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Санкт-Петербургский государственный электротехнический университет «ЛЭТИ»



Учебное пособие

Санкт-Петербург Издательство СПбГЭТУ «ЛЭТИ»



УДК 378(075)

ББК Ш 143.21-923 С 59

Соколенко Д. В., Соколенко И. В., Шульженко Т. В.

С 59 Education: учеб. пособие. СПб.: Изд-во СПбГЭТУ «ЛЭТИ», 2014. 48 с.

ISBN 978-5-7629-1566-3

Цель пособия – совершенствование навыков устной речи, расширение словарного запаса, развитие коммуникативных способностей. Содержит тексты на английском языке, предназначенные для чтения, устного и письменного перевода, и задания на понимание и обсуждение прочитанного. К пособию прилагаются аутентичные видеосюжеты с заданиями и упражнениями.

Предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по техническим направлениям, также может служить дополнительным материалом для студентов гуманитарного факультета.

УДК 378(075)

ББК 143.21-923

Рецензенты: кафедра английского языка Института иностранных языков; канд. филол. наук Н. И. Тонкова (СПбГУ).

Утверждено редакционно-издательским советом университета

в качестве учебного пособия

ISBN 978-5-7629-1566-3

© СПбГЭТУ «ЛЭТИ», 2014




Part I. Texts and Exercises on Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical


University «LETI» and its Schools ........................................................................


Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University «LETI» ............................


The School of Electrical Engineering and Industial Automation .....................


The School of Electronics .................................................................................


The School of Computer Technologies and Informatics ..................................


The School of Information, Measurement and Biotechnical Systems............


The School of Radio Engineering and Telecommunications .........................


Part II. Texts and Exercises on the Major World Universities ........................


The University of Cambridge..........................................................................


Massachussetts Institute of Technology .........................................................


The University of Oxford................................................................................


Stanford University .........................................................................................


Yeshiva University..........................................................................................


Part III. Video Episodes and Exercises on Education .......................................


During and after the USSR .............................................................................


Against Early School Leaving ........................................................................


Erasmus +........................................................................................................


Serious Games.................................................................................................


Schools in Britain ............................................................................................


Alternative Teaching .......................................................................................


Teacher’s Notes......................................................................................................



Part I




1.Before reading the text, give as much information as you can about Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University «LETI».

2.Read the text and check your answers.

Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University «LETI» (ETU) was founded in 1886 as Engineering College of the Department of Post and Telegraph of Russia. In 1891 it was reorganized into Imperial Institute of Electrical Engineering, the first higher education institution in Europe for training engineers and conducting research in the field of Electrical Engineering. Professor of physics Alexander Popov, the inventor of radio, was the first elected director of the Institute. From the moment of its foundation the Institute was recognized as the centre of Electrical Engineering in Russia.

St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University was the first institute of higher education in Europe with major in electrical engineering. Today LETI is one of the leading technical universities in Russia. It has long-standing and fruitful contacts in the field of education and scientific and technical cooperation with universities, research institutes and centres, enterprises and companies in 35 countries of the world. More than 40 high-tech enterprises and organizations are the University’s strategic partners, as well as a number of leading companies in Europe and Asia. LETI has five scientific and research institutes, more than 50 research groups and laboratories, the Science and Technology Park, which unites 33 small innovative enterprises.

LETI offers a wide range of educational courses of different levels. The alumni of Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University have deep fundamental knowledge and practical skills in their fields of study. The friendly environment created at the University helps to open the abilities of scholars, develops their creativity and internal culture, generates interest in acquiring new knowledge. LETI graduates bachelors, masters, specialists and PhD students of various faculties. All in all, there are eight schools in LETI, they include: the School of Electrical Engineering and Industrial Automation; the School of Radio Engineering and Tele-


communications; the School of Electronics; the School of Computer Technologies and Informatics; the School of Information, Measurement and Biotechnical Systems; the School of Economics and Management; the School of Humanities and the Department of Open Studies.

Being among the best electrotechnical universities of Russia, ETU has leading positions in many fields, such as radio-electronics, information management systems and technologies, systems of information and communication, in the fields of life support of a man and environment protection. The university continues to develop as an innovative institute of higher education, where scientific and educational activities are closely united. The mission of the university is to generate, expand and apply the new knowledge for dynamic development and maintenance of global competitiveness of radio-electronic and info telecommunication systems, taking into consideration potential global trends in science, technology and structural reforms in global economics.

3. What information from the text was absolutely new for you? Give a short summary of the text.



1. Before reading the text, give your opinion on these questions:

a)What are the main majors of this School?

b)Where can its alumni work?

