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Никова Тхе Басиц Иссуес оф Манагемент ин Усе 2016

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Ex. 3. Answer the questions, based on the text.

1.What two considerations should you keep in mind when writing the job ad?

2.How does the job description help you to write the job ad?

3.What are the usual elements of the job’s ad?

4.Why is it important to tell the applicant all the skills, qualifications and attributes necessary for the job?

5.How can the issue of salary be approached in the job ad?

6.What kind of extra information can you ask for in the job ad?

Ex. 4. What do you think the main idea of the text is?

1.The job advertising is the potential applicant’s window into your company.

2.When you are writing the job advertising, you should think «sell».

3.Properly done job ad not only generates responses from qualified candidates, but also prevents the unqualified applicants from applying for the position.

Ex. 5. Prepare to present a summary of the text.

1.Make a plan of the text.

2.Write down phrases and expressions you will be using when talking about each part.

3.Present a summary.

Ex. 6. Translate into English using words and expressions from the text.

1.Цель объявления о вакансии не только в том, чтобы заинтересовались квалифицированные кандидаты, но и в том, чтобы не откликнулись те, кто совершеннонеподходитна данную должность.

2.Объявление о вакансии – это конспект описания должностных функций.

3.Обычно объявление о вакансии состоит из следующих разделов: заголовок, информация о должности, сведения о компании, квалификационные требования и критерии отбора кандидатов, контактная информация и способы связи.

4.Постарайтесь детально отразить уровень ответственности и основные обязанности.


5.Необходимо указать навыки, квалификацию и качественные характеристики, которыми должен обладать претендент.

6.Не следует использовать слова, не несущие смысловой нагрузки. Придерживайтесь фактической информации.

7.В объявлении необходимо упомянуть о дополнительных выплатах и льготах.

8.Многие компании предпочитают не предоставлять подробную информацию о зарплате, однако в объявлении о вакансии предпочтительнее указать диапазон заработной платы.

Ex. 7. Complete the sentences.


The goal of a job ad is not only to


synopsis of the ex-


generate responses from qualified


isting job descrip-


applicants, but also ______________




for the position




You actually want to think of the ad


the level of respon-


as a ______________


sibility and the




main duties


Make sure you detail exactly


an outstanding sales


___________________, but sell the


track record


challenges and what the job may lead




to in the future



4You need to tell the reader all the

_______________ you think anyone filling your vacancy will need

5He or she must have a degree, have the industry qualification and be able to prove ________________

6Details of current salary is the most common thing to ask for, but if you want ___________________, then stick that in as well

Dto prevent candidates who are clearly unqualified from applying

Eskills, qualifications and attributes

Freferences, or examples of their work


Ex. 8. Discussion time.

1.Salary is a very touchy issue for the company and the candidate. Why is that? Explain.

2.What might happen if you don’t discuss the salary issue in the job ad? What are the possible ways of doing it?

Ex. 9. Research time.

Look at the job advertising pages of «The Moscow Times». Pay attention to how they address the salary issue. Bring examples of the following tactics to the class: a) no mentioning of the salary, b) mentioning the salary range, c) indicating precise salary and benefits package.

Ex. 10. Write the job ads based on the job descriptions you did for Ex. 9, Text 4:

HR assistant,

Reception clerk,

PR specialist,

Sales department specialist.

You can use as examples the job ads from papers or from the web. You will need to include all the necessary elements, mentioned in the text.


Text 7. Conducting Job Interview. Part 1

Hiring and keeping good workers begins with the job interview. If you can ask the right questions, you're more likely to select the candidate who's right for the job. Without good interviewing skills, however, you could extend an offer to someone who's ultimately not the right fit for your company.

There will always be competition for skilled and talented workers. Hiring qualified employees is an art but also requires certain skills. You have to be a good listener; you need to know how to redirect a conversation; and you must be able to make a distinction between those who simply want the job and the perfect candidate who can get the job done.

Even with the ups and downs of the current market, knowing how to conduct a successful interview can help you land the best employees. Here are some tips to help you with the screening process:

Prepare. This may seem obvious, but many hiring managers neglect to review a candidate's paperwork prior to the interview. Reviewing a résumé in front of the interviewee is not only rude but is a sign of disorganization and poor preparation.

Set the tone. Let your candidates know that you're glad to meet them. Also, express your appreciation for the time they've taken to come in. Explain how the interview will proceed and then try to follow that format as closely as possible.

Prepare a script. Don't underestimate the value of preparing several questions beforehand. Your human resources department may even have a set of prepared questions to use as a guide. Too often, busy managers (is there any other kind?) forget until it's too late what they wanted to ask. Ask open-ended questions as well as ones that might elicit a more detailed response. For example, you may say, «Tell me what led you to apply for this position.» Later, you could ask, «We're very deadline oriented here; could you tell me about experiences during which a deadline might have been difficult to meet?» And then listen carefully to the responses. Try to ask a good mix of questions – those that give insight into behavior, elicit opinion, demonstrate experience, and reveal background. When the interview is over you should have a fairly good sense of the person's likes and dislikes, along with their strengths and weaknesses.


