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Turbo Pascal 7.0 / TP7 / FILELIST

10.31 Кб

INSTALL   EXE - Installation program (runs under Windows only)
UNPAK     EXE - Unpacks .PAK (compressed) files
README    COM - Text mode program that displays the README file
DOC       PAK - Compressed file containing:
   HELPME!   TDW - Manual corrections for TDW
   MANUAL    TDW - Manual corrections for TDW
   MANUAL    TPW - Manual corrections for TPW
   STRINGS   INT - Interface section of Strings runtime library unit
   SYSTEM    INT - Interfaced variables and constants of System unit
   TEMC      DOC - Online doc for TEMC.EXE
   WINCRT    PAS - Source code to WinCrt unit
   WINDOS    INT - Interface section of WinDos runtime library unit
   WINPROCS  PAS - Source code to Windows API interface unit
   WINTYPES  PAS - Source code to Windows API interface unit
   WOBJECTS  INT - Interface section of ObjectWindows unit

DOCDEMOS  PAK - Compressed file containing examples from the manuals
   BTNTEST   PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   CBOXTEST  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   COLLECT1  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   COLLECT2  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   COLLECT3  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   COLLECT4  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   COOKBOOK  RES - Resource file for STEP*.PAS
   DIALTEST  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   DIALTEST  RES - Resource file for DIALTEST.PAS
   EDITTEST  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   EDITTEST  RES - Resource file for EDITTEST.PAS
   EWNDTEST  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   EWNDTEST  RES - Resource file for EWNDTEST.PAS
   HELPWIND  PAS - ObjectWindows demo unit
   INIRTEST  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   MDITEST   PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   MDITEST   RES - Resource file for MDITEST.PAS
   PALTEST   PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   SBARTEST  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   STATTEST  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   STEP01    PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   STEP02    PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   STEP03    PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   STEP04    PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   STEP05    PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   STEP06    PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   STEP07    PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   STEP08    PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   STEP09    PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   STEP10    PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   STREAM1   PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   STREAM2   PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   SUBCTEST  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   TRANTEST  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   TRANTEST  RES - Resource file for TRANTEST.PAS
   WORKERS   PAS - Example program from the User's Guide
   WORKLIST  PAS - Example program from the User's Guide

FILELIST  DOC - List of all files on the distribution diskettes
HELPEX    PAK - Compressed file containing online help system demo
   BULLET    BMP - Part of Windows help system demo
   CHKBOFF   BMP - Part of Windows help system demo
   CHKBON    BMP - Part of Windows help system demo
   CODEC     BMP - Part of Windows help system demo
   CONTINUE  BMP - Part of Windows help system demo
   DONE      BMP - Part of Windows help system demo
   HELP      CUR - Part of Windows help system demo
   HELPEX    DEF - Part of Windows help system demo
   HELPEX    DLG - Part of Windows help system demo
   HELPEX      H - Part of Windows help system demo
   HELPEX    HLP - Part of Windows help system demo
   HELPEX    HPJ - Part of Windows help system demo
   HELPEX    MAK - Part of Windows help system demo
   HELPEX    PAS - Part of Windows help system demo
   HELPEX     PH - Part of Windows help system demo
   HELPEX     RC - Part of Windows help system demo
   HELPEX    RES - Part of Windows help system demo
   HELPEX    RTF - Part of Windows help system demo
   HELPICON  BMP - Part of Windows help system demo
   HELPIDS     H - Part of Windows help system demo
   KEYS      RTF - Part of Windows help system demo
   MAX2ICON  BMP - Part of Windows help system demo
   MOUSE     BMP - Part of Windows help system demo
   OWLHELP     H - Part of Windows help system demo
   OWLHELP   PAS - Part of Windows help system demo
   OWLHELP    RC - Part of Windows help system demo
   OWLHELP   RES - Part of Windows help system demo
   TERMS     RTF - Part of Windows help system demo
   WINWORD   BMP - Part of Windows help system demo

INSTALTP  EXE - Installation utility overlay
OWL       PAK - Compressed file containing ObjectWindows units and
   STDDLGS   PAS - Source code to ObjectWindows StdDlg unit
   STDDLGS   RES - Resource file for STDDLG.PAS
   STDDLGS   TPU - ObjectWindows StdDlg unit
   STDWNDS   PAS - Source code to ObjectWindows StdWnd unit
   STDWNDS   RES - Resource file for STDWND.PAS
   STDWNDS   TPU - ObjectWindows StdWnd unit
   WINDOWS     H - Windows API header file for use with RC
   WOBJECTS    H - ObjectWindows header file for use with RC
   WOBJECTS  TPU - ObjectWindows unit

