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Федеральное агентство по образованию Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования

Воронежский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет

Кафедра иностранных языков


Методические указания для изучения устных тем по специальностям

270109 «Теплогазоснабжение и вентиляция»,

270112 «Водоснабжение и водоотведение»

(II этап обучения)

Воронеж 2010

УДК 802.0 (07): 697

Составитель Е.Н. Топоркова

АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК: метод. указания для студ. спец. 270109 «Теплогазоснабжение и вентиляция», 270112 «Водоснабжение и водоотведение» / Воронеж. гос. арх.-строит. ун-т; сост.: Е.Н. Топоркова. – Воронеж, 2010. – 33 с.

Методические указания содержат материал для развития устной речи по темам: «Энергия и еѐ источник», «Ядерная энергия», «Панельное отопление», «Водоснабжение», «Из истории водоотведения», а также предтекстовые и послетекстовые задания для повторения ранее изученного.

Предназначены для студентов, обучающихся по специальностям 270109 «Теплогазоснабжение и вентиляция», 270112 «Водоснабжение и водоотведение».

Печатается по рекомендации редакционно-издательского совета Воронежского государственного архитектурно-строительного университета

Рецензент – М.Г. Кочнева, к. п. н., доцент кафедры иностранных языков

Воронежского архитектурно-строительного университета


Тема 1. Water Supply

I. Вспомните, какие русские слова имеют те же корни, что и следую-

щие английские: water, part, nature, natural, condition, constant, intensive, flora, mineral, resources, steppe, taiga, cycle, interesting, atmosphere, to vary, proportion, temperature, gas, phenomenon, reservoir, to classify, to form, gravel, sanitary, system, industry, prime, to protect, results, adequate, standard, unlimited, problem, geographical, location, satisfactory, factor, progress, civilization, method.

II.Выучите следующие слова к теме: water supply – водоснабжение

to surround – окружать saturated – насыщенный

through the medium of = by means of – при помощи, посредством body of water – водный массив

inland lake – материковое озеро undersoil – подпочва

stratum = layer = bed – слой, пласт

sewage disposal system – система удаления сточных вод to foul – загрязняться

water treatment – водоподготовка, обработка воды depression – впадина.

III. Прочитайте и переведите тему

Water Supply

1.Water is an important part of nature which surrounds us and of those natural conditions we are changing constantly and intensively: the flora, the soil, the mountains, mineral resources, the deserts, the marshes, the steppes and the taiga.

2.Water passes through a very interesting natural cycle. The atmosphere

which surrounds the earth’s surface contains water which varies in amount in direct proportion to the temperature of its gases. Water is also evaporated into the


atmosphere. Atmosphere which has become saturated with water precipitates its moisture when the temperature lowers. This phenomenon is termed rainfall. The moisture falls to the earth and finds its way into reservoirs provided by nature.

3.Vast depressions in the earth are filled with water through the medium of natural water sources such as rivers, lakes, etc. These bodies of water are classified as inland lakes and are excellent sources of water.

4.Sometimes the rainfall finds its way into the soil and forms water bodies at various levels. Often a water body deep in the soil consists of a sand or gravel stratum which connects or empties into the basin of an inland lake and provides water supply through the medium of a drilled well.

5.Man uses water for domestic and sanitary purposes and returns it to the source through sewage disposal systems. Industry replaces water diverted to its use. Hence the cycle is completed but it is of prime importance that the supply be protected against pollution, for no one can predict how disastrous may be the results of it.

6.An adequate supply of pure and palatable water is essential to the modern society demands. In some localities water is available in unlimited quantities and converting it to use is not a difficult problem. This is especially true of towns situated on large inland lakes or rivers. On the other hand, there are cities where geographical location requires systems of water supply, and to provide a supply of water in these localities becomes a large engineering task.

7.The importance of a supply of water for domestic and industrial purpose has long been a deciding factor in the location of cities. The earliest settlers realized this need by establishing colonies close to them.

8.Water may be taken from any sources for human consumption after it has undergone a preliminary treatment to assure its purity. As man’s communities

grew the demand for water increased and the need for protection of the water supply against contamination became evident. Progress and civilization have called for elaborate and various systems and methods of water treatment.


