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order to obtain ransom)

Comprehension Check

I. According to the text, are these statements TRUE or FALSE? Correct the wrong statements.

1.The civilization which developed in North America was an extension of European culture. (F)

2.A young Italian merchant was seeking a fast and safe water route to the East and glory for himself. (T)

3.Columbus explored Cuba thinking it to be China. (F)

4.Columbus was the first European to touch the North American land. (F)

5.The land discovered by Columbus did not bring gold, silk, or spices. (T)

6.Amerigo Vespucci had never seen New World but the continent is called after him.(T)

7.Amerigo Vespucci was the first explorer to alert Europe to the vast lands that could be found by sailing west. (F)

8.For most tribal people Columbus’s voyages resulted in catastrophe. (T)

9.Сolumbus Day was suggested and proclaimed by Italian President. (F)

10.Almost 50% of the Indian population perished during the 16th century.(F)

11.Spanish explored what is now Eastern Canada and Northern New York State in search for gold. (F)

12.The Dutch explored the Atlantic shores planning to grow rich by buying furs from the Indians.(T)

13.The search for the new territories to accommodate a great number of poor jobless people made England compete with Spain for the right to settle its own colonies in the New World.(T)

14.Virginia was the first land claimed for England.(T)

II. Answer the questions on pages 51 – 52.

Consider the Issue (page 52)

Columbus’ discovery began a clash of cultures that proved disastrous for the aboriginal peoples of the Americas. European colonization was not an unalloyed (чистый, ни чем не омраченный) Triumph. While Columbus is often venerated in our history books, why is he no hero to most tribal peoples?


IN SEARCH OF FREEDOM (pp. 52 – 56)


1.What drives people to emigrate to another country?

2.What nationalities were your ancestors? Did any of them have to emigrate?

3.Is Russia the country of religious diversity?

4.Do you find it right that the Constitution of the Russian Federation separates church and state? Explain.


Vocabulary and Cultural Literacy List

1.`Pilgrims – people who left England and went to live in what is now the US in the early 17th century; pilgrims – people who travel to a holy place that is important in their religion; `pilgrimage – a journey/ visit that a religious person makes to a holy place

2.`Puritans – members of a strict English religious group of the 16th and17th

centuries who wanted worship to be more simple. Many Puritans moved to America in the 17th century; puritan (showing disapproval )- s/one who has strict moral or religious principles, and does not approve of pleasure, for example in sexual activity, entertainment, or eating and drinking

3.`Protestants – members of a group of Christian Churches that separated from the Roman Catholic Church in the 16th century

4.interference – the process of deliberately becoming involved in a situation and trying to influence the way that it is develops, although you have no right to do this; intrusion, prying; obstruction, barrier – вмешательство, препятствие; interfere in/with (v.)

5.exposure – the harmful effect of very cold weather on your body

6.fall (Am.) – (Am.) autumn

7.plentiful – abundant, fruitful, bountiful, present in large quantities. Ant. scarce – (из)обильный, богатый

8.feast – a large meal for a lot of people, usually to celebrate sth; banquet, dinner – пир

9.reunion – social event for people who have not seen each other for a long time, for example members of the same family or people who studied or worked together; situation in which people meet each other again after a period of time when they have been separated – воссоединение, встреча друзей, вечеринка, сбор всей семьи

10side dish – гарнир; stuffing/dressing – приправа, gravy – подливка, соус

11.concoction – sth that is made or produced by putting several things or features together – варево, стряпня; concoct (v.) – make up, produce sth unusual by mixing things in a new way, especially drink or meal

12.Jell-O or Jello – Trademark, American Jelly that is made from fruit juice, sugar, and gelatin(e) - фруктовое желе

13.blessing – s/th good that you feel very grateful or lucky to have -благo, благо-

словение; божья милость

14.be homesick – испытывать тоску по дому

15.charitable – intended to help people who are poor or sick, or who need support; generous, kind – благотворительный; добрый, щедрый; Ant. mean, stingy, petty

16.significance – importance – значимость

17.wickedness – s/th morally wrong and deliberately intending to hurt people – зло

18.humanitarianism – trying to improve life for human beings by giving them better living conditions; caring about s/one who is in a very bad situation or receiving unfair treatment; helping others

19.withhold (s/th from s/one) – to deliberately not give s/th to s/one – утаить oт

19.empathy – the ability to understand how s/one feels because you can imagine what it is like to be them – сочувствие, сопереживание


21.denomination – a particular religious body with special beliefs that are different from the beliefs of other groups with the same religious faith – вероисповедание, секта

22.appeal to – attract, interest, fascinate – привлекать. Ant. repel, repulse

23.occasion – time, occurrence, happening; chance, opportunity – случай,

возможность, событие;

