions that focus on the long run rather than the short run.

Three skills – technical, human, and conceptual – are required of all managers. The specialized knowledge of technical skills is necessary to produce an organization’s goods or provide its services. Human skills are required to communicate with workers and motivate them to work productively. Conceptual skills are used to formulate and implement an organization’s strategic plans. These skills have relative levels of importance across the three levels of management – top, middle, and first. Top-level managers rely primarily on conceptual skills to coordinate the activities of the entire firm. Human skills are critical to middle-level managers’ efforts to integrate the work of first-level managers with the desires of top-level managers. First-level managers, called supervisors in many firms, use their technical skills to make certain the organization provides its products or services as effectively and efficiently as possible.

Some managers are in line positions while others are in staff positions. The line manager has responsibility for the work of a major department, such as marketing or production. A staff manager provides support for the work of line managers. In today’s modern organizations, the distinctions between staff and line managers are sometimes difficult to isolate.

The work of managers can be studied from several points of view. The first of these is in terms of the functions they perform. This more traditional view suggests that the manager completes the functions of planning, organizing, leading and controlling to accomplish objectives. The second view proposes that the work of a manager can be understood only if his or her goals and purposes are recognized. In today’s organizations, maximization of profit is rarely, if ever, a manager’s single goal. Rather, many managers seek to guide their firms in ways that result in the satisfaction of the goals of many groups (including customers, suppliers, employees, and lending institutions) that play a role in the organization’s life.


Behaviors actually displayed are the cornerstone of the third view of a manager’s work.

Henry Mintzberg proposed that managers engage in three major roles – interpersonal, informational, and decisional – to complete their work. John Kotter found that effective general managers develop their objectives and group them to form agendas – that is, lists of accomplishments they want their organizations to achieve. Networks of cooperative relationships among many different people are used to help managers achieve these objectives.

Managers work in complex environments consisting of the formal organization and informal social and political structures. In the formal organization, the work to be completed is divided and then integrated into the more rational parts. Informal organizations surface spontaneously within all firms because the formal organization does not satisfy all employees’ needs. Within a company, managers engage in organizational politics in order to gain power. The total managerial environment includes elements outside both the formal and informal organizations. Customers, suppliers, governmental agencies, and competing firms are examples of groups outside the firm with which the manager interacts.

Questions for discussion and review

1.Describe the four basic types of organisational resources.

2.Why is the work of managers important to our entire society?

3.Describe the three major skills that managers use in their work.

4.List the tree primary levels of management and indicate the managerial skill that is most critical at each level.

5.What are the differences in the work of staff and line managers?

6.Use three viewpoints, or perspectives, to describe the work of a manager.

7.Describe the three categories of major roles managers perform in their work.

8.Discuss the differences between a formal and an informal organisation.

Problems for action

1.The chapter describes managerial work in terms of levels, functions, and work roles. On the basis of this information, what personal characteristics, interests and abilities – not including professional knowledge – do you think would be ideal for an undergraduate who is considering a management career? Make a list of 10 qualities.


2. What do you think makes a modern company successful? Put the following in order of importance. Explain your point of view.

a.high-quality products and services / brand management

b.aggressive marketing and advertising

c.good people management

d.fast reaction to change

Case study: Marlina National Bank’s New President

Six months had passed since Susan Feldman was appointed president of Marlina National Bank. This time had passed very quickly for Susan. In reflecting over what had happened with her new job, Susan concluded that in general, the job held few surprises. After all, she had lived her entire life in the small community (population of approximately 14,500) served by the bank. Beginning with the summer months between her junior and senior years in high school, Susan had worked in the bank in one capacity or another. The only extended time period spent away from the bank was the four years required to earn a business administration degree with a major in finance. After completing her degree, Susan had retuned to the bank to start her career as a credit analyst. Over the years, she had worked in all of the bank’s departments.

As president, Susan found that she had to delegate some decision-making responsibilities to two senior vice presidents. At first, she thought this wouldn’t be necessary. Susan was quite confident of her knowledge of financial markets and her financial skills. However, she soon discovered that as president, it became increasingly difficult to find the time to remain current with important trends in the commercial and consumer markets (the two market segments of primary interest to the bank). Local organizations of all types (including the Chamber of Commerce, Lions and Rotary Clubs, area schools, etc) requested that Susan speak at their meetings and events. She felt the bank had an obligation to serve the community in this manner; thus, it was difficult for her to decline the requests.

In addition, the board of directors had asked that the bank prepare a five-year strategic plan. Susan supported this decision. In fact, one of the concerns was that the bank had never developed formal plans. She believed that to compete effectively in today’s competitive financial markets, it was necessary for the bank to identify its objectives and select courses of action to achieve those objectives. To start this process, Susan appointed a task force – key members of the local community and several bank employees were appointed to the group. Although she was not certain

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