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Система схемотехнического моделирования Micro-Cap 6.0. Хрестоматия для организации самостоятельной учебной деятельности студентов. Комарова Э.П., Каширский С.Н

2.56 Mб

Animation components

There are three animation components: a digital switch, an LED, and a seven segment display. The description of these are as follows:

Digital Switch: The switch is designed to produce either a digital zero or one state. It has a single output pin at which the selected digital state will appear. During a simulation, the switch may be clicked on to toggle it between its zero and one output. The appearance of the switch's arm will change to indicate which state the switch is currently connected to.

LED: The LED component is designed to represent the display of a light emitting diode. It has a single input pin. Depending on the digital state or the analog voltage at the input pin, the LED will be lit with a different color on the schematic. The colors the LED uses are defined in the Color/Font page of the circuit's Properties dialog box. In this page, there is a list of digital states that have a corresponding color.

Seven Segment Display: The seven segment component is designed to represent the display of a seven segment display. It has an input pin for each segment of the display. All of the pins are active high. It is intended to work with basic seven segment decoders/drivers although any input will control the display of the corresponding segment.

The LED and seven segment display components do not model the electrical characteristics of the parts they represent. They are only available for display purposes. The digital switch is the only one of the three that can effect a simulation. Each of these components must have an I/O model specified for them in order to work with analog components.

Animate Options dialog box

This dialog box sets the interval between data point calculations in an animation analysis. The dialog box is invoked by selecting Animate Options under the Scope menu and appears in Figure 14-1. It provides these options:



Don't Wait: This option turns off the animation which lets the analysis run at optimum speed.

Wait for Key Press: This option will produce one data point with each key press.

Wait for Time Delay: This option will produce one data point per specified time delay.

Time Delay: This text field sets the specified time delay in seconds that will be between each data point calculation. This text field is only active if the Wait for Time Delay option is selected.

OK: This closes the dialog box and saves any changes that were made.

Cancel: This closes the dialog box and ignores any changes that were made.

Help: This accesses the help topic for this dialog box.

Figure 14-1 Animate Options dialog box A transient analysis example

To see how the animation mode works in transient analysis, click on Open under the File menu and load the circuit ANIM3. The ANIM3 circuit uses the seven segment components to display the outputs of three 7448 seven segment decoders. The circuit should appear like this:


Figure 14-2 The ANIM3 circuit

Select Transient from the Analysis menu. Close the Analysis Limits dialog box. Click on the Scope menu and select Animate Options. The Wait setting for the ANIM3 circuit is currently set to Wait for Time Delay and the Time Delay has been defined as Is. This means that a single data point will be calculated every second. Click OK. Hit the F2 key to run the simulation. Every second a new data point will be calculated. The resulting values will be displayed in the plot and on the schematic. Notice that both the digital states on the schematic and the seven segment displays are updated with each data point. Figures 14-3 and 14-4 display the simulation results at two separate times in the circuit.

For animate mode, a split screen should be used to be able to view both the waveform plot and the schematic at the same time. This can be done by selecting Tile Vertical or Tile Horizontal under the Windows menu. The schematic can be moved within the window by dragging with the right mouse button.

The waveforms in the plot also show the output values of the Ina stimulus (nodes 21-18), the Inb stimulus (nodes 28-25), and the resulting output (nodes 35-32) of the adder. As can be easily seen in the


Figure 14-3 Animation mode results at 150ns

figures, it is much easier to view the basic output through the animation components than through the actual waveforms.