24.accuse s/one of sth – blame for, charge with, incriminate – обвинять в. Ant. discharge, acquit – оправдать, снять обвинения

25.endanger – threaten, put into danger, into a situation where s/one might be harmed or damaged – подвергать опасности, угрожать

26.anthem – the official song sung on special occasions to express loyalty to the country – гимн

27.coat of arms – a special design that a family, organization, or place uses as its own sign – эмблема, герб

28.motto – device – a statement of belief by an organization or individual – девиз, лозунг thy [ai] – an old word meaning ‘your’ that was used for talking to one person; thee - an old word meaning ‘you’ that was used for talking or writing to one person

Vocabulary Check

I. Fill the blanks with the words from the vocabulary list that correctly complete the sentence. Use the words in an appropriate form. Which word is the One Odd Out?

occasion, endanger, charitable, blessing, withholding, plentiful, significance, interference, exposure, accuse, appeal

1.She was found guilty of ____ information from the courts. (withholding)

2.A profit motive distinguishes business institutions from non-government private institutions such as churches and ____ organizations which do not exist primarily to make profit. (charitable)

3.The show’s direct approach will ____ to children, I’m sure. (appeal)

4.Having someone you can confide in is a real ____. (blessing)

5.They expressed resentment at outside ____ in their domestic affairs. (interference)

6.Few observers appreciated the immense ____ of this development. (significance)

7.Hotel rooms in the city were ____ and cheap. (plentiful)

8.His employers ____ her of theft. (accused)

9.This will be an ____ for us all to make a new start. (occasion)

10.Two of the climbers were reported to have died of ____ . (exposure)

II. Write the letter of the correct definition next to each word

c__1. determine

a. very strong religious or political beliefs that make s/one


behave in an unreasonable way

d__2. patriotism

b. a short statement (written or inscribed) used as a guide


or rule

f__3. denomination

c. to officially or firmly decide sth, resolve, make up one’s



a__4. fanaticism

d. a feeling of strong love and loyalty to one’s country

m__5. empathy

e. working for the welfare of others; trying to improve their





e__6. humanitarianism

f. a separate religious group within the Christian faith

g.__7. blessing

g. s/th that one is glad of; s/th that brings happiness or com

k__ 9. take for granted


b __8. motto

h. to say that s/one has done wrong is to be blamed

h__10. accuse

j. to deliberately not give sth to s/one

l__11. reunion

k. to expect sth always to happen, exist, be true

j__12. withhold

l. meeting of old friends, former colleagues, family mem-

bers after separation

m. the ability to understand how s/one feels because you can imagine what it is like to be them

Comprehension Check

I.Choose the best answer according to the information in the text.

1.Plymouth succeeded because its inhabitants didn’t come to the New World searching for glory and gold but …

a.searching for adventure and hot man-on-Indian action

b.searching for democracy

c.searching for religious freedom

2.In November 1620, a ship named Mayflower brought 102 …

a.prisoners to get a start in life

b.members of a religious sect


3.A Protestant religious sect was unpopular in Britain because its members …

a.wanted to reform the Church of England and establish more elaborate rituals and structures

b.were wanderers and strangers from Holland

c.wanted to establish simpler rituals and structures to practice their religion

4.In Plymouth the Pilgrims established government …

a.headed by Indians

b.aided by Indians

c.by majority will

5.On Thanksgiving Day families give thanks for …

a.good food and the joy of being together

b.good food and plentiful harvest

c.good food and local Indians

6.The Protestant heritage has been a powerful force in …

a.shaping the values and beliefs of Americans

b.establishing an official religion in the USA


c.observing ceremonies to proclaim God’s blessing

7.The price to be paid for the individual freedom is…

a.religious fanaticism



8.Protestantism encourages strong desire for…

a.selfreliance through hard work, self-discipline and helping others

b.self-improvement through hard work, self-discipline and helping others

c.self-discipline, hard work and helping others through self-reliance

9.Individuals make themselves into better persons by…

a.praying a lot to be acceptable in the Eyes of God

b.praying a lot to be acceptable in the eyes of other Americans

c.contributing some of their time or money to causes designed to help others

10.The belief in the freedom of the individual means…

a.the desire and the ability of individuals to control their own destiny without outside interference from the government, church, or any other organized authority

b.the desire of individuals to stand on their own two feet

c.the desire of individuals to control the government, ruling class, or any other organized authority

11.The major cause of the religious diversity in the USA is …

a.the fact that the USA is a country of ethnic diversity

b.the belief that the individual not the organized church should be the center of religious life

c.the Protestant branch has many different branches – denominations

12.A number of informal practices which combine … are referred to as “national religion”.

