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Culture Wars The Struggle to Define America by James Davison Hunter (z-lib.org)

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D.C., under the name of its,executive director, Urvashi Vaid. Emphasis in the original.

37.Quoted in Walter Isaacson, "Should Gays Have Marriage Rights?" Time, 20 November 1989, p. 102.

38.This quote is from Paula Ettelbrick, legal director of Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, quoted in ibid, p. 102.

39.From a packet distributed by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force on Sodomy Law, Washington, D.C., no date.

40.Quoted in Robin Toner, "Senate, 92 to 4, Wants U.S. Data on Hate Crimes Spawned by Bias," New York Times, 9 February 1990, p. Al7.

41.From a direct mail memorandum to National Gay and Lesbian Task Force

memben from Urvashi Vaid, Washington, D.C., dated 8 February 1990. 42. See Jacob Weisberg, "Gays in Arms," New Republic, 19 February 1990,


43.Quoted in Neuhaus, "Homosexuality and the Churches," p. 67.

44.Letter to the Editor, The Review [Baltimore], 1 August 1980.

45.Quoted in Neuhaus, "Homosexuality and the Churches," p. 67.

46.Editorial, "A New Generation," in Crisis (October 1988): 2.

47.A celebrated case was the ordination of J. Robert Williams, a self-avowed and practicing homosexual, by Right Reverend John S. Spong, bishop of the Diocese of Newark, in December 1989. Episcopalians United responded with. a nationwide call for the bishop's formal censure.

48.See James G. Wolf, ed., Gay Priests (New York: Harper ·Be Row, 1989);

49.These are listed in a document on Sodomy Law Reform produced by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. They include among othen, the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. (1970), Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (1973), American Friends Service Committee (1976), Unitarian Univenalist · Association (1970), United Church of Christ (1969), Episcopal Church Convention, Diocese of New York (1974), Protestant Epi5copal Church in the USA (1976), Lutheran Church in America (1970), American Lutheran Church (1977), United Methodist Church (1976), National Federation of Roman Catholic Priests' Councils (1974), National Council of Churches of Christ (1973), American Jewish Congress (1973), and Union of American Hebrew Congregations (1977).

50.See Randall Frame, "The Issue That Won't Go Away," Christianity Today 34 (5 March 1990): 28.

51.The quote is from Beverly LaHaye of Concerned Women for America, as an endorsement of the book AIDS and Young Peopk, advertized in the Newsktter of Cuncemed Women for America 10, 10 (October 1988): 21.

52.See William A. Henry III, "Forcing Gays Out of the Closet," Time, 29January 1990, p. 67.

53.See Berger and Berger, The War Over the Family p. 27. As Tim LaHaye put it in his Battle for the Family, "Today thousands of the brainwashed victims



of our humanistically controlled society are trading the love of unborn children for 'me-ism' and their own 'personal rights' " (p. 23). Second quote from NGLTF brochure, Washington, D.C., undated.

54.The first statement is taken from Calhoun, A Social History of the American Family fr<m1 Colonial Times to the Present, p. 72;. the second is taken from Lyndon B. Johnson, "Remarks of the President at Howard University," Washington, D.C., 4 June 1965.

55.Quoted in Nadine Brozan, "White House Conference on the Family: A Schism Develops," New York Times, 7 January 1980, p. D8.


1.Robert Simonds quoted in Attacks on the Freedom to Learn, 1986:..87, People for the American Way, p. 9. The ACLU quote comes from a direct mail solicitation. No date provided.

2.The two best histories of public education as a field of conffict and change are D. Ravitch, The Great School Wars, 1805-1973: The Public Schools as a Battleground for Social Change (New York: Basic Books, 1973), and L. Jorgenson, The State and the Non-Public School, 1825-1925 (Columbia, MO.: University of Missouri Press, 1987).

3.V. P. Lannie and B. C. Diethorn, "For the Honor and Glory of God: The Philadelphia Bible Riots of 1844," History of Education Quarterly 8 (Spring 1968): 46-51.

4.Quoted in Jorgenson, The State and the Non-Public School, p. I07ff.



