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model brought to life by the chanting of magical combinations of letters from the Hebrew alphabet. A similar idea can be found in medieval alchemy, in which the philosopher's stone was believed to have a life-giving force. Mary Shelley drew upon such traditions in her 1818 novel Frankenstein.

15. Согласны ли вы с переводом законов Азимова с английского языка на русский? Обоснуйте свою точку зрения.

1.Робот не может причинить вред человеку или своим бездействием допустить, чтобы человеку был причинен вред.

2.Робот должен повиноваться командам человека, если эти команды не противоречат Первому Закону.

3.Робот должен заботиться о своей безопасности, пока это не противоречит Первому и Второму Законам.

16. Прочитайте и перескажите по-английски

Основной причиной, заставляющей человека развивать новые сферы науки и техники, является присущее ему с давних пор стремление улучшить свою жизнь и возможность взаимодействовать с внешней средой. Характер такого взаимодействия весьма разнообразен и может быть не только трудным, но и физически непосильным. Поэтому с незапамятных времен люди мечтали изобрести различные инструменты, механизмы, машины с целью облегчения своего труда, повышения качества и производительности.

Промышленные роботы предназначены для замены человека при выполнении основных и вспомогательных технологических операций в процессе промышленного производства. При этом решается важная социальная задача – освобождения человека от работ, связанных с опасностями для здоровья или тяжелым физическим трудом, а также от простых монотонных операций, не требующих высокой квалификации.

Применение роботов позволяет значительно улучшить качество выпускаемой продукции. Качество машины оценивается совокупностью специально подобранных показателей (или критериев), выбор которых определяется ее служебным (функциональным) назначением. Машины нового поколения должны отвечать таким общим критериям, как отношение цена/качество, высокая надежность и безопасность функционирования, гибкость и быстрая реконфигурация при переходе на новое изделие.


Гибкие автоматизированные производства (flexible automated manufacturing), создаваемые на базе промышленных роботов, позволяют решать задачи автоматизации на предприятиях с широкой номенклатурой продукции при мелкосерийном (small-batch) и штучном (single-piece) производстве. Копирующие манипуляторы (master-slave manipulator), управляемые человеком-оператором, необходимы при выполнении различных работ с радиоактивными материалами. Кроме того, эти устройства незаменимы при выполнении работ в космосе, под водой, в химически активных средах.

17. Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский

1.Роботостроение – развитая отрасль промышленности: несколько тысяч роботов работают на различных предприятиях, робототехнические манипуляторы превратились в неотъемлемую часть подводных исследовательских аппаратов, а изучение космического пространства уже не обходится без использования роботов с высоким уровнем интеллекта.

2.Робот – это автоматическое устройство, предназначенное для осуществления производственных и других операций, обычно выполняемых человеком. Робот может иметь какой угодно размер или форму и работать в каком угодно режиме. Для описания автоматических устройств-роботов, не имеющих внешнего сходства с человеком, часто используется термин «автомат». Слово «робот» происходит от чешского «робота» («принудительный труд»); оно было употреблено Карелом Чапеком в его пьесе «R.U.R.». Современный робот выполняет те или иные задачи на основании заложенной в него информации (часто в виде компьютерной программы). С 1960-х годов управляемые компьютерами устройства используются для обработки радиоактивных материалов и опасных, утомительных или рутинных технических работ. Применения роботов исчисляются уже сотнями, и этот перечень продолжает расти.

18. Прочитайте текст и найдите ответы на вопросы

1.When did Tesla make a demonstration of the world's first radio-controlled


2.Why did he make this demonstration?

3.Was this demonstration astonishing?

4.What kind of sensation did this invention produce?


5.How did Tesla control the mechanism?

6.Did Tesla get a patent for the device?

7.Who suggested that Tesla could make the boat submerge and carry dynamite as a weapon of war?

8.Is Tesla’s invention well-known?

Race of Robots

Tesla wanted an extraordinary way to demonstrate the potential of his system for wireless transmission of energy [radio]. In 1898, at an electrical exhibition in the recently completed Madison Square Garden, he made a demonstration of the world's first radio-controlled vessel. Everyone expected surprises from Tesla, but few were prepared for the sight of a small, odd-looking, iron-hulled boat scooting across an indoor pond (specially built for the display). The boat was equipped with, as Tesla described, «a borrowed mind».