a.Roman Catholics with Protestants

b.Christian faith with many other different religions

c.national patriotism with religious ideas

13.Patriotic songs express the idea that …

a.disagreement with current national practices is discouraged or not tolerated

b.the United States and its basic values have received God’s special blessing

c.freedom of speech combined with patriotism makes American nation

14.The main function of the “national religion” is…

a.to express the belief that all people are equal

b.to prove support for the dominant values of the nation

c.to shape a nation of people who believe in God

15.The Protestant settlers believed that by coming to America they were…


a.carrying out God’s plan for them to succeed

b.carrying their own ideas of patriotism

c.carrying their own ideas of national self-confidence

II. Questions for discussion (pp.55 – 56)

III. QUIZ (Units 7 – 8 pp. 46 – 56)

Suggestions for Writing

Write a composition choosing one of the questions:

1.Is human nature basically wicked or good? What does your religion teach about self-improvement?

2.Does humanitarianism exist outside your religion in your country? What responsibility do the wealthy have?


Vocabulary and Cultural Literacy List

Spaniard = Spanish – s/one from Spain

Providence – a powerful force that some people believe causes everything that happens to us = destiny, fate – провидение, божий промысел, судьба

(the) Revolution – the Revolutionary War of the early1770s, the tipping point in American struggle for independence from the British Crown, which ended with the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776

1.empire – a number of countries ruled by one person or government – империя

2.maritime – (1)involving ships or the business of moving people and goods in ships

– морской; (2) close to the sea= coastal – приморский

3.flee (fled) – to escape from a dangerous situation very quickly – спешно покинуть

4.prosperous = thriving, well-off, wealthy, well-to-do, rich and successful - процветающий ; Ant. poor, impoverished; prosper (v.) – thrive, succeed; prosperity (n.)

5.swell – to become or make sth larger than normal = enlarge, expand, increase –


6.intolerant – not willing to accept behavior, beliefs, or opinions that are different from their own – нетерпимый; Ant. tolerant

7.offender – s/one who has committed a crime or who has broken a law or rule –

преступник, отступник

8.merciless – pitiless, ruthless, very cruel; very severe; Ant. merciful

9.refugee – s/one who leaves their country, especially during the war or other threatening event – exile, fugitive; runaway – беженeц, беглец

10.be jealous of – wanting very much to protect or keep sth – ревниво оберегающий; unhappy and sad because s/one has sth you would like – envious – ревнивый,



11.cosmopolitan –showing the influence of many other countries and cultures; used about a place where people from many different cultures live – космополитический

12.substantial – considerable, large, actual, wealthy – основательный, прочный,


13creed – belief, credo, faith, doctrine – кредо, убеждения, вероучение

14.savage – wild, uncivilized, uncultivated, rugged, cruel, fierce - дикий, первобыт-

ный; дикарь

15.perceive – see, understand, comprehend – воспринимать; perception (n.)

16.deception – trickery, treachery, deceit – обман; deceptive (adj.); deceive (v.)

17.estate – very large area of land that belongs to one person, usually with a very big house on it – усадьба, хозяйство; all the property and money that belongs to s/one - недвижимость, имущество; estate agent (Am) realtor – s/one whose job is to help people buy and sell or rent property – агент по недвижимости

18.launch [lo:] – drive, propel, initiate, start – запустить, предпринять, начать

19.swamp – an area of land covered by water where trees and plants grow = bog, mire, marsh, morass – болото, болотистое место

20.indentured – forced by a contract to work for a n employer for a fixed period of time – работающий по контракту, связанный контрактом

21.adjustment – a change that s/one makes in their behavior or attitude –

приспособление, приноравливание; adjust to – get used to a new situation by changing your ideas or the way you do things

22.track– path or road with a rough surface – просека, путь, трасса; clear tracks

прокладывать дороги

23.wilderness – an area with no roads or buildings where people do not live – дикая местность, глухомань

24.housewarming – a party that you give in a house that you have just moved

into новоселье

25.contest – competition, tournament -конкурс, состязание; contestant = competitor, rival – конкурсант

26.quilted – sth that is quilted is made from layers of cloth filled with feathers or a similar substance; quilt – a fairly thick cover for a bed consisting of several layers of cloth sewn together, often with attractive patterns of cloth on the top layer – стеганое одеяло

27.misgivings – feelings of fear or doubt about whether sth is right or will have a good result – doubts, hesitations – сомнения

28.guilty of – s/one who is guilty has committed a crime – виновный в: find sb guilty/not guilty of – officially decide that they are guilty/not guilty of sth – признать виновным в; plead guilty to sth –say that you are guilty – признать свою вину в ч-т

29.libel (on s/one) – the illegal act of writing/printing things about s/one that are not true or that damage s/one’s reputation; cf. slander – клевета; libel (v.) – publish a libel

30.vigorous – full of energy, enthusiasm, or determination; strong, active, powerful–


31.bequeath[`kwi:] s/th to sb – give s/one money or property after you die by making a legal document called a will – завещать

32.immortal – бессмертный; Ant. mortal; (im)mortality (n.)


