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«Хабаровская государственная академия экономики и права»
Времена английского глагола
Учебное пособие по грамматике для самостоятельной работы студентов I курса специальностей МЭ, МКД, ММа, СО, ММ, ЭУПТ, УАВД
Хабаровск 2010
ББК Ш 143.21
X 12
Времена английского глагола : учеб. пособие по грамматике для самостоятельной работы студентов I курса специальностей МЭ, МКД, ММа, СО, ММ, ЭУПТ, УАВД / сост. Н. Ю. Павлова. – Хабаровск : РИЦ ХГАЭП, 2010. – 112 с.
Рецензенты : И. А. Воробьёва, доцент кафедры иностранных языков ДВИМБ, канд. психол. наук; И. Г. Гирина, завкафедрой
переводоведения и межкультурной коммуникации ИЛМК ДВГГУ, канд. филолог. наук.
Утверждено издательско-библиотечным советом в качестве учебного пособия
Учебное издание
Наталья Юрьевна Павлова
Времена английского глагола
Учебное пособие по грамматике для самостоятельной работы студентов I курса специальностей МЭ, МКД, ММа, СО, ММ, ЭУПТ, УАВД
Редактор Г.С. Одинцова |
Подписано в печать |
Формат 60х84/16. |
Бумага писчая. |
Печать офсетная. Усл. п.л.6,5. |
Уч.-изд. л.4,7. |
Тираж 200 экз. |
Заказ № |
680042, Хабаровск, ул. Тихоокеанская, 134, ХГАЭП, РИЦ
© Хабаровская государственная академия экономики и права 2010
Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов I курса специальностей МЭ, МКД, ММа, ММ, СО, ЭУПТ, УАВД, продолжающих изучение английского языка на базе знаний, приобретённых ими в средней школе.
Цель пособия – привести в систему имеющиеся знания и развить умение правильно употреблять видовременные формы действительного и страдательного залогов, косвенную речь.
Пособие включает в себя объяснение грамматического материала с примерами; упражнения, направленные на активизацию грамматического материала; тестовые задания. В пособии даются таблицы, схемы и модели, в которых систематизируется изучаемый материал. Предлагаемые упражнения разнообразны по характеру, что помогает преподавателю выбрать те, которые соответствуют задачам урока и языковому уровню группы. Целью упражнений является многократная тренировка изучаемого грамматического явления в наиболее типичных контекстах его употребления.
Набор тестовых заданий позволит определить степень и прочность усвоения грамматического материала.
Надеемся, что работа по пособию будет не только полезной, но и доставит вам удовольствие.
При составлении пособия были использованы следующие источники:
1.Грамматика : Сборник упражнений. Ю. Б. Голицынский – 5-е изд., – СПб. :
КАРО, 2005.
2.Английский для подготовки к экзаменам. Т. Ю. Дроздова, И. В. Ларионова. – 2-е изд., исправ. и доп. – СПб. : Антология, 2007.
3.Alexander L. G. Longman English Grammar. Longman Group UK Limited, 1992.
The verb” to be” in the Present Indefinite Tense
Positive form |
Negative form |
Questions |
I |
am |
I |
am not |
Am |
I? |
He |
is |
He |
is not |
Is |
he? |
She |
is |
She |
is not |
Is |
it? |
It |
is |
It |
is not |
Is |
she? |
We |
are |
We |
are not |
Are |
we? |
You |
are |
You |
are not |
Are |
you? |
They |
are |
They |
are not |
Are |
they? |
Exercise 1. Put in am, is or are.
1. The sky is blue today. 2. I _____ not tired. 3. This shelf _____ very heavy. 4. These shelves _____ very heavy. 5. The child _____ asleep. 6. Look! This _____ Mabel. 7. I
_____cold. 8. The castle _____ one thousand years old. 9. My brother and I ______ good tennis players. 10. Amy ____ at home but her parents _____ in church. 11. I ____ a student. 12. My sister _____ an archeologist. 13. My grandparents _____ very old. 14. Your spectacles ____ in your bag. 15. This house _____ very expensive. 16. The shops ____
open today. 17. Mr. Wren’s grandson ____ six years old. 18. The houses in this street ____
very big. 19. The examination ____ not difficult. 20. Those flowers ____ beautiful.
Exercise 2. Write positive or negative sentences. Use am/am not/is/isn’t/are/aren’t.
