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10. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги: for (2), along, according to, by (2), with (2), on

1. Stepper motors drive three linear actuators to provide motion the x, y, and z axis. 2. If you want to calculate and/or optimize forces generated or requireda moving robot, this tutorial has the basics that you will need to understand. 3. In comparison typical robotic leg design, this new leg offers reduced complexity. 4. This is achieved designing a feedback system: rules that define how the algorithm should work. 5. The section of a control system that allows feedback and self-correction and that adjusts its operation according to differences between the actual output and the desired output. 6. The way your robot gets its energy will depend what your robot needs to do. 7. Compared the hydraulic/pneumatic cylinder, the electric actuator has its unique features. 8. Various types of robots are usually classified their capabilities. 9. Pneumatic actuators may be classified the type of movement.

11. Выполните по вариантам письменный перевод текста

а) The manipulator of an industrial robot consists of a series of joints and links. A robotic joint provides relative motion between two links of the robot. Each joint, or axis, provides a certain degree of freedom of motion. In most cases only one degree of freedom is associated with each joint; so a robot’s complexity can be classified according to the total number of degrees of freedom they possess.

б) The work volume, or work envelope, is the three-dimensional space in which the robot can manipulate the end of its wrist. Work volume is determined by the number and types of joints in the manipulator, the ranges of the various joints, and the physical size of the links. Its actual shape is dependent on the robot’s configuration: a polar robotic configuration tends to produce a spherical (or near – spherical) work volume; a cylindrical configuration has a cylindrical work envelope; and a Cartesian coordinate robot produces a rectangular work volume.

12. Переведите текст с русского языка на английский

Роботов обычно программируют операторы, передвигая руку в нужной последовательности, либо путем воспроизведения этой последовательности с помощью устройства дистанционного управления. Некоторые сложные роботы могут программироваться непосредственно голосом, приказаниями передвинуться на заданное расстояние и в заданном направлении. Новейшие образцы роботов оснащены сенсорной обратной связью и способны


реагировать на происходящее в непосредственной близости от них. Для увеличения протяженности рабочего пространства, в котором может действовать рука, роботы устанавливают на направляющие или рамы и тем самым сообщают им ограниченную подвижность.

13. Прочитайте и перескажите текст

Types of Industrial Robotic Configurations

In terms of robotic movement capabilities, there are several common robotic configurations: vertically articulated, cartesian, SCARA, cylindrical, polar and delta.

Vertically Articulated

A vertically articulated configuration, also called jointed arm, involves connecting the jointed arm of a robot to the robot via a twisting joint. Because each link in the arm is connected by rotary joints, the robotic arm appears jointed.


A cartesian configuration, also called rectilinear, can move along three axis (x, y and z); the work area is therefore square. The arm links in this configuration are connected via linear joints.


(Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm)

This type of configuration features two horizontal joints and a cylindrical work area. It is not intended for work in multiple planes, but rather precise within one plane.


Like SCARA, this configuration also features a cylindrical work area. However, the robotic arm is connected via one joint at the base, with linear joints connecting the arm’s links.


In a polar configuration, the robotic arm is connected to the base via a twisting joint. The arm’s links are connected through a combination of rotary and linear joints. The work area is spherical in shape.

14. Справка

Как правило, в качестве продольной оси используют строительную ось самолета, которая закладывается при проектировании. При вращении вокруг нее самолет опускает одну и поднимает другую консоль крыла. Такое движение называется «крен» (англ. roll).


Вертикальная ось – ось, лежащая в плоскости симметрии самолета и перпендикулярная его продольной оси. Вращение вокруг неё называется «рыскание» (англ. yaw). Самолёт при этом поворачивает нос влево или вправо.

Поперечная ось – это ось, перпендикулярная плоскости симметрии самолета. При вращении вокруг этой оси самолет опускает и поднимает нос. Это движение (и образуемый с горизонтальной плоскостью угол) называется «тангаж» (англ. pitch).

15. Прочитайте текст и найдите подтверждения следующему высказыванию

W. Grey Walter was a robotics pioneer who demonstrated early autonomous robots based on neural-like circuit designs. His robots demonstrated sophisticated emergent behaviors despite their very simple construction. His designs were responsible for motivating generations of robotics enthusiasts.