33.maxim – phrase or saying that includes a rule or moral principle about how you should behave – афоризм, сентенция, принцип

34.affiliation – connection with an organization, especially a political or religious one; be affiliated to/with – be officially connected with a larger organization or group

Vocabulary Check

I. Fill the blanks with the words from the vocabulary list that correctly complete the sentence. Use the words in an appropriate form. Which word is the One Odd Out?

libel, guilty, perceive, misgivings, deception, flee, launch, prosperous, bequeath, jealous, vigorous

1.The company announce it will ____ (launch) a new version of its software in January.

2.Freedom of the press was recognized in New York with acquittal of John Peter Zenger on charges of ____. (libel)

3.Sophia had lots of admirers and I was ____ (jealous) of them.

4.This government is ___ (guilty) of much talk and little action.

5.Earthquake victims have been forced to ____ (flee) their homes.

6.Computers were often ____ (perceive) as a threat.

7.He was accused of obtaining money by ____. (deception)

8.Aunt Emily ___ (bequeathed) all her jewelry to her niece.

9.I have serious ____ (misgivings) about my relationship with Bob.

10.With economic expansion comes the promise of a more ____ (prosperous) future.

II.Find the correct words by their definitions.

1.free from national prejudices because of wide experience of the world (cosmopolitan)

2.not willing to accept behavior, beliefs, or opinions that are different from their own (intolerant)

3.to start a major activity, project etc (launch)

4.forced by a contract to work for a n employer for a fixed period of time


5.a widely accepted rule of conduct or general truth briefly expressed (maxim)

6.wild, uncultivated waste land (wilderness)

7.in a primitive or uncivilized state, fierce, cruel (savage)

8.s/one who has broken a rule or law (offender)

9.s/one who left a country during a threatening event (refugee)

10.be officially connected with a larger organization or group (be affiliated with)

11.all the property and money that belong to s/one (estate)

12.the illegal act of writing/printing things about s/one that are not true or that damage s/one’s reputation

Comprehension Check

I. Choose the correct answer according to the text.


1.By the end of the 17th century, the population of the English colonies was about …




2.Philadelphia means…

a.brotherly love

b.Phil’s woodland

c.green country town

3.Quakers were led by …

a.William Rogers

b.William Penn

c.Roger Williams

4.Manhattan was used by Indians for…

a.fishing and hunting

b.battle field

c.market place to exchange rolls of cloth and beads

5.… continued to exercise an important social and economic influence in the New York Region.

a.the English

b.the Swedes

c.the Dutch

6.Until the 1750s, no …were allowed in Georgia.




7.Often non-British people pushed inland, escaping…

a.fights with Indians

b.English influence

c.fights with English

8.Many of the colonial leaders had … about the growing spirit of independence among the settlers.


b.progressive ideas

c.dangerous ideas

9.Under British law … made Zenger guilty of criminal libel.

a.printing criticism of the governor

b.establishing a printing press

c.attacks on liberty itself


10.Benjamin Franklin founded a public academy that later developed into…

a.the American Philosophical Society

b.The Philadelphia’s Library

c.The University of Pennsylvania

11.…became the home-place for Harvard in 1636.




12.Parents who could pay were required to …

a.pay tuition

b.give their children religious education

c.send their children to grammar schools

II. According to the text, are these statements TRUE or FALSE? Correct the wrong statements.

1.In colonial America land was scarce and labor was plentiful. (F)

2.Pilgrims were much better-off than other colonists. (F)

3.The three colonies developed in a similar way. (F)

4.The Puritans who had come to America for religious freedom, did not allow any religious freedom to anybody. (T)

5.Roger Williams was the most intolerant of the Puritans. (F)

6.The colonies refused to trade with each other and with England. (T)

7.New England was more jealous of its independence of Britain (T)

8.Quakers did not believe in God and refused military service. (F)

9.Penn founded the land called Pennsylvania and later established Delaware. (T)

10.Philadelphia got its name because it was a city of ethnic diversity. (T)

11.Society in New England colonies was far more cosmopolitan and tolerant than in the Middle Colonies. (F)

12.Manhattan means Heavenly Land in Dutch.(F)

13.The Southern Colony Georgia was launched and governed by a great British philanthropist Benjamin Franklin. (F)

14.In New England, councilmen were elected to govern. (T)

15.Peter Zenger’s case in fact established in America the principle of freedom of the press. (T)

III. Answer the questions (pp 62 – 63)

Group Work : Discussion

In group of four, discuss which of Franklin’s maxims display worldly wisdom and wit; which ones remain viable and can be a practical doze of advice on daily living these days?

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