Listen to your instincts. If a candidate seems too good to be true or seems to lack the skills you need, be honest with yourself as you assess the meeting. In some cases, you may need to pose more pointed questions. On the other hand, no amount of questioning can change a person's ability to do a job.

Know what you want. If you don't know the skill set required for the open position, chances are you might not ask the right questions, which may confuse the candidate. Make a list of what you're looking for and then ask pointed questions so that when the candidate walks out the door you know whether or not he or she is a viable choice.

Manage your time. If you've set aside an hour for an interview, do your best to stick with that schedule. But be prepared, too, to cut the meeting short and jump to the more concluding questions. Don't waste your time or the candidate's by stretching the meeting out. If there's no match, no amount of conversation is going to change that.

Write it down. Forget about remembering everything that transpires during an interview. You'll want to take notes so that you can review the meeting at a later time. This will be especially important if you're interviewing many people for the same position. You can use an Interview Evaluation form, so you can record your impressions of job candidates.

Don't forget that the candidate is also interviewing you. In addition to being skilled at asking appropriate questions, ones that will elicit a candidate's strengths and talents, you must be conscious of the impressions you are making as well. Just as the interviewee is selling himor herself to you and your company, you are basically trying to achieve the same result. Make sure that you know as much as possible about your company; the interviewee will be expecting to get that information from.


land (зд. разг.) – поймать, выудить;

elicit – извлекать, допытываться, выведывать, выявлять;

to meet a deadline – выполнить работу к заранее намеченному сроку;

viable – жизнеспособный, (зд.) целесообразный; match – совместимость, сочетание;

transpire – становиться известным, обнаруживаться; ups and downs – взлеты и падения.


Ex. 1. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and phrases:

подходящий; переключить, перевести разговор; процесс отбора; добиться ответа; сосредоточится на своевременном окончании; сдать/выполнить работу в срок; узнать мнение; достаточно хорошее представление о; сильные и слабые стороны; слишком хорошo, чтобы быть правдой; испытывать недостаток необходимых навыков; задавать целенаправленные вопросы; навыки, которыми обладает человек; придерживаться чего-либо; прервать, «свернуть» собеседование (зд.); растянуть, продлить собеседование (зд.); сильные стороны и способности; вопрос, допускающий множество ответов; пристрастия и предубеждения.

Ex. 2. Write down Russian equivalents for the following words and phrases:

right fit; redirect a conversation; screening process; elicit a response; deadline oriented; to meet a deadline; elicit opinion; fairly good sense; strengths and weaknesses; too good to be true; to lack the skills; to pose more pointed questions; skill set; to stick with smth.; to cut the meeting short; to stretch the meeting out; strengths and talents; open-ended questions; likes and dislikes.

Ex. 3. Answer the questions, based on the text.

1.What skills do you need to conduct a successful interview?

2.Why is it important to review a candidate’s paperwork before-


3.What does it mean – set the tone? How can you do that?

4.Why is it important to prepare questions beforehand?

5.What should you know about the applicant after the interview is


6.Why is it important to know a skill set required for the position?

7.When does it not make sense to stick to the schedule of the inter-


8.Why is it important to make notes?

Ex. 4. What do you think the main idea of the text is?

1. You must prepare the questions beforehand, as well as review the candidate’s paperwork – otherwise it will make a bad impression.


2.When hiring employees you must be able to make a distinction between those who simply want the job and the perfect candidate who can get the job done.

3.It’s important to take notes, so that you can review the meeting later, especially if you are interviewing many people for the same position.

Ex. 5. Prepare to present a summary of the text.

1.Make a plan of the text.

2.Write down phrases and expressions you will be using when talking about each part.

3.Present a summary.

Ex. 6. Translate into English.

1.Процесс найма подходящих сотрудников начинается с собеседования.

2.Перед собеседованием необходимо просмотреть документы претендента на должность. Читать резюме в его присутствии – невежливо, и является признаком неорганизованности и плохой подготовки.

3.Подготовьте вопросы заранее. Задавайте вопросы, требующие высказывания собственного мнения.

4.Необходимо знать, какие навыки необходимы для вакантной должности.

5.Будьте готовы «свернуть» собеседование и перейти к заключительной части.

6.Ваша задача – отличить идеального кандидата, способного качественно выполнить работу, от человека, который просто хочет занять эту должность.

7.По окончании интервью у вас должно сложиться довольно хорошее впечатление о сильных и слабых сторонах претендента.

8.Во время интервью делайте пометки, чтобы потом можно было проанализировать ход разговора. Это особенно важно в том случае, если вы проводите собеседование с несколькими претендентами на одну и ту же должность.

