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Aborigines, 24–25, 180 Academic robes, 146 Advent, 123

Affliction, rites of, 93, 94, 115–20, 136 Agnicayana ritual, 247–48, 251 Agricultural rites, 38, 103, 112

Akihito, emperor of Japan, 130–32, 244 Akitu festival, 2, 3, 17–20, 52, 55, 129,


Alcoholics Anonymous, 150, 151

Alternative Service Book (ASB), 222, 238

Amish community, 145, 196 Andaman Islanders, 27, 74 Anderson, Benedict, 152–53, 296n.42 Anglican Church, 186, 221–22, 238,

305nn.46,47 Animals, 29–31, 120, 122

totemic, 4, 12, 13, 24–25, 43 Animal sacrifice, 5, 11, 26, 65

Judaic traditions, 105, 106, 112–13 psychoanalytic analysis, 12, 13, 14 structural theories, 35, 44 totemic, 4, 261, 262

Animism, 4

Anxiety, rituals and, 28, 48, 57–58 Asad, Talal, 79–80, 259, 265, 311n.20 Asceticism, 179–80

Augustine, Saint, 216 Austin, J. L., 68–69, 70, 73 Azande (people), 48–49

Aztec (people), 30, 113, 114, 129

Babylon, 6, 180 (see also Akitu festival) Bainbridge, William Sims, 205, 207 Bali, 67, 86, 161

Baptism, 212, 213–15, 216 Basseri (people), 185 Bastille Day, 104, 135, 149 Bataille, Georg, 15 Bateson, Gregory, 34, 74 Bauman, Richard, 283n.48 Beard, Mary, 105

Becker, A. L., 169 Bedik (people), 175–76 Beidelman, T. O., 86

Bellah, Robert, 180–83, 189, 199, 202, 255 Bellamy, Francis, 149

Benjamin, Walter, 243 Berger, Peter, 257 Bergesen, Albert, 163 Bettelheim, Bruno, 15 Bikela, Abebe, 234

Biogenetic structuralism, 31–32, 221 Birth rituals, 95–98, 174, 227, 228 Bloch, Maurice, 70, 73, 79, 86–87, 140,


Bly, Robert, 238–39 Boas, Franz, 122

Body language, 139, 142 Bog Irish, 49–50, 196–97 Bo Juyi, 115–16

Book of Common Prayer, 221–22 Bourdieu, Pierre, 77–79 Bourke, John G., 259–60, 262


344 Index

Brazil, 117, 126–27

Broner, E. M., 238

Brown, Karen McCarthy, 186

Buddhism, 104, 151–52, 180, 188

Burke, Kenneth, 73

Burke, Peter, 189, 200, 254, 255

Burnt offerings, 112–13

Bynum, Caroline, 53, 56

Calendrical rites, 94, 102–8, 135, 206 Calvinism, 178–79, 189

Campbell, Joseph, 16, 101 Cannibalism, 291n.97 Capitalism, 178–79

Capital punishment, 129, 132, 289–90n.75 Carlos, John, 234

Carnival, 120, 126–27

Casel, Odo, 219, 220 Cassirer, Ernst, 63

Categorization, of rituals, 91–137, 174, 175, 286n.6

Catharsis, 33, 38, 40

Catholicism, 123, 186

Bog Irish, 49–50, 196–97 calendrical changes and, 104, 105 consecration rituals, 156 eucharistic rite, 213, 216–17, 220

liturgical reform, 147, 217–18, 219, 220, 221 orthodoxy vs. orthopraxy, 196–97

Reform Protestantism vs., 49, 105, 189, 254, 255

rites of passage, 98, 264 Cazeneuve, Jean, 245, 246 Change, in ritual, 172, 210–52

liturgical revision, 212–23, 238 media impact, 242–48, 250

ritual invention, 223–42, 252, 263–64 tourism as factor, 242, 248–51

Charles and Diana, royal wedding of, 243 China, 180, 186, 209

birth rituals, 95–98, 174 calendrical rites, 103–4

Confucianism, 147–48, 187, 255, 261 exchange and communion rites, 108, 110–

11, 264, 265

imperial state cult, 187–88 miniature gardens, 158–59 multiple ritual systems, 174, 175 purification rites, 118 rainmaking rites, 115–16

ritual etiquette, 132–33

spirit money offerings, 67–68, 110, 112 theatrical performance, 165–66 tourism, 250