«When first shown... it created a sensation such as no other invention of mine has ever produced», – wrote Tesla. As happened fairly often with his inventions, many of those present were unsure how to react, whether to laugh or take flight. He had cleverly devised a means of putting the audience at ease, encouraging onlookers to ask questions of the boat. For instance, in response to the question «What is the cube root of 64?» lights on the boat flashed four times. In an era when only a handful of people knew about radio waves, some thought that Tesla was controlling the small ship with his mind. In actuality, he was sending signals to the mechanism using a small box with control levers on the side.

Tesla's U.S. patent number 613,809 describes the first device anywhere for wireless remote control. The working model, or «teleautomaton», responded to radio signals and was powered with an internal battery.

Tesla did not limit his method to boats, but generalized the invention's potential to include vehicles of any sort and mechanisms to be actuated for any purpose. He envisioned one operator or several operators simultaneously directing fifty or a hundred vessels or machines through differently tuned radio transmitters and receivers.

When a New York Times writer suggested that Tesla could make the boat submerge and carry dynamite as a weapon of war, the inventor himself exploded.

Tesla quickly corrected the reporter: «You do not see there a wireless torpedo, you see there the first of a race of robots, mechanical men which will do the laborious work of the human race».


Tesla's device was literally the birth of robotics, though he is seldom recognized for this accomplishment. The inventor was trained in electrical and mechanical engineering, and these skills merged beautifully in this remote-controlled boat. Unfortunately, the invention was so far ahead of its time that those who observed it could not imagine its practical applications.


1. Выучите слова

controller – устройство управления; контроллер; блок управления;

joint [ʤɔɪnt] – сочленение; robot joint – сочленение робота;

manipulator [mə'nɪpjuleɪtə] – манипулятор (механическая рука робота);

end effector – рабочий орган;

actuator ['æktʧueɪtə] – исполнительный механизм, привод;

linear actuator – линейный привод, привод с прямолинейным перемещением;

rotary actuator – привод вращательного движения;

actuation [ˌækʧu'eɪʃ(ə)n] – приведение в действие;

work envelope – рабочая зона;

hierarchical [ˌhaɪə'rɑːkɪk((ə)l)] – иерархический;

valve [vælv] – клапан;

plane [pleɪn] – плоскость;

combustible [kəm'bʌstəbl] – воспламеняемый, горючий;

fume [fjuːm] – дым, газы;

rigid ['rɪʤɪd] – жёсткий, негнущийся, негибкий; несгибаемый, твёрдый, неподатливый;

lead screw – ходовой винт; винт подачи;

tachometer [tæ'kɔmɪtə] – тахометр, счётчик числа оборотов;

deceleration [ˌdɪˌselə'reɪʃ(ə)n] – уменьшение скорости, хода, числа оборотов; замедление; торможение;

2. Прочитайте и переведите текст

Robots consist of a number of components that work together: the controller, the manipulator, an end effector, a power supply, and a means for programming.


The controller is the part of a robot that coordinates all movements of the mechanical system. It also receives input from the immediate environment through


various sensors. The heart of the robot’s controller is generally a microprocessor linked to input/output and monitoring devices.

The commands given by the controller activate the motion control mechanism, consisting of various controllers, amplifiers, and actuators. An actuator is a motor or valve that converts power into robot movement. This movement is initiated by a series of instructions, called a program, stored in the controller’s memory.

The controller has three levels of hierarchical control. Each level sends control signals to the level below and feedback signals to the level above. The levels become more elemental as they progress toward the actuator.

Each level is dependent on the level above it for instructions. The three levels are:

Level I – Actuator Control. This is the most elementary level at which separate movements of the robot along various planes, such as the X, Y, and Z axes, are controlled.

Level II – Path Control. The path control (intermediate) level coordinates the separate movements along the planes determined in Level I into the desired trajectory or path.

Level III – Main Control. The primary function of this highest control level is to interpret the written instructions from the human programmer regarding the tasks required. The instructions are then combined with various environmental signals and translated by the controller into the more elementary instructions that Level II can understand.


