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Turbo Pascal 7.0 / TP7 / DOC / TEMC

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This file explains how to use TEMC.EXE, the Turbo Editor Macro Compiler,
and documents the Turbo Editor Macro Language, TEML.

Table of Contents
1.  What is TEMC?
2.  The TEMC Command line
3.  TEMC Syntax
4.  Predefined editor commands

1.  What is TEMC?

TEMC is an editor macro compiler for the Turbo Pascal for Windows IDE.
It processes a script file that defines editor macros and key bindings
and produces a command file that is read by the IDE to define the effects
of keyboard commands in the editor.

Anytime the IDE is set to use the Alternate Command Set (using menu
item <Options><Preferences><Command Set>, it looks for a file called
TPWALT.CMD in the same directory as the program file, TPW.EXE.  If this
command file is found, its contents are read into memory to replace the
default editor key bindings.

The file TPWALT.TEM contains the factory default macro definitions
and key bindings that are built into the IDE editor. It serves as an
example script, as well as a base from which to customize the editor.

2.  The TEMC command line

TEMC is invoked from the DOS command line using

  temc [-c] <script file> <command file>

The extension of the script file is assumed to be .TEM if it is not
specified. The command file need not exist. It will be created if it does
not. The optional -c switch can also be specified as /c, and can
appear in any argument position on the command line. If it appears, it
specifies that any existing commands the command file are to
be thrown away before processing the script file. When -c is not used,
the key bindings in the script file are merged with those already
defined in the command file.

3.  TEMC syntax

Comments are in C style /* ... */ pairs.

A statement defines either a named macro or a key binding.

The syntax to define a macro is

 MACRO <macroname> <command1>; [ <command2>; ... ] END;

Spaces and newlines are optional. The macroname can consist of anything
that is a legal symbol in C. Note, that unlike C, TEMC's language is
case insensitive. A command can be either the name of another macro
that has already been defined, or an editor command that has been
predefined in TEMC. A list of those and what they do is below.

Some of the predefined editor commands have a syntax that looks like
a C function call with one argument, for example


Depending on the command, the argumenmt is either a decimal integer constant,
a character constant, or a string literal. All are specified using C syntax.

Here's an example of a macro definition from the TPWALT.TEM file:


The syntax to define a key binding is:

 <key-sequence>: <command>;


 <key-sequence>: BEGIN <command1>; [ <comand2>; ... ] END;

The <key-sequence> is either a key, which is a character optionally
preceded by "ctrl-" (not in quotes), or a series of keys
separated by the character "+". Note that the specification of the
key characters themselves is case sensitive, e.g. ctrl-k+B is different
than ctrl-k+b, even though the latter is the same as CTRL-K+b.

Any key in a sequence, other than the first one may be preceded by
one of the characters "^" or "@". The "^" indicates that any combination
of case and ctrl can be used to type the key, i.e., lower case, upper
case, or control characters. The "@" is used to indicate that the
case does not matter for that character, although ctrl will not
be accepted. For example, ctrl-k+b specifies a Ctrl-K followed by a
lower case b. ctrl-k+^b specifies a ctrl-K followed by any of b, B,
or ctrl-B. ctrl-k+@b specifies ctrl-K followed by either b or B.

Whitespace is allowed between the key-sequence and the ":".

Each <command> can be either the name of a previously defined macro,
or one of the predefined editor commands listed below.

4.  Predefined editor commands

The following is the list of all editor commands that are predefined in
TEMC. TEMC allows you to use built-in editor commands and user-defined
macros as commands within macros interchangeably, as long as you do not
create any loops by having two macros calling each other, even via
intermediate macros. Note that some commands cause an escape from the
editor to the surrounding IDE. There is no provision for returning
control to the editor once that is done. Thus, if one of those
commands is part of a macro, it must be the last command in the
macro. TEMC will produce an error message if a macro definition
violates this restriction. Commands that cause an escape from the
editor are grouped at the end of the following list.

 TEMC editor command name      	What it causes the editor to do
 ------------------------	-------------------------------

 BackspaceDelete		Delete the character before the cursor

 BottomOfScreen			Move cursor to the bottom line
				currently displayed in the window,
				leaving column unchanged

 CenterFixScreenPos		Adjust the screen display to ensure that the
				cursor location is visible. If any adjustment
				is necessary, adjust the display so the cursor
				is close to being centered in the window.

 CursorCharLeft			Move cursor left over one character.
				This will skip over a tab character and
				will move to the end of the previous
				line from the beginning of a line.

 CursorCharRight		Move cursor right over one character.
				This will skip over a tab character and
				will advance to the beginning of the next
				line from the end of a line.

 CursorDown			Move cursor down one row

 CursorLeft			Move cursor left one screen column

 CursorRight			Move cursor right one screen column

 CursorUp			Move cursor up one row

 CursorSwitchedLeft		Like CursorLeft, but pays attention to
				Cursor Through Tab option setting

 CursorSwitchedRight		Like CursorRight, but pays attention to
				Cursor Through Tab option setting

 DeleteChar			Delete the character at the current
				cursor location

 DeleteLine			Delete the current line

 DeleteToEOL			Delete from the current column to the end
				of the current line

 DeleteWord			Delete from cursor to beginning of next word

 EndCursor			Move cursor to end of file buffer

 FixCursorPos			Insure that cursor value specifies a
				row between 1 and the number of lines in
				the buffer, a column greater than 0, and
				that if the cursor through tabs option is
				not set, that it is not placed in the
				middle of a tab character.

 FixScreenPos			Adjust the screen display to ensure that the
				cursor location is visible

 FullPaintScreen		Redraw the entire window, making no
				assumptions about what is on the screen

 HomeCursor			Move cursor to beginning of file buffer

 IndentBlock			Insert a space at the beginning of each
				line in the selected text.

