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UNI' 1

What is a computer?

When you read tile following rext, you will probably meel words and expressions lhal are new 10 you. Fim Dy 10 undenrand IW meaning from lile COTlUXI _ read lile same passage a few rUMs. When you have read tke whole leXI, check new words in a dicricnary. Most of Ike words in bold lypeface are explained in lile Gloss~ alIke end of Ihis book.


A comp\lter is a machine wilh an intricate network of electronic


circuits that operate switches or magnetize tiny metal cores. The





switches, like the cores, are capable of being in one of two possible



states, that is, on or off; magnetized or demagnetized. The machine is



capable of storing and manipulating numbers, letters, and characters.



The basic idea of a computer is that we can make the machine do what



we want by inputting signals that turn certain switches On and turn



others off, or that magnetize or do not magnetize the cores.



The basic job of computers is the processing of information. For this



reason, computers can be defined as devices which accept information



in the form of instrUctions called a program and cbaracters called data,



perform mathematical and/or logical operations on the information, and



chen supply results of these operations. The program, or part of it,



which tells the computers wbatto do and the data, which provide the



information needed to solve the problem, are kept inside the computer



in a place called memory.



Computers are thought to have many remarkable powers. However,



most computers, whether large or small have three basic capabilities.



First, computers have circuits for performing arithmetic operations,



such as: addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and



exponentiation. Second, computers have a meanS of communicating



with the user. Mter all, if we couldn't feed information in and get



results back, these machines wouldn't be of much use. However, certain



computers (commonly minicompuier.s and microeomputer.s) are used to



control directly things such as rpbots, aircraft navigation systems,



medical instruments, etc.



Some of the most common methods of inputting information are to use



punched cards, magnetic tape, disks, and terminals. The computer's


input device (which might be a card reader, a tape drive or disk drive,

depending on the medium used in inputting information) reads the rinformation ..imo,the com'putcr.

... .- .-

. . ..~ Punched card


























Input device

1''''111'''' ..""11















E3 disk


















For outputting information, two common devices used are a printer Which printS the new information on paper, or a CRT display screen which shows the results on a TV.like screen.

[SI Third, computers have circuits which can make decisions. The kinds of decisions which computer circuits can make are not of the type: 'Who would win a war belween two countries?' or 'Who is the richest person in the world?' Unfonunately, lhe computer can only decide three things, qamely: Is one number less than another? Are two numbers equal? and, Is one number greater than another?

[61 A computer can solve a series of problems and make hundreds, even thousands, of logical decisions withou! becoming tired or bored. It' ~an find the solution to a problem in a fraction of the time it takes a human being to do the job. A computer can replace people in 'dull, routine tasks, but it has no originality; it works according to the instructions given to it and cannot exercise any value judgments. There are times when a computer seems to operate like a mechanical 'brain',but its achievements are limited by the minds of human beings. A computer cannot do anything unless a person tells it what to do and gives it the appropriate information; but because electric pulses can move at the


History of computers

lr'hCIl you read the following lext, you will probably meet words and expressiolls OWl are 11C-;:~' fO yVII. F irsl 11)' to lmdcrswnd Iheir mcalli'lg from lhe (onlext - 1'<-'£1) the SI711l~' passage a !f.'1.V times. \FhC1l y01l hl.1'vc read the 'it'lw/e text, chec!? new l~lords 111 u dictional)'. JJOSl of the 'Words in bold typefacc are explailled iUlhc Giossary.at tlie end of this hooh.

[11 Let us take a look;H the hiswry of the computers that we knO\'.' today.



The vc'ry first c:Jlculaling device used was the ten fingers of a man's



hands. This, in fact) is \vhy today we still count in tens and multiples of



tens. Then the abacus wa:-i invented, ;) bead frame in which the beads



are moved from left to right. People went on using sume form of abacus



well into the 16th cemury, and it is still being used in some pans of the



world because it can bl.: understood \vithout kno\',.'ing how to read.



During the 17th and 18th centuries many people tried to find easy ways



of cal:\..d8.ting. J. Napier, a Scotsman, devised .a mech.mical way of



multiplying and dividing, which is how the modern slide rule works,



l-leIll'y Briggs used Nopic,'s ideas to produce logarithm tables which all



mathematicians usc today. Calculus, another branch of mathematics,



,vas. indepcndently invcnted by both Sir Isaac Newton, an Englishman,



and Lcibnitz, a Gcrm~!n mathematician.