IV. a) Образуйте от следующих существительных прилагательные с помощью суффикса -al, -ical, переведите их.

Образец: community – communal – общество – общественный, colony – colonial – место – местный.

Nature, industry, geography, atmosphere, class, commune, history, mechanic, biology, physics.

b) Образуйте от следующих глаголов существительные, используя суффик-

сы -tion, -ion, переведите их.

Образец: to locate – location – расположение

To distribute, to saturate, to classify, to connect, to evaporate, to divert, to predict, to pollute, to state, to populate, to situate, to consume, to create, to contaminate.

V. Выберите из следующих слов пары антонимов, то есть слов проти-

воположного значения:

Образец: small – big, domestic – industrial.

Supply, high, wet, saturated, liquid, natural, wastes, low, dry, deep, unsaturated, solid, purity, artificial, contamination, shallow, consumption, production, evaporation, precipitation.

VI. Замените подчеркнутые в предложениях слова синонимами, данными ниже:

1.Water is an important part of nature.

2.The atmosphere contains water.

3.Water varies in amounts in different localities.

4.Atmosphere precipitates its moisture.

5. A number of reservoirs is provided by nature.

6.Vast depressions are filled with water through the medium of natural water sources.

7.Man uses water for domestic and sanitary purposes.

8.Water supply must be protected against pollution.

9.Water is essential to the health.

Слова синонимы: essential, portion, has, differs, quantities, various, places, settles,

water, many, are produced, large, by means of, applies, home, provision, aims,


contamination, important.

VII. Расположите следующие предложения согласно последовательно-

сти изложения в тексте:

1.An adequate supply of water is one of the main requirements for maintaining high standards of health.

2.Vast depressions in the earth are filled with water.

3.They are known as inland lakes and are excellent sources of water.

4.The rivers and lakes contain a great amount of chemical and biological pollution.

5.Nowadays the problem of water treatment has become very urgent.

6.On the earth water passes through a very interesting natural cycle.

7.Water bodies deep in the soil are sources of water.

8.After using water man returns it to the source by means of sewerage systems.

9.Water is an important part of nature.

10.Man’s earliest settlements were always close to natural water sources.

VIII. Закончите следующие предложения:


Water is an…

a) the location of cities


Water passes through…

b) essential to the health


Water is evaporated into…

c) domestic and sanitary purposes


Atmosphere precipitates…

d) inland lakes


Vast depressions in the earth with


water are known as…

e) its moisture


Man uses water for…

f) the atmosphere


An adequate water supply is…

g) important part of nature


Water supply is a deciding factor for…

h) a very interesting natural cycle

IX. Ответьте на вопросы по теме Water Supply:

1.What is the text about?

2.What is water in nature?

3.What cycle does water pass through?

4.Does the atmosphere contain water?


5.Where is water evaporated into?

6.What does atmosphere precipitate?

7.What is an excellent source of water?

8.What does man use water for?

9.What must water supply be protected against?

10.What is a deciding factor in the location of the cities?

11.Where may water be taken from?

12.What has called for systems and methods of water treatment?

X. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения:

1. Вода – важная часть природы. 2. Вода проходит интересный природ-

ный цикл. 3. Атмосфера содержит воду. 4. Вода испаряется в атмосферу. 5. Ре-

ки и озера – отличные источники воды. 6. Человек использует воду для до-

машних и санитарных целей. 7. Водоснабжение должно быть защищено от за-

грязнения. 8. Правильное водоснабжение важно для здоровья людей. 9. Доста-

точное водоснабжение – решающий фактор в размещении городов. 10. Воду можно брать из любых источников после ее обработки.

XI. Расскажите о водоснабжении, используя слова:

Water supply, natural cycle, to pass, to evaporate, sources of water, domestic, sanitary purposes, a deciding factor, treatment, to contain, to protect, adequate, health.

Тема 2. From the History of Sewerage in Europe

I. Вспомните, какие русские слова имеют те же корни, что и следую-

щие английские:

History, practice, popular, dating, era, information, basis, typical, systematic, limit, metropolis, plan, engineer, commission, Parliament, local, continent, portion, ruin, idea, design, committee, expert, protecting, storm, dual, utilize, ground-water, region, technology.


