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Английский язык, Контрольная работа №1.doc
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Контрольная работа №1

по дисциплине: английский язык

Выполнила студентка

Заочной сокращенной формы обучения

Специальность (направление) подготовки Маркетинг и реклама

1 курс группа КР15 з.с.

№ студенческого билета

(зачетной книжки) КР ____________

(личная подпись) (инициалы, фамилия)

Проверил преподаватель

________________________ ____________ ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_______________

(уч. степень, уч. звание) (личная подпись) (инициалы, фамилия)

Москва – 2009 г.

I. Напишите следующие предложения во множественном числе:

  1. This is a manager - These are managers

  2. This is a black desk - These are black desks

  3. That is a beautiful woman - Those are beautiful women

  4. Where is the secretary? – Where are the secretaries

  5. «Is this letter on the desk?» – «No, it is on the floor».

«Are these letters on the desk?» – «No, they are on the floor».

  1. «Whose file is this?» – «This is our file.»

«Whose files are these?» - «These are our files»

  1. That is his office – Those are his office

  2. Whose offer is this? – Whose offers are these?

  3. This is a nice green carpet - These are nice green carpets

  4. «Where is the Contract from GML?» – «It is on your desk».

«Where are the Contracts from GML?» – « they are on your desk»

II. Переделайте предложения так, чтобы подчеркнутые существительные были в притяжательном падеже:

  1. These are these sellers’ offers.

  2. That is my manager’s telex.

  3. Those are from Mr. Green and Mr. Smith’s letters

  4. It’s our secretary’s telephone

  5. That is our director’s file cabinet

  6. This is our customers’ enquiry.

  7. That is my friend’s business plan.

  8. Those are our economists’ documents.

  9. This is our company manager’s cable.

III. Замените выделенные слова личными местоимениями в объектном падеже:

  1. Give the secretary it, please.

  2. Send it to GML.

  3. Give us this letter, please.

  4. Answer his questions, please.

  5. We don’t know them.

  6. Read it to your General Director.

  7. Put it on my desk, please.

  8. I meet her in the office every day.

  9. Our work helps us to speak German well.

  10. Our manager is discussing business matters with him now.

IV. Поставьте have got, has got, haven’t got или hasn’t got:

  1. Our secretary hasn’t got a car. She gets to the office by bus.

  2. Every day our engineers work with many documents. Today I have got two telegrams and two faxes on my desk.

  3. One of our managers is always late for his English lessons. He has got a lot of problems in his office.

  4. Mr. Petrov wants to know languages well but he hasn’t got time.

  5. «Where is my business plan?» – «I don’t know. I haven’t got it».

  6. «Have you got a computer?» – «No, I have not».

  7. «Have you got a big office?» – «Yes, my office is large».

  8. Our director hasn’t got much time. He is very busy.

  9. I haven’t got many books at home. I don’t like reading.

  10. Our manager has got many offers from different firms in his file.