The first real cidculating machine appeared in 1820 ~lS the result of



sc\'eral pcople's experimcnts. This type of machinc, which saves a great



deal of time and reduces the possibility of making mistakes, depenJs on



a scries of ten-toothed ge~H wheels. In 1830 Charles Babbage, an



Englishman, designed a machine that was called The Analytical



Engine'. This machine. which Babbage showed at th~ Paris Exhibition



in l855, was an attempt to Cllt out the human being altogether, except



for providing the machine with the necessary facts about the problem w



be solved. He never finished this work, but many of his ideas were the



basis for building tod~IY's computers.



In 1930, the first analog computer was built by all American narneu



"annevar Bush, This device wos used in World War 11 to help aim


guns. i\lark I, the name given to the first digital computer, was completed \.n 19'-14. The men responsibk for this invention were Professor Howard Aiken anJ Sllme people from IBAI. This was the first

machine that could figure out long lists of ma1.bem::uical problems , all at a vcry fast rate. In 1946 1\...·0 engineers at the University uf Pennsylvania, J. Eckert and J. lv\puchty, buill the lirst d.igital computer using parts called vacuum tubes. ]JICY mllncu their new invemion ENIAC. Another important advancement in computers camc in lY47. whell John von Newmann deyclopeu the idea ufk.eL'ping inqructjons fOI the computer inside the computer's memory.

[5) The first gen~mtion of computers, which used nlcuum lubcs, callle out in 1950. Univac 1 is an cxample of thesc computers which could perform thousands of calcuL.ttions per se~onQ..:.-In 1\)60, the scconJ generation of computers was developed anu thcse could perform work ten times fasler than their predecessors. The reason for this extra speed was the use oftransistofs lnstead of vacuum lubes. Seconu-generatioll computers were smaller, faster and more dependable than

fust-generation computers. The thiru-gcneration computers appeareJ on the market in 1965. These computers coulJ do ~l million calculatiuns a second, which tS 1000 times as many as first-generation computers. Unlike second~gcncrationcomputers, the::-e are controlled by tiny integrated circuits and are consequently smaller and rilore dependable. Fourth~generationcomputers ha\'e now arrivcu, and the integrateLl circuits that are being developed have been greatly reduced in size. This is due to microminiaturization. which means lhat the circuits arc much smaller than bcfUle; as lllany as 1000 tilly circuits now fit onto a single chip. A chip is a square or rectangular piece of silicon, usually frum


1, h'



to 4 mc ,upon WlllCh several layers 0

an 1lltegrate

CIrcuit arc eldlCll

or imprinted, after which the circuit is encapsulated in pI:::lstiL, ceramic or metal. Fourth~gcnerationcomputers arc 50 timeS faster than lhirJ· generation computers and can completc apprLlximatcly 1,000,000 instructions per second.

[6J At the rate computer tcchnology is gro\\'ing~ toJay's computers might be obsolete by 1988 and most eertainl\' by 1990, It has been said that if transport technology had developed as rapidly JS computer technology, a trip across the Atlantic Ocean today would take a fe\\' seconds.


1 Main idea

\Xrhich statement best expresscs the mall! idea of tlie lext? \X'hy uiJ yuu eliminate the other choices?

o 1. Compulers, as we know them toJ:.JL have gone through many changes.

=:J 2. Today's computer probably \\'on't be aroullJ for long.


I 'J


,--.J ~. \....omputers lave n<1

a very:, lOl'l lJ,;;;l1.:1 l'y ,

· ""·"1'



, .-::h-;" d di,. j

\ if



\'('henyou read the joilowillg leXl, remember 10 fry and understand Ole meaning of new words mid expressio71s /rom the coJllexl. DOH't check new t()ords in the dicrionary rmlil you ha1)e read the whole rext. Ai oS{ of the 7.L'ords in bold typeface are explained in rhe GliJssmy o{ rlu end 0/ [he book.

(II Computers are machines designed [0 process) elecrronically, specially prepared pieces of informadon ,'vhich are rermed claw. Handling or -!

D:lanipularing .the inforI"!:lation that has been given [0 the computer, in' such ways as doing calculations, adding information or making

comparisons is called processing. Compmers arc made up of millions of


electronic devices capable of storing data or moving them, at enormous




speeds, through complex circuits witn different functions.




12J All computers have several characreristics in common, regardless of



make or design. lriformation, in the form of instructions and data, is


given to the machine, after which the machine acts on it, and a result is


, then Tcmnied. The information presented to the machine is the input;

the internal manipUlative operations, the processing; and the resuh, the



output. These three basic concepts of input, processillg, and output

occur in almost every aspect of human life \vhether at work or at play.