II. Выучите следующие слова к теме: drains – стоки

sanitation – улучшение санитарных условий lack – нехватка, отсутствие

execution – выполнение junction – соединение cellar – подвал

cesspool – сточный колодец

to inquire = to investigate – исследовать management – благоустройство recipient – приемный резервуар community – населенный пункт effluent – вытекающий поток contamination – заражение

alley – переулок comprehensive – всесторонний

III. Прочитайте и переведите тему

From the History of Sewerage in Europe

1.Man’s sewerage practice has been known from ancient times. Explorations revealed sewers in Babylon dating from the 7th century before our era. Considerable information is available about the sewers in ancient Greek cities and the great underground drains of Rome have repeatedly been described.

2.The history of the progress of sanitation in London probably affords a typical picture of what took place quite generally about the middle of the 19th century in the largest cities of Great Britain and the United States.

3.The lack of central authority rendered systematic study and execution of sewerage work impossible. As late as 1845 there was no survey of the metropolis as a basis for planning sewers. The sewers in adjoining streets were of different elevation.

4.The first engineer who made a comprehensive study of metropolitan se-


werage needs thus described the conditions of London basements and cellars in 1847: ―There are hundreds, I may say thousands of houses in this metropolis which have no drainage whatever and the greater part of them have overflowing cesspools. And there are also hundreds of streets, courts and alleys that have no sewers.‖ After 2 outbreaks of cholera a royal commission was appointed to inquire into sanitary improvements of London. In 1855 the Parliament passed an act for the better local management of the metropolis as the basis for the sanitation of London.

5.In the continent a marked progress in sewerage began in 1842 when a severe fire destroyed the old part of the city of Hamburg. The portion ruined was the oldest and it was decided to rebuild it according to modern ideas of convenience. As a result Hamburg was the first city to have a complete sewerage system, built according to modern ideas. The system proved so well designed and maintained that twenty-five years after the sewers were completed they were found by a committee of experts to be clean and almost without odour.

6.At the present time the problem of good sanitation is closely connected with protecting the purity of natural water reservoirs, since the same body of water serves both as a source of water and as a recipient of sewage and storm drainage. And it is this dual use of water in nature and within communities that establishes reasons for water sanitation.

7.The source of pollution lies largely in the effluents of industry, urban life, agricultural production and transport, the worst pollution being caused by the chemical industry. Modern agriculture utilizes huge quantities of chemical fertilizers and pollutes the ground-waters and rivers.

8.Despite the growing improvement in water treatment methods many regions of the world cannot cope with the rapid rate of water contamination. The highly industrialized countries naturally suffer more than others. Certainly the condition which existed a century ago cannot be restored in large cities. But we badly need to find new ways of using the water in industry and agriculture and of


radically improving the technology of drainage purification.

IV. а) Образуйте от следующих глаголов существительные с помощью суффикса -ment, переведите полученные существительные.

Образец: to develop – development – развивать – развитие.

То access, to state, to inquire, to acquire, to manage, to employ, to base, to appoint, to agree, to disagree, to improve, to treat.

b) Образуйте наречия от прилагательных с помощью суффи к-

са -ly, переведите их:

Образец: natural – naturally – естественный – естественно.

Fair, repeated, probable, general, great, severe, complete, convenient, close, large, rapid, high, certain, bad, efficient.

V. Выберите из следующих слов пары антонимов.

Образец: small – big.

Bad, ancient, available, great, new, little, small, slow, possible, early, practicable, late, good, clean, rapid, big, unavailable, impossible, impracticable, dirty.

VI. Замените подчеркнутые в предложении слова синонимами, которые приведены ниже:

1.Considerable information is available about the sewers.

2.Great underground drains have been described.

3.The progress of sanitation took place in the 19th century.

4.A systematic study and execution of sewerage was impossible.

5.The engineer made a comprehensive study of metropolitan sewerage needs.

6.In the continent a marked progress in sewerage began in 1842.

7.The problem of good sanitation is closely connected with the purity of natural water reservoirs.

8.The source of pollution lies in the effluents of industry, agricultural production and transport.

9.Many regions of the world have the rapid rate of water contamination.

10. We need new ways of using water in industry and agriculture.