 InsertText			Called using the syntax InsertText("string")
				Inserts the literal "string" in the buffer
				at the current cursor location.

 LeftOfLine			Move cursor to beginning of current line

 LiteralChar			Called using the syntax LiteralChar('c'),
				where 'c' is a character or integer value.
				Inserts the character at the current cursor
				location, without doing any special processing
				for newline, tab characters, etc.

 MarkBufModified		Set a flag indicating that the contents
				of the buffer are different than what is
				in the corresponding disk file

 MarkBufUnmodified		Clear a flag, thus indicating that the
				contents of the buffer can be assumed
				to be identical to what is in the disk file

 MatchPairBackward		Same as MatchPairForward, except that if the
				cursor is on a ' or " then search backward
				for the matching one.

 MatchPairForward 		If the cursor is on one of the characters
				(, ), {, }, [, ], or on the first character
				of one of the pairs (*, *), (. or .), then
				search in the appropriate direction for the
				closest instance of the matching delimiter.
				If the cursor is on the character ' or ",
				then search forward for the matching one.
				If a match is found, place the cursor there.

 MoveToMark			Called using the syntax MoveToMark(n),
				where "n" is a one digit number, 0-9.
				Moves the cursor to the location saved with
				SetMark(n) command.

 MoveToTempPos			Move the cursor to the saved temporary marker.

 OutdentBlock			Delete a leading space from the beginning
				of each	line in the selected text
				that begins with a space.

 PageScreenDown			Scroll screen down by number of lines in the
				window, leaving cursor position unchanged

 PageScreenUp			Scroll screen up by number of lines in the
				window, leaving cursor position unchanged

 PaintScreen			Redraw the entire window, assuming that
				the screen still correctly displays what
				the editor last drew on it

 PageDown			Move cursor down by number of lines in
				the window

 PageUp				Move cursor up by number of lines in
				the window

 ReDo				Perform an Redo operation. Exactly what
				happens depends on the option settings

 RightOfLine			Move cursor to end of current line

 RightOfWord			Move cursor to the next column that follows
				the end of a word

 ScrollScreenDown		Scroll screen down one line, leaving cursor
				position unchanged

 ScrollScreenUp			Scroll screen up one line, leaving cursor
				position unchanged

 SetMark			Called using the syntax SetMark(n),
				where "n" is one digit number, 0-9.
				Sets a marker to point to the character at
				the current cursor location, so a later
				MoveToMark(n) comand can restore the cursor

 SetTempPos			Save the cursor location in a temporary
				marker that may be used by some internal
				editor commands. This is not usually practical
				to use in user-defined macros, which should
				instead use SetMark.

 SmartRefreshScreen		Redraw the window, skipping any portions
				that the editor is sure are unmodified
				since it was last drawn.

 SmartTab			Insert space and/or tab characters in
				accordance with the current settings of
				the Use Tab Char option, and Tab Width

 ToggleInsert			Toggle state of insert/overwrite option

 TopOfScreen			Move cursor to the top line
				currently displayed in the window,
				leaving column unchanged

 UnDo				Perform an Undo operation. Exactly what
				happens depends on the option settings

 WordLeft			Move cursor to beginning of previous word,
				or to end of previous line, whichever is
				found first

 WordRight			Move cursor to beginning of next word,
				or to the end of a line, whichever is
				found first

The following commands cause an exit from the editor, and so can
only appear as the last command of a macro:

 ClipClear              	Delete selected text

 ClipCopy               	Copy selected text to clipboard

 ClipCut                	Cut selected text to clipboard

 ClipPaste              	Paste clipboard into buffer at cursor

 CompilerOptions		Insert the current compiler options at the
				start of the edit buffer

 GetFindString			Open a dialog for a text search operation

 QuoteChar			Next control character typed by user will
				be directly inserted into buffer

 ReadBlock			Open dialog requesting a file name
				which will be read into the buffer
				at the cursor location

 RepeatSearch			Search again, using previous parameters

 Replace			Open an dialog for a search/replace operation

 SaveFile			Save current editor buffer

 ShiftOff			Turn off text selection mode and clear
				current block, if any

 ShiftOffWithCopy		Copy current block to clipboard and turn
				off text selection mode

 ShiftOffWithCut		Cut current block to clipboard and turn
				off text selection mode

 ShiftOn			Turn on text selection mode

 ShowLastError			Redisplay the last compiler error reported

 ToggleAutoIndent		Toggle the state of the Auto Indent option

 ToggleAutoOutdent		Toggle the state of the Backspace Unindents

 ToggleCursorThroughTabMode	Toggle the state of the Cursor Through Tabs

 ToggleOptimalFillMode		Toggle state of Optimal Fill option

 ToggleTabbingMode		Toggle state of Use Tab Char option

 WriteBlock			Open dialog requesting a file name to
				which the selected text will be written

Соседние файлы в папке DOC
  • #
    28.06.201413.36 Кб12HELPME!.TDW
  • #
    28.06.201411.96 Кб13MANUAL.TDW
  • #
    28.06.201423.3 Кб12MANUAL.TPW
  • #
    28.06.20144.62 Кб12STRINGS.INT
  • #
    28.06.20141.49 Кб12SYSTEM.INT
  • #
    28.06.201412.67 Кб14TEMC.DOC
  • #
    28.06.201418.97 Кб14WINCRT.PAS
  • #
    28.06.201413.19 Кб12WINDOS.INT
  • #
    28.06.201470.58 Кб15WINPROCS.PAS
  • #
    28.06.201479.64 Кб14WINTYPES.PAS
  • #
    28.06.201433.61 Кб12WOBJECTS.INT