For example, in c10lhing manufacturing, the input is the pieces of cut

15 I

~loth, the processing is the sewing wgether of these pieces, and dIe



output is tne finished garment.


[NPUi}------> [CO~PU~ER-~ @UTPUy]




[SEc ST(lRA~


Figure 3.1





PI Figure 3.1 shows schematically the fundamental hardware components


in a computer system. The centerpiece is called either the computer) the

processor, or, usually, the central processing unit (CPU). Tne term

'computer' includes those parts of hardware in which calculations and







other data manipUlations arc performed, and thc high-speed internal



memory in whkh data and calcularions are slored during actual



e:<ecutjon of programs. Attached to the CPU are the various peripneral



devices such as card readers and keyboards (two commOn examples of



input devices). When data or p ograms need to be saved for long



periods of time, they are stored on varjous secondary memory devices



or storage devices such as magnetic tapes or magnetic disks.


141 Computers have often been thought of as exrremcly large adding



machines, but this is a very narrow view of their function. Although a



computer can only respond 10 a certain numba of instructionsl it is not



a single-purpose machine si ..1ce [hese instructions can be com bined in



an infl!1ite number of sequences. Therefore, a COmpLlter has no known



limit on the kinds of things It can do; ils vcrsatility is limircd only by



the imaginalion of those using it.



[n the late 19505 and early 1960s ·when eleclronlc compurers of the kind



in use today were being developed, they were: very expensive to own and



run. Moreover, their size and reliabiUty \vae such that a iarge number



of support personnel were needed to keep [he equipment operating.



This has all changed now that com putjug power has become portable)



more compact) and chcaper.



In only a very shan period of time, computers have greally cnanged 'hc



way in which many kind, of work are performed. Computers can



remove many of (he routine and boring tasks from our lives) thereby



Jeaving us with more time for inreresling, creauve work. It goes withom



saying that computers have created whole new areas of work that did



not exist before their development.



1 Main idea

\'(:'hich statement or starements best cxpress thc mnin idea of [he rexl? Why did you eliminate the orner choices?



Computers have changed [he W<lY in which we live.



All computers have an input, a processor, an outpUt and a



stora'ge device.



Ccrmpurers have decreased mar~'S workload.



All computers have the same basic hardw:lre components.

unll '1

Computer capabilities and limitations


lllhelJ you ,.ead tile lollowillg le_([

I"c1J!I'!JIher 10 Ily alld Imderslm/(! (he



mealli"g of Hew words lmri expreSSlOllS fro'll the cOI/lext. Don't check new



words ill the diCliollmy IImil yon bail/] rend Ihe whole text. NloH of ,he 'Words



ill bold rypejilce are o.:plaillcJ In

the G/05Sll1)' al rhe end of the book.



Like all J]1;.Jchines, ~ compuler needs 10 be dirccleJ and cOIllrolled in



order [Q perform a taSk successfully. UmiJ such time as a program is



prepared and stored in the computer's memory, the computer 'knows'



absoJUlely nothing, nO[ even how lq accept Or reject data. Even the mosl



sophisticated computer, no n'larter ho'w cap;.Jble il is,.mus[ be wid what



to do. Unril (he capabilities and II\(: limitations of a computer <lre



recognized, its usefulness cannot be lhoroLighly understood.



In the first place, it should be recugnize"d

lhal computCfs 3re c~pable of



doing repetiliv"e operations. A COlllpllll.:r can pe~formsimilar operations



. '


.'f "~/I'" ... <I,



thousands 'If urnes, withom bec0\1\Ing: bored, llred, or even 'careless.


PI Secondly, compUlers can process inform.nioH 3.t extremely rapid rates"



For example l modern computers can solve cCriain classes of arirhmelic



problems millions of times fuster thall LI skilled m~Hhemalician.Speeds



fOf performing decision-making operations i\rC comparable lo those for



arithmetic operations bm infut-output operations) however) involve



mechanical motion and ReAce Ir~uirc more time. On a typical computer







system) cards are read at an average speed of 1000 cards pe.r minute am.!



as many as 1000 lines can be printed ,H the same rate.



Thirdly, complIIcrs may be progr<lll1mt.:d 10 calculate answers to



whatever level of accuracy is speciJicd b~t"9"e.programmer,In spite of



newspaper headlines su.ch as 'Colll{)lI[er fairs') these machines arc very



accurate and reli.able especially whell lhe number of operarions they c;ln



perform every second is considereJ.. ilee-luse (hey are man-maJe



machines, they sometimes malfunclion or break down and have lO be



repaired. However, ill mos[ instances when the computer fails l it is Juc

25 I


to human error anJ. is not the fault of the computer ar all.


