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The Mogilev State University of Food Technologies is a traditional university. It is the leading educational establishment in the field of food industry. It offers degrees in high demand fiels: food technologies, culinary arts, mechanical engineering, economy, chemical fiber technology and ecology.

History. The university was founded in 1973. It was founded as the Mogilev Technological Institute and only in 2002 it got its current title MSUFT. It is also interesting to know that the only higher educational establishment in Belarus that trains specialists mostly for the food industry was founded to train engineers for chemical industry. Later two new specialities were opened. The number of students always increased. More courses and subjects were introduced, as the importance of career development grew. Now the MSUFT is the largest provider of food technology graduates in Belarus who work for food companies in science, food service and government.

Teaching and Course Content. University provides students with opportunities in many areas. The first year work is a mixture of reinforcing the basics and beginning to introduce new aspects. The staff are always helpful and the work always structured clearly and well. There is a lot of group work involved, which makes the work more interesting. In the second and third years there are more opportunities: conferences, Foreign Languages Weeks, contests, International Programs.

And now, what I personally like about University. My favourite things about University are the following:

  • Every first year student is guaranteed a place in the hostel;

  • There are more interesting people around than I am used to;

  • There is a lunch break when you can meet or eat (or both);

  • There is more freedom and independence;

  • Common interest;

  • The dining room – food is edible and not expensive;

  • The first lecture on Saturday;

  • The students are the number one thing that I love about the MSUFT.

And finally, there is the advantage of having a lake within a 20-30 minutes walks. It’s amazing to be able to wake up and decide to go to the beach without it being a problem.

I know that I could not have chosen anywhere better to go.

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