W.Grey Walter

W.Grey Walter was born in Kansas City, Missouri, in 1910. His parents were originally German/British, from the father side, and American/British, from the mother side. He was brought to England in 1915, and educated at Westminster School and afterwards in King's College, Cambridge, in 1931. He failed to obtain a research fellowship in Cambridge and so turned to doing basic and applied neurophysiological research in hospitals, in London, from 1935 to 1939 and then at the Burden Neurological Institute in Bristol, from 1939 to 1970. He also carried out research work in the United States, in the Soviet Union and in various other places in Europe.

A respected neurophysiologist, Walter worked extensively with electroencephalogram. He discovered the brain waves associated with light and deep sleep, and developed the first EEG brain topography machine, based on an array of spiral-scan CRTs connected to high-gain amplifiers.

In the late 1940's Dr Grey Walter carried out pioneering research on mobile autonomous robots at the Burden Neurological Institute as part of his quest to model brain function. He wanted to study the basis of simple reflex actions and to test his theory on complex behavior arising from neural interconnections. His highly successful and inspiring experiments with robot «tortoises» «Elsie» and «Elmer» were influential in the birth of the science of cybernetics, and widely read, as documented in «Scientific American» in 1950 and 1951, and in his book «The


Living Brain» (1953). This was a concept that Walter seemed to embrace; he called them his «tortoises» and named his them Elsie and Elmer. After explaining about how they function – exactly as if they had a two-cell nervous system – and how they «see» – out of a photoelectric cell that rotates above their metal bodies –

Elsie's batteries ebb low she «runs back to her kennel» to recharge.

Recently, one of the original tortoises was found by Dr. Owen Holland, of the University of West of England, and was restored to order in 1995. A specimen of a second generation turtle is in the collection of the Smithsonian Institution.

In 1970 Dr. Grey Walter was severely injured in an automobile accident, dying seven years later without fully recovering from it.


1. Выучите слова

сonsistency [kən'sɪst(ə)n(t)sɪ] – 1) логичность, последовательность, связность, 2) стойкость, устойчивость; прочность, постоянство;

torch [tɔːʧ] – паяльная лампа, горелка;

eddy ['edɪ] – вихревой;

contamination [kənˌtæmɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n] – загрязнение;

penetrate ['penɪtreɪt] – проникать (into); проходить сквозь, пронизывать


permeability [ˌpɜːmɪə'bɪlətɪ] – проницаемость;

resistivity [ˌriːzɪ'stɪvətɪ] – удельное сопротивление;

brazing ['breɪzɪŋ] – пайка твёрдым припоем (из меди и цинка), (высокотемпературная) пайка;

soldering – запаивание (припоем), пайка мягким припоем, пайка (низкотемпературная);

heating to fit – посадка, пригонка;

furnace ['fɜːnɪs] – горн, очаг, печь;

dope – добавлять присадки, легировать, вносить примеси (в полупроводник);

cook-top ['kukˌtɔp] – варочная панель (встраиваемая, кухонная);

production run – массовое производство, серийное производство, партия обрабатываемых деталей, крупносерийная обработка;

sealing – уплотнение; герметизация;

hardening ['hɑːd(ə)nɪŋ] – закалка.


2. Прочитайте и переведите текст

Induction heating

Induction heating is a process which is used to bond, harden or soften metals or other conductive materials. For many modern manufacturing processes, induction heating offers an attractive combination of speed, consistency and control.

What makes this heating method so unique? In the most common heating methods, a torch or open flame is directly applied to the metal part. But with induction heating, heat is actually "induced" within the part itself by circulating (eddy) electrical currents.

Since heat is transferred to the product via electromagnetic waves, the part never comes into direct contact with any flame, the inductor itself does not get hot, and there is no product contamination. When properly set up, the process becomes very repeatable and controllable.

The principle of the induction-heating process resembles that of the transformer. A water-cooled coil, or inductor, acting as the primary winding of a transformer, surrounds the material to be heated (the workpiece), which acts as the secondary winding. Alternating current flowing in the primary coil induces eddy currents in the workpiece, causing it to become heated. The depth to which the eddy currents penetrate, and therefore the distribution of heat within the object, depends on the frequency of the primary alternating current and the magnetic permeability, as well as the resistivity of the material.