{51 In the fourth place, general-purpose computcrs can be progr:lmmed to



solve various types of problems because of their flexibility. One of the


moSl important reasons why computers are so wiJely used roday is lhat


,Imost every big problem can be solved by solving a number of III tie


problems - one after another.


[61 Finally, a computer, unlike a human being, has no intuitio~. A person


may suddenly find the answer to a problem without working out 100'


many of the details, but a computer can only proceed as it has been


programmed to.


IIIUsing Ihe very limited capabilities possessed by all computers, the tusk of producing a university payroll) for instance, can be done quite easily.

The following kinds of things need be done for each employee on Lhe

payroll. Firsr: Input informalion abOUI ~~~!1.~r~ox~esuch as wage rate,


hours worked, tax rate, unemployment Insurance, and pensIon


Jedllclions. Second: Do some simple rLrithmelic am.! decision making opera lions. Third: Output a few prinled lines on a cheque. By repealing this process over and over again, {he p;.Jyroll will eventually he completed.


1 Main idea

Which statement best expresses the maLn idea of the text? \Xlhy did you eliminate the other choices?

o I. The most elaborare of computers must be programmed in order to be useful.

D 2. It is important to know what a computer can and cannot do.

D 3. A computet is useless without a programmer to tell it what 10 do.

2 Understanding the passage

Decide whNher [he following s[alemefi[s are true or false (T/F) by referring to the information in (he [ext. Then make the necessary changes so that the f31se statements become true.







I. A computer cannot do anything Ulud it has been








A compurer is a useless macbine if its capabilides and




limitations are unknown.




A computer can repeat the same operarion over and over




again forever if permilled.


Hardware and software


in order to use computers effectively to solve problems in our



environment, computer systems are devised. A 'system'lrtlj11ie:a good



mixture of int~gratedparts working together to form a useful whole.



Computer systems may be discussed in two parts.






The first part is hardware ­

the physical. elecuonic, and


cleclromechaniLal devices thar are thought of and recognized as



·computers'. The second pan is software - lhe programs lhal control



and coordinate lhe activities of the c'Omputer hardware and that direl:t



the processing uf data.











_I n.,pu, -"1




----l __--...-J













~1 5.wnd.~"o'age Ej

















F'gl.lr~ 5.1 Hardware components of 8 baSIC computer system


Figure 5.1 sh'lw"S Jiagraitunatkally the basic wmpcnents of computer

hardware joined togelher in a computer system. The centerpiece is called either lhe computer) the processor, or usu.a1ly the centra! processing unit (CPU). The term 'computer'usually refers to lhos.c parts of the hardware in which calculations and other da..


manipulations are perfonned, and to the internal memory in which data



and instructions arc stored during the actual ex:ecuti(ln of programs. The



various peripherals, which include input and/or output devil'es, variou!'



secondary Dlemory devices, and so Oil, arc allRchcd to lhc CPU.


14 '

Computer soltware can be divided into two ve~ broad categories­



syste;ms software and applications softwaceJl1te fOIDlcr is often


simply refen nt to as ·systems·. These, whcn brought imo intem.al

memory J direct the C(lmputer to perform tasks.Jltc latter may be

provided alon~ wilh the hardware by a systems supplier as part of Il t,..c~~

(I,ur S IlurJware ,.md jilJrWlJlI' \I

computer produrt designed 10 answer a speciftc need in certain arens.

fhcse cnmplele hanJwan:/suflware products ilrc called turnkey systems. !5

151The success or failure of llny computer system depends on the skill with which the hardware and software compcnents are sdeclcd and blended. A poorly chosen system t:an be a mOllsuosity incapable of performing the tasks fur which it wa~ originally acquired.


1 Main idea

Which stalemem best expresses the main idea of the (CXI? Why did you c1umnate the other chuices?

CJ I. Only hardw~rc is necessary Itl make up a computer systt'JlL o 2. Suftware alone doesn't conStilUle a computer system.

o 3. A compUler system Heeds both hardware and sohware 10 be complCit'.

2 Underlltanding the pallllage

Indicate whether the following ideas are stated or nm stated ~S/NS) in Ihe text.








A system implies a good mixrure of pans working








Input and output devices operate more slowly than the




decision-making devices.




The control unit and the <lrithuletil.>logical unit arc part




of I he prol'CSSor.




The 'computer'is the hardware.




Softw:uc is the programs pn cards:l.apcs and disks.