1.(Brussels … the capital of Belgium) Brussels is the capital of Belgium.
2.(I … interested in hockey) I am not interested in hockey.
3.(I … angry) ______________________________________________________
4.(It … cold today) _________________________________________________
5.(The Hague… in Switzerland) _______________________________________
6.(I … afraid of dogs) _______________________________________________
7.(My hands … dirty) _______________________________________________
8.(Russia … a very big country) _______________________________________
9.(The Amur … in Europe) ___________________________________________
10.(Diamonds … cheap) ______________________________________________
11.(Motor-racing … a dangerous sport) __________________________________
12.(Squirrels … big animals) __________________________________________
13.(Canada … a very big country) ______________________________________
14.(Rome … in Spain) ________________________________________________
Exercise 3. Write questions with What /Who/ How/ Where/ Why …? Use am/ is/ are.
1.(What colour your house?) What colour is your house?
2.(Where my key?) _________________________________________________
3.(Where my trousers?) ______________________________________________
4.(How old your grandmother?) _______________________________________
5.(What colour his hair?) _____________________________________________
6.(How much these shoes?) __________________________________________
7.(Who your favourite actor?) _________________________________________
8.(Why you always late?) ___________________________________________
Exercise 4. Ask questions. (Read the answers to the questions first.)
1. |
(his name?) What is his name? |
Robert. |
2. |
(single or married) Are you single or married? |
I’m single. |
3. |
(British?) |
No, I’m not. |
4. |
(where/from?) |
From Australia. |
5. |
(how old?) |
I’m 18. |
6. |
(a student?) |
No, I’m a secretary. |
7. |
(your mother a teacher?) |
No, she’s a lawyer. |
8. |
(where / from?) |
She’s Italian. |
9. |
(her name?) |
Rachel. |
10. |
(how old?) |
She’s fourty. |
Exercise 5. Write positive and negative answers (Yes, I’m. /No, he isn’t, etc.)
1. |
Are you married? No, I’m not. |
6. |
Is it light now? ________________ |
2. |
Is she tall? _______________ |
7. |
Are your hands warm? __________ |
3. |
Is it cold today? ___________ |
8. |
Are you thirsty? _______________ |
4. |
Are you a doctor? __________ |
9. |
Is your father tall? _____________ |
5. |
Are you hungry? ___________ |
10. Is it sunny? __________________ |
Exercise 6. Translate into English.
1. Твой брат дома? 2. Сколько стоят эти открытки? 3. Эта гостиница очень дорогая. 4. Я интересуюсь искусством. 5. Все магазины сегодня открыты. 6. Музей сегодня открыт? 7. Мне жарко. 8. Моя сестра архитектор. 9. Я не устала. 10. Откуда родом её муж? 11. Они не студенты, они врачи. 12. Тебе интересны иностранные языки? 13. Твоя мама дома? 14. Ты интересуешься спортом? 15. Сколько вам лет? 16. Мой любимый вид спорта – футбол. 17. Дети в школе.
The verb” to be” in the Past Indefinite Tense
Positive form |
Negative form |
Question |
I |
was |
I |
was not |
Was |
I? |
He |
was |
He |
was not |
Was |
he? |
She |
was |
She |
was not |
Was |
it? |
It |
was |
It |
was not |
Was |
she? |
We |
were |
We |
were not |
Were |
we? |
You |
were |
You |
were not |
Were |
you? |
They |
were |
They |
were not |
Were |
they? |
Exercise 7. Put in am /is/ are/ was/ were. Some sentences are present and some are past.
1. Last year their son was 26, so he is 27 now. 2. Today the weather _______ nice, but yesterday it ______ cold. 3. I _______ cold. Can I have something hot to drink? 4. I
______ hungry last night, so I had something to eat. 5. Where _______ you at 10 o’clock last Sunday morning? 6. Don’t buy those shoes. They _______ too expensive. 7. Why
_______ you so tired yesterday? 8. We must go now. It _______ very late. 9. This time last year I _______ in England. 10. We _______ tired when we arrived home, so we went to bed. 11. Anton Chekhov died in 1904. He ________ a famous Russian writer. 12.
“Where _______ the dogs?” – “I don’t know. They ________ in the garden ten minutes ago.”
Exercise 8. Put in was /wasn’t/ were/ weren’t.
