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*                                                                             *
* ver.h -       Version management functions, types, and definitions          *
*                                                                             *
*               Include file for VER.DLL and VER.LIB.  These libraries are    *
*               designed to allow version stamping of Windows executable files*
*               and of special .VER files for DOS executable files.           *
*                                                                             *
*               The API is unchanged for LIB and DLL versions.                *
*                                                                             *
* #define LIB   - To be used with VER.LIB (default is for VER.DLL)

#ifndef __VER_H         /* prevent multiple includes */
#define __VER_H

#if !defined(__WINDOWS_H) && !defined(LIB)
#include <windows.h>    /* <windows.h> must be included */
#endif  /* __WINDOWS_H */

#ifndef RC_INVOKED
#pragma option -a-      /* Assume byte packing throughout */
#endif  /* RC_INVOKED */

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {            /* Assume C declarations for C++ */
#endif  /* __cplusplus */

 * If .lib version is being used, declare types used in this file.
#ifdef LIB

#ifndef WINAPI          /* don't declare if they're already declared */
#define WINAPI          _far _pascal
#define NEAR            _near
#define FAR             _far
#define PASCAL          _pascal
typedef int             BOOL;
#define TRUE            1
#define FALSE           0
typedef unsigned char   BYTE;
typedef unsigned short  WORD;
typedef unsigned int    UINT;
typedef signed long     LONG;
typedef unsigned long   DWORD;
typedef char far*       LPSTR;
typedef const char far* LPCSTR;
typedef int             HFILE;
#define OFSTRUCT        void    /* Not used by the .lib version */
#define LOWORD(l)               ((WORD)(l))
#define HIWORD(l)               ((WORD)((DWORD)(l) >> 16))
#define MAKEINTRESOURCE(i)      (LPSTR)((DWORD)((WORD)(i)))
#endif  /* WINAPI */

#else   /* LIB */

/* If .dll version is being used then windows.h is including     */
/* If included with the 3.0 windows.h, define compatible aliases */
#if !defined(WINVER) || (WINVER < 0x030a)
#define UINT        WORD
#define LPCSTR      LPSTR
#define HFILE       int
#define WINAPI      FAR PASCAL
#endif  /* WIN3.0 */

#endif  /* !LIB */

/* ----- RC defines ----- */
#define ID(id)                  id
#define ID(id)                  MAKEINTRESOURCE(id)

/* ----- Symbols ----- */
#define VS_FILE_INFO            ID(16)          /* Version stamp res type */
#define VS_VERSION_INFO         ID(1)           /* Version stamp res ID */
#define VS_USER_DEFINED         ID(100)         /* User-defined res IDs */

/* ----- VS_VERSION.dwFileFlags ----- */
#define VS_FFI_SIGNATURE        0xFEEF04BDL
#define VS_FFI_STRUCVERSION     0x00010000L
#define VS_FFI_FILEFLAGSMASK    0x0000003FL

/* ----- VS_VERSION.dwFileFlags ----- */
#define VS_FF_DEBUG             0x00000001L
#define VS_FF_PRERELEASE        0x00000002L
#define VS_FF_PATCHED           0x00000004L
#define VS_FF_PRIVATEBUILD      0x00000008L
#define VS_FF_INFOINFERRED      0x00000010L
#define VS_FF_SPECIALBUILD      0x00000020L

/* ----- VS_VERSION.dwFileOS ----- */
#define VOS_UNKNOWN             0x00000000L
#define VOS_DOS                 0x00010000L
#define VOS_OS216               0x00020000L
#define VOS_OS232               0x00030000L
#define VOS_NT                  0x00040000L

#define VOS__BASE               0x00000000L
#define VOS__WINDOWS16          0x00000001L
#define VOS__PM16               0x00000002L
#define VOS__PM32               0x00000003L
#define VOS__WINDOWS32          0x00000004L

#define VOS_DOS_WINDOWS16       0x00010001L
#define VOS_DOS_WINDOWS32       0x00010004L
#define VOS_OS216_PM16          0x00020002L
#define VOS_OS232_PM32          0x00030003L
#define VOS_NT_WINDOWS32        0x00040004L

/* ----- VS_VERSION.dwFileType ----- */
#define VFT_UNKNOWN             0x00000000L
#define VFT_APP                 0x00000001L
#define VFT_DLL                 0x00000002L
#define VFT_DRV                 0x00000003L
#define VFT_FONT                0x00000004L
#define VFT_VXD                 0x00000005L
#define VFT_STATIC_LIB          0x00000007L

/* ----- VS_VERSION.dwFileSubtype for VFT_WINDOWS_DRV ----- */
#define VFT2_UNKNOWN            0x00000000L
#define VFT2_DRV_PRINTER        0x00000001L
#define VFT2_DRV_KEYBOARD       0x00000002L
#define VFT2_DRV_LANGUAGE       0x00000003L
#define VFT2_DRV_DISPLAY        0x00000004L
#define VFT2_DRV_MOUSE          0x00000005L
#define VFT2_DRV_NETWORK        0x00000006L
#define VFT2_DRV_SYSTEM         0x00000007L
#define VFT2_DRV_INSTALLABLE    0x00000008L
#define VFT2_DRV_SOUND          0x00000009L
#define VFT2_DRV_COMM           0x0000000AL

/* ----- VS_VERSION.dwFileSubtype for VFT_WINDOWS_FONT ----- */
#define VFT2_FONT_RASTER        0x00000001L
#define VFT2_FONT_VECTOR        0x00000002L
#define VFT2_FONT_TRUETYPE      0x00000003L

/* ----- VerFindFile() flags ----- */
#define VFFF_ISSHAREDFILE       0x0001

#define VFF_CURNEDEST           0x0001
#define VFF_FILEINUSE           0x0002
#define VFF_BUFFTOOSMALL        0x0004