The processor is usually refl;rrct..l lU as fhe CPU.




The word 'I.:omputcr' means the processor and the




internal memory.




~ys{ems software is USU;J!ly reft.:rr('d {o as programs.




Complete hardware/software products arc callt-d Illrnkev








Com pUlers process specially prepared ilcHl~ of








,,-n' ,


,~- ..




Large computer SYSten1S J or mainframes, as they are referred to i.r




'field of computet science,'3re those computer systems found in




computer inHtallatiOD& processing immense amounts of dam. 'the~~ ~



powerful CODlputers make use of very high-speed main memories L r.o



which data and programs to be dealt with are lransferred for 11lpid




access. TheSl: powerful ma~hines have a larger T~renoire of more




complex instructions which can be executed morc"quickly. WherU':



smaller comJluters may take several steps to perform a particuJar




operation, a iarger mach.io.e may accomplish the same thing with (.,~






[2J These computers am be of two types: digital or a.a1og. The digit..



computer or general-purpose computer as it is often known, makes uP,



about 90 per cent of the large computers now in use. It gets its name



because the data that are presented (0 it are made up of a code




consisting of digits -~s.i.ngle<hBracternumbers. The digitaJ computl~r is



like a gigantic cash regiSter in that it can do calculatioDs in steps, one



after another at lrernendous speed and with great accuracy. :Digital




computer pr-:>gramming is by far the most commonly. used in elccrrowc



data proceS!,ing for business or stal.j,~ticaJpurpoSes.IThe analog




computer w(,rks something like: a car,Jpeedometer, in that it




continuously works oUt calculations. 'If" is used essentially for problems



involving m(uuremcnts. it can simulate, or imitate different




mC3Surements by electronic mc;ans. Both of these computer types -




digital and the analog - are made up of elccuomc components w( may



require a 1ar:se room to acc~mmoda(ethem. At present, the digital




(."()wputer is capable of doing anything the analog once did. Mrl-c: . .er, i~



is euicr to program and cheaper to operate. A new type of scl:r.ij




computer s:9sIaIl called the hybrid computer has now been pr<Xi.'.l




lbat combin~the two types into one.




Really powerful computers continue to be bulky and require spec. I.!



provision fo:: their housing, refrigeration sYStems, air fihration aD:




p:>wer supplies. This is because much more space is taken up by t~l-:



input!outpu. devices - the magnetic tape and disk units and othel




periphc:t:a.l o~uipmen[ -{i1.an by the electronic com:PODents that d~



UrUl 6 MaillfratMs


make up the bulk of the machi I ~ in a powerful installation. The power


C(lfiSumption of these machine

::i al~o Quite high) nut to iT.C"~~Gr:. th~


price that runs into hundreds ( : thousands of dollars. The future wdl


bring great developments in d'

: mechanical devices associ,aled '.nth


computer systems. For a long

i.·ne these have been the ww link, from


the point of view of both effici .n(y and reliability.




1 ".In Ide.

wrmch statement best expresSi i the main idea of the rext? Why did you el.i::ninate the other choices?



Hybrid computers ar·

"combination of digital and analog

o 2.



Digital compucers an

l:.sed more than any other type: of







There are three IYP'"

of mainframes.



Analog computers ca

d.o more varied work !.han digital ur



hyhrid compute".


2 Under.t.ndlng the •••••ge

Decide whe!.her the following i'~tences are true or false (TiFJ by referring to the information U 'he text. Then make the necessary changes so that the false Slate aents become true.








A mainframe I

the type of compUler !.hat can Sit on top



"fa desk.



Mainframes 8J

: very powerful and can execute jobs very




rapidly and .. ;ily.

DO 3.

Digital compl :rrs arc used more than analog computers.

00 4.

The analog cc· nputer is far smaller than a dJgitaJ




computer ani

jl.erefore occupies very little space.

00 5.

The bybrid a

Citputer is a combination of botll the digital




and the malo




The analog c(· I1pucer does irs ca.lcularions one step at a









Until the mid-l%Os, digital computers wen: powerful, physically large



and expensive. What was. really needed though, were computers of iess



power, a smaller memory capacity and widlout such a large array of



peripheral equipment. This need Was partially satisfied by the tapid



improvemem .in performance of the semi-conductor devices



(transistors), and their incredible reduction in size, cost and power; all



of which led ro the development of me minicomputer or mini for shan.



