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26. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Я слышал о том, что он назначен директором большой компании. 2. Я не имею возражений (не возражаю), чтобы они приехали сюда. 3. Я помню, что он мне говорил об этом несколько дней тому назад. 4. Я был очень разочарован тем, что они отказались помочь мне. 5. Я настаиваю на том, чтобы вы ответили им немедленно. 6. Я слышал о том, что его посылают на юг. 7. Извините, что я не позвонил вам вчера. 8. Вы можете рассчитывать на то, что он даст вам точную информацию. 9. Нет надежды, что он закончит свою работу к вечеру. 10. Вы не возражаете против того, чтобы я прочел эту статью вслух? 11. Мой преподаватель настаивает на том, чтобы я читал вслух каждый день. 12. Вы ничего не имеете против того, чтобы я курил здесь? 13. Мы настаивали на том, чтобы они начали переговоры немедленно. 14. Вы ничего не имеете против того, чтобы он зашел к вам сегодня? 15. Доктор настаивает на том, чтобы он провел осень на юге. 16. Он ответственен за то, чтобы работа была закончена вовремя.

27.Translate the following sentences. Find the absolute infinitive construction.

1.We are going to overcome this difficulty with various means to be tried.

2.An initial 15,000 of the 5.6 mm rifles will be introduced this year with the replacement program to be completed by 1995.

3.It was like someone playing with only the family to listen.

4.There are two approaches to the solution of the problem, one to be used in analytical investigations, the other in simulation.

5.With these many steps to perform, a general-purpose processor can require many cycles to perform the transfer of each word.

6.The program uses very simple data structures and algorithms almost everywhere, with a few key techniques to take advantage of hierarchy.

7.A brief overview is given in this paper of some concepts required for applying formal methods to soft ware design, with examples to show how they may be used.

8.It also meant that the machine could work on different tasks by simply installing the required set of instructions and data, with a mechanism to select the appropriate set when needed.

9.There are two types of rules in the proposed system, one to infer descriptors from features and one to infer parameter values from descriptors.

28.Translate the sentences below paying attention to the Complex Object.

-A -

1.We proved this suggestion to be wrong.

2.There were some reasons to believe it to be the case.


3.Jordan supposed the statement not to be obvious and believed it to require a proof.

4.Aristotle supposes happiness to be associated with some other human activ-


5.We shall consider a controller to be a system of reactors.

6.We expect the document to serve experienced programmers.

7.The rule requires all arguments to be available before execution can take place.

8.Unfortunately at the same time another station may have detected the network to be free and started to broadcast its message.

9.Although this quantity is not the same, many workers in the past have assumed it to be so.

10. One would expect the true value to have a 90% chance.

11. We heard the construction of railway facilities benefit fully from the system.

-B -

1.We made this reaction run at reduced pressure.

2.We could not get this product to polymerize.

3.Inevitably the adoption of a database approach causes any single process to be less efficient.

4.High temperatures allowed the reaction to be carried out in two hours.

5.It is usually rather difficult to get nitrogen to combine with other elements.

6.These properties led him to suggest that they had prepared a novel compound.

7.This causes amorphous phosphates to be hygroscopic.

8.A way to get an interviewee to "open up" is the use of the "open-ended" questions.

9.A decrease in pressure will cause the original sample to change into two phases.

10. Have the user participate in writing the manual!

29. Translate the sentences paying attention to the Complex Subject with the Infinitive.

1.The optimizer is expected to be the determining factor.

2.Many flying balloons are reported to have been observed in the air.

3.They are apt to appeal to principles of liberty.

4.However, the common practice of designing such devices has been shown to be inadequate.

5.The conditions seem to have been poorly chosen.

6.Such has indeed proved to be the case.

7.The product has been proved to affect the overall yield.

8.The reaction could appear to involve a rearrangement.

9.This investigation is likely to produce good results.


10.The above decision-making is certain to proceed smoothly.

11.He is apt to succeed in solving this problem.

12.Amino groups are thought in general not to exist in this form.

13.These reactions were not thought to proceed very violently.

14.This development of such a unit is unlikely to be a success.

15.This particular compound was not thought to react with mercuric oxide.

16.Some solutions seemed promising but all were incomplete or fallacious.

17.Servo-loop instability has not proved to be a problem with a properly set-up system.

18.The assumed linear relation between energy and pressure is likely to be a good approximation.

19.All parameters of the problem can be assumed known.

20.The X-rays produced when high-speed electrons hit atoms happen to be about the right length.

21.Hardly any aspect of economic life is likely to be unaffected, or is likely to remain unaffected by automation.

22.Work on the iron stabilized material does not seem to have been reported.