7.Between 1965 and 1985, for example, the number of Catholic elementary and secondary schools fell 28 percent and student enrollments declined 54 percent. This decline has been due in large part to the loss of a distinct Catholic identity resulting from two developments. The first is the pluralization and liberalization of the Catholic tradition since Vatican II. Consensus over the traditional benchmarks of Catholic identity was lost. The second development is the tremendous social mobility of Catholic communities after the Second World War-a· move away from the cities and to the more wealthy suburbs; away from the communities and institutions earlier generations had built as a preserve for religious and ethnic life. The consequence of both trends has been the melding of the thought, behavior, and values

of ordinary Catholics with those of the mainstream of American society. See J. D. Hunter, "Evangelical Schools in Growth; Catholic Schools in Decline,"

Wall Street journal, 8 March 1988, p. 34.

8.. Quoted in Franklin and Betty Parker, "Behind Textbook Censorship," National journal [A Publication of Phi Kappa Phi] (Fall 1988): 37.



. 9. From Robert L. Simonds, Communicating a Christian World View in the Classroom, a teachers' manual published in Costa Mesa, California, by the National Association of Christian Educators, p. 6.

10.Mel and Norma Gabler (founders of a conservative organization called Educational Research Analysts) are rep0rted as saying that one may find "the godless religion of secular humanism" wherever one finds "evolutionary dogma, self-autonomy, situation ethics, Christianity negated, sexual freedom, total reading freedom. death education, internationalism and socialism." Quoted in Attacks on the Freedom to Learn, 1986-87, p. 20.

11.Telephone interview with Mae Duggan of Citizens for Educational Freedom and the Thos. J. White Educational Foundation, 7 June 1989. According to Duggan, "it is the Evangelicals who are new to the opposition to secular humanism."

12.Hitchcock, 1982, pp. 106-9. From a direct mail solicitation of the Catholic League.

13.Catholic League Newsletter 13, 4. Father Virgil Blum was invoking the terms firsfused by Jerome Lefkowitz.

14."Position Paper on Public Policy Issues-National Legislative Agenda-

1987," Agudath Israel of America, Washington, D.C., 1987.

15.''The 700 Club," Christian Broadcasting Network, 13 May 1984.

16.People for the American Way research document, "Jimmy Swaggart: Voice of Intolerance," Washington, D.C., undated. His original statement was made ~n February 1985.

17.Percentages from the author's reanalysis of J. D. Hunter, The Williamsburg Charter Survey on Religion a111l American Public Life (Washington, D.C.: Williamsburg Charter Foundation, 198S).

18.This particular decision, Bright suggested, precipitated a series of "plagues" that included "the assassinations of President Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy and the Rev.. Dr. Martin Luther .King Jr., acceleration of the Vietnam War, escalation of crime, disintegration of families, racial conflict, teenage pregnancies and venereal disease." Marjorie Hunter, "Evangelist Calls for Restoration of Prayer in U.S. Public Schools," New York Times, 31 July 1980, p. Al4.

19.America: To Pray or Not To Pray7 (Washington, D.C.: Concerned Women for America, 1988). The boQk was offered free to those who made a minimum contribution of twenty-five dollars to the organization. The quotation is from a direct mail solicitation advertising this book. Emphasis added.

20.For the first quote see Bill Sidebottom, "This Teachers' Union Agenda Has Little to Do with Education," Focus on the Family Citizen 29, 9 (September 1988): 10-11. Sally D. Reed, NEA: Propaganda Front for the Radical Left

(Alexandria, Va.: National Council for Better Education, n.d.). For a precis of the book see its review in Educational Freedom 22, 1 (Fall-Winter 198889): 53. The final quote was taken from this review.



21."The 700 Club," Christian Broadcasting Network, 20 November 1984.

22.The statement was attributed to Mary Futrell by Sidebottom, "This Teachers' Union Agenda Has Little to .Do with Education," p. 11.

23.The statement was made by Robert Pawson, a member of the NEA and the founder of "Teachers Saving Children," an organization that "bases its working philosophy on the Judeo-Christian ethic." It was for the reason that Pawson gives that three Michigan teachers (two Protestant and one Catholic) protested the NEA using their money for lobbying purposes. Their case was eventually dealt with by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which ruled that the three did not have to pay union NEA dues because of their religious convictions.

24.Paul Vitz, "Religion and Traditional Values in Public School Textbooks: An Empirical Study," a report submitted to the National Institute of Education, Washington, D.C., 1985, and "Religion and Traditional Values in Public School Textbooks," Public Interest, Summer 1986, pp. 72-90.