2. Read the text and check your guesses.

In 1920 the first three faculties (schools) of Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University were founded, the Electrotechnical Faculty being one of them. Later the Faculty was renamed several times. Since 1999 it is called the School of Electrical Engineering and Industrial Automation.

Being one of the oldest faculties in the University, the School of Electrical Engineering and Industrial Automation combines traditionally high level of theoretical training and offers modern laboratories that give students an opportunity to become successful specialists in the most cutting-edge high-tech branches of industry and special technology.

The School offers a lot of opportunities for undergraduates in the fields of Industrial Automatics, Manufacturing System Automation, Electrical Engineering, Electroenergetics and Computerized Electrotechnology. Its alumni work in the


companies specializing in mechanical engineering, aircraft technology, shipbuilding and transport.

In academic courses the emphasis is put on such areas as mastering in computer control systems and computing technologies based on the application of programmed controllers and industrial terminals equipped with up-to-date means of communication. Students have practical training in the laboratories equipped with Siemens, OMRON, SEW Eurodrive technology. The curriculum includes aircraft control, marine electroenergetic systems control, robots and manufacturing systems control, electrotechnological systems control, vessels control and mobile objects control.

At the university the students study the influence of concentrated energy beams and laser radiation on a substance, the development of new types of energy sources for large power impulse laser technological installations and electric welding equipment. All this work is based on electrotechnological processes’ and systems’ mathematical modeling in which software facilities and methods developed at ETU are used. As the School trains both bachelors and masters it allows its graduates to integrate into the European zone of higher education and take part in international programmes of academic mobility.

The School of Electrical Engineering and Industrial Automation graduates work as constructors, development contractors, engineers, project managers in the fields of technological-process automation and complex dynamic objects control. They also work in oil and gas industry, power engineering, general aviation equipment, shipbuilding, tool engineering, machinery manufacturing and other sectors in Russia and abroad.

3. Choose the best answer (a, b or c):


Initially there was/were only _________ faculty/-ies founded.


a one

b two

c three


In academic courses the emphasis is put on such areas as ________






theoretical training

b mastering of computer control c high-tech


Graduates of the School of Electrical Engineering and Industrial Automa-

tion cannot work as:





a programmers

b mechanical engineers c constructors


The faculty trains _____________.



a only masters

b only bachelors

c both masters and bachelors


4.Find the English equivalents to these words and phrases in the text: электроэнергетика, автоматика, сочетать, высокий уровень теоретической подготовки, востребованный специалист, отрасль промышленности, кораблестроение, возможности для студентов старших курсов, современные средства связи.

5.Work in pairs. Student A is an academic at The School of Electrical Engineering and Industrial Automation and Student B is a matriculant. Make up a dialogue and find out as much information about this School and the University as possible. Use the facts from the text.


1. Read the text and fill in the gaps (16) with parts of the sentences (af):

a.construction and development of the basic electronic devices;

b.education is based on acquiring profound knowledge;

c.the School of Electronic Engineering;

d.integration of educational and scientific and research activities;

e.the qualification of its alumni is very high;

f.experience in scientific research in nanotechnology.

The School of Electronics is one of the leading scientific and educational centres in Europe in the sphere of modern electronics science-intensive technologies. Almost 70 years ago, on September 1st, 1946, in Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University the School of High-Vacuum Technologies appeared as a result of the university structural reorganization. Three years later the School got a new name – 1 _________. Only in 1999 the School got its present name.

In Russia the ETU’s School of Electronics is one of the initiators in such scientific and educational spheres as: X-ray, vacuum and plasma electronics; super high frequency electronics; solid-state electronics; optical and quantum electronics; nanotechnology, microand nanosystemic technology; solar cells.

The School of Electronics deals with the matters of 2 _____________ such as transistors, lasers, accelerators, technological installations for different physical processes realization. Due to these factors the educational programmes offered at the School are very popular among students. The main principle of the School’s work is 3 ___________. The education process at the School includes profound study of physics disciplines connected with production technology, devices and systems construction and manufacturing. The School departments co-operate with


international partners in the field of research as well as in the academic studies. Undergraduate and postgraduate students have internship in Germany, Sweden, Norway, the USA.

The Department of Optoelectronics based in the Institute of Physics and Technology occupies a special place at the School (headed by academician Zh. Alferov). The Department has solid technological basis and co-operates with international partners. That is why 4 ____________.

Today the ETU’s School of Electronics has 60 years of experience in the scientific research and development of high-tech materials sphere and electronic systems; 25 years of 5 _______________; it is the only centre of nanotechnology of the European level in microsystem sphere in the north-west of the Russian Federation. The School has one of the four world leading groups in research and application of ferroelectric materials at super high frequencies.

