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3. Cultural awareness in business

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We live in multicultural world. And cultural awareness one of the most important part not only of our lives, but also it is inseparable part of doing business.

So, how business people can prepare to do business internationally? It depends on the task, that they’re undertaking on behalf of their company, for instance, if they are sent to live or work overseas for 2-3 years, they should study such issues as cultural awareness, practical issues of living in, working in. Also, they deal with such features as schooling, health care and even security.

However, if people are not actually going to live overseas but have international responsibility, they need another set of learning tools. It is understanding how they should operate while dealing with people from other countries, just whether that’s by telephone, by e-mail or by written word.

Another important area – is presentation skills. People are taught to use the right words on the slides, the colors and indeed how to deal with questions and answers, how to manage audience. It is important because in different countries there are different responds.

By the way it is important to have ability to communicate in the host language. While English is international language of business, it is expected that people will make some effort to learn the mother tongue of the people that they are dealing with.

Certain skills and techniques for doing business internationally include:

Flexibility and adaptability. You should adapt your own set of skills, knowledge and your own way of doing things.

To listen carefully would be another strong trait that you ought to demonstrate.

And finally – positive thinking. Who approached cultural issues with a negative attitude will get a very negative response from the people they are trying to do business with.

Cultural mistakes: time and attitude to hierarchy.

Global companies should never underestimate the effect that culture can have on international assignments. Cultural awareness is much more than simply knowing about a country's history and geography. It is about understanding how and why cultures work differently.

Wide range of nationalities needs to communicate in order to work as one team. To harmonize working practices within culturally diverse office, it needed to provide foreign workers with a meaningful understanding of host business culture and communication styles.