Figure 14-4 Animation mode results at 650ns
















Analog Primi-






Analog Library

Save As


Digital Primi-





Select All

Digital Library


Copy Front Window



Add Page

Find Component

Print Preview

Delete Page



Add Model State-


Print Setup




Box Operations


Circuit 1



Circuit 2

Bring to Front



Send to Back


Circuit N

















Transient Analy-

Tile Vertical

Help Bar


Tile Horizontal


AC Analysis

Arrange Icons


DC Analysis


Show All Paths

Probe Transient

Zoom In



Zoom Out

Global Settings

Probe AC Anal-


Title Block



Component Palette 1

Probe DC Anal-

Split Horizontal

Component Palette 2


Split Vertical

Component Palette 3


Show Full Window






Component Editor

Component Palette 9


Shape Editor



Model Program






Tool Bar



Transient Analysis


Monte Carlo

AC Analysis



DC Analysis







Remove All Objects



Restore Limit Scales



Numeric Format


Analysis Plot



3D Plots

Cursor Functions


Performance Plots

Singe Step


Numeric Output

Go To X


State Variables Edi-

Go To Y



Go To Performance


DSP Parameters

Tag Left Cursor


Reduce Data Points

Tag Right Cursor


Exit Analysis

Tag Horizontal



Tag Vertical



Align Cursors



Same Y Scales







$COMPANY 215 $DATE 215 $MAXPAGE 215 $MAXSHEET 215 $NAME 215 $PAGE 215 $PAGENAME 215 $SHEET 215 $TIME 215 $USER 215



.SUBCKT 211 3D plots 43


AC analysis 107 Accessing 45, 109

Excitation 108 System variables 108

Accel PCB interface 27 Active filters 47

Add model statements command Add page command 30

Adding components 60, 83 Adding tags to plots 144 Adding text to plots 143 Align cursors command 133 Analog library 32

Analog primitives 32, 64 Analog waveforms 8, 15 Analysis Limits dialog

box 8, 86, 110, 123, 124 Command buttons

Add 86, 110, 124 Delete 86, 110, 124 Expand 87, 110, 124 Help 87, 110, 124 Run 86, 110, 124 Stepping 87, 110, 124 Numeric limits field Frequency range 110 Maximum change 111


Maximum time step 87 Noise input 111

Noise output 111

Number of points 87, 110, Temperature 87, 111, 125 Time range 87


Auto scale ranges 90, 114, Frequency step 113 Normal run 89, 113, 127 Operating point 90, 114 Operating point only 90 Retrieve run 89, 113, 128 Save run 89, 113, 128 State variables options Leave 89, 113

Read 89, 113

Zero 89, 113

Animation 48, 155, 223 Components 225 Example 227 Mode 33, 223 Options 226

Arrange icons command 34 Attributes 18, 60

Attribute list box 60 Dialog box 60, 69, 73 Text 19

Text display command 38 Auto scale command 112, 131 Auto scale option 89


B field plots 159 Baseline 131 Batch mode 16

Behavioral modeling 1 Bessel filters 47

Border display command 38 Box 18, 30

Bring to front command 31 BSIM models 1



Calculator 35 Capacitance plots 159 Cascade command 34 Change commands

Attributes 30, 31 Color 31

Font 31 Properties 30

Rename components 31 Charge plots 159 Chebyshev filters 47

Circuit control menu 22 Clear command 29, 74 Click the mouse 18 Clipboard 18

Close command 22, 27 Color menu 88, 112, 127 Command line 16

Command text display command 38 Component

Definition 18 Menu 32

Component Editor Access command 35

Add component command 51, 52 Add group command 52

Adding a new component 50 Copy command 52

Creating pins 20 Delete command 52 Display 50

Display Value / Model Name 51 Merge command 52

Model = Component Name 51 Paste command 52

Pin assignments 51 Pin text option 51

User palette assignment 51 User palette membership 62

Component library 1, 64 Component mode command 36 Condition display command 38 Copy command 18, 29, 75, 83

Copy to clipboard command 29 Copy to picture file command 29 Cross-hair display command 38 Current 7

