- •Table of Contents
- •80 Strand, London wc2r 0rl, England
- •I should add here that my fixation with men also extended into my private life. Often this brought complications.
- •Marriage and Surprises
- •I can't wait to go back to Philly."
- •I sleep? ")
- •In retrospect, it does seem unbelievable that this proposition could possibly have taken me by surprise. Had I never heard of a green card marriage before, for heaven's sake?
- •I had not yet realized that these two were on a first-name basis, though I suppose that's bound to happen during a six-hour interrogation session. Especially when the interrogatee is Felipe.
- •Marriage and Expectation
- •I backed up and tried a different tack: "I mean, when did you first meet your husband?"
- •I'm going to go way out on a limb here and state: Hmong women don't seem to do that.
- •Marriage and History
- •Marriage and Infatuation
- •In love with many inappropriate men? And weren't the beautiful young "spiritual" ones the most alluring of all?
- •I'm dead serious: The Buddha literally advised married couples to buy property insurance.
- •I call it "my twenties."
- •It's dreary work, planning for the worst. And in both cases, with both the wills and the prenup, I lost track of how many times we each uttered the phrase "God forbid."
- •Instead, our dissimilarities and our faults hover between us always, like a shadowy wave.
- •Marriage and Women
- •In fact, you will give him back a tiny bit more money than he gave you, as interest.
- •I, too, wanted to work. Uninterruptedly. Joyfully.
- •I didn't.
- •I duly adjusted the picture in my mind. Now I imagined a friendly stallion galloping wildly across the plains.
- •I don't know, though. Maybe everyone has to make up the rules and boundaries of their story as they go along.
- •I started laughing ( Gee--thanks, Mom! ) but she spoke over my laughter with urgency.
- •Marriage and Autonomy
- •I deplore this.
- •In another setting, maybe this confession would have drawn sympathy from me, and perhaps it should have drawn sympathy from me then, but it just made me angrier: Why was he dwelling on the impossible?
- •It was a miracle that our recent spat on the bus had been the only serious conflict so far.
- •It took Felipe a few moments to catch the drift of what I was saying, but when the penny finally dropped, he put down his toast and stared at me in frank puzzlement.
- •Marriage and Subversion
- •I remember one hot, damp night when I woke up after a motorcycle without a muffler had blasted past our window, and I sensed that Felipe was also awake. Once more, I selected a word at random.
- •I committed to no such thing.
- •I hugged Mimi. "Satisfied?"
- •Indeed, subversion was the topic of this book, but not at all in the manner I'd expected.
- •In the end, the couples tend to win.
- •Marriage and Ceremony
- •Acknowledgments
Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
CHAPTER ONE - Marriage and Surprises
CHAPTER TWO - Marriage and Expectation
CHAPTER THREE - Marriage and History
CHAPTER FOUR - Marriage and Infatuation
CHAPTER FIVE - Marriage and Women
CHAPTER SIX - Marriage and Autonomy
CHAPTER SEVEN - Marriage and Subversion
CHAPTER EIGHT - Marriage and Ceremony
One Woman's Search for Everything
Across Italy, India and Indonesia
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Copyright (c) Elizabeth Gilbert, 2010
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Gilbert, Elizabeth, date.
Committed : a skeptic makes peace with marriage / Elizabeth Gilbert.
p. cm.
eISBN : 978-1-101-18983-2
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Para J.L.N.--o meu coroa
There is no greater risk than matrimony.
But there is nothing happier than a happy marriage.
A Note to the Reader
A few years ago, I wrote a book called Eat, Pray, Love, which told the story of a journey I had taken around the world, alone, after a bad divorce. I was in my midthirties when I wrote that book, and everything about it represented a huge departure for me as a writer.
Before Eat, Pray, Love, I had been known in literary circles (if I was known at all) as a woman who wrote predominantly for, and about, men. I'd been working for years as a journalist for such male-focused magazines as GQ and Spin, and I had used those pages to explore masculinity from every possible angle. Similarly, the subjects of my first three books (both fiction and nonfiction) were all supermacho characters: cowboys, lobster fishermen, hunters, truckers, Teamsters, woodsmen . . .
Back then, I was often told that I wrote like a man. Now, I'm not entirely sure what writing "like a man" even means, but I do believe it is generally intended as a compliment. I certainly took it as a compliment at the time. For one GQ article, I even went so far as to impersonate a man for a week. I cropped my hair, flattened my breasts, stuffed a birdseed-filled condom down my pants, and affixed a soul patch beneath my lower lip--all in an effort to somehow inhabit and comprehend the alluring mysteries of manhood.