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Т.Г. Галкина, О.В. Бондарчик, М.В. Цыгулева


(the UK and the USA)

Учебно-методическое пособие

Модуль 4


Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Сибирская государственная автомобильно-дорожная академия (СибАДИ)»

Т.Г. Галкина, О.В. Бондарчик, М.В. Цыгулева


(the UK and the USA)

Учебно-методическое пособие

Модуль 4





УДК 44

ББК 81.432.1 М 45


доктор филологических наук, профессор Л.О. Бутакова (ФГБОУ ВПО «Омский государственный университет им. Ф.М. Достоевского»);

кандидат филологических наук, доцент И.Н. Ефименко (ФГБОУ ВПО «Сибирская государственная автомобильно-дорожная

академия (СибАДИ)»)

Работа одобрена редакционно-издательским советом академии в качестве учебно-методического пособия для студентов 1, 2 курсов всех специальностей.

Галкина Т.Г., Бондарчик О.В., Цыгулева М.В.

М 45 Me and My World: Sightseeing (the UK and the USA). Модуль 4: учебно-

методическое пособие. Омск: СибАДИ, 2011. – 78 с.

Учебно-методическое пособие «Me and My World» направлено на обучение навыкам устной и письменной речи. Задания, предлагаемые в пособии, построены таким образом, чтобы активизировать мыслительную деятельность обучаемых, оптимизировать учебный процесс за счет экономии времени, усилий педагога и правильной организации самостоятельной работы студентов. Учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для студентов 1, 2 курсов высших учебных заведений.

Ил. 85 . Библиогр.: 21 назв.

ФГБОУ ВПО «СибАДИ», 2011



1. How is the title related to the pictures? In which country is each place in the pictures? What do you know about these places? Have you ever visited them? Which one would you like to visit? Why?

Pic. 2

Pic. 1



Pic. 3

Pic. 4


Pic. 5

Pic. 6







Pic. 7

2. Which of the following do you think you can do in each place? Add your own ideas.

Visit galleries/museums/ancient castles/historical sites.

See animals in their natural environment.

Do water/snow sports.

Walk along white sandy beaches.

Spend time with friends in the pubs.

Try delicious local cuisine.

See spectacular falls.

Buy unusual handmade souvenirs.

See people in traditional dress.

Admire interesting architecture.


3.What are the names of the continents?

4.In which continent is each country in the pictures above situated?

5.Use an atlas or encyclopedia to name different countries of different continents. What are the most popular tourist attractions in the continents?

6.In groups. Discuss which of the items below you would pack if you were going to each of the places in Ex. 1. Add some items to each column.








insect repellent;



money belt;



first aid kit;






laptop computer;

mobile phone;





E.g. If I visited Britain, I would definitely take my boots because it is cold and wet there.

7. Read the text. Explain the highlighted words/phrases.

The place I’d like to visit most is Great Britain. I get very excited about this country’s long history. Its culture is fascinating too, and I’ve read that the people there are polite and easy-going.

I’ve been dreaming about going to London for ages. When I was a child, I read a book about Her Majesty Queen of England and since then I’ve had a yearning to actually see the country for myself. At last, I’m off – the day after tomorrow. It’s a cultural tour so we’ll spend lots of time at Tate Gallery, the largest art gallery in London. We’ll also visit the fabulous Buckingham Palace which dates from the 18th century and take a tour of Hide Park. London is the home of Madame Tussaud’s Museum, too, so, I’m definitely going to try to get tickets. I can’t wait. It’s going to be a fantastic trip.

8. Read the text again and underline the phrases showing your desire to do something. Use these phrases and highlighted words to express your desire to visit the following countries:

- Israel; - Japan; - Switzerland; - Holland; - France; - United Arab Emirates.


9. Design a travel brochure for the place you would most like to visit. Collect information about what a visitor can do/see there. Don’t forget to decorate your brochure with pictures.


Mysterious Britain

1. Match the words to make word combinations.


the story


as a clerk


smb. a large sum of money


the secret


on camera




in black and white

be captured

of forgery

2. Now find these word combinations in the text and check your answers. How are these words related to the pictures?

Haunted London

Pic. 8

Pic. 9


Pic. 10

Pic. 11

Pic. 12

London has been at the centre of turbulent events for hundreds of years and as you might expect from a city with such a vivid and dramatic history behind it, there are quite a few ghosts lurking in the nooks and crannies of Britain’s capital.

Great British Institutions Haunted

Many of Britain’s most famous institutions have their own resident ghosts. The elegant Pillared Room in 10 Downing Street, which is used for hosting receptions and signing international treaties, is said to be haunted. Several members of staff at the Prime Minister’s residence have reported


seeing the ghost of a finely-dressed woman, but no one knows who she might be.

The Bank of England is another part of the British establishment which has been known to receive a ghostly visitation or two. 1 - ? She was not actually a nun at all though she did dress in a black and white outfit that did give her a nun-like appearance. Her name was Sarah Whitehead and she lived in the early 19th century; her brother, Philip, to whom she was fondly attached, worked as a clerk in the bank. He was convicted of forgery and executed in 1812. Friends and family members, knowing the strength of feeling she had for her brother, kept this secret from her. One day, however, she wandered into the bank and asked where her brother was. 2 - ? From that time on, she took to coming into the bank to enquire about her brother. Eventually, the bank’s management gave her a large sum of money to stay away. This worked for as long as she was alive, but, when she died, her ghost returned.

Haunted Palaces

London’s royal palaces play home to quite a few ghosts. Buckingham palace is said to be haunted by the spirit of Major John Gwynne, an aide to Edward VII who committed suicide there. 3 - ? It is not known who exactly the monk is but, in the early medieval period, a priory once existed on the site of the present-day palace, so the restless spirit can probably be traced back to that.

At Hampton Court Palace, former residence of Henry VIII, apparitions of many of his former wives have often been seen - Catherine Howard, Anne Boleyn, and Jane Seymour have all been spotted. Only a few years ago, Hampton Court Palace was also the scene of what some have described as the most remarkable ghost sighting ever – because it was captured on CCTV camera! The incident occurred around Christmas time in 2003. 4 - ? Studying the CCTV footage carefully they were astonished to see two doors fly open on their own followed by a mysterious robed figure stepping in to pull them shut again. No adequate explanation for the spooky sighting has yet been offered.

The Bloody Tower

Many of the most tumultuous events in London’s history have culminated with someone or other paying a visit (often a final one) to the Tower of London. Some of these poor unfortunates appear to have lingered there to this day. Among them is Henry VIII’s discarded wife,


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