The manipulator consists of segments that may be jointed and that move about, allowing the robot to do work. The manipulator is the arm of the robot which must move materials, parts, tools, or special devices through various motions to provide useful work.

A manipulator can be identified by method of control, power source, actuation of the joints, and other factors. These factors help identify the best type of robot for the task at hand. For example, you would not use an electric robot in an environment where combustible fumes exist and a spark could cause an explosion.

The manipulator is made up of a series of segments and joints much like those found in the human arm. Joints connect two segments together and allow them to move relative to one another. The joints provide either linear (straight line) or rotary (circular) movement.


The muscles of the human body supply the driving force that moves the various body joints. Similarly, a robot uses actuators to move its arm along programmed paths and then to hold its joints rigid once the correct position is reached.

There are two basic types of motion provided by actuators: linear and rotary. Linear actuators provide motion along a straight line; they extend or retract their attached loads. Rotary actuators provide rotation, moving their loads in an arc or circle. Rotary motion can be converted into linear motion using a lead screw or other mechanical means of conversion.

A tachometer is a device used to measure the speed of an object. In the case of robotic systems, a tachometer is used to monitor acceleration and deceleration of the manipulator’s movements.

End Effector

The end effector is the robot’s hand, or the end-of-arm tooling on the robot. It is a device attached to the wrist of the manipulator for the purpose of grasping, lifting, transporting, maneuvering, or performing operations of a robot system. The robot’s performance is a direct result of how well the end effector meets the task requirements. The area within reach of the robot’s end effector is called its work envelope.

Power Supply

The power supply provides the energy to drive the controller and actuators. It may convert ac voltage to the dc voltage required by the robot’s internal circuits, or it may be a pump or compressor providing hydraulic or pneumatic power. The three basic types of power supplies are electrical, hydraulic, and pneumatic.

The most common energy source available, where industrial robots are used, is electricity. The second most common is compressed air, and the least common is hydraulic power. These primary sources of energy must be converted into the form and amount required by the type of robot being used.

The electronic part of the control unit, and any electric drive actuator, requires electrical power. A robot containing hydraulic actuators requires the conversion of electrical power into hydraulic energy through the use of an electric, motor-driven, hydraulic pump. A robot with pneumatic actuators requires compressed air, which is usually supplied by a compressor driven by an electric motor.

3. Прочитайте слова

Chemistry, mechanical, mechanism, hierarchical, tachometer. Pneumatic, psychology, pneumonia; physics, philology, philosophy.


Pneumatic, pneumonia; maneuver [mə'nuːvə]. Environment, environmental.

Hydraulic, identify. Manipulator, linear.

Microprocessor, microwave, microphone, microscope, identify.

4. Переведите слова и словосочетания

immediate environment, monitoring devices, intermediate, trajectory, actuation, explosion, circular, rigid, maneuvering, progress

5. Истинны или ложны высказывания

1.The actuator is the part of a robot that coordinates all movements of the mechanical system.

2.The commands issued by the controller activate the motion control mechanism.

3.The controller has no hierarchical control.

4.The only way to identify a manipulator is by its method of control.

5.These factors help identify the best type of robot for the task at hand. For example, you would not use an electric robot in an environment where combustible fumes exist and a spark could cause an explosion.

6.Linear actuators provide motion provide rotation, moving their loads in an arc or circle.

7.Industrial robots most commonly use hydraulic power.

8.If a robot contains hydraulic actuators then hydraulic pump is used to convert electrical power into hydraulic energy.

6. Ответьте на вопросы

1. What are the main components of any robot? 2. What part of robot’s controller is called its heart? 3. What is stored in controller’s memory? 4. How many levels of control does any robot controller have and what is each level of control used for? 5. Why are the manipulator and the human arm similar? 6. How is the best type of robot for the task at hand identified? 7. What is the difference between the types of motion provided by linear actuators and rotary actuators? 8. What are the functions of a tachometer in the case of robotic systems? 9. How is the area within reach of the robot’s end effector called? 10. What are sources of energy to drive the controller and actuators?


7. Задание

7.1. Переведите предложения, обращая особое внимание на перевод выделенных слов

1. Coordinate

We calculated the exact coordinates of the ship.

