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© Sorokovykh G.V., Andrukh A.O., 2020

Modern Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) of Higher Education (HE), based on the competence approach, contain requirements for the list of competencies by type of professional activity. In the educational programs of non-linguistic universities, one of the leading General cultural competencies is the communicative competence, which includes the foreign language speech competence (ILSC), which is required to form students of all areas of training (AT) of higher education, including such as 38.03.01 "Economics" (bachelor's level) [1].

The updated third-generation FSES HE not contain recommendations for evaluating learning outcomes. The absence of these provisions is a reflection of the complexity of organizing and conducting an assessment of the level of competence formation. In the methodology of teaching foreign languages the problem of objective determination of the level of mastering the target language, the level of formation of foreign language competence, quality of teaching and quality of educational activities is one of the most Central in this connection is the urgent task of rethinking and updating of the organization assessing learning outcomes. B. M. Bim-Bad believes that "Improving the evaluative component of control is one of the most urgent problems of modern education" [1**].

The purpose of this article is to develop a criteria-based tool that allows you to objectively assess the level of formation of the communicative competence declared in the Federal state educational standard. To do this, the criteria tools should directly correlate and be reflected in the content of the educational program, as well as be suitable for self-assessment of the speech competence of the subjects. For this reason, it is necessary to develop a qualimetric approach at the interdisciplinary level, involving teachers of specialized economic disciplines in the assessment procedure, ensuring consistency of opinions of participants in the procedure and objectivity of the assessment.

In order to present the criteria tools, we will design a system for diagnosing the formation of speech competence of an economist when teaching a foreign language for special purposes. The object of such diagnostics is a specific process of learning a foreign language, in our case, it is the formation of professional foreign language speech competence of the future economist.

In the pedagogical and linguodidactic sciences, diagnostics contributes to the study and analysis of the educational process of a foreign language and is aimed at identifying the prerequisites, organizational and methodological conditions and results of mastering a foreign language and culture in order to optimize and justify the strategic task of professional foreign language education - the formation of intercultural communicative competence of a specialist in the proper profile.

We agree with the opinion of many researchers of this scientific problem that in any experiment it is important to observe the scientific criteria that form the basis of instrumental verification of the effectiveness of a particular work [1*; 2*; 3*; 4*; 5*].

It should be noted that one of the distinctive features of linguodidactic diagnostics is the presence of a specific object - the foreign language process of interaction between communicants in the framework of intercultural communication.

In order to present diagnostic tools, we will design a system for diagnosing the formation of speech competence of an economist when teaching a foreign language for special purposes. The design of such a system assumes the presence of its components.

1) Defining the object and purpose of diagnostics. The object of such diagnostics is a specific process of teaching a foreign language, in our case, it is the formation of foreign language speech competence of future economists. At the stage of ascertaining experiment we used a set of methods, techniques, and procedures for initial, ongoing and final diagnosis: a questionnaire to determine the motivational-value attitude to the process of forming speech competence of future bachelors of economic orientation, task to determine the level of speech competence (In this article, in view of its limited format, presents criteria-based evaluation tools aspect of speaking. However, the main ideas-the justification of individual and group criteria, taking into account the disparity of the weight coefficients of group criteria, the use of a highly informative scale - can equally be used for other types of speech activity: listening, reading, writing).

2) Putting forward a working hypothesis. Methods of assessment speech competence of the future economist will be successful objective if the specifics of foreign language competence (FLSC) and the requirements thereto; articulated relevant criteria for the assessment of FLSC, proved highly informative ordinal scale, allowing to differentiate a set number of levels of formation of speech competence; have been developed and tested a set of measuring and control tasks, allowing to do objective conclusions about the level of development of FLSC.

3) Practical application of diagnostic tools.

Methodology of the research.

At the stage of the ascertaining experiment, we used a set of methods, techniques and procedures for initial, current and final diagnostics: a questionnaire to determine the motivational and value attitude to the process of forming the speech competence of a future bachelor of Economics, test tasks to determine the level of proficiency in speech competence (speaking).

