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Mark: No, I suppose not. But I bet you didn't complain about it when you were-

n't famous, 5).............................................




Jack: Look. Let's get this straight. 6)......................



? I don't feel

like signing autographs today, OK?




Mark: Oh, come on. One little signature isn't much to ask for, 7)........................


Jack: You don't give up easily, 8).................................




Mark: No.




Jack: OK. Here you are. Now leave me in peace,



Mark: You're a pretty rude person, 10) ........................................................




4. Read the text about people’s eyes. Make up 15 questions to the text.

Eyes are not only useful for seeing. Other people's eyes also tell us what they are feeling or thinking. People's eyes express all kinds of emotions: love, dislike, surprise, fear. For example, someone who makes eyes at you likes you a lot and would like to attract you. Someone who makes sheep's eyes at you thinks you're wonderful too, but isn't quite so sure of winning you! Someone who is all eyes is paying a lot of attention to something; his eyes are big with wonder or concentration. If you are keeping an eye on something - for example, a mischievous child or a steak cooking under the grill - you won't be able to pay much attention to anything else. You will probably even have to watch the television out of the corner of your eye. You keep your eyes skinned when you have to watch very carefully for something that might be difficult to see - when you are trying to find your friend in a long cinema queue, for example. Talking of friends, they are often people with whom you see eye to eye because you share many of the same opinions and tastes. That is why you are going to the same film, after all! When things are not going well in your life, you might find yourself up to your eyes in difficulties. But it's no use crying your eyes out. That won't solve anything. The help of a friend often solves problems in the twinkling of an eye, or in other words, very quickly. One cure for worry is to have a delicious meal or go to a show. Something pleasant and attractive is a sight for sore eyes. It will help to cure your depression and, if you have been up to your eyes in work, it will literally give your eyes a rest, too. If you're not so lucky, and you don't go out for a treat, it is always possible to remember something you enjoyed in the past. Some people have such good imaginations, they can see it all again in their mind's eye. We hope all these expressions will not be too difficult to remember. Even if you don't remember them all, they will be an eye-opener to you about the idioms in the English language. Keep your eyes glued to the page and you will probably know them all before long!


1. Punctuate the following making any other necessary changes.

1) Shall we play tennis on Saturday she asked 2) Colin his mother said is not here 3) He said stop it 4) Why are you late the teacher asked 5) Red is my favourite colour Tom said 6) Danny said I play the piano 7) Do you prefer basketball or football Peter asked 8) Barbara said I wasn't even there

2. Turn the following into a conversation. Mind the punctuation.

The policeman ordered the driver to step out of his car. The driver agreed, but he wondered what the matter was. The policeman inquired if the driver had been speeding, but the driver denied it. The policeman explained that it was illegal to drive at more than 50 km an hour on this stretch of road. The driver protested that he hadn’t been speeding but the policeman insisted that he had. The policeman explained that he was obliged to give the driver a ticket for speeding.

"Step out of your car!" said the policeman.

3.Rewrite the following sentences in Reported Speech.

1."Can you make dinner tonight, Tom?" she said. "I'm working late."

She asked Tom to make dinner that night, explaining that she was working late.

2."Don't play near the road," their mother said. "It's too dangerous."

3."Can you take the dog for a walk?" he said to her. "I'm busy."

4."Don't ask Simon how to use the computer," she said to me. "He doesn't know a thing about them."

5."Can I borrow your pen, please?" he said to her. "I need to write something."

6."Please don't talk!" said the teacher. "This is a test."

7."Why don't you turn off the TV?" she said to him. "You aren't watching it."

8."Come to our house tonight, Mary," he said. "Jim wants to see you."

9."Have you read your newspaper?" he asked her." "I want to look at it."

10."The baby should be asleep," she said. "It's ten o'clock."

11."Why are you listening to this music?" he asked her. "It's awful."

12."Do you want to go to the cinema?" he asked her. "There's a good film on."

13."I don't want any more cake," she said. "I've had enough."

14."I'm learning French," she said. "I'm going to Paris on holiday."

15."I like Susan," he said. "She's very friendly."

16."Tom is a good businessman," she said. "He works hard."

17."I like learning English," she said. "It isn't too difficult."

18."I'm teaching Jane's class," she said. "She's on holiday this week."

19."You should open up your own restaurant," he said to Bill. "You are a very good cook."

20."Sarah would like to own the house," he said. "She's lived here a long time."

21."You could become famous, June," he said. "You're a very good singer."

22."Are you going to take the job?" he asked Jane "or will you wait for a better one?"

