- •Воронежский государственный архитектурно-строительный
- •Ббк 81.2Англ: 26.89я7
- •Введение
- •Cultural studies
- •British cultural studies
- •The British Isles
- •England
- •Scotland
- •Northern Ireland
- •Britain the Pioneer
- •The English Character
- •The Mixture of Races and Cultures
- •The English Mind and Heart
- •Religion in Britain
- •The Constitutional Monarchy
- •The House of Lords
- •The House of Commons
- •Political Parties
- •The Mass Media
- •Class Society
- •The Commonwealth
- •Independence:
- •Lectures
- •Video (dvd): Kings and Queens (bbc) («Короли и королевы»)
- •Revision
- •Britain in the 17th – 19th centuries
- •Present-day britain
- •English speaking countries
- •British songs
- •Auld lang syne Scottish Song
- •Перевод с. Я. Маршака
- •Bobby shaftoe English Folksong
- •Charlie is my darling Scottish Folksong
- •Cockles and mussels
- •Irish Song
- •I saw three ships come sailing by English Folksong
- •Home, sweet home English Song
- •Land of my fathers Welsh Song
- •My bonnie British traditional song
- •O, no, john! English Folksong
- •Перевод с. Болотина и т. Сикорской
- •There was an old woman English Folksong
- •Перевод с. Я. Маршака
- •There’s a hole in my bucket Popular Folk Song from Britain
- •Greensleeves English Folk Song
- •Перевод с. Я. Маршака
- •For he’s a jolly good fellow Popular English Social Song
- •Twelve days of christmas
- •Amazing grace
- •A red, red rose
- •Перевод д. Тим
- •Jingle bells
- •Billy boy
- •Oh, my darling, clementine
- •We shall overcome
- •Перевод с. Болотина и т. Сикорской все преодолеем
- •What a wonderful day
- •Перевод а. Дюка Прекрасный мир
- •Part ten seminars
- •British Studies Quiz
- •British Early Days History Quiz
- •British Medieval History Quiz
- •British Land Quiz
- •British Legal System Quiz
- •British Culture Quiz
- •British Economy Quiz
- •English Speaking Countries Quiz
- •Britain: General Survey.
- •The usa: General Survey.
- •The samples of the design written work
- •The cover page of the written work
- •The sample of references References
- •Структура курсовой работы
- •Правила оформления курсовой работы по дисциплине «Лингвострановедение. Англоязычные страны» для студентов 3 курса
- •Presentation Tasks
- •Вопросы к зачету по дисциплине «лингвострановедение. Англоязычные страны» для студентов 3 курса
- •Вопросы к экзамену по лингвострановедению
- •Заключение
- •Список литературы
- •Table of contents
- •Людмила Владимировна Лукина лингвострановедение. Англоязычные страны cultural studies
- •394006 Воронеж, ул.20-летия Октября, 84
Список литературы
Артемова А.Ф. Великобритания. Книга для чтения по страноведению. – М.: АСТ: Восток-Запад, 2006. – 499 с.
Михайлов Н.Н. American Cultural Studies. – М.: «Академия», 2008. – 288 с.
Нестерова Н.М. Страноведение: Великобритания. – Ростов н/Д : Феникс, 2006. – 368 с.
Письменная О.А. Information on English-speaking countries. - К.: НАУ, 2003. 72 с.
Письменная О.А. Information on Great Britain. - К.: НАУ, 2003. - 86 с.
Письменная О.А. Information on the United States. - К.: НАУ, 2003.- 90 с.
Письменная О.А. Windows on the English-speaking World. – К.: ООО «ИП Логос», 2004. – 544 с.
Радовель В.А. Страноведение: Великобритания. – Ростов н/Д : Феникс, 2005. – 320 с.
Чернов Г.В. Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь. Американа. – М., 1996.
A Dictionary of Modern Britain. Penguin, 1991.
A Glimpse of English Speaking Countries. М., 1969.
An A to Z of British Life. Dictionary of Britain. Adrian Room. Oxford, 1995. 476 pp.
Britain in Brief. M.: Prosveschenie, 1993.
British Festivals. СПб.: Питер Пресс, 1996.
Bromhead P. Life in Modern Britain. Longman Group UK Ltd, 1992. 153 pp.
Burlakova V.V. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Geography). L., 1970.
Cannon J., Griffiths R. The Oxford Illustrated History of the British Monarchy. 1988.
