Топик по английскому The scientist
The scientist I'd like a new street to be named after.
I would like a new street to be named after Michael Faraday. He was born in a poor family in 1791 .His parents were simple and poor people. So poor, indeed, that they could not make ends meet.
He was not yet twenty when he began experimenting and constructed an electrical machine. Oneе day he was given the opportunity to attend lectures delivered by Sir Humphry Davy, England's greatest scientist of the time. Faraday wrote to him and told him about his great dream to enter in to the service of science. A few months later Michael was engaged as a laboratory assistant to Sir Humphry .His duty was to assist lecturers, to clean and replace any instrument or apparatus required. Like Davy he became interested in electricity. I
In those days scientists knew little about electricity .Michael Faraday spent long weeks and months studing it. At last he saw that electricity could be made by a machine.
This was the beginning of all the great machines that make our electricity today .With their help we can have electricity telephones, radio and television.
Faraday's reputation as a research chemist was growing. He achieved his greatest chemical discovery, the isolation of a substance known as benzene. Faraday became director of the laboratory and after Davy's death he took his place as professor of Chemistry at the Royal Institution.
Faraday gave to the world the dynamo. From this dynamo the electric motor was born. So the age of electricity in which we live now dates from Faraday's experiments in 1831.
On the 25th of August 1867 Faraday's life came to an end. He died quietly in his chair in his study.
I have chosen this scientist, because he was not only one of the greatest scientist of ail time but also the gentlest and kindest of men.