The tasks set and the specifics of the material under study led to the use of the following research methods:

- theoretical: analysis of foreign and domestic scientific literature in the field of methods of teaching foreign languages, linguodidactics, testing theory; modeling the structure and components of the speech competence assessment system;

- empirical: subject-content analysis of regulatory support (FSES HE) and methodological support of educational programs in the field of Economics; analysis of methods for assessing speech competence in the Russian Federation and abroad; pedagogical monitoring of the assessment procedure; conversations with teachers and students, questionnaires and testing of students; differential and complex qualimetric methods for evaluating learning outcomes; single and group expert assessment; conducting an experiment to verify the provisions of the proposed technology; analysis and description of the quantitative and qualitative results of the experiment.

The research is conducted mainly on the basis of the Federal state educational institution of higher education (FSES HE) "Moscow Polytechnic University". To date, more than 150 students who are studying the educational program in accordance with the requirements of the Federal state educational standard of higher education in the field of training 38.03.01 "Economics" (bachelor's level) have participated in various aspects of the experiment regarding the testing of the proposed criteria tools.

Research results.

At Moscow Polytechnic University, studing the discipline "Foreign language" in the educational program "Economics" (profiles "Commercialization of scientific and technical developments" and "Organization Management") takes place for 2 years – 4 semesters.

In the first semester, the discipline "Foreign language" (General English) is offered. Studying the discipline "Foreign language" is carried out: the development of skills of perception of sounding (monologue and Dialogic) speech, the development of skills of oral colloquial speech. Teaching a common language is conducted within the framework of everyday and general educational topics, as well as on didactic material of a country-specific and cultural nature.

In the second semester, the discipline "Business English" is studied. At this stage, the basics of conducting business negotiations, business correspondence, and General approaches to business organization of an economic entity are given. At this stage, the main task is to develop students ' ability to public business speech and presentation skills.

During the third and fourth semesters, students study the discipline "Professional foreign language for economists". Studying this discipline, the development of communication skills in the field of professional and economic communication is carried out, training in reading special literature in order to obtain information; development of public speech skills on professionally-oriented topics (message, report, discussion).

To develop criteria-based tools for assessing foreign language speech competence, we will analyze the experience of foreign and domestic practices.

In Western practice, much attention is paid to the substantiation of criteria for assessing the formation of foreign language communicative competence and components of speech competence. the efforts of methodologists are largely aimed at unifying approaches to assessing educational achievements. Table 1 shows the criteria for assessing the component of speech competence "speaking" based on the materials of the CEFR [1*], as well as the highly rated English language proficiency exams: the Cambridge University English language Exam (CAE).

Table 1-Criteria for assessing the "speaking" aspect based on foreign approaches

СEFR, 200





Grammar and Vocabulary

Lexical Resource

Language use


Grammatical Range and Accuracy


Interactive Communication


Fluency and Coherence)


Topic development




The content of the criteria is disclosed in the materials of the CEFR document:

- range-reflects the level of proficiency in the language's vocabulary;

- accuracy – the ability to correctly use grammatical constructions;

- fluency – the ability to make spontaneous statements in accordance with the principles of colloquial speech, to choose a rational pace, pauses in speech;

- interaction – the ability to participate equally in a conversation;

- coherence – the ability to produce coherent, organized speech.

The analysis of the materials in table 1 shows a high consistency of criteria in different approaches. The only clear difference is that the CEFR approach does not take into account the "pronunciation" criterion.

Note the following features of the criteria presented in table 1:

- the presented criteria are homogeneous in their structure and correspond to the concept of " single criterion»;

- there is no consideration of cross-cultural and socio-cultural knowledge, rules and norms of behavior (to some extent, these aspects of speech can be analyzed within the "connectivity" criterion»);

- the structure of criteria does not reflect professional knowledge, skills, and competencies (professional vocabulary can be analyzed within the "range"criterion).