Applications of Induction Heating Technology

Induction heating allows the targeted heating of an applicable item for applications including surface hardening, melting, brazing and soldering and heating to fit. Iron and its alloys respond best to induction heating, due to their ferromagnetic nature. Eddy currents can, however, be generated in any conductor, and magnetic hysteresis can occur in any magnetic material. Induction heating has been used to heat liquid conductors (such as molten metals) and also gaseous conductors (such as gas plasma).

Popular applications of induction heating technology are:

Induction Heating Furnace – An induction furnace uses induction to heat metal to its melting point. Once molten, the high-frequency magnetic field can also


be used to stir the hot metal, which is useful in ensuring that alloying additions are fully mixed into the melt.

Induction Welding – Smaller-scale induction heating process is used for induction welding. Plastics may also be welded by induction, if they are either doped with ferromagnetic ceramics or by metallic particles.

Induction Cooking – In induction cooking, an induction coil in the cook-top heats the iron base of cookware. The heat induced in the base is transferred to the food via conduction. Benefits of induction cookers include efficiency, safety (the induction cook-top is not heated itself) and speed.

Induction Brazing – Brazing is a heating process in which two or more like or unlike materials are joined together by means of another metal alloy with a lower melting point. Induction brazing is often used in higher production runs. It produces uniform results and is very repeatable.

Induction Sealing – Induction sealing provides a convenient, fast and costeffective method for hermetically sealing containers made from almost any material.

Induction Heating Treatment – Induction heating is often used in the heat treatment of metal items. The most common applications are induction hardening of steel parts, induction soldering/brazing as a means of joining metal components and induction annealing to selectively soften a selected area of a steel part.

Induction hardening is used to increase the mechanical properties of ferrous components in a specific area by means of induced heating and rapid cooling (quenching). The primary benefits are improvements in strength, fatigue and wear resistance in a localised area without having to redesign the component. Induction hardening is excellent at repairing warranty claims / field failures.

3. Прочитайте слова и составьте с каждым из них предложение

heating, speed, permeability, repeat, increase, steel, wear, by means, sealing, area, treatment, bearing, efficiency, frequency.

4. Истинны или ложны следующие высказывания

1. Induction heating doesn’t give any advantages. 2. Product contamination is not possible in case of induction heating. 3. The frequency of the primary alternating current, the magnetic permeability and the resistivity of the material influences the depth to which the eddy currents penetrate. 4. Because of ferromagnetic nature of iron and its alloys do not respond to induction heating.


5. When the hot metal is molten the low -frequency magnetic field can also be used to stir the hot metal. 6. Brazing is a heating process in which only two unlike materials are joined together by means of another metal alloy with a lower melting point.

5. Ответьте на вопросы

1. What is induction heating used for? 2. Are principles of the inductionheating process and of the transformer similar? 3. What does the distribution of heat within the object depend on? 4. What is one of the ways to increase is the resistance of steel objects to wear? 5. What is necessary to do if it is necessary to weld plastics by induction? 6. How is the iron base of cookware heated in case of induction cooking? 7. What are the benefits of induction cookers?

6. Вставьте пропущенные слова

targeting, penetrate, eddy, workpiece, resistance, exposure, alloys, wear, doping, resembles, occur (2), contamination.

1. Robot … a human being, and it can perform a series of complex tasks in a repetitive manner. 2. Nearly all products packed in plastic containers such as pharmaceuticals, food, agrochemicals, lubricants, etc. are now being induction sealed. It is a fast and an easy way to ensure that your product is safe from … and duplication. 3. Electrical hysteresis typically … in ferroelectric material. 4. In very fast-changing fields, the magnetic field does not … completely into the interior of the material. 5. Relatively soft rubber materials provide good resistance to … . 6. Your … to magnetic fields depends on how much time you spend near various sources. 7. This custom-built assembly allows precise …of the heating, so that very little energy is wasted. 8. In … you mix a small amount of an impurity into the silicon crystal. 9. … are just as important to modern technology as they were to ancient technology, and many of the things we take for granted would be impossible without them. 10. … currents are electric currents induced within conductors by a changing magnetic field in the conductor. 11. Hardening … because the parts placed inside the inductor coil have entered a magnetic field and the eddy currents from that field are introduced to the surface layer of the part through electrical resistivity. 12. The natural electrical… of the metal within the coil causes the currents to flow against the part, which then generates accurate and focused heat. 13. … is a


piece of metal or other material that is in the process of being worked on or made or has actually been cut or shaped by a hand tool or machine.