David McDowall. An Illustrated History of Britain. Longman, 1995. 188 pp.
Encyclopedia Britannica, 2005.
England. History, Geography, Culture. Kiev, 1976.
Hewitt K. Understanding Britain. Oxford: Nizhnyi Novgorod, 1999. 198 p.
Hewitt K. Understanding British Institutions. Oxford: Nizhnyi Novgorod, 1999. 253 p.
Garwood Ch., Gardani G., Peris E. Aspects of Britain and the USA. Oxford, 1997. 96 pp.
Joy M. High days and Holidays. London, 1981.
Khimunina T., Konon N., Welsh I. Customs, Traditions and Festivals of Great Britain. M.: Prosveschenie, 1984.
London. Thomas Benacci LTD, 2002. – 64 p.
McDowell D. An Illustrated History of Britain. Longman, 1995. 260 p.
National Geographic Guide to America’s Historic Places. Washington, D.C., 1996. 383 pp.
O’Driscoll J. Britain. Oxford University Press, 1995.
Stacey A. Visiting India. London, 1986. 192 pp.
USA in Brief. М.: Оникс, 2000. 95 с.
Table of contents
Ввудение |
3 |
Cultural Studies British Studies Quiz |
4 |
Part One British Cultural Studies |
6 |
Part Two Britain: General Survey |
10 |
Part Three The UK Factfile |
18 |
Part Four Lectures Lecture 1: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Lecture 2: History of Britain Lecture 3: The Middle Ages Lecture 4: The New Monarchy |
25 29 32 |
Part Five Revision Lecture 5: The Period of Invasions |
36 |
Part Six Britain in the 17th – 19th centuries Lecture 6: The Rise and Fall of the British Empire |
38 |
Part 7 Present-Day Britain Lecture 7: The Land (Physical Background) Lecture 8: Family Life and Human Relations Lecture 9: Economy of the United Kingdom Lecture 10: Political Structure of the United Kingdom Lecture 11: British Mass Media Lecture 12: The British Commonwealth of Nations Lecture 13: London – the Сapital of the United Kingdom Lecture 14: Education in Britain Lecture 15: Medicine and Health Care System Lecture 16: Environmental Protection Lecture 17: British Culture Lecture 18: British National Traditions Lecture 19: Famous Britons |
40 44 49 50 54 56 57 62 65 67 68 71 75 |
Part Eight English Speaking Countries Lecture 20: The United States of America Lecture 21: The United States of America Today Lecture 22: Introducing Canada Lecture 23: Introducing Australia Lecture 24: New Zealand |
82 88 95 98 103 |
Part Nine British Songs Lecture 25: Music of the United Kingdom 1. “Auld Lang Syne” Scottish song 2. “Bobby Shaftoe” English folksong 3. “Charlie is My Darling” Scottish folksong 4. “Cockles and Mussels” Irish song 5. “I saw Three Ships Come Sailing by” English folksong 6. “Home, Sweet Home” English song 7. “Land of My Fathers” Welsh song 8. “My Bonnie” British song 9. “O, No, John!” English folksong 10. “There Was an Old Woman” English folksong 11. “There’s a Hole in My Bucket” British folksong 12. “Greensleeves” English folksong 13. “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow” English song 14. “The Twelve Days of Christmas” 15. “Amazing Grace” 16. “My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose” Lecture 26: Music of the United States of America 1. “Jingle Bells” 2. “Billy Boy” 3. “Oh, My Darling, Clementine” 4. “We Shall Overcome” 5. “What a Wonderful World” |
107 108 111 112 114 116 117 118 119 120 123 125 128 133 134 138 140 143 144 145 147 149 151 |
Part Ten Seminars Seminar 1: British Cultural Studies Seminar 2: The Formation of the British Nation Seminar 3: The Period of Invasion Seminar 4: Britain as an Off-Shore Island Seminar 5: The Legal System of Britain Seminar 6: Culture and Art of Britain Seminar 7: British Economy and the Way of Life Seminar 8: English Speaking Countries in Brief |
153 155 157 159 161 164 166 168 |
Part Eleven Supplement Topics for the Written Work The Samples of the Design Written Work Структура курсовой работы Правила оформления курсовой работы Presentation Tasks Вопросы к сдаче зачета Вопросы к сдаче государственного экзамена |
171 175 177 178 179 180 181 |
Заключение |
182 |
Список литературы |
183 |
Учебное издание