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legal syst

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Insert the prepositions and translate the sentences in writing:

  1. …ДИМА ГЕНИЙ!!!!… Russian scholars a system of law is the internal structure of law defined by…..social relations.

  2. When rules and laws become systematized…in… one country they make national legal systems and these systems can be classified …into… families according …to…. their main features.

  3. Civil Law is the most widespread type of legal system in the world, applied …in….various forms in approximately 150 countries.

  4. Some legal scholars attribute the formation of the English common law system … King Henry II.

  5. The existing legal systems of nearly all countries are generally modeled ……. elements of several main types.

  6. The civil law system is derived mainly …. the Roman ‘Corpus Juris Civilus’, a collection of laws and legal interpretations compiled …….. the Roman Emperor Justinian I between A.D. 528 and 565.

  7. The foundation of English common law is “legal precedent” – referred … as stare decisis.

  8. In the past, legal systems have often been grouped …… geography, history, culture, race, language, religion, or official ideology.

  9. The civil law systems in some countries are based …on…. more than one code.

  10. Common law is also …… force in approximately 80 countries which were a part f..or greatly influenced by the former British Empire.

  11. A system of law is expressed .. unity and coordination of all acting legal norms and their implementation …… branches and institutions of law.

  1. relating to a system of thought that recognizes more than one ultimate principle (adj.)

  2. a prominent attribute or aspect of something

  3. the human race

  4. the quality of being characterized by vigorous activity and progress.

  5.  the quality or fact of having parts that agree with each other

  6. having power or influence that transcends national boundaries or governments (adj)

  7. a specialist in a particular branch of study

  8. to indicate and set apart for a specific purpose

  9. to add an extra element or amount to

  10.  a thing from which something originates

  11. the action of explaining the meaning of something

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