OWLDEMOS  PAK - Compressed file containing ObjectWindows demo programs
   BITBNAPP  PAS - ObjectWindows demo of BITBTN.DLL
   BITBNAPP  RES - Resource file for BITBNAPP.PAS
   BITBTN    DOC - DOC file for BITBTN.PAS
   BITBTN    PAS - DLL demo that implements a custom control
   BITBTN    RES - Resource file for BITBTN.PAS
   BLAISE    BMP - Sample bitmap for STRETCH and BSCROLAPP
   BONK      PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   BONK      RES - Resource file for BONK.PAS
   BSCRLAPP  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   BSCRLAPP  RES - Resource file for BSCRLAPP.PAS
   CALC      PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   CALC      RES - Resource file for CALC.PAS
   EDITAPP   PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   FCONVERT  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   FCONVERT  RES - Resource file for FCONVERT.PAS
   FILEAPP   PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   GDIDEMO   PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   GDIDEMO   RES - Resource file for GDIDEMO.PAS
   HELLOAPP  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   MDIAPP    PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   MDIAPP    RES - Resource file for MDIAPP.PAS
   MENU      PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   MENU      RES - Resource file for MENU.PAS
   MFILEAPP  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   MFILEAPP  RES - Resource file for MFILEAPP.PAS
   POPUP     PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   POPUP     RES - Resource file for POPUP.PAS
   PROGTALK  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   PROGTALK  RES - Resource file for PROGTALK.PAS
   PXACCESS  PAS - Part of Paradox engine demo
   PXDEMO    PAS - Paradox engine demo program
   PXDEMO    RES - Part of Paradox engine demo
   PXENGINE  PAS - Paradox engine DLL interface unit
   RACECAR   BMP - Sample bitmap for STRETCH and BSCROLAPP
   SCROLAPP  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   STRETCH   PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   STRETCH   RES - Resource file for STRETCH.PAS
   SYSINFO   PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   SYSINFO   RES - Resource file for SYSINFO.PAS
   VDLGAPP   PAS - ObjectWindows demo program
   VDLGAPP   RES - ObjectWindows demo program

README        - Text file containing latest product information
TDDEMO    PAK - Compressed file containing Turbo Debugger demo programs
   TDDEMO    PAS - Turbo Debugger demo program
   TDDEMOB   PAS - Turbo Debugger demo program
   TDODEMO   ICO - Icon resource file for TDODEMO.PAS
   TDODEMO   PAS - Turbo Debugger demo program
   TDODEMO    RC - Resource file for TDODEMO.PAS
   TDODEMO   RES - Resource file for TDODEMO.PAS
   TDODEMOB  PAS - Turbo Debugger demo program
   TDWDEMO   ICO - Icon resource file for TDWDEMO.PAS
   TDWDEMO   PAS - Turbo Debugger demo program
   TDWDEMO    RC - Resource file for TDWDEMO.PAS
   TDWDEMO   RES - Resource file for TDWDEMO.PAS
   TDWDEMOA  PAS - Turbo Debugger demo program
   TDWDEMOB  PAS - Turbo Debugger demo program

TPW       CFG - Configration file for TPW.EXE
WELCOME   PAS - WinCrt demo program
WINDEMOS  PAK - Compressed standard Windows demo programs
   DIRDEMO   PAS - WinCrt demo program
   FDLGDEMO  PAS - Windows demo program
   FDLGDEMO  RES - Resource file for FDLGDEMO.PAS
   FILEDLGS  PAS - Windows demo unit
   FILEDLGS  RES - Resource file for FILEDLG.PAS
   GENERIC   PAS - Windows demo program
   GENERIC   RES - Resource file for GENERIC.PAS

WRT       PAK - Compressed file containing the Whitewater Resource Toolkit
   WRT       DAT - Whitewater Resource Toolkit
   WRT       EXE - Whitewater Resource Toolkit
   WRT       FON - Whitewater Resource Toolkit
   WRT       HLP - Whitewater Resource Toolkit
   WRT       IMA - Whitewater Resource Toolkit

README        - Text file containing latest product information

TDW       PAK - Compressed file containing:
   TDW       EXE - Compressed Turbo Debugger for Windows
   TDWHELP   TDH - Compressed online help for TDW
   WINDEBUG  DLL - Debug support library (must be in DOS path)

TPWHELP   PAK - Compressed file containing:
   TPW       HLP - Online help data file

UTILS     PAK - Compressed file containing:
   GREP      COM - Command-line text search utility
   HC        EXE - Windows help system compiler
   MAKE      EXE - Command-line make utility
   RC        EXE - Command-line resource compiler
   RCPP      ERR - Error Messages for RCPP.EXE
   RCPP      EXE - Preprocessor for RC.EXE
   TEMC      EXE - Macro compiler for IDE editor
   TOUCH     COM - Changes a file's timestamp to force re-compilation
   TPUMOVER  EXE - Unit mover utility
   TPWALT    TEM - Default alternate command keybindings for use with

TDUTILS   PAK - Compressed utilities for TDW
   TDSTRIP   EXE - Removes debug information from an .EXE
   TDUMP     EXE - Displays information about an .EXE
   TDWINST   EXE - Turbo Debugger for Windows configuration program

TPREM     EXE - Installation cleanup utility
TPW       PAK - Compressed file containing:
   TPCW      EXE - DOS-hosted Turbo Pascal command-line compiler
   TPW       EXE - Turbo Pascal for Windows Integrated Development
   TPW       TPL - Turbo Pascal for Windows Runtime library

Соседние файлы в папке TP7
  • #
    28.06.201410.31 Кб19FILELIST.DOC
  • #
    28.06.201410.4 Кб14README
  • #
    28.06.20144.22 Кб11README.COM
  • #
    28.06.2014133.91 Кб11TDWHELP.TDH
  • #
    28.06.2014140 б11TPCW.CFG
  • #
    28.06.2014366 б11TPW.CFG