Altbough there is no exact definition of a minicomputer, it is generally



understood to refer to a computer whose mainframe is physically small,



has a fixed word length between 8 and 32 bits and costs less than



U.S. $100,000 for the central processor. The IIlllOunt of primary .tor4e



available optionally in minicomputer systems ranges from 32-S12K*



bytes; bowever, some systems allow this memory to be expanded even






A larze number of peripherals have been developed especially for use in



systems built around minicomputers; they are sometimes refened to as



rniniperipherals. These include mapetie tape cartridges and



eassettes, small disk units and a large variety of prt."lteI'S and consoles.


131 Many minicomputers an: used merely for a fixed application and run



only.a single progrnm. This is changed only when necessary either to



concet errors or when a change in the design of the system is



introduced.. Since the operating environment for most minis is far less



varied and complex than large mainframes, it goes without saying that



the software and peripheral requirements differ greatly from those of a



computer which runs several hundred ever-changing jobs a day. Tbe



operating systems of minis also usually provide system access to either a



.single user or to a limited number of users at a time.


(4)Since many minis are employed in real-time processing, they are usually provided with operating systems that are specialized for this

purpose. For example. most minis have an interrupt feature which


allows a program to be interrupted when they receive a special signal indicating that anyone of a number of external events, to which they are preprogrammed to respond, has occurred. When me interrupt occurs, the computer stores enough information about the job in process

Urril 7 Milliamlputerr



to resume operation after it has responded 10 the interruption. Because


minicomputer systems have been used so often in real~timeapplicatioDs,

other aspects of their design have changed; that is, they usually IX\ssess


the hardware capability to be connected directly to a large variety of


measurement insuumentsJ to analog and digital converters, to


microprocessors, and ultimatelyJ to an even larger mainframe in order


to analyse the collected data.



.. lK is defined as 2ID = 1024; mus 3lK == 32 x 21D = 2~ x

2w =2H = 32,768.



1 M.in ide.

Which statement best expresses the main idea of the text? Why dld you eliminate the other choices?

OJ. Minicomputers are not as effective as mainframes.

rJ 2. Minicomputers are as useful as mainframes.

o 3. Minicomputers are not as big and expensive as mainframes. o 4. Minicomputers wi!! not be of any use in the future.

2 Underst.ndlng the p ••••ge

Indicate whether the following ideas are stated or not stated (SINS) in the text.







I. The rapid development of transistors led to the




development of minicomputers.




A minicomputer is said to be very much the same as a








Special peripheral devices have been devdoped to go




with minicomputers.




Minicomputers can understand more man one computer








Mainframe operating systems usuaJly provide acceSS to a




number of users at lile same time.




Minicomputers have spa.ialized features because of the




operations they execute.



When you read the following (nt, you will probably meet words and expressions that are fIell.' to you. First try to understand their meaning/1'0111 the context .... read the same passage a few times. It"hen you have read t!le whole text, check new words in a diclionaJy. Most of the words in bold typeface are explained in the Glossary at"the end a/this book.

[1]The early 19705 saw the birth of the microcomputer, or micro fol' short. The central processor of the micro, called the microprocessor, is built as a single semiconductor device; that is, the thousands of individual circuit elements necessary to perform all the logical and

arithmetic functions of a computer are manufactured as a single chip.


A complete microcomputer system is composed of a microprocessor. a


memory and peripheral equipment. The processor, memory and


electronic controls for the peripheral equipment are usually put together


on a single or on a few printed circuit boards. Systems using


microprocessors can be hooked up together to do the work that 'mtil


recently only minicomputer systems were capable of doing. Micros


generally have somewhat simpler and less flexible instruction sets than


minis, and are typically much slower. Different micros are available


with 4-,8-, 12-, 16-bit word lengths, and some new ones use 32-bit


chips. Similarly, minis are available with word lengths up to 32 bits,


Although minis can be equipped with much larger primary memory


sizes, micros are becoming more powerful and converging witll


minicomputer technology.


[2]The extremely low price of micros has opened up entirely new area, of

application for computers. Only 20 years or so ago, a central processing


unit of medium capability sold for a few hundred thousand dollars


(U.S.), and now some microprocessors sell for as cheaply as $10. or


course, by the time you have a usable microcomputer system, the price


will be somewhere between $200 and $5000 depending on the display


unit, secondary storage, and whatever other peripherals are need\jd.


[3] The available range of microcomputer systems is evolving more rapidly


than minicomputers. Because of their incredibly low price. it is now


possible to use only a small fraction of the computer's capabilit)' in a


particular system application and still be far ahead financially of any


other way of getting the job done. For example, thousands of industrial


robots are in use today, and the number is growing vel)' rapidly a, this


relatively new industry improves the price and performance of it'


products by using the latest microcomputers.