7. Задание

7.1. Определите соответствия между английскими и русскими терминами



удельное сопротивление



сопротивление, резистор





















ёмкостное сопротивление, ёмкость



полное сопротивление, импеданс



реактивное сопротивление



удельная проводимость











7.2. Подберите для образованных пар терминов определения

a)a material’s opposition to the flow of electric current; measured in ohms;

b)an electrical device that resists the flow of electrical current;

c)of a component is a measurement of how easily a current can flow through the component;

d)is what limits the current inside a circuit;

e)power to induct;

f)the property of an electric circuit by which a voltage is induced in it by a changing magnetic field;

g)a passive device that introduces inductance into an electrical circuit;

h)a device capable of storing an electric charge; especially one consisting of two conductors separated by a dielectric;

i)a measure of how much charge is needed to produce a given potential difference between two separated conductors. e property of an element of an electrical circuit that permits it to store charge;


j)the phenomenon exhibited by a system, often a ferromagnetic or imperfectly elastic material, in which the reaction of the system to changes is dependent upon its past reactions to change;

k)a measure of the opposition to the flow of an alternating current in a circuit; the sum of its resistance, inductive and capacitive reactance;

l)the lag in response exhibited by a body in reacting to changes in the forces, especially magnetic forces, affecting it;

m)the nonresistive component of impedance in an AC circuit, arising from the effect of inductance or capacitance or both and causing the current to be out of phase with the electromotive force causing it;

n)the capability of a conductor to carry electricity;

o)a wire or combination of wires suitable for carrying an electrical current.

7.3. Вставьте пропущенные слова

reactance, capacitance, resistivity, hysteresis, resistors, inductance, capacitor, resistance, inductors (2), conductivity, impedance, conductance.

1.… is an intrinsic property of a conductor and is independent of the size of the conductor.

2.Inverse of resistivity is called the … of a material and it is one concept that is used more widely than the concept of resistivity.

3.The… of an object is defined as the ratio of the voltage across the object to the current flowing through it.

4.…are very vital components in any electrical circuits as they are used to direct the flow of current to certain parts of the circuit.

5.The … of a component is equal to the conductivity of the material multiplied by the area of the material divided by the length of the material.

6.…is a property of an electric circuit by which a changing magnetic field creates an electromotive force, or voltage, in that circuit or in a nearby circuit.

7.Placing … in parallel always decreases the total inductance of the


8.The dielectric material in a … prevents the flow of current between its


9.… oppose changes in current through them, by dropping a voltage directly proportional to the rate of change of current.

10.… is present in addition to resistance when conductors carry alternating current.

11.… includes both resistance and reactance.


12.A great deal of information can be learned about the magnetic properties of a material by studying its … loop.

13.All the metal components of a circuit have stray… between them, and energy will leak across through it.

8.Образуйте и переведите

1)существительные от глаголов: conduct (3), induce (3), contaminate (2), transform (2), distribute (2), affect, apply (2), generate (2), produce (3), resemble;

2)прилагательные от существительных: metal, principle, magnet, gas;

3)прилагательные от глаголов: apply, conduct, attract.

9. Переведите предложения с английского на русский язык, обращая особое внимание на выделенные слова

1.Stepper motors are common in CD and DVD players, printers, adjustable seats in automobiles, and other precision electronics.

2.The less common wound-rotor induction motors are used in special applications.

3.Unfortunately these two things have nothing in common.

4.It is commonly recognized that the origin of scientific language stems from the language of the physics.

5.Common market is a group of countries that allows free trade among its members.

6.Greatest Common Factor of two or more numbers is a common factor of the numbers which is the greatest among all the common factors.

7.The House of Commons is the lower house of the Parliament of the United Kingdom which, like the House of Lords (the upper house), meets in the Palace of Westminster.

10. Прочитайте и перескажите текст

How Induction Cooking Works

An induction-cooker element (what on a gas stove would be called a «burner») is a powerful, high-frequency electromagnet, with the electromagnetism generated by sophisticated electronics in the "element" under the unit's ceramic surface. When a good-sized piece of magnetic material is placed in the magnetic field that the element is generating, the field generates a loop current – a flow of electricity – within the metal of which the pot or pan is made, and that current flow