On the one hand, domestic methodologists make extensive use of international experience in control and evaluation activities, and on the other hand, they actively test author's developments [2].

Thus, O. V. Baryshnikova [2*] takes the CEFR approach to the selection of criteria for assessing speaking as a basis, but expands the content of the criterion "connectivity", in addition to language means, taking into account the" subject content of the profession" and "situational roles" in this criterion. Thus, the status of a single criterion is raised to a group one and the professional component is taken into account in the speaker's speech structure. E. V. Timokhina also highlights the professional aspect in assessing the speaker's speech [3*].

Thus, O. V. Baryshnikova [2*] takes the CEFR approach to the selection of criteria for evaluating speaking as a basis, but expands the content of the criterion "connectivity", in addition to language means, taking into account the "subject content of the profession" and "situational roles" in this criterion. Thus, the status of a single criterion is raised to a group one and the professional component is taken into account in the speaker's speech structure. E. V. Timokhina also highlights the professional aspect in assessing the speaker's speech [3*].

To implement this process, it is also necessary to identify a set of speech characteristics of an economist student in a foreign language vocational and economic education which are necessary for the formation and assessment of speech competence. In our opinion, they are: foreign-language professional lexicon and thesaurus; speech strategies and tactics; relevant justification and implementation of functional style, genre, social role; foreign-cultural speech behavior and etiquette; speech abilities and personal communication qualities.

Thus, we propose the following author's criterion tools:

- general criterion (group criterion consisting of individual criteria: fluency, coherence, reasonableness, logic);

- cross-cultural and professional criteria (group criteria as part of individual criteria: knowledge of economic discourse; knowledge of cross-cultural features of doing business; knowledge of cross-cultural norms of speech behavior);

- personal criterion (group criterion as part of individual criteria: ability to defend their point of view; effectiveness; efforts made).

The presented set of criteria (figure 1) reflects all the components of a foreign language professional communicative competence (language, professional-economic, intercultural, speech itself), which allow for effective professional communication through speech.

For quantitative characteristics of speech competence is used, the measurement procedure (e.g., number of words per unit of time to determine one of the characteristics of fluency; the number of speech errors in the utterance; the average number of words per sentence, etc.), for qualitative characteristics of speech competence (coherence of text, imagery, statements, etc.) used a different procedure – assessment which is carried out by experts [3].

The objectivity of the assessment is conditional and significantly depends on the qualifications of the teachers conducting the assessment procedure. The correctness of the conclusion about the point values of object properties depends significantly on the relevance of the applied qualimetric method.

The conclusion about the point values of object properties is formed on the basis of individual and group criteria (indicators) that determine the value of the generalized criterion. Under the criteria for assessing the foreign language professional speech competence of economists, we will understand the characteristics of the effectiveness of foreign language professional and economic intercultural communication. The complexity of assessing foreign language speech competence determines the relevance of questions about the quality and objectivity of this procedure [4], methods and means of assessment.

The multiplicity of criteria for evaluating the components of speech competence makes it difficult to derive a General assessment of the learning outcome. The simplest way is to present the overall assessment as a set of its individual components, e.g.: Assessment by the General criteria (AGC) /Assessment by Cross-cultural and Professional Criteria (ACCPC)/ Assessment by the Personal Criterion (APC).

This assessment clearly shows the strengths and weaknesses of the student, but in General, the assessment format is inconvenient.

The procedure for "folding" the values of group criteria into a General assessment is a non-trivial task. Initially, the issue is investigated whether the group values of the criteria are equivalent, or whether each of the group criteria has its own weight coefficient. In Qualimetry, the sum of the weight coefficients mi must be equal to one

where mi is the weight coefficients of the group criteria, i=1,..., n is the number of weight coefficients.