A coordinate system is a mathematical language that is used to describe geometrical objects analytically; that is, if the coordinates of a set of points are known, their relationships and the properties of figures determined by them can be obtained by numerical calculations instead of by other descriptions.

You will coordinate with consultants and other departments on a variety of projects.

2. Link

By activating these links (by clicking a mouse button, through keyboard input, voice commands, etc.), users may visit these resources.

Link is a torch formerly used to light a person's way through the streets. The explosions are not thought to be linked in any way.

3. Power

You should disconnect the power before attempting to repair electrical equipment.

Furthermore, the force of the water is so strong that megawatts of electricity can be produced to help power entire cities.

4. Progress

How does progress in science and technology influence people's lifestyle?

At the same time the integration of electricity markets progresses, bringing clear benefits to consumers 5.

5. Separate

They described the process used to separate cream from milk.

We can imagine that each expert agent is running on a separate computer on a network with the communications between computers limited.

6. Function

The function of the veins is to carry blood to the heart. What functions do these programs fulfill/perform/serve?

His bad health has prevented him from being able to function effectively in recent weeks.


7. Joint

The higher the number of joints a robot has - the greater its ability to interact with its environment and the more Degrees of Freedom the robot will have.

A Joint is a flexible part of a robot that is designed to move, rotate, or translate in some way. Joints can be controlled (with a motor), or uncontrolled (free moving).

The second attribute of the SCARA (Selective Compliant Articulated Robot Arm – сборочная роботизированная рука с избирательной гибкостью) is the jointed two-link arm layout similar to our human arms.

8. Help

It's too bad that we don’t know his address, but it can't be helped. What is the best way to help our environment?

Thanks for all the help.

Help yourself, please! (at the table) 9. Type

We described different types of robots. The lab will type this blood sample. Type your name here.

7.2. Составьте предложения со словами так, чтобы каждое из слов использовалось и как глагол, и как существительное

position, measure, monitor, end, result , supply, pump, form.

8. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги: over, below, under, above

1. They have got a nice little house … the river. 2. There is cloud … the western part of the country. 3. He put on a coat … his shirt. 4. The plane flew … the hills. 5. The temperature is five degrees… zero. 6. The boy is well … average in intelligence. 7. There were … hundred people at the venue. 8. She was booked for driving at …120 mph. 9. You have to be … 18 to see that film. 10. Lay the blanket … his legs. 11. He’s … two meters tall. 12. I felt that he was hiding something … his jacket. 13. She is … average in intelligence. 14. We could find something …the surface of the water. 15. This part of the country is … sea level. 16. Children… the age of twelve are not supposed to watch this film. 17. You are …arrest. 18. The bridge is still … construction. 19. Put your signature …. 20. The climbers stopped 200m … the top of the mountain. 21. The temperature is ten degrees … zero.


9. Соедините части предложений (возможны варианты)


An actuator;

a) is made up of a series of segments and joints much like those


The manipulator;

found in the human arm;


A tachometer;

b) suggested to control robots in a flexible manufacturing




5. A hierarchical

c) software giving robots the intelligence to perform complex


tasks and provide a means for the robot to interact with the


The maximum

physical environment;


d) is a mechanism that permits relative movement between


The end effector;

parts of a robot arm;



e) is an instrument used for measuring rotational speed;


f) is a motor or valve that converts power into robot


The controller



g) is the arm of the robot which must move materials, parts,

10. Manipulation;

tools, or special devices through various motions to provide

11. Locomotion;

useful work;

12. A robot joint

h) is

used to monitor acceleration and deceleration of the



manipulator’s movements;



i) is a device attached to the wrist of the manipulator for the



purpose of grasping, lifting, transporting, maneuvering, or



performing operations of a robot system;



j) allows the robot to explore and move in its environment;



k) input from the immediate environment through various






l) allows the robot to interact with its environment;




is one in which a given level is dependent on the level



above it for instructions;



n) is all of the space that the robot, including its end effector,



can possibly reach





10. Вставьте пропущенные слова

сontroller, actuator(s), joint, work envelope, deceleration (decelerating), retract, end-effector(s), hierarchy (hierarchical), tool, internal, link.

1. These languages permit a kind of robot control known as … control, in which decision making by the robot takes place on several levels. 2. We have