- •I. Past Simple
- •Exercises
- •1. Put in was/were or wasn't/ weren't.
- •3. Write the past simple of the verbs in the list in the correct box.
- •4. Write the past simple and the past participle of these verbs. Then choose five verbs and make sentences using the past simple.
- •5. Write sentences about the past
- •6. Supply the past forms of the irregular verbs in italics.
- •Lizardman
- •Past Simple versus Present Perfect
- •2. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the present perfect.
- •3. Correct the sentences that are wrong.
- •4. Make sentences from the words in brackets. Use the present perfect or past simple.
- •II. Past Continuous
- •2. Put these sentences into the negative and question form.
- •3. Put the verbs in brackets into the past continuous tense.
- •4. Write sentences. Use the past continuous in a positive, negative or question form.
- •8. Make the sentences complete using either the past continuous or the past simple of the verbs in brackets.
- •9. Put the verb into the correct form, the past simple or the past continuous.
- •10. Correct the mistakes.
- •11. Rewrite the sentences. Use the past continuous and past simple with when or while.
- •12. Join the sentences using as, just, while, when and ago. Put the verbs into the past continuous or the past simple.
- •13. Join the sentences below using when, while, and, so or as/ because
- •14. Look at the sentences in exercise 13. Which tenses are used for:
- •16. A Look at the notes below and say what Rick did yesterday, using the linking words from the list:
- •17. Imagine that you were present when these things happened, then, in pairs, ask and answer questions, as in the example.
- •18. Read these lists.
- •20. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous.
- •21. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous
- •22. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous. Then say which uses of these tenses are shown in each extract.
- •23. Put the verbs in brackets into the past continuous or the past simple.
- •24. Put in the past simple or past continuous. Note where both forms are possible.
- •In the blaze of her headlights. It (look)... Like a hedgehog with a tall white hat. It
- •III. Past perfect
- •Exercises
- •1. Answer the following questions using the past perfect tense.
- •2. Jane arrived late at different places yesterday. What had happened when she arrived at each place?
- •3. First, say which action happened first, then join the sentences using the words in brackets, as in the example.
- •4. Make up a complex sentence combining two simple sentences.
- •Read the situation and write sentences from the words in brackets.
- •6. Choose the correct words.
- •8. Complete the following sentences using the past perfect or the past continuous
- •9. Supply the past simple, the past continuous or the past perfect.
- •10. Read the following sets of sentences and say how the meaning changes.
- •11. Look at Pam's day. Combine these sentences in the correct order. Begin your sentences with when.
- •12. Look at these phrases.
- •IV. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
- •Exercises
- •1. Read the situations and make sentences from the words in brackets using the past perfect continuous.
- •2. Supply the past perfect continuous tense of the vert» in brackets.
- •3. Fill in the gaps with one of the verbs from the list in the past perfect continuous:
- •4. Complete the questions.
- •5. Make up sentences with the past perfect continuous tense.
- •6 . Make up sentences complete the suitable parts from the right and left-hand columns.
- •8. Identify the tenses in bold then match them to the correct tense description. How is each tense formed? When do we use each tense?
- •9. Put the verbs in brackets into the past perfect or the past perfect continuous.
- •10. Make sentences from the words in brackets. Put the verb in the correct form, past perfect or past perfect continuous.
- •Past Perfect Continuous и Past Continuous
- •E xercises
- •2. Supply either the past perfect continuous or the past continuous of the verb in brackets.
- •3. Put the verb into the most suitable form, past continuous, past perfect or past perfect continuous.
- •4. Put the verbs into the correct tense, past perfect, past perfect continuous or past simple.
- •5. Work in two teams. Continue the story that your teacher starts. If you fail to continue the story your team loses.
- •V. Revision
- •1. Look at the sentences. Are they past simple (write ps), past continuous (pc), past perfect (pp), or past perfect continuous (ppc)?
- •2. Supply the Past Simple, the Past Continnous, the Past Perfect, the Past Perfect Continuous of the verbs in brackets.
- •3. Choose the correct answer.
- •4. Underline the correct tense.
- •5. Put the verb into the correct past tense.