25.Quoted in Attacks on the Freedom to Learn, 1986~87, p. 20.

26.Mel Gabler quoted in B. Frishman, American Families: Responding to the Pro_Family Movement (Washington, D.C.: People for the American Way, 1984),

p. 102.


27. J. Hitchcock, What Is Secular Humanism? Why Humanism Is Secular and How /tis Changing Our World (Ann Arbor, Mich.: Servant Books, 1982), pp. 106- 9.

28.From Reverend Paul Marx, "Sex Education: Successful Anywhere?" Fidelity (April 1983): 29.

29.Paraphrased from an editorial in the Wall Street journal (12 April 1982) in R.V. Young, "Sex Education as Education," Fidelity (July 1982): 10.

30.Hitchcock, What Is Secular Humanism?, pp. 106-9.

31.R.V. Young, "Sex Education as Education," p. 11.

32.Jack Novik, legal director for the ACLU, quoted in an ACLU news release dated 5 October 1986.

33.Frishman, American Families, p. 98.

34.ACLU, direct mailing, undated.

35.Dushane Fund Reports IO, 4 (1987): 7.

36.Frishman, American Families, p. 95.


38.Attacks on the Freedom to Learn, 1986-87, p. 21. The point is reiterated in the introduction: The "cumulative attack ... strikes at the heart of public education: methods, materials, and ideas designed to teach basic skills, critical thinking, responsibility, and tolerance."

39.Leslie C. Francis and Decker Anstrom, "Right Wing Attacks on Support Threaten Public Schools," Los Angeles Times, April 23, 1983, p. 23.

40.See Reed, NEA: Propaganda Front for the Radical Left, or material published by Americans for Educational Choice, the Citizens for Educational Freedom,



the National Association for· the Legal Support of Alternative Schools, or the National Association for Parental Rights in Education.

41. From an interview with a Baptist layman, quoted in Paul Parsons, Inside America's Christian Sclwof.s (Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Press, 1987),

p. 22.

42.Citizens for Educational Freedom brochure, "Children: Our Hope for the Future; Our Most Precious Resource," St. Louis, Mo.

43.Telephone interview with Mae Duggan of Citizens for Educational Freedom and the Thos. J. White Educational Foundation, 7 June 1989. See also "Children: Our Hope for the Future; Our Most Precious Resource."

44.This is seen, for example, in the Christian character of the 1988 National Home School Convention. The substance of the sessions and of the resolutions adopted by 95 percent of those in attendance, was overtly Christian.

. The Home School Legal Defense Association (mentioned later) takes on the "obligation ... to defend the interests of all parents," yet still describes itself as "an openly Christian organization." See Home School Court Report 5, l (Winter 1989).

45.Brian D. Ray, "The Kif#;hen Classroom: Is Home Schooling Making the Grade," Christianity Today 32 (12 August 1988): 23.

46.See the very helpful essay by Patricia M. Lines, "An Overview of Home Instruction," Phi Delta Kappa~ 68 (March 1987): 510-17, as well as Ray,

"The Kitchen Classroom: Is Home Schooling Making the Grade," pp; 23-

25.These figures were also confirmed in a telephone interview with Michael Farris, director of the Home School Legal Defense Association, 12 June 1989. This figure probably reaches to 1 million if one takes migrant worker

children into consideration.

47.From Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1988, l08th ed. (Washington, D.C.: Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 1988), p. 121, table

48.Hunter, The Williamsburg Charter Survey.

49.R. P. Bulka, "Orthodoxy Today: An Analysis of the Achievements and the

Problems," in Dimensions of Orthodox Judaism, ed. R. P. Bulka (New York:

KTAV Publishing House, 1983).


50.Telephone interview with Michael Farris, 12 June 1989.

51."Question and Answer" brochure produced by the Citizens for Educational Freedom, no date. "Children: Our Hope for the Future; Our Most ·Precious Resource," St. Louis, Mo.

52.Taken from a draft of the report, "Problems with the Administration's Voucher Proposal for Chapter l: The Equity and Choice Act," prepared for the Subcommittee on Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education of the Committee on Education and Labor, Washington, D.C., 1986, p. 14.

53.Discussion paper, "Choice in Public Schools," National Education Association, Washington, D.C., February 1989, p. 7.