Chomsky, Noam, 70–71, 72, 73, 283nn.43,51 Christianity, 5, 47, 80, 89, 105, 113, 261–62

civic religion and, 156 fasting, 123–24

Judaic roots, 212–13, 215 liturgical studies, 218–21

orthodoxy vs. orthopraxy, 191, 194, 195, 196– 97, 215

ritual development, 123–24, 212–17, 220 See also Catholicism; Protestantism;

specific sects

Christmas, 104, 105, 123, 216, 236 Church, as institution, 182, 198, 205–6

Church of England. See Anglican Church Churinga (totemic emblem), 24–25 Circumcision, 53–54, 56–58, 98, 101, 258 Clifford, James, 249

Clowns and clowning, 160 Cockfighting, 67, 161 Cohen, Erik, 249

Cohen, Shaye, 195

Collins, Mary, 223 Comaroff, Jean, 79, 83, 87 Combat rites, 67

Combs-Schilling, M. E., 285n.93, 286n.112 Commemorative rites, 104–8, 135 Communication, 2, 139, 142, 160

ritual and, 61, 65, 69–70, 141 symbols as, 42, 44, 61–68 See also Language

Communion. See Eucharistic meal; Exchange and communion rites

Communitas, 40, 54, 84, 128 Confucius, 147–48, 211 Consecration, 26, 113, 156 Cook, James, 77

Cornford, Francis M., 6 Coronation. See Enthronement rites

Coubertin, Pierre de, 231, 232, 233, 234 Counter Reformation, 217

Cow worship, 30 Cranmer, Thomas, 221

Crapanzano, Vincent, 53, 56–58, 59, 258 Creation myth, 11, 18, 19

Cronkite, Walter, 243, 246 Cults, 180, 205, 207–8 Culturalists, 61, 62, 66, 73, 83 Cultural materialism, 33 Cushing, Frank, 260, 262

Daij>sai ritual, 130–31

Damiens, Robert-François, 132

Dance, 111, 126–27

Ghost Dance, 118, 134, 211

Hamatsa, 121–22, 291n.97

Danzger, Herbert, 256–57

Daoism, 111, 158–59, 166, 176, 255

Darwin, Charles, 14, 21

Davidman, Lynn, 257

Davis-Floyd, R. E., 98

Dayak (people), 203

Dayan, Daniel, 243, 244

Death, 5, 6, 7

ritualization, 98–99, 100, 110, 129, 136, 166, 174, 240

See also Capital punishment; Sacrifice, ritual

Denny, Frederick, 103

Density of rituals. See Ritual density Desacralization, 26

Dinka (people), 48, 69, 185, 200 Divine kingship, 5, 6, 7, 83, 130, 180 Docherty, George, 149

Dogon (people), 69, 223

Douglas, Mary, 62, 255, 258, 311–12n.39

on religion vs. magic, 49–50, 254, 280n.115 on ritual change, 221, 222

on ritual density, 173, 183–85, 196–97 on secularism, 199–200, 201–2

structural theory, 39, 43–44, 45, 46, 183–84, 185


Chinese theater, 165–66 development of, 6, 7, 73 Islamic passion plays, 125 political, 162–63

as ritual form, 75

ritual-like activity and, 160–61, 164 social, 39–40, 73, 120

Dreams, 4, 13

Dress, traditionalism and, 145–47 Driver, Tom, 258

Duranti, William (the Elder), 219 Durkheim, Émile, 5, 41, 42, 47, 83, 93, 180

social functional theories, 23–28, 275n.4 structural theory and, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 42

Easter, 123

Eastern Orthodox Church, 98, 156, 187, 218 Eck, Diana, 110

Ecological rites, 237 Educational process, 152 Edwards, Jonathan, 208 Effervescence, 25, 26, 28 Egypt, 5–6, 180 Eisenhower, Dwight, 149 Elaborating symbols, 159

Eliade, Mircea, 37, 55, 108, 135, 221, 263 on language and ritual, 62

on myth and ritual, 10–11, 16, 18, 272n.44 Elias, Norbert, 144

Eliot, T. S., 7

Elizabeth II, queen of Great Britain, 2, 83– 84, 86, 87, 129, 243

Emblems, totemic, 24–25 England. See Great Britain

Enthronement rites, 2, 83–88, 129–32, 148, 211, 242–44, 278n.73

Enuma Elish (poem), 17, 18, 19, 20 Erasmus, Desiderius, 295n.22

Index 345

Erikson, Erik, 32, 221, 277n.52 Ethnology, 259–61

Ethology, 30–31, 32 Etiquette, 132–33, 141–44

Eucharistic meal, 213, 216–17, 220 Evangelicalism, 189, 190, 208–9 Evans-Pritchard, E. E., 34–35, 48–49, 63,


