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  1. Read the article and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about.


Rakov is a wonderful place. Once it was a big city — a cultural, religious and economic centre. Today, it’s just a village located 40 km from Minsk.

I’ve heard plenty of stories about the origin of this unusual name — Rakov. Somt connect the name with the Belarusian word ‘raka’, or the first settler, namcc Rak, or, even, the ancient Egyptian sun god Ra.

a chronicle ['kromkl]



ceramic ware




Rakov was first mentioned in written chronicles* in the 15th century — noted a: a place owned by the great Lithuanian dukes. 150 years later, it became a town a the centre of Rakov county, with a castle, governor and constitution. A famou Belarusian nobleman and composer Michal Oginski also owned Rakov count for some time.

Rakov reached its height of power in the 17th century, when it was owned b the Sanguszko family. Anna Sanguszko — the wife of one of the Radziwills - set up in her native city the manufacture of ceramic ware* that enjoyed gre; popularity all over Belarus. Ceramic pots, angel figurines and baking dishes ai still found buried beneath Rakov.

an inscription



a spring [spni]]


Today, Rakov has neither factories nor workshops. However, its residents a proud of their clean air and wonderful landscapes. A complex of several-stori red-brick buildings, constructed in an unusual style in a Rakov residents’ garde stands out against the village’s architectural landscape. A large inscription* ( the facade reads: ‘Museum. Art-Gallery’.

Felix Yanushkevich — a restorer and a famous artist (his pictures are hung ev in the Tretyakov Gallery) — owns the place. The gallery shows Felix’s worl as well as pieces by his no less talented brothers. Moreover, it holds ancie documents, furniture, musical instruments, ceramic ware. Today, the galk has over 12,000 exhibits.

Silver water of the Rakov holy spring* is running through my fingers aga What will happen if I drop a coin? They say it means that you’re sure to retu

  1. certainly wish to come back, since I’ve truly enjoyed seeing this unusual vill; with the history of a city.

  1. The author tells us when Rakov was first mentioned in the chronicles and some facts about the town's history. Find this extract and read it aloud.

  2. What museum is situated in Rakov?

  3. Why will it be interesting for people to visit Rakov?

  1. Read the article and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about. Names guide our destiny

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If there is such a nation as Belarus, then there should be purely Belarusian family names. In the mid-20th century, academician Nikolay Birillo began searching for Belarusian family names. Family names ending with ‘vich’, such as Mitskevich or ‘sky’, such as Ivanovsky denote nobility*. Scientists say that names ending with ‘vich’ appeared in the 15th century while those with ‘sky’ date back to the 17th century. Meanwhile, names ending with ‘ov’ — such as Ivanov — only appeared in the 19th century; they are similar to those met in Russia and Ukraine.

Belarusian names have unique national features, being formed from the name of professions, animals and plants: Gonchar (potter), Kravets (tailor), Zhaba (frog). Later, these simple names were supplemented with specific endings — depending on the locality: ‘eiko’ (Domeiko), ‘ushko’ (Adamushko), ‘ik’ (Davydik), as a result, more complicated family names appeared.

Last year, sixteen girls in Minsk were named Eva, but there were no Adams registered. Thus, fashion is important while choosing first names.

The same names do not remain popular forever. Natasha was extremely popular about half a century ago; now it isn’t. Film and book characters have always been popular and, today, parents are choosing names relating to the church calendar. Among the rarest names are Taisia, Dominika, Karolina and Evelina. Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov are also less popular, unlike Sofia. For boys, Alexander is popular, while Victor has lost its popularity.

Double names are rarely met, however, an interesting case has been registered in Minsk. A 28-year-old mother and 32-year-old father named their daughter Yelizaveta. Unfortunately, the baby was born needing help to breathe. Her mother prayed to the Virgin Mary and a miracle happened; their daughter recovered. The parents then decided to add another name, so their daughter became Yelizaveta-Maria — in honour of the saint who saved her life.

We are responsible in selecting names, as we see them not as labels but as names that may govern destiny.

  1. The author tells us about some national features in Belarusian last names. Find

this extract and read it aloud.

  1. How do parents choose names for their children?

  2. Why did Nikolay Birillo decide to study Belarusian family names?

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