[4]Microcomputer software is developing rapidly :l)ld it no\\' CO\'l'fS il tremendous range of applications. A~ VI- ~1l a:-. datu proce... slng_ ~.:)ftwarL:"

can also be written for specialized tasks cyen as complex as na\'lgating


rockets. Some modern micros are even c~pJ.ble t,f multi-1asldng. In


addition to their extensive use in control systems of all type",. the: arc


destined for many new uses from mort: complt:x calculator,;, to


automobile engine operation and medical diagnostics. The'} are


already used in automobile endssion control ~ystenH and are the basis


of many TV game attachments. There is. also a rapidly growing markcl


for personal computers whose application potential in edutation is only just beginning to be exploited.

[4]It would seem that the limits for microcompLllt..:r applicJllOltS have by

no means been reached. There are thos~ who pl'cdi...:.t that the hom!,.': lind


hobby computer markets, and the educatjol1 market, \vill grow into multi-billion dollar enterprises within 3 decade or so. It would also appear that perfonnance of microprocessors could we II increase ten­ fold before 1990 while prices for micros could decrease by as much.


1 Main idea

Which statement best expresses the main idea of the texr? Why dJd you eliminate the other choices?



Microcomputers will be every \\'here in the future.



There is no limit to what microcomputers call do,



Microcomputers are chep. reliable and efficient



Microcomputers for supt:rior to mmicomputers.

2 Understanding the passage

Indicate whether the following ideas are :'otated or not stated (SiNS) III the text.








Microcomputers wen; developed ..~ficr plinkomputers.




The processor of a microcomputer is printed on a chip.




A mainframe uses more pO\Yt:r than a micrOl.'Ompul~1.




Microcomputers fan do the \\'ork done by






Microcomputers ha\le the same memory cara~~jly a~



minicomputers and Lan he hooked to a varic!.) \)f





The Central Processing Unit






L- _

PI it is commoo"pr(\cticc in computer science for the words 'compllIcr' anJ 'processor' to he used interchangc;,;bly. More prrcisc!YJ 'computer' refers to (he centred processing llilit (CPU) together with all intern:ll memory. The internal memory or main slorage, control and prm:cssillg compoDcnt5-.makc up the hc.arl or the computer system. M<lI111f::lCllllerS design the CPU to control and carry out b::lSic inslructions for tbeir particular computer.

(;:1 The CPU cULJrclin~lesall the aClivuics of the v;l.Iious COIl1POllclltS of l!lc computer. It determines which operations s.'wuhJ be carrieJ out tllH.l ill whal order. Tbe CPU can aha retrieve information [rom memory anJ can slore the ~results of il1~nipuhllj()nSback into Ihe memory unit for llil.lcr reference.

/31 In digital-computers tbe CPU can be divided tnto IWO ftmctioml! units called {he control unit (CU) and the arilhmetic-Iogical unil

(ALU). These 1\\'0 units are made up of electronic circuits with

millions of switches Ihal call be in one of two SI-ates, either on

or orr.

J~J The [unction of the control unit within tile central prOCCS::ior is to transmit coordinating control sigl1<\ls and commands. The cOIHro[ unit is tha.t portion of the computer th~H di[(~crs the sequr::nce or step-by-step operations of the system, selects insteuctions and Jala from meJl10ry, interprets the program instructions, and controls the flow bCl'1.vcen main storage and the arilhmetic-!ogiGil unit.

(51 The arithmetic-logical unit) on the other hand, is that portion of (lie computer in 'which the aClUal arithmetic operalions) namely, nddiliol1, subtraction, multiplication, divi~ilJn and exponeneiafion..,.ca/led for in

the inslructioni ~re performed. 1, also performs some kinds uf logical opcr<ltiuns such ,,-s comparing or ~;dccting in[urrnation. All 1he

operation::; of Ibf' ,A..LU are under 'he dircction o[lhe control unit.

5 i





?~. ;

IG\ Programs and the data on which lhc L:Ollllll! unil and

Ihe J\L\lll]'Cl<lIC.



lllwa be in illlernn( mcmory ill order III bc pn,<,:c$!;cd. ThHS, ;/ hl(;llcd



sccond;lry l11emory dCl.'ices s\tch as Jisk$ (11 l~lP\'S,

pl~)gral11~ "Ild ~bLl



first hladed 11110 illlerllal t1IUIli.XY.



