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the us electoral college

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Watch the video “Does your vote count? The Electoral College explained”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9H3gvnN468 and do the following tasks:


The Democratic Party’s donkey and the Republican Party’s elephant have been on the political scene since the 19th century. The origins of the Democratic donkey can be traced to the 1828 presidential campaign of Andrew Jackson. During that race, opponents of Jackson called him a jackass. However, rather than rejecting the label, Jackson, a hero of the War of 1812 who later served in the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate, was amused by it and included an image of the animal in his campaign posters. Jackson went on to defeat incumbent John Quincy Adams and serve as America’s first Democratic president. In the 1870s, influential political cartoonist Thomas Nast helped popularize the donkey as a symbol for the entire Democratic Party.

The Republican Party was formed in 1854 and six years later Abraham Lincoln became its first member elected to the White House. An image of an elephant was featured as a Republican symbol in at least one political cartoon and a newspaper illustration during the Civil War (when “seeing the elephant” was an expression used by soldiers to mean experiencing combat), but the pachyderm didn’t start to take hold as a GOP symbol until Thomas Nast, who’s considered the father of the modern political cartoon, used it in an 1874 Harper’s Weekly cartoon. 

Speak on these issues:

In 1964, it was decided that the electoral college would consist of 538 votes. Why do you think they decided on that number? What is the benefit of including the three additional seats from the District of Columbia?

The electoral college is known to assist small states as well as geographically large states with small populations. Do you think that the electoral college benefits the small states? What other system could be implemented to help states with small populations?

If it is possible to win the presidency by winning 11 large states, why do you think candidates pay attention to smaller states? Can you think of additional strategies that would benefit a Democrat or a Republican specifically?

Choose the correct answer:

What is the electoral college?

  1. A university founded to help aspiring politicians with their campaigns

  2. A group of academics that report to the government during election season

  3. A government entity founded by the signers of the Declaration of Independence that ensures a fair election

  4. A group of people appointed by each state who formally elect the president and vice president its true

We can find a description of the electoral college (in article II, section I, clause II) in what historical document?

  1. The Emancipation Proclamation

  2. The Bill of Rights

  3. The Declaration of Independence

  4. The Constitution of the United States its true

How might a state lose (or gain) one of its electoral votes?

  1. Based on the census (перепись населения), which is conducted every ten years its true

  2. The number of votes is based on how much a state gives to a candidate's campaign

  3. States were given a permanent number of votes at the time the electoral college was founded

  4. The House of Representatives decides every 4 years

If a candidate receives zero votes in 39 states, he/she can still be elected president if he/she gains the popular vote in 11 of 12 remaining states. Which state is not included in one of the 12 states that could win the presidency?

  1. Arizona

  2. Ohio

  3. New York

  4. California its true

What are safe states?

  1. States that are always won by the candidate that spends the most money to campaign

  2. States that have a long history of voting for a particular party its true

  3. States that vote for the incumbent (действующее должностное лицо)

  4. States that forfeit (лишиться) their electoral votes


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