54.This policy statement came from the NEA's Office ofGovernment Relations, June 1985.

55."Rallies Opposing Gay Students Disrupt Campuses," New York Times, 6 May 1990, pp. 51-52.

56.Chester Finn, "The Campus: 'An Island of Repression· in a Sea of Freedom,'" Commentary 88, 3 (September 1989): 18.

57.Ernest Earnest, Academic Procession: An Informal History ofthe American College 1636-1953 (New York: Bobbs-Merrill, 1953), pp. 84-85.

58.From the American Sociological Association publication Footnotes 12 (March 1984). Emphasis added.

59."Joint Statement on Accuracy in Academia," 12 November 1985, drafted

and signed by the American Council on Education, the American Association of University Professors, the National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges, the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges, the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities, the Association of Urban Uriiversities, the Council of Graduate Schools, the American Psychological Association, and several others.

60.Telephone interview with Leslie Carbone of Accuracy in Academia, 25 June 1990.

61.Joseph Murphy, chancellor of City University o~ New York, quoted in Chronicle of Higher Education 31 (December 1985): 21.

62.Dinesh D'Souza, "Illiberal Education," Atlantic Monthly (March 1991): 5179.

63.Writing in the Chronicle ofHigher Education 35 (3 May 1989): 81--,83, William Damon (professor of psychology and chairman of the Education Department at Clark University) argued, "I would like to see colleges engage all incoming students in mandatory racial-education programs.... It is important to make such programs mandatory so that they can reach students who otherwise might not be inclined to participate."

64.A superb review of this development and its implications is found in Finn, "The Campus: 'An Island of Repression in a Sea of Freedom,' "Commentary 88, 3 (September 1989): 17-23. Material reviewed here borrows extensively from the Finn piece.

65.The university spokeswoman was Jan Davidson and she is quoted by Charles Krauthamner in "Annals of Political Correctness," Washington Post, February 8, 1991, p. Al9.

66.Finn, "The Campus," p. 17.

67.Kersti Yllo, "Revisions: How the New Scholarship on Women and Gender Transforms the College Curriculum,'' American Behavioral Scientist 32, 6 (July-August 1989): 659.

68.This point is made in D'Souza, "Illiberal Education," pp. 51-79. I draw extensively from this article.



69.Statement made by Michael Harris, professor of History at Wesleyan University, quoted in D'Souza, "Illiberal Education," p. 54.

70.These observations were taken from the American Psychological Association's Council Policy Reference Book, revised through the council's 1988 legislative year, from the files of the American Soeiological Association in Washington, D.C.

71.Thomas Short, "A 'New Racism' on Campus?" Commentary 86, 2 (1988): 50. See Roger Rosenblatt's review of Roger Kimball's Tenured Radicals: How Politics Has Corrupted Our Higher Education in "The Universities: A Bitter Attack," New York Times l)ook Review, 22 April 1990.

72.The Stanford story was widely publicized. Bennett's own remarks are taken from the adaptation of a speech delivered at Stanford and reprinted in National Review, 27 May 1988, pp. 37-39.

73.The statement was made by John E. Becker of Fairleigh Dickinson University. He is quoted in "Opening Academia Without Closing It Down," New York Times, 10 December 1990.

74.Cyrus Veeser, "Great Books and Bayonets," Harpers 277 (October 1988): 20-21.

75.Sydney Hook, "An Open Letter to the Stanford University Faculty Senate," Partisan Review 55, 4 (1988): 664-74. In a more conciliatory tone, Nell Irvin Painter, a history professor at Princeton, said, "I wish that those who take potshots at what they see as a new 'political correctness' would give a thought to what American universities used to be like. Then perhaps they would hesitate before assailing the attempt to forge a pedagogy appropriate for newly diversified student bodies and faculties." Quoted in "Opening Academia Without Closing it Down," New York Times 10 December 1990.

76.See Paul William Kingston, "Bloom's Appeal to the American Mind," Tocqueville Review 9 (1987-88): 407-11. Kingston poignantly concludes: "To

put the matter starkly, Bloom's appeal reflects his denunciation of Mick Jagger, not his view on Heidegger, his aversion to equality between the sexes, not his Straussian philosophy, and his celebration of elite cultural unity, not his enshrinement of philosophers' disinterested reason as the highest expression of humanity" (p. 408).