1. We didn’t like that house. It was very old and it wasn’t large enough. 2. Helen got married when she ________ 21 years old. 3. I called you yesterday evening but you
_______ at home. Where ______ you? 4. My son _______ at work last week because he _______ ill. He’s better now. 5. The shops _______ open yesterday because it
_______ a public holiday. 6. “_______ you at home at 9.30?” – “No, I ______. I
_______ at work.” 7. We _______ happy with the hotel. Out room ________ very small and it _______ very clean. 8. “Where are my keys?” “I don’t know. They
_______ on the table but they’re not there now.” 9. “_______ Sue and Bill at the party?” “Sue _______ there but Bill _______.” 10. The hotel _______ comfortable but it _______ expensive.
Exercise 9. Translate into English.
1. Где они были вчера вечером? 2. Почему ты вчера опоздал? 3. Его вчера не было в институте. 4. Меня вчера там не было. 5. Ты был занят вчера вечером? 6.
Её не было дома в 5 часов. 7. Вчера было холодно. 8. Где была Аня вчера? 9. Когда я был ребёнком, я боялся собак. 10. Цветы были такие свежие! 11. Мы были рады вдеть вас. 12. Вчера в это время я была в школе.
We use “there is (are)” talking about the existence of people, things, etc. These constructions have the meaning “есть”, “имеется”, “находится”, “существует”. The verb “to be” in such constructions can be used in different tense forms:
there is /are there was /were there will be
there has / have been there had been
Word order
“there is (are)” + subject + adverbial modifier of place /adverbial modifier of time
The corresponding Russian sentences begin with adverbial modifier.
Russian |
English |
В моей комнате есть (имеется) |
There is a telephone in my room. |
телефон. |
В саду (имеется) много яблонь. |
There are many apple-trees in the garden. |
Вчера в институте было собрание. |
There was a meeting at the institute |
yesterday. |
Interrogative and negative forms |
Is there a telephone in your room? |
– No, there isn’t. |
No, there is no telephone in my room. |
Was there a meeting at the institute? |
– No, there wasn’t. |
Will there be many people there? |
– No, there won’t. |
No, there won’t be any people there. |
Exercise 10. Use “there is (are) construction in the necessary tense form.
1. Look! _______ their telephone number in the letter. 2. Chichester is a very old town. ________ many old buildings there. 3. Excuse me, ________ a restaurant near
here? 4. How many students ________ in your group? 5. I was hungry but ________
anything to eat. 6. ________ a football match on TV last night. 7. ________ many people at the meeting? 8. Look! ________ an accident. Call the ambulance! 9.
_______ 24 hours in a day. 10. This box is empty. _______ nothing in it. 11. _______
somebody at the airport to meet you when you arrive tomorrow. 12. When we arrived at the cinema ________ a long queue outside. 13. _______ much snow in Moscow last winter. 14. _____ a storm yesterday. 15. _____ no sunshine tomorrow. 16. How many pages ______ in the book? 17. On the table _____ two exercise books and a textbook.
Exercise 11. Ask questions to the following statements, then answer them according to the pattern.
Pattern: There is a good programme on TV tonight.
-Is there a good programme on TV tonight?
-Yes, there is.
There aren’t any theaters in my town.
-Are there any theatres in your town?
-No, there are not / there aren’t.
1.There is a cat in the window. 2. There are a few changes in the text. 3. There are plenty of glasses in the cupboard. 4. There were a lot of people at the stadium. 5. There isn’t anything on the plate. 6. There wasn’t anybody in the room. 7. There are difficult exercises in this book. 8. There is something on the shelf. 9. There will be some interesting programmes on TV tomorrow. 10. There are several empty seats in the room. 11. There weren’t any pears on the plate. 12. There are twelve months in a year. There are four seasons in a year. 13. There is much snow in winter. 14. There isn’t any butter on the plate. 15. There is little milk in the bottle.
Exercise 12. Agree with the following statements using “there is/are”.
Examples: You’ve got three members in your family. – Yes, there are three members in my family.
You can see a boy in the picture. – Yes, there is a boy in the picture.