/* ----- VerInstallFile() flags ----- */
#define VIFF_FORCEINSTALL       0x0001
#define VIFF_DONTDELETEOLD      0x0002

#define VIF_TEMPFILE            0x00000001L
#define VIF_MISMATCH            0x00000002L
#define VIF_SRCOLD              0x00000004L

#define VIF_DIFFLANG            0x00000008L
#define VIF_DIFFCODEPG          0x00000010L
#define VIF_DIFFTYPE            0x00000020L

#define VIF_WRITEPROT           0x00000040L
#define VIF_FILEINUSE           0x00000080L
#define VIF_OUTOFSPACE          0x00000100L
#define VIF_ACCESSVIOLATION     0x00000200L
#define VIF_SHARINGVIOLATION    0x00000400L
#define VIF_CANNOTCREATE        0x00000800L
#define VIF_CANNOTDELETE        0x00001000L
#define VIF_CANNOTRENAME        0x00002000L
#define VIF_CANNOTDELETECUR     0x00004000L
#define VIF_OUTOFMEMORY         0x00008000L

#define VIF_CANNOTREADSRC       0x00010000L
#define VIF_CANNOTREADDST       0x00020000L

#define VIF_BUFFTOOSMALL        0x00040000L

#ifndef RC_INVOKED              /* RC doesn't need to see the rest of this */

/* ----- Types and structures ----- */

typedef signed short int SHORT;

typedef struct tagVS_FIXEDFILEINFO
    DWORD   dwSignature;            /* e.g. 0xfeef04bd */
    DWORD   dwStrucVersion;         /* e.g. 0x00000042 = "0.42" */
    DWORD   dwFileVersionMS;        /* e.g. 0x00030075 = "3.75" */
    DWORD   dwFileVersionLS;        /* e.g. 0x00000031 = "0.31" */
    DWORD   dwProductVersionMS;     /* e.g. 0x00030010 = "3.10" */
    DWORD   dwProductVersionLS;     /* e.g. 0x00000031 = "0.31" */
    DWORD   dwFileFlagsMask;        /* = 0x3F for version "0.42" */
    DWORD   dwFileFlags;            /* e.g. VFF_DEBUG | VFF_PRERELEASE */
    DWORD   dwFileOS;               /* e.g. VOS_DOS_WINDOWS16 */
    DWORD   dwFileType;             /* e.g. VFT_DRIVER */
    DWORD   dwFileSubtype;          /* e.g. VFT2_DRV_KEYBOARD */
    DWORD   dwFileDateMS;           /* e.g. 0 */
    DWORD   dwFileDateLS;           /* e.g. 0 */

/* ----- Function prototypes ----- */

UINT WINAPI VerFindFile(UINT uFlags, LPCSTR szFileName,
      LPCSTR szWinDir, LPCSTR szAppDir,
      LPSTR szCurDir, UINT FAR* lpuCurDirLen,
      LPSTR szDestDir, UINT FAR* lpuDestDirLen);

DWORD WINAPI VerInstallFile(UINT uFlags,
      LPCSTR szSrcFileName, LPCSTR szDestFileName, LPCSTR szSrcDir,
      LPCSTR szDestDir, LPCSTR szCurDir, LPSTR szTmpFile, UINT FAR* lpuTmpFileLen);

/* Returns size of version info in bytes */
DWORD WINAPI GetFileVersionInfoSize(
      LPCSTR lpstrFilename,     /* Filename of version stamped file */
      DWORD FAR *lpdwHandle);   /* Information for use by GetFileVersionInfo */

/* Read version info into buffer */
BOOL WINAPI GetFileVersionInfo(
      LPCSTR lpstrFilename,     /* Filename of version stamped file */
      DWORD dwHandle,           /* Information from GetFileVersionSize */
      DWORD dwLen,              /* Length of buffer for info */
      void FAR* lpData);        /* Buffer to place the data structure */

/* Returns size of resource in bytes */
DWORD WINAPI GetFileResourceSize(
      LPCSTR lpstrFilename,     /* Filename of version stamped file */
      LPCSTR lpstrResType,      /* Type:  normally VS_FILE_INFO */
      LPCSTR lpstrResID,        /* ID:  normally VS_VERSION_INFO */
      DWORD FAR *lpdwFileOffset); /* Returns file offset of resource */

/* Reads file resource into buffer */
BOOL WINAPI GetFileResource(
      LPCSTR lpstrFilename,     /* Filename of version stamped file */
      LPCSTR lpstrResType,      /* Type:  normally VS_FILE_INFO */
      LPCSTR lpstrResID,        /* ID:  normally VS_VERSION_INFO */
      DWORD dwFileOffset,       /* File offset or NULL */
      DWORD dwResLen,           /* Length of resource to read or NULL */
      void FAR* lpData);        /* Pointer to data buffer */

UINT WINAPI VerLanguageName(UINT wLang, LPSTR szLang, UINT nSize);

UINT WINAPI GetWindowsDir(LPCSTR szAppDir, LPSTR lpBuffer, int nSize);

UINT WINAPI GetSystemDir(LPCSTR szAppDir, LPSTR lpBuffer, int nSize);

BOOL WINAPI VerQueryValue(const void FAR* pBlock, LPCSTR lpSubBlock,
      void FAR* FAR* lplpBuffer, UINT FAR* lpuLen);

#ifdef __cplusplus
}                       /* End of extern "C" { */
#endif  /* __cplusplus */

#pragma option -a.      /* Revert to default packing */

#endif  /* RC_INVOKED */

#endif  /* __VER_H */
Соседние файлы в папке INCLUDE