- •Тема 1. Поняття жанрово-стилістичної домінанти у перекладі.
- •1. The Influence of Genre on the Translator’s Choice
- •2. Genres and Subgenres: Various Theories of Genre Classification
- •3. The Influence of Style on the Translator’s Choice
- •4. Adequacy in Rendering Genre and Style Specifics into the Target Language
- •Seminar 2
- •1Fiction Translators as Interlingual Intermediaries
- •2History of Fiction Translation in Ukraine
- •4 Differences in Fiction Translation Approaches throughout History
- •The hermeneutic approach
- •The linguistic approach
- •The literary approach
- •The semiotic approach
- •Тема 3. Художній текст як об’єкт перекладу
- •1 Fictional Text Translation: Specifics and Problems
- •2 Genre-Specific Challenges in Translation of Fiction
- •3 Period-Specific Challenges in Translation of Fiction
- •4 Style-Specific Challenges in Translation of Fiction
- •Seminar 4
- •1 Translation of Belles-Lettres Texts: From Classics to Modern Times
- •2 The Influence of the Author’s Idiostyle on the Translator’s Choice
- •3 Specifics of Poetic Translation
- •4 Specifics of Prose Translation
- •Seminar 5
- •Folklore Text Translation: Specifics and Problems
- •Translation Challenges in Folklore Texts
Змістовий модуль 1. Жанрово-стилістичні засади художнього перекладу. Специфіка перекладу художніх і фольклорних текстів.
Тема 1. Поняття жанрово-стилістичної домінанти у перекладі.
1. The Influence of Genre on the Translator’s Choice
Translation occupies a special place in the process of literature formation. Each genre of literature is a certain type of translation. In particular, the translation of fictional texts or translation of poetry. In fact, translation is the key element of the national literary process, the formation of the national literary, since it acts as a mediator between literature from different countries. According to Koptilov literary translation is a special kind of translation, which does not represent an exact transfer of meaning, but it reflects the thoughts and feelings of the author with the help of another language, and transfers its images in the context of another language. Literary translation deals not so much with the communicative function of language, but with its aesthetic function.
Literary translation is divided into subtypes of translation depending on the genre of the work in the original language. There we have the translation of poetry, translation of plays, translation of satirical works, translation of fiction, translation of lyrics, etc. The choice of genre is quite important in the translation process. Most often, the choice is due to the internal needs of literature, its ability to learn in a certain way the literary phenomenon of other people, its ability to reproduce its artistic features. That is why the first thing that influences the choice of the translator is the desire to bring something new to the literature. The vivid example of this can be Russian poet Vasily Zhukovsky, who introduced to readers a new genre of literature - ballad, which he borrowed from German folklore. The ballad "Ludmila" and "Svetlana" are free translations of Gottfried August Burger's well-known German ballad "Lenore," although each renders the original in a completely different way.
Another crucial factor in choosing a genre for translation is the translator's ability to follow the requirements dictated by the genres. This is especially true of the translation of poetry. Literary translation is an art, it needs talent. In order to translate poetry, it is necessary to feel the rhythm of the verse and its poetics. Unfortunately, even experienced translators are not always able to cope with this task.
Nevertheless, the division of translation into different genres is conditional, depending on how much the specifics of this genre have a significant impact on the process of translation and the choice of translation techniques.
2. Genres and Subgenres: Various Theories of Genre Classification
Жанрова-стилістична домінанта - особливості якогось жанру. It can be choice of vocabulary, grammatical structure, the matrix should be taken in consideration (what the original text is, who are participants of communicative situation (author and readers), how the text is translated (translation techniques, methods, equivalent in the target language),
Certain writers cling to certain stylistic markers or distinctions of certain period of time which indicates the adherence of the text to convention of specific literary genre.
Literal genre is a category of literal composition
Three genres: poetry, drama, prose.
Poetry: lyric, epic and dramatic.
Drama: tragedy and comedy
Prose: fiction and non-fiction
Texts of fiction: science fiction (type of fiction the creation of which was influenced by industrial development and process of evolution of the mankind), classic literature, comics, detective/crime, fable (had moral), fairytales, fan-fiction, fantasy, folklore (some sort of experience in life of precious era), historical, horror (suspense effect), humor (just laugh), magical realism (100 лет одиночества, type of the story in which some unreal, magical things perform an important function in realistic environment of the story), legend (connected with historical period of time and some events), women fiction, mystery (мистерия, revealing a secret), mythology, social drama, memoire, short stories, told tales (may be subtype of folklore, небилиця) subgenre of folklore text which describes unreal events in funny manner to amuse and entertain reader, linear type of narration.
Non-fiction: biography, autobiography, essays (expository (descriptive) , persuasive, analytical, argumentativ), article reviews, manuals, lab reports, text books, references, science popular, speeches, philosophical texts.