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Keep Fit

A. I like keeping fit, but I don’t go to a fitness club. Why pay a lot of money to use running machines, cycling machines and rowing machines and do yoga classes? I can do yoga at home and I can cycle around the city. With that money I can go rowing on a river. So why go rowing on a machine? That’s boring.

B. I like running, cycling and tennis, but I can’t do these activities outside in bad weather. I like swimming too, but I don’t live near the sea. So I go to a fitness club three times a week. It’s great! There are a lot of machines and equipment; I can use the swimming pool. I can relax and meet friends in the club’s cafй, too.


Write about activities you like. Do you go to a fitness club?


Super Food

Eat the right food and you can be healthier. But what is the best food?

Berries, such as blueberries and strawberries, are the number one fruit. They are good for the heart and for memory. They also fight illnesses. For vitamin C, eat an orange every day.

Some vegetables are super food. Broccoli is a good example. It is high in vitamin C. Carrots are rich in vitamin A and this is good for the skin. Eat garlic often because it’s a natural medicine. It is important to eat a lot of nuts because they are good for the memory. Oily fish, such as salmon and sardines, is very good for the heart. Olive oil is also good for it.

Lastly, are there any super drinks? Green tea is certainly one. A nice cup of green tea after the meal is good for health and it can protect from illnesses. Finally, don’t forget to drink water. It doesn’t have any vitamins, it doesn’t give you any energy, but it’s very important.

Eat some super food and live longer.


Write what food you usually eat. Which super food do you like to eat?


Places to Shop

Downtown Charleston is a lovely shopping area with many stores and cafés. There is also the City market, which sells many unusual things. In the north, there’s the popular Northwoods shopping mall, with a variety of stores and a huge parking lot. There are many small highway shopping areas outside the town, where you can do your shopping and fill your car with gas at the same time.

Pop-up Stores

Pop-up stores are coming to a street near you. The name “pop-up store” is only a few years old, but it is becoming more common because the number of pop-up stores is growing in cities all over the world.

Pop-up stores are a type of shop. They open for a short time – between a week and a year – and then close down or move to a new place.

An example is the US fashion company, Vacant. Their store sells clothes by famous designers and new designers. The store opens for just one month in a big city like New York, Tokyo, Shanghai, Paris, Berlin, Stockholm or Los Angeles, then it closes down and moves. What are the advantages? The shop is always new and interesting, so it gets a lot of customers. Another advantage is that the shore uses an empty building in a cheap part of the city, so it saves money and it can offer good prices.

The London Fashion Bus is another example. It is a big bus, which stops for a week in different places and brings exciting London fashions to other parts of the UK.


Write about your shopping habits. How often do you go shopping? Do you prefer supermarkets or smaller shops?

II. Учебно-познавательная сфера общения

(Я и мое образование)

Unit 2


Education is what remains when you have forgotten

everything learned in school.

Albert Einstein, 1879-1955, German-Swiss-US scientist

ЗАДАНИЕ 1. Прочитайте интернациональные слова и определите их значения, обращая внимание на части речи:

а) существительные: student, university, faculty, rector, specialist, economist, architect, campus, engineer, department, laboratory, equipment, computer, profession, monograph, status, expert

б) прилагательные: modern, prestigious

в) глаголы: train, occupy, combine

ЗАДАНИЕ 2. Прочитайте числительные и переведите их на русский язык:

nineteen thirty (1930); seven thousand (7000) students; six (6) buildings; five (5) halls of residence, four hundred (400) teachers, twenty (20) kinds of sports

ЗАДАНИЕ 2. Догадайтесь о значении выделенных слов и фраз.

  1. The university occupies six buildings.

  2. Our education combines classical university education with special courses.

  3. There are many opportunities for international exchange at our university.

  4. The teaching staff is qualified and experienced.

  5. Our university is a regional centre of research and teaching.

  6. There is a well-stocked library at the university.

  7. Students have facilities to use the Internet.

ЗАДАНИЕ 3. Прочитайте и запомните английские названия университета, факультетов и специальностей, которым там обучают.

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