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VII. Match the English and Russian definitions using Fig. 2.:

  1. internal wall;

  2. a large-panel house;

  3. floor slab;

  4. longitudinal loadbearing wall;

  5. external wall;

  6. constructive scheme.

  7. made of precast concrete elements.

    1. наружная стеновая панель;

    2. конструктивная схема;

    3. крупнопанельный дом;

    4. панель перекрытия;

    5. внутренняя стена;

    6. продольная несущая стена.

    7. Сделанный из сборных бетонных элементов

VIII. Read the information given below and answer the following questions.

One can see different types of houses in our city: frameless houses and those with frames. This is a frameless large-panel house with three longitudinal

Constructive scheme of a large-panel house with longitudinal loadbearing walls

Fig. 2. Constructive scheme of a large-panel house with longitudinal loadbearing walls:

1 - external wall slab – наружная стеновая панель; 2 - floor slab – панель перекрытия;

3 - internal wall – внутренняя стена; 4 - a large-panel house – крупнопанельный дом;

5 - with longitudinal loadbearing wall – с продольной несущей стеной

loadbearing walls: two external walls and one internal wall. External walls of the house are made of precast concrete elements.

Partitions are made of gypsum-slag concrete. Reinforced concrete panels one-storey height are used for internal longitudinal loadbearing walls of the house.

Intermediate floors rest on external and internal walls. Such constructive scheme is used for public and industrial multistoried buildings.

  1. What kind of house is shown in Fig. 2 ?

  2. What structures may have the constructive scheme with three longitudinal loadbearing walls?

  3. What materials are used for external walls?

  4. What are partitions made of?

  5. What materials are used for internal walls?

  6. What is the information about?

IX. Study the constructive scheme shown in Fig.3.

Fig. 3. Constructive scheme of a large-panel house with transverse loadbearing walls:

1 - floor slab – панель перекрытия; 2 - external wall slab – наружная стена;

3 - partition slab – перегородочная панель;

4 - with transverse loadbearing wall – с поперечной несущей стеной

X. Match the English and Russian equivalents using Fig. 3:

  1. transverse loadbearing wall;

  2. external wall;

  3. partition slab;

  4. floor slab.

    1. панель перекрытия;

    2. перегородочная панель;

    3. поперечная несущая стена;

    4. наружная стеновая панель.

XI. Study the information and answer the questions.

This is a frameless large-panel house with transverse loadbearing walls.

All main elements of the house - transverse partitions, internal longitudinal walls and external walls - are loadbearing.

Floor slabs have supports from four sides.

Partitions and floor slabs are made of heavy concrete.

1. What kind of house is shown in Fig. 5?

2. What structures may have the constructive scheme with transverse loadbearing walls?

3. What materials are used for partitions and floor slabs?

4. Are all main elements in the house loadbearing or non-loadbearing?

5. What is the information about?

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