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I. Combine the English and Russian equivalents:

1) заказать номер в гостинице; 2) не облагаться пошлиной; 3) цель визита; 4) остановиться в гостинице; 5)зарегистрироваться в гостинице; 6) рекламное объявление; 7) заполнить бланк; 8) пройти таможенный досмотр; 9) пройти паспортный контроль; 10) заполнить таможенную декларацию; 11) ездить в командировку; 12) пребывание, визит.

II. Make up sentences using the following words:

1. officer 1. is 1. Russian

2. a 2. in 2. made

3. customs 3. Mr. Brown 3. appointment

4. usually 4. interested 4. with

5. passengers 5. buying 5. the

6. asks 6. model 6. Mr. Fox

7. show 7. new 7. an

8. to 8. a 8. engineers

9. luggage 9. of 9. Monday

10. their 10. computers 10. for

11. our

III. Fill in prepositions if necessary:

1. When Mr. Brown was going ... passport control he declared he had nothing liable ... duty.

2. The receptionist gave us the keys ... our rooms after we had filled ... the forms.

3. Mr. Black was asked to reserve accommodation ... a hotel ... the center of London ... Mr. Borisov.

4. As Mr. Brown's passport and other documents were ... order he went ... the customs ... any delay.

5. When our engineers arrived ... London they were impressed ... its architecture.

IV. Choose the correct tense form of the predicate:

1. The inspector asked us if he ... round the plant.

a) will be shown b) was shown c) would be shown

2. The receptionist asked the guests to fill in the forms if they ... any questions.

a) don't have b) didn't have c) wouldn't have

3. The customs officer told Mr. Ivanov ... his suit-case as everything was in order.

a) not to open b) don't open c) didn't open

4. The manager wondered where the representative of the firm ... the contract form.

a) will put b) puts c) had put

5. The General Director said that he ... on a business trip to Paris if the contract ... .

a) would go b) will go c) had gone

d) is signed e) was signed f) would be signed

V. Choose the correct translation of the underlined verbs:

1. The Sellers informed the Buyers that they were ready to give them a 3 per cent discount on the price.

a) были готовы b) готовы c) будут готовы

2. The suppliers agreed to deliver the goods if they were given shipping facilities.

a) они дадут b) им дали c) им дадут

3. The importers stated in their letter that they hadn't received the goods on time.

a) не получают b) не получили c) не получат

4. The representative of the company asked the secretary if she would reserve accommodation for him at a hotel.

a) закажет b) заказала c) заказывает

5. We didn't know when the letter would be posted.

a) отправлено b) будет отправлено c) отправляется

Lesson 3

I. Find English equivalents:

1) тремя партиями по 10 единиц в каждой; 2) разместить заказ в компании; 3) отвечать требованиям; 4) иметь много заказов; 5) предоставить транспортные средства; 6) измениться к лучшему; 7) отгружать товар; 8) остаток в 100 единиц; 9) в равные промежутки времени; 10) насыщенная программа; 11) ведущий изготовитель; 12) новый цех; 13) строиться;

14) получить указания; 15) связаться с кем-либо.