Exchange and communion rites, 94, 108–14, 136, 264, 265

Execration poetry, 155 Exogamy, 13 Exorcism, 186 Expressive rituals, 93

Farewells, 141, 142

Feasts, fasting, festivals, 94, 105–8, 120–28, 136 (see also Seder ritual; Potlatch)

Feminism, 89, 140, 237–38, 239, 252 Fernandez, James W., 73

Fertility rites, 5, 6, 11, 95–96 Finnegan, Ruth, 69, 282n.28 Firewalking, 239

Firth, Raymond, 278n.73 Flags, national, 156, 159, 201

Fletcher, George P., 230–31, 296n.43 Folklore development, 5, 6 Fontenrose, Joseph, 8

Food. See Feasts, fasting, festivals; Table manners

Formalism, 70, 138, 139–44, 169 Fosbury, Dick, 307n.89 Foucault, Michel, 79, 132 Framing, ritual, 74, 160, 161 France, 104, 105, 135, 149 Francis of Assisi, Saint, 55, 56 Fraternal organizations, 225

Frazer, James George, 24, 26, 35, 36, 38, 219, 263

on magic, science, and religion, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 115, 177

myth and ritual theory, 5, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 17, 21

Freedman, Maurice, 281n.145

Freud, Sigmund, 5, 12–14, 15, 21, 24, 42, 46, 150, 273n.62 (see also Psychoanalytic theory)

Friedman, Menachem, 193 Frye, Northrop, 7

Fujitani, Takashi, 244, 246 Functionalism. See Social functionalism Fustel de Coulanges, N. D., 23

Gandhi, Mohandas, 162–63, 258

Gardens, miniature, 158–59

Gaster, Theodore, 7, 17–18

Gay, Volney, 15

346 Index

Geertz, Clifford, 35, 66–67, 68, 69, 120, 211, 221, 247, 263

on political rituals, 86, 128–30 on practice theory, 76, 77, 80 on ritual change, 254, 255

on slametan feast, 122, 123 Gender. See Men; Women Generative grammar, 70, 71, 283n.51 Genetics, 31–32

Germany, 184, 234

Gestures, formal, 139, 140, 141–42, 144 Ghazzali, Abu Hamid al-, 196

Ghost Dance, 118, 134, 211

Gift exchange theory, 78–79, 108 Gill, Sam, 58–59, 260

Gilligan, Carol, 296–97n.54 Gilmore, David, 101

Girard, René, 15–16, 273n.78 Gluckman, Mary, 231

Gluckman, Max, 26, 67, 84, 127, 134 on Mukanda ritual, 52, 54, 55, 59 on Ncwala rite, 85–86, 88, 278n.73 on Olympic games, 231

on structural theory, 38–39 God, 24, 27

Goddess worship, 237, 238 Gods

in archaic religion, 180

death and resurrection of, 5, 6, 7, 16 exchange and communion rites, 108–14 myth and, 10, 11

ritual sacrifice and, 5, 35

theatrical performance and, 165–66 Goebbels, Joseph, 258

Goethals, Gregor, 246 Goffman, Erving, 73, 74, 141 Goldman, Irving, 122 Goody, Jack, 204, 302n.94 Great Britain

judicial rituals and, 145–46

political rituals and, 132–33, 134, 162–63 royal rituals and, 2, 83–88, 129, 148, 242–


See also Anglican Church Greece, 3, 6, 23, 115, 154, 187, 231, 235

Greek Orthodox Church. See Eastern Orthodox Church

Greenblatt, Stephen, 260 Greetings, 141–42 Griaule, Marcel, 223

Grid-group theory, 43–44, 45, 183–84, 185 Grimes, Ronald, 74, 151, 183, 284n.60,


on ritology, 75, 311–12n.39 on ritual categories, 93–94 on ritual invention, 224, 240

Group theory. See Grid-group theory Guéranger, Prosper, 219

Habitus, 78

Hamatsa (dance), 121–22, 291n.97 Handelman, Don, 160, 161 Hanukkah, 236–37

Harris, Marvin, 30, 33

Harrison, Jane Ellen, 6, 7, 15, 28 Hasidim, 145, 193–94

Hawaiians (people), 77, 174, 209 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 157 Hazing rituals, 101