F igure 1- Author's criteria tools for assessing the foreign language speech competence of future economists

Most often, for simplicity, the weight coefficients are assumed to be equal in significance. In our example, there are three group criteria, so the weight of each criterion is the same m1=m2=m3=1:3=0,333. In this case, the overall score for the criteria for the example presented above is determined by the expression

A= m1·AGC+m2·ACCPC + m3 APC = 0,333·6+0,333·9+0,333·3=6.

Or, what's more, the score is the arithmetic mean of the group criteria:

A= (6+9+3)/3=6.

However, in the case of foreign-language professional communication, the group criteria presented may have different weights, which is determined by the content of the discipline being studied: General English (1 semester), Business English (2 semester), English for students of Economics (3 and 4 semesters).

To determine the values of the weight coefficient of the criteria, a survey was conducted among 30 teachers of the Department of Foreign languages of the Moscow Polytechnic University. The following values of the weighting criteria were obtained by expert analysis when studying the business English discipline in the 2nd semester (figure 2):

- according to the General criterion m1=0,5;

- according to the professional and intercultural criterion m2=0,3;

- according to the personal criterion m3= 0,2.

An example of estimating the FLC, taking into account unequal weight coefficients, can be presented as follows:

A= m1·AGC+m2·ACCPC + m3 APC =0,5·6+0,3·9+0,2 3= 6,3

The weight coefficient of the criteria when studying the discipline English for students of Economics in the 3rd and 4th semesters of study from the point of view of experts take the following values:

- according to the general criterion m1=0.3;

- according to the professional and cross-cultural criterion m2=0.5;

- according to the personal criterion m3= 0.2.

Figure 2-Author's criteria tools and weight ratios for assessing the FLSC of future economists in the second semester

The assignment of the highest value of the weighting ratio to the professional-intercultural criterion in the final semesters of foreign language learning is not accidental. It is culture (and the professional and economic aspect) that acts as the goal of teaching foreign language in the period of approval of the communicative approach/method; culture is considered as a component of the content of training in the era of spreading the ideas of linguoculturological and socio-cultural approaches; the ability to participate in the dialogue of cultures is stated as a competency-based goal of learning foreign language (competence-based and intercultural approaches) [5].

In this case, the overall score is formed as follows:

A= m1·AGC +m2·ACCPC + m3 APC =0,3·6+0,5·9+0,2·3=6,9.

Thus, the qualimetric approach provides the possibility of implementing an algorithm for objective assessment of a complex object (speech competence) and presenting the assessment of speech competence in various formats, each of which is focused on the corresponding pedagogical goals.

The assessment procedure ends with the implementation of the "difference" assessment procedure, which represents the difference between the teacher's assessment and the student's assessment. The smaller the difference result, the higher the objectivity of the assessment and the satisfaction of students with the described criteria tools.


Taking into account the complexity of the assessment of professional foreign language speech competence of a student in the field of Economics (a heterogeneous structure of competence, it is necessary to consider the interdisciplinary base of the formation, competence is characterized by quantitative and qualitative indicators) criteria tools shall comply with the principle of reproducibility, which ensure equality of ratings by faculty staff (self-assessment of students) in relation to the subject of assessment.

To carry out an objective assessment procedure it is advisable to use the criteria tools offered by the authors which contain a set of criteria for assessing the foreign language speech competence of an future economist: general criteria (group criteria as part of individual criteria: fluency, coherence, reasonableness, logic); intercultural-professional criteria (group criteria as part of individual criteria: knowledge of economic discourse; knowledge of cross-cultural features of conducting business; knowledge of cross-cultural norms of speech behavior); the personal criterion (group of criteria consisting of a single criteria: ability to defend their point of view; effectiveness; outgoing efforts). For assessment it is proposed to use a qualimetric approach with unequal weight coefficient, the values of which vary depending on the learned course (General English, Business English, English for Students of Economics).

For the procedure of self-assessment, the student is also offered a developed criteria tool. Objectivity and satisfaction can be traced in the "difference" assessment procedure, which represents the difference between the teacher's assessment and the student's self-assessment.

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