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Кафедра иностранных языков

Гольцева О.Ю. Соколова А.Б.


для курсантов 3 курса

Под редакцией Заслуженного работника Высшей

школы России, профессора, к.ю.н. И.А.Горшеневой

Москва 2019


Методические рекомендации для обучающихся по организации самостоятельной работы.

Данные методические указания направлены на формирование умения самостоятельного чтения литературы по юридической специальности с целью извлечения информации. Для развития подобных навыков следует уделять особое внимание работе над текстом, а устный и письменный перевод текста на русский язык необходим для контроля понимания прочитанного и в качестве возможного способа использования полученной информации.

Письменный текст как средство восприятия и передачи информации

Текст имеет внутреннюю организацию, он состоит из слов и предложений, объединенных смыслом.

Прежде всего текст имеет дескриптивную структуру, он создан для описания факта, явления, понятия, действия и т.п., т.е. каждый текст, описывая что-то, несет информацию, а части этой информации связаны друг с другом единой логикой, единым смыслом. Таким образом, свойством текста выступают его дескриптивность, информативность и логичность.

В своей структуре текст как носитель информации содержит информативные единицы. Выделяя их в тексте, мы можем представить структуру текста следующим образом:

основная мысль текста, формирующая понятие о предмете высказывания;

основные темы текста, отражающие важные положения, изложенные в тексте;

основные факты текста, разъясняющие и иллюстрирующие главные положения текста;

детали и подробности текста.

Поисковое чтение - вид чтения для извлечения необходимой информации - самый распространенный вид работы с учебной литературой. Для формирования навыков ориентирования в тексте рекомендуются следующие учебно-тренировочные действия:

сжатие информации отдельных текстовых элементов;

вычленение несущественной информации;

выделение основных теоретических положений;

определение главной идеи текста;

изложение содержания в собственной интерпретации;

составление аннотации, реферата, конспекта на основе содержания текста. При чтении аутентичного английского текста следует использовать

следующие стратегии:

-тренировать навыки «языковой догадки» - догадываться о значении незнакомых слов по контексту, созвучию с родным языком; словообразовательным элементам;

-не принимать во внимание незнакомые слова, не занимающие в тексте ключевые позиции;


-использовать имеющиеся в тексте опоры (ключевые слова, иллюстрации, пояснения);

-пользоваться справочной литературой и разного рода словарями.

Врезультате обучающиеся должны научиться извлекать информацию из аутентичных текстов, не обращаясь к словарю при каждой встречи с незнакомым словом или языковым явлением.

Для этого обучающиеся должны усвоить несколько правил работы с текстом:

1. Читать текст на английском языке – значит пытаться понять его содержание, а не переводить каждое слово.

2.Чтобы понять текст (или спрогнозировать, о чем будет идти речь в этом тексте), необходимо обратиться к помощи заголовка, дат, имен собственных и различного рода схематическому материалу, содержащимся в нем.

3.При чтении текста важно опираться в первую очередь на то, что понятно в нем (знакомые слова, выражения), и затем, опираясь на них, пытаться спрогнозировать содержание всего текста, и догадаться о значении незнакомых слов;

4.Обращаться к словарю следует лишь в тех случаях, когда все прочие возможности понять значение новых слов исчерпаны.

Если в процессе самостоятельной работы над изучением текстового материала или при выполнении заданий для самоконтроля у обучающего возникают вопросы, разрешить которые самостоятельно не удается, необходимо обратиться к преподавателю для получения у него разъяснений или указаний.




2.Rights at work

a)Statutory rights .

b)The contract of employment rights.

c)The right to ask for time for training and flexible working



f)Age and disability discrimination

g)National origin, race, sex and pregnancy discrimination

h)Notice of dismissal and references


4.Intellectual property and its protection

5.Punitive damages




















Rights at work

Your rights at work will depend on your statutory rights , and your contract of employment.

Your contract of employment cannot take away rights you have by law. So if, for example, you have a contract which states you are only entitled to two weeks' paid holiday per year when, by law, all full-time employees are entitled to 28 days' paid holiday per year, this part of your contract is void and does not apply. The right you have under law (to 28 days' holiday in this case) applies instead.

If your contract gives you greater rights than you have under law, for example, your contract gives you six weeks' paid holiday per year, then your contract applies.

There are special rules about the employment of children and young people.

Statutory rights

Statutory rights are legal rights based on laws passed by Parliament.

Nearly all workers, regardless of the number of hours per week they work, have certain legal rights. There are some workers who are not entitled to certain statutory rights.

Sometimes an employee only gains a right when they have been employed by their employer for a certain length of time, and when this applies, the length of time before the employee gains the right is listed below. Unless you are in the group of workers who are excluded, you will have the following statutory rights:

-the right to a written statement of terms of employment within two months of starting work,

-the right to an itemized pay slip. This applies from the day the employee starts work.

-the right to be paid at least the national minimum wage. This applies from the day the employee starts work.

-the right not to have illegal deductions made from pay. This applies from the day the employee starts work.


-the right to paid holiday. Full-time employees are entitled to at least 28 days a year. Part-time employees are entitled to a pro rata amount

-the right to time off for trade union duties and activities. This applies from the day the employee starts work. The time off does not necessarily have to be paid. Employees also have the right to be accompanied by a trade union representative to a disciplinary or grievance hearing. If an employee takes part in official industrial action and is dismissed as a result, this will be an automatically unfair dismissal

-the right to paid time off to look for work if being made redundant. This applies once the employee has worked for two years for that employer

-the right to time off for study or training for 16-17 year olds. This applies from the day the employee starts work - the right to paid time off for ante natal care. This applies from the day the employee starts work.

-the right to paid maternity leave..

