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II. Переведите следующие предложения в косвенную речь:

  1. Mr. Belov said that I had taken our customers’ delegation to Suzdal the day before .

  2. Mr. Brown stressed that they produced pumps of high quality.

  3. Mr. Green said that they would ship the goods in May.

  4. Mr. Larin remarked that it was necessary to reserve accommodation in advance.

  5. Mr. Bell noted that our terms were not very suitable and they couldn’t accept them.

  6. Mr. Blake said that they had always delivered the goods on CIF terms.

  7. Mr. Bond explained that we could expect repeat orders from their company if they were satisfied with that transaction.

  8. Mr. Stanley said that we were to open a Letter of Credit the following week.

  9. Mr. Borisov remarked that they were looking forward to establishing business relations with our company.

  10. Mr. Zotov said that they had improved this model the previous month.

III. Откройте скобки, употребив правильную форму страдательного залога:

  1. A lot of enquiries are received at your office every week.

  2. An important contract was signed by your firm yesterday.

  3. New prices will be discussed at the talks tomorrow.

  4. Will the new equipment be delivered by the end of this year?

  5. Our engineers will be sent abroad next year.

  6. Some consumer goods are bought by our company from Great Britain regularly.

  7. Unfortunately, the goods were not delivered on time last month.

  8. Are specialized exhibitions of this sort held very often in your city?

  9. Were the terms of shipment settled the other day?

  10. I am sorry to say, the Letter of Credit was not opened with this bank last week.

IV. Выберите форму глагола в придаточных времени и условия, переписав предложения в правильном виде:

  1. When they come to the office they will call their customers.

  2. We’ll get in touch with our sellers as soon as the goods are delivered.

  3. If the contract is ready, the talks will be completed very soon.

  4. As soon as the manufacturers their model, they will increase their prices.

  5. He will look through the quotations as soon as he is free.

  6. If the prices are competitive, we’ll place a big order with your company.

V. Перепишите предложения, выбрав правильный эквивалент модальных глаголов: have to, be able to, be to.

  1. Passengers have to check in for their flight an hour in advance.

  2. I was very busy, as I had to reserve accommodation for our foreign partners.

  3. Mr. Garin is going to be late for work today. He has to go to the plant.

  4. Mr. Smirnov went to Italy last month because he was to establish business contacts with our future partners.

  5. When will your Director be able to receive me?

  6. I know you are short of time, and won’t be able to discuss new contracts today.

VI. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужной форме: Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Continuous, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Perfect:

  1. Mary is ill, but she is getting better now.

  2. We had not come to the office before 9.

  3. I’m afraid, Mr. Bell can’t speak to you now. He is having talks with our regular customers.

  4. Sony produces a wide range of consumer goods.

  5. Some years ago the Greens lived in Liverpool.

  6. We didn’t look through the mail the day before yesterday.

  7. Did you ship the goods last month?

  8. He was receiving the British businessmen at 12 yesterday.

  9. The Sales Manager was studying an offer from Smith & Sons when the customers arrived.

  10. I have been interested in computers for ages.

  11. They have not placed a trial order with our company yet.

  12. By 2000 this company had sold over 2 thousand units.

  13. When I got to the office my secretary said that somebody had phoned me several times.

  14. I think next year our plant will manufacture a few new models.

  15. I will get in touch with you as soon as I find out the prices.