23.To define the limits of a field of inquiry may prove, in the long run, to have been only a gesture.

30.Use the indefinite gerund of the verb in brackets in the active or passive voice.

1.He looked forward to (to meet) his parents. 2. You can't be afraid of (to hurt) unless you've been hurt. 3. He took his time about (to answer). 4. Robinson could not live in the caves. They aren't for (to live). They're for (to go) through.

5.But in fear of (to recognize) she lowered her gaze. 6. So I see. You're good at (to make) yourself at home. 7. Jack would have gone to his bedroom without (to see). 8. My sister would never leave without (to see) me. 9. Jennie sat them up to their dinner, and Jeff presently stopped (to cry). 10. She couldn't help (to like) the look in his brown eyes. 11. He had got out of the habit of (to ask) questions by demonstrators. 12. I've always liked (to take) risks. 13. I seem to remember (to tell) not to grumble by someone. 14. She had not even got round to (to ask) for anything yet, because she was too busy to tell him about her granddaughter.

15.At his departure Rose had continued to weep, largely through fury at (to leave) alone with Nurse Williams.

31.State the syntactic functions of the gerundial complexes. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1.She turned round on his entering the room. 2. She can't bear thinking of it or speaking of it. And your saying that reminded her. 3. But of course someone might have gone to the table without your noticing? 4. It was no good your doing things by halves. 5. I was too absorbed in my crying. 6. He complained, "I


don't like the idea of you all going off from early morning till late at night. I don't like being alone, quite frankly." 7. She changed the style of her dancing, her feet moved more quickly, and did not keep so strictly to the ground. 8. I can't bear the thought of your deserting your post when your presence is so necessary.

32. Underline all the parts of each sentence. What parts of speech are these parts of sentence expressed by?

1. The regular array of atoms in the lattice results in there being certain sets of parallel and equally spaced planes in the crystal which will contain large numbers of atoms. 2. To a large extent the skilled analyst's productivity may be attributed to his having acquired, through many repetitions, the necessary technique. 3. Emulsoid particles, instead of being definitely charged, either positively or negatively, are usually of indefinite or variable charge. 4. Crookes assembled a tube, which, save perhaps being a bit larger, was very similar to other tubes used by other experimenters for the same purpose. 5. Both selenium and tellurium are alike in being monatomic at 2000°. 6. In order to calculate the motion of an electron, we must investigate the accompanying wave motion instead of using classical point mechanics. 7. Most actual crystals are imperfect, owing to being grown under conditions in which solid material is somewhat impeded in reaching and being deposited on certain faces.

33. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Каталоги только что получены. 2. Покажите мне каталоги, полученные из Москвы. 3. Этот договор подписан представителем фирмы. 4. Мы получили договор, подписанный представителем фирмы. 5. Эта книга переведена на английский язык. 6. Статья, переведенная Ивановым, очень интересная.

34. Rewrite the sentences below using participle constructions.

1. While we were crossing the bridge, we saw Charles, who was talking with an old man. 2. As we were very tired, we refused to go for a walk. 3. As the boys had climbed the mountains the summer before, they understood the difficulties. 4. A large branch, which had been broken by the wind, lay across the road. 5. At a conference of the Academy of Sciences, which is now being held in St. Petersburg, a number of important scientific problems are being discussed. 6. When he crossed the bridge, he saw a small village, which was situated at the foot of a hill. 7. I'll show you the article which has been written by my father. 8. As he had been taught French by a good teacher, he knew the language well. 9. The moon was invisible as it was hidden by a cloud. 10. As they had been warned that the river was rising rapidly, they turned back.

35. Rewrite the sentences below using subordinate clauses.

1. A person bringing good news is always welcome. 2. While skating yesterday


he fell and hurt himself. 3. She showed the travellers into the room reserved for them. 4. The leaves lying on the ground reminded us of autumn. 5. Books read in childhood seem like old friends.

36.Translate the sentences using the Complex Object with the Infinitive or Participle II. Explain your choice.

1.Капитан наблюдал, как матросы разгружали пароход. 2. Капитан наблюдал, как разгружали пароход. 3. Я видел, как рабочие упаковывали товары.

4.Я видел, как товары упаковывали. 5. Мы наблюдали, как они ремонтировали машину. 6. Мы наблюдали, как ремонтировали машину. 7. Я слышал, как он сказал ей об этом. 8. Я слышал, как она рассказывала ему об этом. 9. Я слышал, как он кричал что-то с противоположного берега. 10. Я видел, как он погасил свет и вышел из комнаты. 11. Я наблюдал, как они спускались с холма. 12. Я слышал, как капитан приказал матросам начать разгрузку парохода. 13. Я видел, как пароход медленно плыл по реке. 14. Я видел, как автобус остановился у остановки.