77. Fox Butterfield, "The Right Breeds a College Press Network," New York Times, 24 October 1990, p. A 1. Perhaps the biggest financial supporter is the John M. Olin Foundation in New York. The Madison Foundation for Educational Affairs, through its Collegiate Network, also helps organize and fund the papers.

78.For a sampling of this literature, see E. Michael Jones, "Is Notre Dame Still Catholic?" Fidelity (June 1984): 18-26 and (September 1984): 25-34; Dick Goldkamp, "God, Sex Revolution and the Single Girl at St. Louis University," Fidelity (June 1984): 12-28; Editorial: "God and Mammon at Notre Dame," Fidelity (July 1982): 7; Ralph Mcinerny, "Purge at Wadhams Hall," Cathol-



icism in Crisis (February 1983): 22-24; "Editorial: Catholic U?" Fidelity (May 1985): 4-7.

79."A Proposal for the Fulfillment of Catholic Liberal Education," Thomas Aquinas College, Santa Paula, Calif., 1981.

80.William Bentley Ball quoted in editorial, "The Bob Jones Decision: A Dangerous Precedent," Christianity Today 27 (2 September 1983): 14.

81.George Atkinson, "The Culture Most Valuable to Prepare Law-Abiding and Law-Respecting Citizens," .in NEA Proceedings (1989): 115-21. Emphasis added.·

82.Discussion paper, "Choice in Public Schools," p. 9.


I.National Right to Life Committee, Washington, D.C., direct mail appeal, Spring 1990. LaHaye's direct mail appeal was sent out about May 1988.

2.Helle Bering-Jensen, "A Hell-Bent Crusade Against Pornography," Insight, 2 July 1990, p. 12.

3.Three studies, Lichter et al., The Media Elite; Research and Forecasts, The Connecticut Mutual Life Report on Values in the 80s, 1982; and my own "Religion and Power Survey" funded by the Lilly Endowment, documented these tendencies. Reports from the Center for Media and Public Affairs, Washington, D.C., summarize content analysis of television news programs and newspaper reporting for a wide range of issues (such as abortion) or political events (such as campaigns).

4.Quoted in Thomas Edsall and David Vise, "CBS Fight a Litmus Test for Conservatives."

5.Patrick Buchanan, "CBS: 'Conservative Broadcasting System,' " Human Events, 16 February 1985, p. 137.

6."How Conservatives Can Get Control of CBS," Human Events, 26 January 1985, p. 76.

7.Morality in Media brochure, New York, no date. Accuracy in Media brochure, Washington, D.C., no date. Tipper Gore, "Curbing the Sexploitation Industry," New York Times, 14 March 1988, p. A19.

8. Don Winbush, "Bringing Satan to Heel," Time, 19 June 1989, pp. 54-55.

9.Quoted in Mike Yorkey, "A New Wind Blows Through Hollywood," Citizen 3, 5 (May I989): 10 (emphasis added).

10.For example, when he learned of the Kennedy plan, the film critic Michael Medved of Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) immediately wrote Kennedy

a letter of congratulation. "I want to let you know how pleased I was to hear of your plans to produce mainstream movies that promote family and religious values. While I am not a Christian myself, I am an observant Jew and active in my local synagogue in California. Along with many of my


_fellow congregants, I share precisely the frustrations and the hopes for movies which you expressed in your artjcle.... If there is any way that I can be helpful to you in the months ahead, please let me know. In any event, I wanted to inform you immediately that there is at least one national movie critic who is already sympathetic to your efforts." Quoted in ibid., p. 10.

11.Jeffrey K. Hadden and Anson Shupe, Televangelism: Power and Politics on God's Frontier (New York: Henry Holt, 1988), p. 292.

12.Lucy Lippard, "Andres Serrano: The Spirit and the Letter," Art in America 78 (April 1990): 238-45.

13.Transcript of ABC's "Nightline,'' 10 April 1990.

14.Carole S. Vance, "The War on Culture," Art in America 77 (September 1989): 39-43. American Family Association quote from direct mailing.

15.The observation was made by Representative Dick Armey, quoted in Alex

Heard, "Mapplethorpe of My Eye," New Republic, 21 August 1989, p. 11. 16. Quoted in Robert Hughes, "Whose Art ls It, Anyway?" Time, 4 June 1990,

p. 47.

