- •8 Семестр 4 курс
- •Запоріжжя
- •1. Types of accommodation
- •2. The front desk
- •3. Food and beverage service
- •4. Marketing and promotion in tourism
- •5. Hotel management
- •II. Vocabulary and grammar practice.
- •Read and translate the text, then answer the questions below.
- •Choose the correct form.
- •Complete the text with in, at and on.
- •4. Complete the text with the passive form of the verbs in brackets.
- •5. Complete the text with a/ an or the, or leave blank for zero article. The Great Wall of China
- •6. Complete the text below with the full infinitive, the bare infinitive or the –ing form of the verbs in brackets. Glastonbury Festival
- •7. Read the text and complete the gaps. Use only one word in each gap. Miami – the place to be seen
- •8. Read the text and complete the blanks with the correct form of the words in capitals. Dubrovnik
- •9. Past simple or present perfect?
- •10. Replace words in the text with words from the box so that the meaning says the same. You may have to change the form of the verbs in the box.
- •12. Complete the news report with appropriate passive forms of the verbs in brackets.
Запорізький національний технічний університет
Факультет міжнародного туризму та управління
Кафедра іноземних мов професійного спілкування
Контрольна робота з дисципліни
Іноземна мова в галузі
для студентів спеціальності
8 Семестр 4 курс
Варіант 1
Виконав: студент(ка) групи № МТУз
Перевірив: ________________________
І. Прочитайте, перекладіть і напишіть по сім запитань до кожного з текстів.
Підготуйте усний переказ кожного тексту.
1. Types of accommodation
A wide variety of accommodation is available to the modern tourist. They vary from the guest house or tourist home with one or two rooms to grand luxury hotels with hundreds of rooms.
An inn is a place that offers shelter and food to travelers, often in rural areas. It was more common before railroads and modern hotels came to existence. The word “inn” now has a quaint old-fashioned sound.
Guest house or a tourist home means a small establishment that accommodates travelers. They usually have relatively few rooms.
Motel is a hotel with special facilities for motor vehicles. The word “motel” is made by combining “motor” and “hotel”. Condominium is a building or group of buildings in which a unit can be bought by an individual. The public spaces are owned jointly by all the purchasers of the individual units.
Pension, which is pronounced in French, is another type of accommodation for travelers, especially in Europe. Nowadays, it usually offers bed and breakfast at low prices. In Britain it is traditionally called “B and B” and means a boarding house which offers breakfast.
Caravanning or camping means traveling with one’s own facilities for shelter and often for eating. A caravan or van is a type of vehicle with sleeping space. In camping, the traveler carries a tent or other equipment with him. Marina is a place at which boats can dock. The marina usually offers electricity, telephones, water, etc so that people can use their boats for accommodations.
A hotel is a temporary home for people who are traveling. In a hotel the traveler can rest and have meals. The hotel may also offer facilities for recreation, such as a swimming pool, a golf course, or a beach.
It is possible to place hotels in four broad categories: commercial hotels, resort hotels, hotels aimed at the convention trade, resident hotels. Another way of categorizing hotels is by the quality of services they offer. At the top are the luxury hotels, which offer their guests the greatest comfort and convenience possible. At the bottom are those that provide merely a place to sleep. A system for rating hotels according to quality is widely used in France and other countries. This system puts the top hotels in a special “deluxe” category, with others receiving from five stars to one star.
2. The front desk
Hotel employment falls into two broad categories: front of the house and back of the house. Jobs in the front of the house include management, the various jobs at the front desk, accounting, sales and promotion, baggage handling, car attendants, and special services. Jobs in the back of the house include food and beverage preparation and service, housekeeping, laundry and valet service, engineering, and maintenance.
The front desk is the counter where the guests register, pick up their keys and mail, request information, deposit their valuables, and pay their bills. It is also called the reception area.
The front desk is located in the lobby of the hotel. The lobby is the public entrance area that gives access to the guest rooms, restaurants, bars, shops, and other facilities in the hotel. For the convenience of guests, the front desk is almost always located near the hotel’s main entrance.
The front desk jobs include receptionists, concierges, bellmen, porters, doormen and other employees. Many hotels have one or more assistant managers at the front desk. Their jobs may include greeting important guests, sorting out problems with reservations, or handling routine complaints.
The primary job of front-desk personnel is to take care of the check-in and check-out procedures and to provide helpful information to the guests in order that their stay in the hotel may be comfortable and convenient.
In the eyes of most customers, the front-desk employees are the representatives of the hotel. Their ability to work smoothly is an important factor in the success of the hotel.