9.Вы должны все досконально знать о вашей компании – претендент на вакантную должность надеется получить эту информацию от вас.


Ex. 7. Complete the sentences.


Reviewing a résumé in front of the


strengths and


interviewee is not only rude but is a




sign of _______________________




When the interview is over you


skill set; con-


should have a fairly good sense of the


fuse the candi-


person's likes and dislikes, along with




their __________________________




If you don't know the ____________




required for the open position, chanc-


and poor prep-


es are you might not ask the right




questions, which may ____________




Even with the ups and downs of the


who can get


current market, knowing how to con-


the job done


duct a successful interview can help




you ____________________




You must be able to make a distinc-


land the best


tion between those who simply want




the job and the perfect candidate







Ex. 8. Essay writing.

1.Think about the skills that you need to conduct a perfect job interview. What are the most important ones? Write them down. Compare the notes with your fellow students.

2.Imagine that you are the HR professional and tomorrow you have to interview four candidates for the position of your assistant. What steps should you take prior to the interview? What questions are you

going to ask the applicants? Write a short essay including your preparation steps and questions for the interview.

3. The author of the text advises you to use the Interview Evaluation form (IEF), so you can record your impressions of the candidates. What do you think the form should look like? What parts should it have? Write them down, then compare the notes with your fellow students. In a teacher-led discussion develop the IEF, that you are going to use for the next lesson.


Text 8. Conducting Job Interview. Part 2. Questions and Answers

The questions and answers are the main part of the interview. How you phrase questions, when you ask them, how you follow up – each of these aspects of interviewing can go a long way toward affecting the quality and usability of the answers you get. Even before you start to ask questions, you want to have a reasonably specific idea of what information you are expecting to gain from the interview. You may uncover two of three items on the candidate’s resume that can use clarification. Or you may have a specific question about one particular aspect of the candidate’s personality. Whatever the need decide ahead of time what you want to know more about and build your interview strategy around that goal.

It’s important to vary the style of questions during the interview. The questions can usually be divided into four categories, based on the kinds of answers you are trying to elicit:

Close-ended questions call for a simple, informative answer – usually «yes» or «no». Examples of such questions are: «How many years did you work for that company?» «Did you enjoy it?» «Did you travel a lot, while working there?»

Such questions work best if you are trying to get specific information or set the stage for more complex questions. But beware – asking too many of them in a rapid-fire succession might give the candidate impression that they are being interrogated.

Open-ended questions require thought and oblige the candidate to reveal attitudes or opinions, for example: «Describe for me, how you handle stress on the job?» «Can you give me an illustration of how you improved productivity at your last job?»

Using open-ended questions related to candidates’ past experiences on the job is known as behavioral interviewing. The premise behind behavioral interviewing is that the most accurate predictor of future performance is past performance in similar situations. Companies that employ behavioral interviewing have predetermined the skill sets they require for a particular position. These skill sets could include: decision making and problem solving, leadership, motivation, communication, interpersonal skills, planning and organization, critical thinking skills, team building and the ability to influence others. The company deter-


mines the skill sets by doing a detailed analysis of the position they are seeking to fill.

You have to be careful, though, to avoid not being specific enough, as you phrase the question and not interceding if the candidate’s answer starts to veer off the track.

Hypothetical questions invite candidate to resolve an imaginary situation or react to a given situation. «If you were the purchasing manager, would you institute an automated purchase order system?» «If you were to take over this department, what’s the first thing you’d do to improve productivity?» Such questions might be useful, if they are framed in the context of actual job situations. Although you might be better off asking questions that force a candidate to use his/her actual experience as the basis for an answer.

Leading questions are asked in such a way, that the answer you are looking for is obvious. «You rarely fought with your last boss, right?» «You know a lot about team-building, don’t you?» «You wouldn’t dream falsifying your expense accounts, would you?»

Such questions are not useful. You are not likely to get an honest answer – just the answer you want to hear. And you run the risk of appearing unprofessional.

Salary Negotiation

Job interviews always involve the awkward dance of salary negotiation. A company in corporate America somewhere...

Interviewer: «So Joe, what are your salary requirements?» Joe Interviewee: «Well, I'm pretty flexible.»

Interviewer: «How about a general range?»

Joe Interviewee: «Did you have a specific number in mind?» They could go on like this for hours. Let's be honest: you want to pay

as little as possible, they want to get as much as possible. You need to meet somewhere in the middle. If you've done your homework you should have a pretty good idea of the going competitive rate for a particular position. Know up front how much room there is in the budget to negotiate. It's ok to try to ferret out what the candidate wants so you don't offer too much upfront, but know that they'll be doing the same thing. Usually, it's best to be honest, give a range that allows for some movement up or down, and get the applicant to be honest with you about what they want. This will help prevent you from under or overbidding.