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Тысячи-1 / Транурановые элементы (5 520)

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Abstract A history of opening of a transuranium elements in the lifeless nature, complexity of their detection and registration as astable chemical elements is decribed in the article. Hypothesis about an opportunity of existence transuranium elements in alive substance are submitted. There were concerned the problems of influence on proccesses of crystallization and on possible development of widespread diseases (for example, a cancer). It were shown some of non enough researched problems of radiation's biology, biochemics and biophisics.  What are the modern scientist known about superheavy transuranids? In the Brief Chemical Encyclopedia we can read so: " The transuran's elements are called the radioactive chemical elements placed beyond element uranium in the end of the Periodical Table of Mendeleev and have their atomic weights z>92". The most of well known transuran's elements are being to class the "actinids".All isotops of transuranids usually have got the period of their half-break-up more less the age of Earth, therefore them are absent in the nature and its have been received by artifical ways in procceses different nuclear reactions. Only two first transuranids Np(Nep-Tunium z=93) and Pl (Plutonium z=94) had been discovered in the nature in a tiny quantity as mixtures to uranium. It's something of the history. The suggestions were promoted about possibility of existence as minimum yet 5 transuran's elements by D. Mendeleev in 1872. In the first quarter of 20th century in nuclear phisics began the practical searches for the first of transuranids (z=93). It was repaired the row of wrong informs about the discovery the Element-93 in nature, and also it was suggested some of his calls (as Bohemium or Secvenium). The true story of receiving transuran's elements had been began from the experiments Enrico Fermi with his colleges by radiation to uranium by active neutrons in 1935 - 1938, and in 1940 had been received izotop of Neptunium(239) by american phisics E.Macmillan and F.Ablson. In 1941 by G.Siborg and E.Macmillan and others had been received the second of transuranids- Pl(Plutonium) as result the attacs nuclears from uranium by deitrons. Then in different phicical laboratories were syntezied other chemical elements with z=95-103. Element ¹104 had been received in summer 1964 by group of soviet scientists leaded by academic G.Flerov in the nuclear reaction Pl(242) (Ne(22), 4n) --- (z=104)(260). Isotope of elements 104 (Reserfordium) has the period of half-break-up about 0.3 sec and his registered break-up based of mechanism spontany divides. In 1970 the same group of scientists had received the next element - 105 (Db - Dubnium). The specialists had told the suggestions about the transuranids with z=104 - 118 have to be the chemical analogs elements from Gaphnium to Radon, from the V1 period of Periodical Table, what had proved on practice, and the particular interest is the researching of their chemical properties. To the present time the row of transuranids had been received include to element with atomic number z=109 (it`s Mt(266) - Meiterium). The perspectives discovering the new elements are determining mainly by radioactive break-up of their izotopes and it exists the principal possibility synthesis other transuranids. Now the works in this direction are going on in laboratories of nuclear phisics. Yet in 1964 the academician G.Flerov with his collaborators had proved by theoretically the possibility of existence the stable, non-broken up transuranids, but until them hadn`t been discovered by any researchers in the inert nature, include the more ancient stratums of lithosphere.  And it was appeared the question, ought to those elements have being in the "alive" nature, and if so, thus what are the mechanism and conditions of their arising, the functional determination, and also the possibilities of discovering the transuranids in alive organisms.  The answer may be (in the first approximation) care our next hypothesis, that under an influence stress, in the brains of highest animals (or only the people) ought to arise stabled (non-breaked up) transuran`s elements, which have to be as nuclear for next crystallization parts of brain, and intended to stable a matrices of individual human consciousness (named as "Ego"), which ought to provide the prolongation life and even the "immortion" for carrier of this consciousness. In the cases of mistakes in cell's genetic copying or "the cell`s breaking" that ought to serve as so named "x - factor" arising of some serious diseases (as leukemia, cancer, for example), and thus lead to speaded death of alive organism. In order to the mined above hypothesis, ought to consider for arising and living activity some of stabled transuranids need conditions are the most powerful biofields, which ought to form by wave on pick of mental energy individual on his through-living any powerful stressful situations. So, the essence through-living by stresses transmutations nicely was opened by genius of world's cinema A.Vaida in his movie "Ashes and diamond". When a man was perishing in fighting for his freedom on time nazi's occupation, in the ash of his body had arise "diamonds", these visual images unusual magic crystals, which must provide to soul of perished the "immortion". As well known, lived human organism include almost all spectrum of chemical elements from Periodical Table, some of them (as H, O, C, P) in the big and others in tiny quantities. The late researching are shown even such elements as Va, Cr., Zn, Cu are live-needed for organism to normal activity, and the luck or absenting of its to lead in arising some serious diseases. For example, the luck of ion Cu (copper) or Fe (iron) causes the breaking of blood's functions of brains-bone, to falling of immunity and to developing same diseases. From Tanakh we know the story about Moshey had treated the Israel's people from epidemic by helping just "The copper's snake". Of course, the problems interinfluence and interaction of different chemical elements in lived organism didn't research jet enough and need in further serious attention from scientists.  It`s known also, as separate atoms, molecules, cells, such as all nervous system (and throughout her and others systems of organism) are managed by electric and magnetic processes, and naturally, that on such systems have to influence the external electromagnetic fields and their changes, which are regulated all living-activity biological systems by translating through nervous impulses.