23."I need to buy some more oil," she said. "There is no more left."

24."Can you phone Julie?" she asked me. "I heard she has had a fight with Mark."

25."Do you know when May will be back?" she asked. "She's been away all week."

26."Do you think we should try this new restaurant tonight?" he asked his wife. "I heard it's very good."

27."If anyone phones," she said to me, "tell them I won't be here until tomorrow."

28."If I can't come to the wedding," said John to Mary, "I'll let you know tomorrow."

29."Shall I tell Tom about the trip?" he said to her, "or do you want to tell him yourself?"

30."Sofia shouldn't have said that to the boss," said Julian. "He's very angry."

31."I'd love to go to Venice," she said. "I've never been abroad."

32."I must go now," said Samantha, "or I might miss the bus."

4.Imagine that you are a newspaper reporter who has been asked to write a short article about a recent campaign to improve literacy in your country. Remember to use verbs like add, warn, promise, explain etc.

Notes: literacy must be improved - standards of education need to be raised - we can improve things - this campaign can be a success - more money for schools - the literacy rate is acceptably low - the country needs a change

A literacy campaign at this present time is essential to........................................

5.Translate from Russian into English.

a)1. Все знают, что первый паровоз был изобретен Иваном Ползуновым.

2.- Этот старинный замок очень красив. Когда он был построен? - Еще в

XIV веке.

3.Мужчина получил серьезные телесные повреждения в дорожной аварии. Кто-то сказал, что он был покалечен красной спортивной машиной.

4.Я очень расстроен, потому что потерял свои деньги. Я думаю, что деньги были украдены кем-то в магазине.

5.Решение о внедрении новых технологий в производство (to put into production) обсуждается сейчас на встрече руководителей фирм.

6.Строительство моста уже шло два месяца, когда мы приехали в этот город.

7.- Где твоя машина? - В гараже. Ее недавно отремонтировали.

8.Природа в опасности. Ее надо защитить от непродуманных (unreasonable) действий человека.

9. Яхта, вертолет, машина и дом были куплены Алексом, когда он разбогател.

10. Этот замечательный фильм был записан на видеокассету, и его смотрела вся семья.

b) 1. Преподаватель сказал, что в библиотеке имени Некрасова есть читальный зал для детей.

2.Композитор Антон Рубинштейн сказал, что Московская консерватория будет прославлена (make famous) своими учениками.

3.П. И. Чайковский считал, что композитор А. Г. Рубинштейн — его учитель.

4.Великий американский писатель Марк Твен считал, что Америка многим обязана (to be obliged to smb) России и, в особенности, за неизменную дружбу в годы ее великих испытаний (hardship).

5.П. И. Чайковский считал, что написанная им в 1869 году опера «Ундина» неудачная, и уничтожил ее ноты (note).

6.Бетти была уверена, что ее пригласят на конференцию.

7.Мой брат сказал, что очень голоден, так как он не ел с утра.

8.Фред спросил Линду, собирается ли она провести каникулы в горах.

9.Ник сказал, что лифт плохо работает, так как он поднял их не на нужный этаж.


1.Evans V. Round-up Grammar Practice 6. – Longman, 1998.

2.Evans V, Dooley J. Upstream intermediate. – Express publishing, 2002.

3.Fuch M. Focus on grammar: An intermediate course for reference and practice / Marjorie Fuch, Margaret Bonner, Miriam Westheimer. – Longman, 2000.

4.Keller E., Warner S. Conversational Gambits / Разговорные клише в анг-

лийском языке: Учебное пособие. – Обнинск: Титул, 2001.

5.Vince M., Sunderland P. Advanced language practice with key. – Macmillan, 2003.

6.Hornby A.S. Oxford advanced learner’s dictionary of current English. – Oxford University Press, 1995.

7.Комаровская С.Д. Modern English Grammar. Practical Course. Современ-

ная английская грамматика. Практический курс. «Вслед за Мерфи»: Учебник по грамматике английского языка. – 3-е изд., исп. – М.: КДУ, 2004.

8.Платонова И.Б. English Idioms = Английские идиомы: Учеб. пособие / И.Б. Платонова, О.П. Разумова, И.Е. Василевская. – М.: Новое знание, 2004.

9.Это интересно (Interesting, Isn’t It?): Учебное пособие/Сост. Е.А. Балк, М.М. Леменев. – М.: ИНФРА-М, 2001.



REPORTED SPEECH………………………………………………………..12

HOME EXERCISES ……………………………...……………….……..…..18


Reported Speech…………………………………………………………..20


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