Healing rituals, 116–17, 239–40 Heilman, Samuel, 193 Hillary, Edmund, 158 Hinduism, 30, 71, 156, 192, 255

exchange and communion rites, 108, 109– 10, 111, 112

purification rituals, 99–100, 118–19, 287n.21 rites of passage, 99–100, 136–37

Hippolytus, 215, 216

Hirohito, emperor of Japan, 130, 131, 132, 244 Hitler, Adolf, 148–49, 161, 162, 234, 244 Hobsbawm, Eric, 229, 230

Hocart, A. M., 7

Holi festival, 127–28, 136 Hooke, Samuel Henry, 5–6, 7 Hopi Indians, 58–59, 251 Hubert, Henri, 26, 112 Huerta, Victoriano, 133

Human sacrifice, 16, 30, 113, 114, 129 Hunt, George, 122

Hussein, Saddam, 155

Huxley, Julian, 30, 31

Hyman, Stanley, 7–8 Hymns, 7

Iatmul (people), 34 Imber-Black, Evan, 240 Inca (people), 103 Incest, 13, 14


Agnicayana ritual, 247–48, 251 calendrical rituals, 103–4 dance, 111

food offerings, 67

Gandhi salt campaigns, 162–63 Holi festival, 127–28, 136 marriage rites, 99–100 purification rites, 119 sacrificial rituals, 26

Indians. See Native Americans Indonesia, 122–23

Initiation rituals, 95, 101–2, 281n.145 Christian baptism, 212, 213–15, 216 Hindu upanayana, 99

Hopi whipping, 58–59

male vs. female, 56, 281n.138 Mau-Mau dedication, 134 men’s movement, 239

Moroccan circumcision, 56–58, 258 Mukanda, 2, 52–56, 59, 101, 174–75, 201,


psychoanalytic theory on, 15 Soviet socialist, 229

structural theory on, 36, 37, 40, 41, 42, 44 Instrumental rituals, 93

Interaction rituals, 141 Invariance, ritual-like, 138, 150–53

Invention of rituals, 223–42, 252, 263–64 Iron John (Bly), 239

Islam, 5, 102–5, 188, 265

fasting and feasting, 120, 123, 124–26, 136 orthodoxy vs. orthopraxy, 195, 196

Israel, 6, 195–96, 256 Itami, Juzo, 247

Itt>en (utopian community), 134–35 Ituri Forest pygmies, 185

Jakobson, Roman, 50, 63, 64 Japan, 111, 134–35, 184, 234

body gestures, 142 matsuri festivals, 128

miniature gardens, 158–59 new year rituals, 103

royal ritual, 130–32, 244 Java, 111, 122–23, 129–30, 211 Jay, Nancy, 89

Jefferson, Thomas, 182, 230 Jones, Jim, 207

Judaism, 5, 50, 89, 128, 147, 256–57 animal sacrifice, 105, 106, 112–13 Christian borrowings from, 212–13, 215

commemorative rites, 105–7, 113, 212–13, 236–37, 238, 252

distinctive dress, 145

orthodoxy vs. orthopraxy, 192–94, 195–96 purification rites, 118–19

rites of passage, 98–99 Judicial dress, 145–46 Jung, Carl, 16, 101, 221 Jungmann, J. A., 217 Justin Martyr, 213

Kabyle (people), 78

Kaiko pig festival, 30, 120, 250 Karenga, Maulana, 235

Katz, Elihu, 243, 244

Kennedy, John F., 129, 244–45, 246 Kertzer, David, 133

Key, Francis Scott, 230 Khomeini, Ayatollah, 196 Khrushchev, Nikita, 226 Kikuyu (people), 134 Kingship. See Divine kingship;

Enthronement rites Kinship, 42, 63 Kluckhohn, Clyde, 8

Index 347

Knox, John, 189 Korea, 116–17, 136, 234 Koresh, David, 207 Kosygin, Aleksey, 226 Ku Klux Klan, 129

Kumbha Mela festival, 119 Kuper, Hilda, 87, 88 Kuykendall, Richard E., 237

Kwakiutl (people), 120, 121–23, 129, 201 Kwanzaa, 235–36, 237, 252

Laird, Joan, 239

Lane, Christel, 226, 227 Lang, Andrew, 4, 21 Langer, Susanne, 280n.117 Language

formalized speech, 70, 139–40 linguistic theory, 64–65, 68–72 liturgical traditionalism, 147 magic and, 50–52

ritual and, 61–63, 67–68, 70, 238, 305n.47 See also Metaphor and metonymy; Oral

societies Larson, Sheila, 182 Last supper, 212

Lawson, E. Thomas, 70, 71–72 Leach, Edmund, 274n.97, 294n.15

on magic rituals, 50, 51–52

on structural theory, 43, 44, 46

on symbol meaning, 62, 64–66, 68, 69 Leahy, Frank, 153

Lenin, V. I., 226 Lent, 123

Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 50, 65, 70, 74, 94, 280n.120

structural theory, 35, 40, 42–43, 44 symbol analysis, 62–63, 63–64

Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien, 47, 63

Li (Confucianism), 147–48, 187, 255, 261 Life-cycle rites. See Rites of passage Lincoln, Abraham, 249

