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Victor Glushkov - Founder of Information Technologies in Ukraine and former USSR var version_OK=false; if ( (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") >= 0 || navigator.appName.indexOf("Explorer") >= 0) && (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mozilla/3.0") >= 0 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mozilla/4") >= 0) ) version_OK = true; function info(descr,zold,znew) { if (version_OK) { document ['place'].src=descr; document [zold].src="IMAGES/" + znew; } } The Map of Museum

Development of Computer Science and Technologies in Ukraine. Brief History Ukrainian      Russian You can also view this page at   http://ukrainiancomputing.org     http://ukrainiancomputing.info  which has a faster Internet connection

| About museum... | The Map of Museum |

| Early history | Clever computer | First Stored Program Computer in Continental Europe |

| From the Cybernetics to Information Technology |

| Control Computers for Industry | Military Ship, Submarine Computers | Computers for Testing Rockets |

| The first steps in Microelectronics |

| Microelectronics technology. Past and Future. | Cardiosurgeon, cybernetician, writer |

| Ukrainian Lady Lovelace | Unique Computers | The Leader of computer indusry in Ukraine | Photo Gallery | Books on History of Computer Science |

| Chronology of Development Computer Science and Technology in Ukraine | 

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