- •Библиографический список
- •Оглавление
ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ОБРАЗОВАНИЮ Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего
профессионального образования
Воронежский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет
Кафедра русского языка
методические указания для студентов 2-го курса международного факультета
Воронеж 2005
Составитель Т. М. Крючкова УДК 802. 0 (07)
Категория прошедшего времени в английском языке [Текст]: метод, указания для проведения практич. занятий для студ. 2-го курса международного факультета по дисциплине «Английский язык» / Воронеж, гос. арх.-строит, ун-т; Сост.: Т. М. Крючкова. - Воронеж, 2005.-ЗЗс.
з Введение
Методические указания предназначены для ознакомления студентов с категорией прошедшего времени в английском языке при помощи комплекса грамматических и коммуникативных заданий и упражнений.
Содержание указаний соответствует программе курса и является дополнительным материалом к основному учебно-методическому комплексу.
Главная цель методических указаний - сформировать у студентов умения распознавать формы прошедшего времени и правильно употреблять их в речи.
Учебный материал содержит пять разделов. Первые четыре раздела лмеют единую структуру: теоретический материал на русском языке, касающийся прошедшего времени, и грамматические задания на закрепление навыков употребления прошедших времен. Пятый раздел содержит упражнения, позволяющие проверить степень усвоения данного в указаниях материала.
Указания состоят из пяти разделов. Первые четыре раздела содержат теоретический материал на русском языке, касающийся прошедших времен в английском языке, и грамматические и коммуникативные упражнения. В пятом разделе - упражнения, проверяющие степень усвоения данного в указаниях материала.
Предназначены для студентов второго курса международного факультета.
Табл. 8. Библиогр.: 6 назв.
Печатается по решению редакпиошю-издательского совета Воронежского государственного архитектурно-строительного университета
Рецензент - Н.В. Петько, ассистент кафедры русского языка ВГАСУ
I. Past Simple
The Past Simple Tense образуется путем прибавления окончания -ed или -d (если глагол оканчивается на гласный е) к основе правильных глаголов или путем различных изменений глагольной основы (для неправильных глаголов). Вопросительная и отрицательная формы образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола to do в Past Simple (did) и инфинитива смыслового глагола без частицы to (табл. 1).
Таблица 1
I, you he,
she, it, we, they
studied saw etc.
study see etc.
I, you he,
she, it, we, they
Did |
I, you, he, she, it, we, they |
study? See? |
2. Последовательность действий в прошлом.
Не took a bath, shaved carefully, put on a fresh shirt and left.
3. Повторяющихся действий в прошлом, характеризующих привычки или чувства, свойственные кому-то в прошлом.
Every afternoon he smoked a thick black cigar after dinner. Время действия может быть обозначено такими обстоятельствами, как yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week, last month, last year, last night, last time, two days (three days) ago, in 1990 etc.
1. Put in was/were or wasn't/ weren't.
You... at home last night. Where... you?
Yesterday... a public holiday so the shops... closed.
3.'... Sue and Jack at the party?' 'Sue... there but Jack....'
George... at work last week because he „. ill. He's better now.
We... hungry after the journey but we... tired.
Глагол to be в прошедшем времени имеет форму was для единственного числа и were для множественного числа, а также для 2-го лица множественного числа (табл. 2)
Таблица 2 Positive
I, he, she, it |
Was |
we, you, they |
Were |
Negative |
I, he, she, it |
was not (wasn't) |
we, you, they |
were not (weren't) |
Question |
Was |
1, he, she, it? |
Were |
We, you, they? |
2. Write the questions. Use the words in brackets in the correct order + was/ were.
(late/you/this morning/why?)
(difficult/your exam?)
(last week/where/Ann and Jack?)
(your new camera/how much?)
(nice/the weather/last week?)
The traffic was bad. No, it was easy. They were on holiday. Sixty pounds. Yes, it was nice.
3. Write the past simple of the verbs in the list in the correct box.
stay, bake, fry, complete, try, hire, rub, travel, ply, cry, destroy, promise (табл. 3).
Таблица 3
-e + d |
baked |
double consonant + ed |
stopped |
consonant + у - ied |
fried |
vowel + у + ed |
stayed |
The Past Simple употребляется для выражения:
1- Действий, которые происходили или произошли в прошлом. They went to the seaside last summer.