Lincoln, Bruce, 53, 56, 87–88, 95, 281nn.138,145

Linguistics. See Language; Symbols Literacy, 202–5, 211

Literature development, 6, 7 Liturgical change, 210, 212–23, 238 Liturgical language, 147 Liturgical ritual order, 176 Liturgical studies, 89, 218–21, 223 Lorenz, Konrad, 30

Louis XVI, king of France, 129 Lowie, Robert H., 25

Lukes, Steven, 84

MacAloon, John J., 75, 231, 232

Macartney, George Lord, 132–33

Maccabees, 236–37

348 Index

Madonna of Mount Carmel, 197, 201, 251 Magic, 13, 69, 181, 282n.29

religion, science, and, 46–52, 177, 178 ritualized, 28, 93, 109, 115, 120, 154

Maine, Henry, 273n.65

Malinowski, Branislaw, 23, 25, 28, 34, 35, 48, 50, 148–49

Manson, Charles, 207 Mantras, 71

Mao Tse-tung, 129, 163, 244 Mardi Gras, 126, 127, 292n.121 Marrett, R. R., 22

Marriage rites, 98, 99–100, 146–47, 174, 228 Martin, David, 222

Marx, Karl, 21, 76

Mass. See Eucharistic meal Matsuri festivals, 128 Mau-Maus, 129, 134

Mauss, Marcel, 26, 34, 41, 78, 112 Mawdûdî, Sayyid Abû al-A’lâ, 124 Mayan (people), 113, 119

Mbuti pygmies, 185, 200 McCarthy, Joseph, 163 McCauley, Robert N., 70, 71–72 McKinley, Deborah A., 257 McKusick, Leon, 240

Mead, Margaret, 221 Media, 164, 172, 242–48, 250 Meditation, 151–52, 189 Memorial Day, 108


birth rites, 97–98

circumcision rites, 53–54, 56–58, 98, 258 initiation rites, 2, 15, 40, 52–59, 101, 238–39,

280n.128 Mennonites, 145, 196 Men’s movement, 238–39 Merina (people), 140

Metaphor and metonymy, 50–51, 64, 65, 74 Methodism, 257

Mexico, 111, 113, 119, 133 Michael, Virgil, 219 Miner, Horace, 150 Miniature gardens, 158–59 Mishima, Yukio, 129

Monarchism. See Divine kingship; Enthronement rites

Monomyth, 16

Morocco, 56–58, 117, 258, 286n.112 Mourning rituals, 99, 129, 240

Mukanda initiation ritual, 2, 52–56, 59, 101, 174–75, 201, 280n.128

Müller, Friedrich Max, 3–4, 8, 9, 219, 271n.34

Multiculturalism, 242, 251 Munn, Nancy, 66 Murray, Gilbert, 6 Muslims. See Islam

Mussolini, Benito, 148–49 Myerhoff, Barbara, 160, 224, 231, 242 Mysticism, 179–80

Myth and ritual theory, 3–22, 43, 63, 65, 78, 286n.6

Akitu festival, 17–19 on drama origins, 73

functional theory vs., 28 kingship analysis, 83

rebirth and regeneration symbolism, 37

Nambudiris (people), 247, 251 Naruhito, prince of Japan, 244 Nationalism, 232–33, 307n.89

Native Americans, 4, 111, 184, 242, 259–60 Ghost Dance, 118, 134, 211

hamatsa dance, 121–22, 291n.97 initiation rite, 58–59 mourning rituals, 240

peyote rite, 113–14, 187

potlatch, 120–23, 129, 201, 291n.97 tourism, 251

See also specific peoples

Navajo Indians, 184, 186–87 Naven ritual, 34

Ncwala enthronement rite, 2, 83, 85–88, 129, 211, 278n.73

Ndembu (people) affliction rituals, 115, 264

Turner’s studies, 39–40, 41, 42, 205, 223 See also Mukanda initiation ritual

Negative rites, 93

Neofunctional systems analysis, 29–33 Neufer Emswiler, Sharon and Thomas,


Neusner, Jacob, 192

New Age movement, 189, 225 Ne’wekwe (Nehue-Cue) ritual, 259–60 New English Bible, 222, 305n.47

