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1 сем маг / Нуртазин_Аудирование

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Nowadays machines are doing work, that people do or used to do, more often. It’s called automation1. Two UK academics have calculated how susceptible to2 automation each job based on some key skills: negotiation, persuasion, caring for others and manual dexterity3.

A study from Oxford University has suggested that 35% of existing UK jobs are being automated in the next 20 years.

Michael Osborne from University of Oxford says that computers are able to perform much wider range of tasks that they’ve been able to do in the past. So, it’s not just manual labour that’s coming under threat of automation, it’s increasingly cognitive labour4, which means using your noggin5. That’s why some white-collar6 jobs are not that safe.

At one city law firm junior staff have to read through contracts, assessing them for risks. But now an artificial intelligence7 programme can do that faster and better. The advantage is that computers can do huge volumes, incredibly reliably in unbelievable times and lawyers have far better-value legal analysis to worry about. There’s a work for the lawyers and the computers. The computers do the boring stuff and the lawyers do the more interesting work. So, let’s keep our fingers crossed8 that we have got good prospects.

Automation – автоматизация

Susceptible to – подверженный

Manual dexterity – ловкость рук, умелость рук

Cognitive labour – когнитивный труд

Noggin – голова, «котелок»

White collar – белые воротнички (служащие)

Artificial intelligence (AI) – искусственный интеллект (ИИ)

Keeping your fingers crossed – скрестить пальцы, держать пальцы крестиком.

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