Current display command 38 Cursor 18

Cursor mode 13, 133, 137, 138 Cursor mode command 37 Cursor value fields 137

Cut command 29, 74, 83


Data directory 4 Data entry

Keyboard 25 Mouse 25

DC analysis 45 Default component 83

Default setting for new circuits 42 Define command 6

Delete all objects command 131 Delete file command 27

Delete page command 30 Deleting objects 74 Deselecting objects 76 Design menu 47

DEV tolerances 180 Dialog boxes 25 Digital

Hex operator 7 State 7

Digital library 32 Digital primitives 32, 64 Digital waveforms 8, 15 Drag 18

Drag copying 77, 83 DSP 49

Dynamic DC analysis 12, 45, 48


Editing parameters and text 69 Elliptic filters 47

Email for technical support 48 Equipment required 3


Esc key 19

Exit command 28 Expressions 7, 8, 13, 91



Binary model 54 Text model 54 File menu 26 SPICE files 1

Filter designer 49 Filters 33, 47 Find command 31

Find component command 33 Flag mode command 37 Flags 23

Flip X command 30 Flip Y command 30 Fourier analysis 49 Function keys 56

CTRL + F9 Delete all plots 56 F1 Help 56

F10 Properties dialog box 56

F11 Stepping dialog box 56

F12 State Variables editor 56

F2 Run analysis 56

F3 Exit analysis 56

F4 Display analysis plot 56

F5 Display numeric output 56

F6 Auto scale 56

F7 Scale mode 56

F8 Cursor mode 56

F9 Analysis Limits dialog box 56


Gaussian distribution 182 Global settings 44, 171 Gmin stepping 40

Graphics mode command 36 Grid 19

Grid text 19

Grid text display command 38


H field plots 159 Hardware requirements 3 Help mode command 37 Help System 48 Horizontal tag mode 134

Horizontal tag mode command 37


I-V characteristics 123 Inductance plots 159 Inertial cancellation 40 Info mode command 37 Initialization 103 INOISE 118 Installation 4

Inverse-Chebyshev filters 47


Linear DC stepping 125 Linear plot option 88 List DC stepping 125 Load MC file 27

Log DC stepping 125 Log plot option 88 LOT 180

LOT tolerances 180



Definition 19, 197 Parameters command 198

Make macro command 30 Maximize command 22, 34 Maximum time step 87 MC6 5

Menus 21 Control 21 Selection 24

Minimize command 22 Mirror box command 30 Mode commands 36 Model Editor


Add command 55 Copy command 55 Delete command 55 Go to command 55 Memo field 55 Merge command 55 Pack command 55 Part field 55

Part selector 55 Type Selector 55

Model editor 54 Model library 54

Binary form 54 Text form 54

MODEL program 5, 35, 54 Model statement 64, 69 Monte Carlo


Gaussian 182

Uniform 182 Worst case 182 Example 187 How it works 180 Options

Distribution to Use 186 Number of Runs 186 Report When 186 Status 186

Standard deviation 182 Monte Carlo analysis 49 Move command 22


Navigating 23, 78, 83, 164 Flagging 78

Paging 78

Panning 78 Relocation 78 Scaling 78 Scrolling 78

New command 26, 83 Next window command 22 Node

Definition 19 Names 19, 67, 83

Numbers 20, 67

Node numbers display command 38 Node snap 68

Node voltages display command 38 Noise

Analysis 118

Flicker 118 Shot 118 Thermal 118

NOM.LIB 30, 208, 212 Normalize command 132 Number of points 87, 110, 126 Numeric output

AC 117

DC 126 Transient 87

Nyquist plots 120


Object 20 ONOISE 118 Open command 26 Open model file 54

OrCad PCB interface 27


P column 8 Package editor 35 Package library 40 Page

Scroll bar controls 23 Selector tabs 23

Panning 20, 78, 80, 136, 164 Passive filters 47

Paste command 20, 29, 74, 75, 83 PCB interface 1, 26, 35 Performance functions 1, 146, 183 Performance plots 49

Picture files 29, 69 Pin assignments 51 Pin connections 65

Pin connections display command 38 Pin definition 20

Plot group number 88


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