New Guinea. See Papua New Guinea New Orleans Mardi Gras, 126, 127,


New year rituals, 6, 103, 111 (see also Akitu festival)

Niagara Falls, 157, 159

Nicholas, Ralph W., 99 Nilus, 261, 262 Nimrod, Naomi, 238

Nuer (people), 34, 35, 44, 65, 185, 200

Oates, Joyce Carol, 153, 154 Obon festival, 128

Obsessive neuroses, 13, 14, 150 Occasional rites, 175–76

Oedipal complex, 13–14, 15, 20, 57–58 Olympic games, 6, 75, 154, 231–35, 252,


Oral societies, 202–5, 210–11, 223

Orsi, Robert, 197

Orthodoxy and orthopraxy, 171, 191–97, 215, 256–57

Ortner, Sherry B., 79, 87, 156, 159, 284– 85n.73

O’Shaughnessy, Nelson, 133 Otto, Rudolf, 9, 12, 221 Owada, Masako, 244 Owens, Jesse, 234

Pageants, commemorative, 161–62 Paine, Thomas, 182

Panare (people), 103

Papua New Guinea, 29–30, 34, 120, 134, 211, 250

Paradigmatic associations, 64, 65 Passover, 105–7, 113, 212–13, 238, 252 Paul, Saint, 215, 255

Penitence, 123–24, 126

Performance, ritual-like, 138, 159–64, 168, 240 Performance theory, 72–76, 160, 161, 221, 283–


Performative utterances, 68, 69, 73, 86, 282n.28

Periodic rites, 175–76, 206 Pettazzoni, Raffaele, 9, 272n.40 Peyote ritual, 113–14, 187

Phenomenology, 3, 8–12, 18–19, 21, 271n.36 Piaget, Jean, 32

Piercy, Marge, 237

Pilgrimage, 102, 119, 128, 248–49, 264 Place, as sacred symbol, 157–59, 248–49 Plausibility system, 257

Play, ritual-like, 154

Pledge of Allegiance, U.S., 129, 149, 230, 296n.43

Poetry, myth and, 3–4, 7

Political rituals, 94, 128–35, 136 (see also Enthronement rites)

Political theater, 162–63 Poll, Solomon, 193

Pol Pot, 163

Posinsky, S. H., 273n.73 Positive rites, 93

Possession, by spirits, 117, 186 Potlatch, 120–23, 129, 201, 291n.97 Practice theories, 76–83 Presbyterianism, 189, 257

Primal horde, 14, 273n.65 Primal violence, 15–16, 273n.78 Procter-Smith, Marjorie, 238 Profane, 26, 78

in civic arena, 156, 157, 158, 159 Durkheim’s theory, 24, 25, 93

Protestantism, 179–80, 188, 219

Catholic tradition vs., 49, 105, 189, 254, 255 liturgical change, 189, 221–23, 254, 255, 257,


Index 349

Weber’s linkage of capitalism with, 177–78

See also specific sects

Pseudo-Dionysius, 218

Psychoanalytic theory, 3, 5, 12–16, 19–20, 21, 24, 42, 46, 58, 150, 273n.62

Pueblo Indians, 251

Puja offerings, 109–10, 111, 112

Purification rites, 36, 99–100, 118–19, 287n.21

Quakers, 166–67, 255

Radcliffe-Brown, Alfred Reginald, 38, 62, 63, 74 functionalism theories, 23, 27, 28, 29,


social structure emphasis, 33, 34, 35 Radin, Paul, 25

Raglan, F. R. R. S., 7, 15, 16 Rainmaking rites, 115–16 Ramadan, 120, 124, 136 Rank, Otto, 7, 15, 101

Rappaport, Roy, 29–30, 33, 129, 168, 176, 276n.33, 294n.3

on ritual change, 221, 222, 235 Rationalization, 178, 199

Ray, Benjamin, 69, 282n.29 Redmond, Layne, 237 Reflexivity, 75

Reformation. See Protestantism Reik, Theodor, 14–15

Religion, 172, 254–62

calendrical and commemorative rites, 104– 7, 206

churches, sects, cults, 205–9 in civic life, 156, 157, 158, 159 as cultural system, 66