Zhores Alferov, the inventor of the heterotransistor and the winner of 2000 Nobel Prize in Physics graduated from the School of Electronics in LETI. There are many engineers, businessmen, poets and musicians among other alumni of this faculty. Such a wide range of professions can be explained – 6 __________ in natural sciences which is intended for a student creativity development.

2. Explain the words in bold. Look at the example. Use the dictionary if necessary.

e. g. «To invent» means to produce (as something useful) for the first time

through the use of the imagination or of ingenious thinking and experiment.

3. Are these sentences True (T) or False (F)? Correct the false ones.

1)The sphere of modern electronics science-intensive technologies makes the School of Electronics one of the leading scientific and educational centres in Europe.

2)In 1946 in Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University the School of X-ray started functioning.

3)The curriculum at the School includes profound study of chemistry.

4)Only the graduates can have an internship.

5)The School has one of the four world leading groups in research.

4. Translate the word combinations into Russian: vacuum and plasma electronics; university structure reorganization; super high frequency electronics; solid-state electronics; physical processes realization; education process; physics


disciplines; production technology; devices and systems construction and production; high-tech materials sphere and electronics systems; creativity development.

5. What do you know about Zhores Alferov? Translate this text into Eng-


Жорес Алферов, лауреат Нобелевской премии по физике, академик РАН, известен также своей широкой общественной деятельностью. Он неизменно отстаивал интересы российской науки и хорошо знал, в каком положении она находится. По его мнению, десять процентов населения России, захватив в свои руки все национальные богатства, мало заботятся о том, чтобы наша страна вышла на передовые позиции в мире. В результате состояние науки в России близко к катастрофическому. Тысячи и тысячи талантливых ученых вынуждены покидать Родину, а те, кто остается, работают в тяжелейших условиях. На словах власть заботится о научном потенциале государства, но на деле положение такое, что наукой могут заниматься сегодня только несгибаемые оптимисты. Обо всем этом Ж. И. Алферов пишет в своей книге, делает прогнозы на будущее и предлагает конкретные меры по выводу российской науки из глубокого кризиса.

6. Work in pairs. Do you agree or disagree with the point of view of Zh. Alferov? Give your reasons.



1. Read and translate the text into Russian.

The School of Computer Technologies and Informatics (before 1999 – the School of Automatics and Computer Engineering) is one of the oldest and biggest schools in the University. Nowadays more than 1300 students from Russia, the former Soviet republics, China, Arab and African countries study there.

The emergence of this School is inseparably connected with the history of the whole country. Throughout the years of its existence, the School has undergone several structural reorganizations due to computer technologies, informatics and cybernetics development. The research work at the School of Computer Technologies and Informatics has always been aimed at the relevant theoretical and applied issues solution in cybernetics, informatics and computer engineering.

The main educational activity of the Faculty is training IT specialists (in the field of Information Technology) for high-tech branches of innovative economy of


the Russian Federation. The students of the School get excellent knowledge and skills in Computer Science and Information Technology. The emphasis in the curriculum is made on computer science, software and information systems. The School alumni work in the industry, software development companies, administrative structures, financial and banking institutions, and in other businesses in Russia and abroad. In the sphere of computer hardware the School students study the following disciplines: computer organization; computer security; programming of mi- cro-processors and embedded systems.

The School of Computer Technologies and Informatics trains bachelors, masters, specialists and postgraduate students. The basis of IT specialists training in the sphere of computer systems software is learning of basic academic disciplines: programming in C++; object-oriented programming in Visual Studio 2008 media; Internet-programming in PHP, Java, C#, ASP.NET; programming for mobile devices in Java media; programming of data bases applications; computer graphics and WEB-design; transformation, processing, transmitting and receiving of information; programming in the Assembly language.

According to the marketing research, IT market is developing in our country very rapidly. Due to the emergence of numerous western companies on the Russian market and expansion of their production, the demand for specialists in this field is permanently rising. Owing to the fact that the School has wide connections with Russian and foreign enterprises and firms, high-class specialists and modern scientific and educational laboratories, the School of Computer Technologies and Informatics constantly improves the educational process and guarantees its graduates excellent job opportunities on the labor-market and successful career in life.

2. Answer the questions:

1.Is the School of Computer Technologies and Informatics relatively young, in comparison with others at the University?

2.What are the basic academic disciplines of this School?

3.What spheres can its graduates work in?

4.Is there any demand for such specialists in this field?

5.Why is this School’s emergence inseparably connected with the history of the country?

3. Think about the synonyms and antonyms to the following words: e. g. inseparably (adv): (syn.) indissolubly, closely; (ant.) unstably


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