17.David Mills, "The Obscenity Case: Criminalizing Black Culture," Washington Post, 17 June 1990, p. GI.

18.Jon Pareles, "Rap: Slick, Nasty and-Maybe Hopeful," New York Times, 17 June 1990, section 4, pp. I, 5.

19.Richard Corliss, "X-Rated," Time, 7 May 1990, p. 94.

20.Bering-Jensen, "A Hell-Bent Crusade Against Pornography," p. 15.

21.Transcript of "48 Hours," CBS News, 27 June 1990.



·24. All quoted in Tom Breen, "Film Found Artistic, but Not Blasphemous,"

Washington Times, 15 August 1988.

25.John Leo, "A Holy Furor," Time, 15 August 1988, p. 36.

26.The statement is attributed to the Rev. Michael Himes, quoted in a direct

mail solicitation from Fidelity.


27.Reported in Leo, "A Holy Furor," p. 34. The conservative Catholic Crisis reported that even the movie critic Michael Medved agreed that the film was "only the latest and most flagrant example of Hollywood's consistent hostility toward organized religion." Crisis (November 1988): 4. Perhaps this is because he is an observant Jew.

28.Leo, "A Holy Furor," p. 34.

29."U.S. Catholic Bishops Denounce Movie," Daily Progress, 20 August 1988, p. B4.

30.From a Focus on the Family mass mailing, dated September 1988, Pomona, Calif.

31.Advertisement, New York Times, 12 August 1988, p. A7.

32.From an interview, "Magazine Publisher and CWA Face Off on Sassy," pub-



lished in Newsletter of Concerned Women for America l l (August 1989): 2223.

33.Direct mail appeal signed by Reverend Donald Wildmon of the American Family Association, Tupelo, Miss., Spring 1989.

34.Wildmon quoted in Winbush, "Bringing Satan to Heel," p. 54.

35."Boycott Targets TV Sponsors,'' Christianity Today 33 (18 August 1989): 49 (emphasis added).

36.Reported in "Complicity ls Not Cost-Free," Pl,aybuy 36 (November 1989): 45.

37.Reported in Focus on the Family Citizen 2, 2 (February 1988): 11.

38.Carol Iannone, "From 'Lolita' to 'Piss Christ,' " Commentary 89 (January 1990): 52-54. Lippard, "Andres Serrano: The Spirit and the Letter," p. 245.

39.Richard Posner makes this point in "Art for Law's Sake," American Scho/,o,r 58 (Autumn 1989): 513-20. It is endorsed by critic Robert Brustein, "The First Amendment and the NEA," New Republic, l l September 1989, p. 27.

40.Iannone, "From 'Lolita' to 'Piss Christ,' " pp. 52-54.

41.Robert Rauschenberg quoted in George Will, "The Helms Bludgeon," Wash- ington Post, 3 August 1987, p. A27.

42.On the first theme consider the following: "Kathleen Sullivan of the Harvard Law School [has] testified [that] a work cannot legally be defined as obscene if it has serious artistic merit, and NEA grants are by definition made to works that fellow artists have validated." John F. Barber, "A War That Must Be Won," editorial, Publishers Weekly, l June 1990, p. I.

43.Baas and Sobieszek quoted in Jayne Merkel, "Art on Trial," Art in America 78 (December 1990): 47. Later in his testimony, Sobieszek reiterated the view that there are no qualities that inhere in an object that make it art but that art exists when experts define it as such. When asked, "What determines what is a work of art?" he responded: "I think it's the culture at largemuseums, critics, galleries."

44.Quoted in Brustein, "The First Amendment and the NEA," p. 28.

45.·Will, "The Helms Bludgeon."

46.Henry J. Hyde, "The Culture War," National Review, 30 April 1990, pp. 2527.

47.The first comment was made by Susan Wyatt, executive director of Artists' Space, taken from a transcript of "Mapplethorpe: Obscene in Cincinn~ti?"

on ABC's "Nightline," IO April 1990; the second comment is attributed to photographer Jock Sturgis, taken from a transcript of "48 Hours," CBS News, 27 June 1990.

48.Mills, "The Obscenity Case: Criminalizing Black Culture:"

49.Of course, it is the arrogance of the orthodox in their particular views of art that lead them to accuse the arts establishment of being "smut peddlers."