Durkheim theory, 24–28, 34, 37, 93, 275n.4 exchange and communion rites, 108–14 feasts, fasting, festivals, 122–26, 136 functional view, 27–29

linguistic theories, 72

magic, science, and, 46–52, 177, 178 origin theories, 3–22

orthodoxic vs. orthopraxic, 171, 191–97, 215, 256–57

phenomenological theories of, 9–10, 12 rites of passage, 98–100

ritual invention, 236–37, 251, 252, 263–64 structural interpretations, 34–35, 39 symbols and, 10, 12, 34, 63, 66

theatrical performance, 165–66

in traditional and secular societies, 171–72, 197–202

typological schemes, 177–91

See also Liturgical headings; specific religions

Religionswissenschaft, 8–9, 271n.35 Renunciation rites, 100, 287n.21 Repression, 12, 13, 14, 15

350 Index

Resurrection, 5, 6, 7

Retablos, 111 Riefenstahl, Leni, 234

Rites of passage, 93–102, 135–36, 264, 286n.6 (see also Initiation rituals)

Ritology, 75, 311–12n.39

Ritual, as study field, 253–67, 311n.33 Ritual density, 171–209, 256–57 Ritualization, 81–82, 92, 138, 193, 235

contemporary, 264–65 rule-governance and, 155 television and, 246

Ritual-like activity, 138–69, 198, 210, 240, 294nn.2, 3

Rituals of affliction. See Affliction, rites of Roberts, Janine, 240

Robertson Smith, William, 23, 24, 26, 34, 42 on magic vs. religion, 47, 49

on ritual density, 173

on role of ritual, 4–5, 9, 12, 14, 15

totemic sacrifice studies, 4, 261–62, 311n.29 Roheim, Geza, 15

Roman Catholicism. See Catholicism Roman Empire, 23, 104, 105, 215, 236 Roosevelt, Eleanor, 143

Roy, Ram Mohun, 255

Royalty. See Divine kingship; Enthronement rites

Ruether, Rosemary Radford, 238 Rule-governance, 138, 153–55 Rushdie, Salman, 196

Rwanda, 175–76

Sacralization, 26, 113, 114, 246 Sacral symbolism, 138, 155–59

Sacraments, 98, 176 (see also Baptism; Eucharistic meal)

Sacrifice, ritual, 4, 5, 26, 89, 203, 261

as exchange and communion rite, 108, 111– 14

See also Animal sacrifice Sahlins, Marshall, 77, 87, 114 Sakaia festival, 17

Salvation, 181, 189 Samskaras, 99–100, 287n.21 Sanctification principle, 112

Saussure, Ferdinand de, 43, 63, 64 Scapegoating, 16, 20

Schechner, Richard, 265–66 Science, 46–52

Scientific materialism, 33 Searle, John R., 69, 70 Sears, John, 157

Seasonal pattern theory, 7, 12, 17–18, 135 Second Vatican Council, 218, 219, 220 Sects, 182, 205, 206

Secular societies, 171–72, 197–202 Seder ritual, 105–7, 212–13, 238, 252

Semantics. See Language

Semitic totemic sacrifice rites, 4, 261, 262 Sequential method theory, 36, 53–54, 56 Sexuality, 11, 13–14

Sheilaism, 182, 189, 202 Sherpas (people), 79, 176 Shiism, 125–26

Shilluk (people), 48

Shils, Edward, 83–84, 86, 242, 243 Shinto, 118–19, 128, 130, 192

Sign, symbol vs., 65 Singer, Milton, 72–73 Slametan ritual, 122–23

Smith, Jonathan Z., 11–12, 18–19, 91, 207, 278n.73, 280n.115

Smith, Pierre, 175–76

Smith, Tommie, 234

Smith, Wilfred Cantwell, 191–92 Social drama, 39–40, 73, 120 Social functionalism, 8, 23–60, 83

functional theory, 27–29, 59, 66, 177 on magic, religion, and science

relationship, 46–52, 177, 178 Mukanda ritual and, 52–59 neofunctional systems analysis, 29–33 structural interpretations, 33–46, 59, 76

socialist ritual, 176–77, 225–29, 231, 237, 252

Socialization, 152, 226, 227, 230, 231, 252 Sociobiology, 31, 277n.46

Sol Invictus, 104, 216, 236, 237 Sorcery. See Magic

Soul, 4, 25, 181

Soviet Union (former), 129, 176–77, 225–29, 231, 234, 237, 252

Speech acts, 68–69 (see also Language) Spencer, Herbert, 254

Spirit beliefs, 67–68, 110, 112, 117, 186–87 Spirituality, privatized, 182, 189–90 Spontaneity, 168, 169, 185

Sports, 153–54, 164 (see also Olympic games) Staal, Frits, 69, 70, 71, 247–48

Stalin, Joseph, 104, 163, 226 Starhawk (Miriam Simos), 238 Stark, Rodney, 205, 207