37.Translate the sentences using Participle II.

1. Он хочет, чтобы документы были отосланы авиапочтой. 2. Вы починили свои часы? 3. Они хотят, чтобы товары были получены в понедельник. 4. Я должен почистить свои ботинки. 5. Отошлите эти документы сейчас же. 6. Я слышал, как это было сказано несколько раз. 7. Он отослал посылку вчера.

38. Find the Absolute Participle Construction.

1. The temperature being raised, the kinetic energy is increased. 2. The evaporation increases with the temperature, other things being equal. 3. A new technique having been worked out, the yields rose. 4. A very basic syntax is used with assembler language, with each line of coding being composed of two basic files. 5. The reaction must have taken place, with the data showing a change in the infrared region. 6. Several extensions of the basic model having been made, we shall pursue the dynamic programming approach. 7. With the structure of various companies being different, the model is often inadequate in each particular case. 8. With the question of representing information settled, the major design question becomes one of logic operations. 9. Some scientists do not distinguish between pure and applied mathematics, the distinction being, in fact, of recent origin. 10. However, by this means forty-two schools were established by 1722, the principal subjects taught being arithmetic and geometry. 11. The session was over, with many aspects of the problem left unsolved. 12. Computers are considered as the answer to automatic production with the other problems treated as peripheral in nature. 13. All factors considered, we believe that the mechanism is the most likely.


39. What participle constructions are used in the following sentences? Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. People known as being too proud to ask the way often go astray. 2. The plant is found growing in the East Indies. 3. This data set should intuitively be considered as consisting of two clusters. 4. The reaction may be written as proceeding by the following mechanism. 5. The results were interpreted by Arnauch as pointing to the formula mentioned. 6. This method, previously mentioned as affording good results, is being widely used. 7. Active centers are not to be envisaged as occupying fixed positions on the surface. 8. Only those substances which can be considered as being mixtures have a depressed melting point. 9. A quadratic cost function is assumed established for the system. 10. The permanent income is often taken as having been established. 11. The problem can be thought of as being a multivariable generalization of the classical problem.

40 Translate from Russian into English. Pay attention to the Participle.

A)1. Я хочу прочитать эту книгу, так как мой приятель, читавший ее, говорит, что она интересная. 2. Я спросил у молодого человека, читавшего газету, который час. 3. Картина, висевшая в вестибюле, привлекла мое внимание. 4. Картина, висевшая здесь в прошлом году, сейчас находится в музее. 5. Студенты, переводившие эту статью, говорят, что она очень трудная. 6. Он не заметил письма, лежавшего на столе. 7. Ученый, написавший эту статью, сделает доклад в нашем институте. 8. Все студенты, получившие приглашение на эту лекцию, присутствовали на ней. 9. Мне сказали, что женщина, сидевшая в коридоре, ждала директора. 10. Он взял мой словарь, не спросив разрешения. 11. Я не могу перевести эту статью, не пользуясь словарем. 12. Не зная грамматики, он делал очень много ошибок в разговоре и письме. 13. Не получая от нее писем, он послал ей телеграмму. 14. Он уехал, не оставив своего адреса.

B)1. Я показал ему список книг, прочитанных в этом году слушателями нашей группы. 2. Человек, написавший эту статью, хорошо знает жизнь спортсменов. 3. Потеряв ключ, он не мог войти в свою комнату. 4. Повернув налево, мы увидели большое новое здание. 5. Он показал нам список товаров, экспортируемых этой фирмой. 6. Изучив вопрос детально, он смог ответить на все вопросы, заданные ему репортером. 7. Завтра мы будем испытывать машину, сконструированную Петровым. 8. Он тихо закрыл дверь, не желая будить ее. 9. Узнав, что он все еще в Санкт-Петербурге, я позвонил ему по телефону. 10. Студенты, окончившие перевод статьи, могут выйти из аудитории. 11. Не получив от него ответа, он решил написать ему еще раз. 12. Во время доклада я заметил молодого человека, сидевшего в углу зала и слушавшего докладчика с большим вниманием. 13. Будучи очень рассеянным, он сделал несколько ошибок, переписывая текст. 14. «Я


должен идти», - сказал он, встав со стула. 15. Ученые, принимавшие участие в экспедиции, были награждены правительством. 16. Не зная дороги на вокзал, я решил обратиться к человеку, стоявшему на углу. 17. Он уехал, не обсудив этого вопроса со мной. 18. Зная его очень хорошо, я мог рекомендовать его как очень хорошего работника. 19. Выяснив, что следующий поезд уйдет только в 11 часов вечера, я решил поехать утренним поездом.



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