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  1. Exporing Musical Instruments

    • 1

Establish a goal specific to the population. For example, for a group of children with varying learning disabilities, the goal may be to explore the making of music.

  • 2

Set up the space to be used for music therapy by moving furniture out of the way, or going outside if weather permits. Set out different musical instruments, such as guitars and small drums or bongos, rattles, and triangles.

Begin the music therapy session with the kids sitting on the floor in a circle with the instructor. Start with a warm-up exercise, with songs like, "Bingo the Dog." The instructor can play along with the guitar (See Resources section).

  • 4

Hand out instruments and instruct the children to play the instrument in front of them for one minute or more. If there are different types of instruments, pass each instrument to the next child, so that each child gets to play each type of instrument for one minute or more.

Music Training Games

EQ Match



Vocal Match

Harmony Singing, Tuning & Pitch


Paddle Tones

Most music you hear is based on either the major or minor scale. As a musician, you should be completely familiar with the tones of these scales in all keys. For this game, we've taken a familiar concept and given it a tonal twist. Paddle Tones will train your ear to recognize the scale

Special teaching techniques for children with disabilities

Teaching Methods for Children With Learning Disabilities

By Philippa Jones, eHow Contributor

Disorganization is a sign of a learning disability.

Children with learning disabilities may find it difficult to understand words or sounds, and may be unable to express themselves properly. Consequently, they can become frustrated, lack focus and attention and become disruptive. There are a number of specific teaching methods that can be employed to overcome the challenge of educating the children with these difficulties.

  • How to Teach Math to Learning Disabled Students

  • Effective Teaching Techniques for Learning Disabilities

  1. Attention Deficit Disorder

    • Attention deficit disorder is a learning disability that makes it difficult for children to focus on what is going on around them. A good way to teach these children is to make your teaching style less predictable. Choose kids at random to do various tasks, such as reading from a book or answering questions, and build suspense by pausing and looking around before you ask a question. Making activities and assignments shorter but higher volume will also help to teach ADD children.


  • Dyslexic students have a hard time reading, but they can still comprehend information. A good strategy for teaching these children is to take reading out of the equation. Read things out loud to the child, record lessons and generally move away from reading. This is not to say that a dyslexic child should be able to avoid reading entirely, but she will learn more effectively if she can be taught through other means as well.

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  • Children with dyscalculia have a hard time conceptualizing numbers. They can count visually, but they have trouble taking a written number and performing a function like addition or subtraction on it without a physical reminder of what they are doing. So, you can make things easier for a child with dyscalculia by letting him use a calculator for tasks that are focused on functions other than addition, subtraction and the other basic functions. If you are doing word problems, then you could let a child with dyscalculia use a calculator because the point of a word problem is to have a child draw a math problem out of it and solve it, not as an exercise of his basic skills.

For basic math, you can let a child use visual means, such as blocks, tokens or something else to bring the math from the theoretical realm to the practical.


  • Dysgraphic children have a hard time writing because they have trouble moving their hands in the specific manner that you need to move your hands in order to write effectively. These students often respond well to using a thick pen or pencil. Alternatively, if they're older, they could just use a computer instead of writing things by hand. The result is the same; it's just expressed differently, and it is much less painful for the child.

Read more: Effective Teaching Techniques for Learning Disabilities | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/info_8034438_effective-teaching-techniques-learning-disabilities.html#ixzz2BNUMMvVZ

Effective Teaching Techniques for Learning Disabilities

By Sam Grover, eHow Contributor

Different students require different teaching techniques.

Learning disabilities are cognitive disabilities that affect a child's ability to acquire information. If a child has a learning disability, it doesn't necessarily mean that he is worse at learning than other children. Rather, it means he learns differently than other children. This means that you need to teach children with learning disabilities in a different manner than children without learning disabilities.