1. You’ve got a book in front of you. 2. She’s got many foreign books in her library. 3. They’ve got many pets at home. 4. She’s got three mistakes in her test. 5. You’ve got no laboratory on the first floor. 6. You can see a farm near the forest. 7. You can see a lot of interesting pictures in this book. 8. You can see a TV set in the hall. 9. You can see a large family in this picture. 10. You can see many difficult words in this text. 11. You can see many countries on this map. 12. You can see two sentences on the blackboard.
Exercise 13. Translate into English.
1. В этом журнале много интересных статей. 2. В нашем городе много музеев и театров. 3. В этой комнате есть телефон? 4. В этой комнате два окна. 5. В чашке не было чая. 6. Сколько статей было в этом журнале? – Там было несколько статей. 7. Сколько студентов в аудитории? – Двадцать. 8. Рядом с нашим домом будет парк. 9. На этой улице была школа? 10. На столе лежит несколько книг. 11. Рядом с нашим домом есть школа. Школа находится рядом с нашим домом. 12. В городе несколько театров. Театры находятся в центре города. 13. В вазе стояли цветы. Цветы стояли в красивой вазе. 14. В театре много детей. Дети сейчас в театре. 15. Существует несколько способов решения этой задачи. Способы решения этой задачи приведены на странице 5. 16. Сколько гостей будет на обеде? 17. В семье много детей, и поэтому всегда много работы по дому. 18. Сегодня по телевидению нет ничего интересного. 19. Спорить не о чем. 20. Кажется, нет надежды.
The verb “to have” in the Present Indefinite Tense
Positive form |
Negative form |
Question |
I |
have(got) |
(I’ve got) |
I |
have not |
got |
Have |
I |
got? |
He |
has(got) |
(he’s got) |
He |
has not |
got |
Has |
he |
got? |
She |
has(got) |
(she’s got) |
She |
has not |
got |
Has |
it |
got? |
It |
has (got) |
(it’s got) |
It |
has not |
got |
Has |
she |
got? |
We |
have (got) |
(we’ve got) |
We |
have not |
got |
Have |
we |
got? |
You |
have (got) |
(you’ve got) |
You |
have not |
got |
Have |
you |
got? |
They |
have(got) |
(they’ve got) |
They |
have not |
got |
Have |
they |
got? |
*have not got = haven’t got |
has not got = hasn’t got |
In negative sentences and questions you can also use do/does + have. |
They don’t have any children. (= They haven’t got any children). |
It’s a nice house but it doesn’t have a garden. (= It hasn’t got a garden.) |
Does Ann have a car? (= Has Ann got a car?) |
How much money do you have? (= How much money have you got?) |
When the verb to have is used in the following expressions: |
- |
to have dinner/breakfast |
- обедать, завтракать |
- to have tea/coffee, etc. |
- пить чай, кофе и т.д. |
10 |
- |
to have a bath/a shower |
- принять ванну, душ |
- |
to have a shave/a wash |
- побриться, помыться |
- |
to have a rest/a sleep, a dream, etc. |
- отдохнуть, поспать, помечтать |
- |
to have a holiday/a good time, etc. |
- отдохнуть, хорошо провести время |
in negative and interrogative forms it takes the auxiliary verb to do: |
Do you have tea or coffee for breakfast? |
Where does he have dinner? |
The past of have is had. In negative and questions we use did + have. |
Exercise 14. Write questions. |
1. |
(you/a bicycle?) Have you got a bicycle? |
2.(you/VCR?) ___________________________________________________?
3.(your father/a car?) _______________________________________________?
4.(Carol/many friends?) _____________________________________________?
5.(Mr and Mrs Lewis/any children?) ___________________________________?
6.(how much money/you?) __________________________________________?
7.(what kind of car/John?) ___________________________________________?
8.(how many children/they?) _________________________________________?
9.(they/big house?) ________________________________________________?
10.(he/a dog?) _____________________________________________________?
Exercise 15. What have Alice and Keith got? What have you got? Look at the information and write sentences about Alice, Keith and yourself.
Alice (she) |
Keith (he) |
You? |
a camera |
no |
yes |
? |
a car |
yes |
no |
? |
black hair |
no |
no |
? |
brothers/sisters |
two brothers |
one sister |
? |
1.(Keith)/a camera) Keith has got a camera.
2.(I black hair) I’ve got black hair. (or: I haven’t got black hair.)
3.(Alice/a camera) ____________________________________
4.(I/a camera) ________________________________________
5.(I/a car) ____________________________________________