-the right to paid paternity leave

-the right to ask for flexible working to care for children or adult

-the right to paid adoption leave

-the right to take unpaid parental leave for both men and women (if you have worked for the employer for one year) and the right to reasonable time off to look after dependants in an emergency (applies from the day the employee starts work)

-the right under Health and Safety law to work a maximum 48-hour working week. This applies from the day the employee starts

-the right under Health and Safety law to weekly and daily rest breaks. This applies from the day the employee starts work. There are special rules for night workers

-the right not to be discriminated against. This applies from the day the employee starts work.

-the right to carry on working until you are at least 65

-the right to notice of dismissal, provided you have worked for your employer for at least one calendar month


-the right to written reasons for dismissal from your employer, provided you have worked for your employer for one year if you started before 6 April 2012 or two years if you started on or after that date. Women who are pregnant or on maternity leave are entitled to written reasons without having to have worked for any particular length of time

-the right to claim compensation if unfairly dismissed. In most cases to be able to claim unfair dismissal you will have to have worked for your employer for one year if you started before 6 April 2012 or two years if you started on or after that date

-the right to claim redundancy pay if made redundant. In most cases you will have to have worked for two years to be able to claim redundancy pay

-the right not to suffer detriment or dismissal for ‘blowing the whistle’ on a matter of public concern (malpractice) at the workplace. This applies from the day the employee starts

-the right of a part-time worker to the same contractual rights (pro-rata) as a comparable full-time worker

-the right of a fixed-term employee to the same contractual rights as a comparable permanent employee.

You may also have additional rights which may be set out in your contract of employment. In particular, a part-time worker’s contract should be checked.

Some workers are not entitled to some statutory rights. They are :

-anyone who is not an employee, for example, an agency or freelance worker. However, most workers are entitled to certain rights such as the national minimum wage, limits on working time and other health and safety rights, the right not to be discriminated against and paid holiday.

-employees who normally work outside the UK

-members of the police service. However, members of the police service are covered by discrimination law

-members of the armed forces. However, members of the armed forces are covered by discrimination law

-merchant seamen and share fishermen


-some workers in the transport industry are not entitled to paid holidays or limits on their working hours by law and have to rely on their contract

-trainee doctors are not entitled to paid holidays and have to rely on their employment contract. They are also limited to working a 58 hour week, rather than 48 hours.

pro rata - пропорционально; (лат.) в соответствии

Exercise 1 Find these words and word combinations in the text.

a)трудовой контракт

b)вы имеете право на


d)законные права

e)минимальная оплата труда

f)работа по гибкому графику

g)отпуск по уходу за ребенком

h)выплата при увольнении

Exercise 2 Say if the sentences are true or false. Correct the wrong ones.

1.Your rights at work will depend on your statutory rights , and your contract of employment .

2.Your contract of employment takes away rights you have by law.

3.There are special rules about the employment of children and young people.

4.Statutory rights are legal rights based on laws passed by Parliament.

5.Full-time employees are entitled to at least 18 day paid holiday a year.

6.Both female and male employees have the right to paid maternity or paternity leave.

7.In the UK employees work a maximum 40-hour working week.

8.UK residents may carry on working until they are at least 65.

9.Workers have the right to claim compensation if unfairly dismissed.


10. All categories of workers are not entitled to some statutory rights.

Exercise 3 Complete these sentences.

1.The rights that apply from the day the employee starts work are ………………..

2.The rights that apply once the employee has worked for some period of time

are ………………..

3.The workers are not entitled to some statutory rights are……………………….

4.Members of the police service are covered by …………………………….

Exercise 4 Match these terms and their definitions.

1. blowing the whistle a) An employee working under a fixed term contract of employment, which is terminable either:


-On a set date or after a set period


-On the occurrence of a specific event (for example, a


maternity cover contract or a contract which ends when


a book has been written).

2. dismissal

b) exposes misconduct, alleged dishonest or illegal


activity occurring in an organization.

3. deduction

c) those working for a single employer and are paid


directly by that employer.

4. permanent employee

d) Termination of employment

5. fixed-term employee

e). amount that may be subtracted from income

Exercise 5. Answer these questions

1.What do rights at work l depend on?

2.What body passes Statutory rights ?

3.Are all workers entitled to some statutory rights?

4. Who has special rules about the employment?.



Rights under the contract of employment

The contract of employment is the agreement made between the employer and the employee. This could be in the form of a written agreement or what has been agreed verbally between them.

In addition, the contract of employment will also include ‘custom and practice’ agreements. These are how things are usually done in the workplace, for example, if the employer always gives the employees a day’s holiday in

August. Even though this is not mentioned in the written contract this will form part of the contract of employment as it is the usual practice.

If the written contract says one thing, but in practice all the employees have been doing something else with the employer’s knowledge and agreement, the ‘custom and practice’ would form the contract rather than the written statement.

A trade union may have negotiated an agreement with an employer about conditions at work. The negotiated agreement will often form part of a contract of employment, particularly if the conditions negotiated are more favourable than the previous ones.

Some contracts of employment will be illegal if: the employee gets all or part of their wages as ‘cash in hand’; and tax and national insurance contributions are not paid; and the employee knows they are getting paid in this way to avoid paying national insurance and tax.

All employees, regardless of the number of hours they work per week, are entitled to receive a written statement from their employer, within two months of starting work. The statement describes the main terms of the contract of employment.

The statement must give details about job title, wages, hours of work, holiday, entitlement, sick pay, pension schemes, notice, grievance, dismissal and disciplinary procedure.


There are a number of statutory rights associated with wages.

Holidays and holiday pay

Nearly all workers are entitled by law to paid annual leave. Full-time workers are entitled to at least 5.6 weeks a leave year. If you work part-time, you're

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