III Main S\6r~lge ::Ind tile CPU <lIT (ounccled 10 ~ console, wlu.:!c Ill<lllll;d control vperallnns; cm be pel [ormed by::ln operator. Tile C\JIlS\lh: 1.0; all imjlurtallt, hill sl'cci:l1 purpose l piccc of equip1l1Clll. 1t j~ used l1l;lillly when Ihc CUll1pUICr is being sL;lI'lnl up, or d\lring 11l(\illle:ll<llH:C ,1II~! l"l'paiL !...\an~· Jilini :llld micro s"SLcms UO 1101 h<lVl-" Cl~ll:-olc.


0 I.



2 Understanding the passage

DcciJc whether the followiJlg slH!emenls arc 11\le Ilr f~I$(' ~T/F) uy referring to the Information in the to:1. Tht.=n make the necessary chnngcs so thal thr· fHI!ic sl;llemCl1ls becolllc truc.





Tht celllr<l\ processing unit is ID;"lJe: up of lhree







Tho::: CPU is rc<:;pollsiblc fQr allihe actidlies laking pltt..::c




wiLhin ~ computer_




The processor ilsdf hets three components.




The: cOfllroluni, Jirecls Ihc flow of inform~tioll within




the processor_



S. The arithwclic-Iogical unit of the processor is respomnbl'




fOJ !he illlerprctation of program instructions.




The: arjthme:tic-!ogical unit is also re:sponsi\:lle for




chnosing :md COlllp<tril\f;t the ~ppr(lpri<1!(, inforrl13fioll

,,,;,hin :> n""'rrr;:lm


The.,Control Unit and the Arithmetic­










~ :.



The basic componcnts of a computer system,.\w,. }nput, the OUlput, the memory, anel the processor operate only in responsow commands from

the control unit. The control unit operates by reading one instruction at a time from memory and.~ngthe action filU¢ for by each

instrUctjon. III. this way it controls the ~ Dctween main storage and

the arithmetic-logical unit.


A control unit has the foll~-;:ngcomponents:


a. !>,coWlter tha.t selects thc instructions, one at a time, from

memory. . .

b. ft'!lre~terthat tetfflR,Wrny&)fds the instruction read from 1memory while it IS beiIig ek'tClfted: •

c.M,decqder that takes the coded instruction and breaks it down

.!!lto t!!l individual commands necessary to carry it out.

d.,A clock, which, while not a clock in the sense of a time·keeping

.dovioe,.does produce marks at regular intervals. These timing' . marks are electronic and very rapid.

Binary arithmetic (the kind of arithmetic the computer uses), thc logical opqations and some sPl'8'*' functions are performed .by the arithmetic-logicaI" unit. The p'nmar'y components of the ALU are banks of bi-stable devices, which are called registers. Their pLir~is to hold

thenumbers iiivolved in the calculation and to hold the results tempbrarily Until they can be transferred to memory. At. the .core of thc

arithmetic-logical unit is a velY. ,h.igh-speed binary adder, which is used to carry out ~t Issme"I'oitt 6iis.~ arithmeuCfunctions (addition,

subtraction, FJultiplication, and division). Typical modem computers

#orm'as· many as one hundred thousand additions of pa!'rs of _ cantwo-b\t binary numbers within a second. The logical unit consists of el. trOnic,fircuitry whicb eompares information and,makes decisions ba upon ¥Je results of the c"Omparison. The decisions that can be mad"!.are w~ther a number i~ greater than (», equal to (=), or les.'

than «)-another number.

,Ii ~






1 Main Idea

Which statement does nor express the main idea of the text?

o I. The control unit coordinates all the aClivities of a computer.

o 2. The arithmetic-logical unit cannot function without the conI 1''' unit.

o 3. The aritbmctic-lugical unit is the mosl important componCnl " a computer.

2 Understanding the passage

Indicate whethcr the following ideas are stated or not stated (SINS) ill the text.


00 I. The basic components of a computer cannot operate without commands from the control uni!.

00 2. Programs and data on which the control unit and the arithmetic-logical unit operate must be in internal memory in order to be processed.

00 3. The conirol unit and the arithmetic-logical unit are pOI' of the processor.

00 4. The control unit directs the movement of infonn3tion between the arithmetic-logical unit and main slorage.

00 5. Binary arithmetic is not performed by the control unit.

00 6. Tbere are more components to the arithmetic-logical II' than to the control unit.

00 7. The arithmetic-logical unit does not always transfer Ih, results immediately to memory.

00 8. The arithmetic unit and the logical unit do not perforll the same types of operations.

00 9. The logical unit can decide whether a number is "'lu,,1 to, greater than or less than another number.

00 10. Without the decision-making function, a compUler would simply be a large adding machine.