Star-Spangled Banner, The (anthem), 230 State funerals, 129

Stein, Rolf, 158

Story of Nilus, The, 262 Structuralism, 33–46, 59, 76 Structural linguistics, 62–63 Sudan, 34, 35, 48 Summarizing symbols, 159 Sun Myung Moon, 207

Superhuman agency and immediacy, 72 Supernatural. See Magic; Spirit beliefs Swazis (people), 2, 83, 85–88, 129, 278n.73 Symbolic-culturalists. See Culturalists

Index 351

Symbols, 61–68, 221 civic-related, 156, 201

as communication, 42, 44, 61–68 enthronement rites as, 83–88, 242–43, 244,


linguistic theories and, 62–63, 64–65, 68–72 performance theory, 72–76, 283–


political, 129, 132–33, 134, 135 practice theories, 76–83 religious, 10, 12, 34, 63, 66

ritual-related, 41–42, 46, 65–66, 67–68, 278n.84 systems and actions, 62–68, 257

Syntagmatic associations, 64–65

Table manners, 142–43, 144 Taboos, 13, 14, 154, 178 Tafoya, Terry, 240

Tahiti, 202–3

Taiwan, 250

Tambiah, Stanley J., 50–51, 69, 87, 282n.29 Tarahumara (people), 232–33

Television, 164, 172, 242–47, 250 Tenk>, Nishida, 134–35 Tenzing, Norkay, 158 Tertullian, 213

Thanksgiving Day, 145, 230 Theater. See Drama

Therapeutic ritual, 116–17, 239–40 Tillich, Paul, 182

Toraja (people), 250

Totemism, 5, 11, 26

animal sacrifice, 4, 261, 262 Durkheim theory of, 24–25 Lévi-Strauss view of, 42–43 psychoanalytic theory of, 12, 13–14, 16

Tourism, 242, 248–51 Traditional authority, 70, 263

Traditionalism, 138, 145–50, 168, 198, 210 Traditional societies, 171–72, 197–202, 249 Transcendental Meditation, 189 Trobriand Islanders, 48, 51, 264, 265 Troeltsch, Ernst, 205

Tshidi (people), 79, 211

Turner, Victor, 67, 77, 127, 128, 136, 205, 207, 223, 311–12n.39

on Mukanda ritual, 52, 54–55, 56, 59, 280n.128

on ritual categorization, 93, 115 on ritual change, 221, 222, 254, 255 on ritual invention, 263–64

on ritual performance, 75 social drama theory, 39–40, 73

structural theory, 38, 39–42, 44, 46, 66, 277n.55, 278nn.82,84

on symbol meaning, 62, 68, 69

Tylor, Edward B., 23, 26, 108, 219 on magic vs. religion, 47, 48 on myth’s role, 4, 5, 9, 10, 13

Unconscious, 12–13, 15

United States, 100–101, 129, 133, 149, 229– 30, 296n.43

Upanayana initiation rite, 99 Upham, James B., 149

Valeri, Valerio, 69

Van Baaren, Theodorus P., 202, 203 Van der Hart, Onno, 239

Van der Leeuw, Gerardus, 9–10, 272n.40 Van Gennep, Arnold, 78, 263

on Mukanda ritual, 52, 53–54, 56, 59 on rites of passage, 95, 101–2, 264 structural theories, 35–38, 44

Victoria, queen of Great Britain, 148 Vietnam, 158–59

Violence, primal, 15–16, 273n.78 Vodou (Voodoo), 186

Volkman, Toby, 250

Wainwright, Geoffery, 217 War, 153, 154–55

Ward, Barbara, 164–65

Weber, Max, 68, 78, 177–80, 185, 198, 199, 205, 254

Weisinger, Herbert, 21 Wellington, duke of, 153

Westminster Confession of Faith (1648), 189

Weston, Jessie, 7 Whipping rite, 58–59 Wilson, Woodrow, 133 Witchcraft, 48–49, 52 “Witch-hunts,” 163–64

Women, 38, 41, 42, 116–17, 257 birth and fertility rites, 95–98 genital circumcision, 101 initiation rituals, 53, 56, 59, 101,


liturgical reform and, 220, 238 purification rites, 119

ritual invention, 237–38, 239, 252 See also Feminism

Wovoka, 118

Xunzi, 147, 188

Young, Michael, 83–84, 86, 242, 243

Zhuxi, 305n.38

Zulu (people), 38

Zuñi Indians, 259–60